It is important to remember if employing one of our defaults that they must be tweaked to suit your own team and are supposed to be replacements for the FM06 Defaults only. They will be posted as: TT&F Default (Formation i.e.4-4-2, Type i.e. Normal).
这个帖子是上一篇"战术理论与框架理论"的延续。目的是将上文中提到的一些规则做一些详细的描述 好让每一个想自己创建战术的人更容易接受前文所提到的理论 此外 我们还提供一些更具这些理论创造出来的阵型在下载中心。 如果你使用了其中的阵型 请一定记住根据本队的情况作相应的修改
Default Tactic Building
When default tactic building it is imperative that the construct follows a set of pre-defined rules or the tactic becomes personalized rather than standardized and runs the risk of being labeled a super-tactic. Thus, the builder must follow the rules listed here to the letter, so that all default tactics follow the same philosophy.
Default tactics focus on player positioning above all else. The builder will define player mentality, creative freedom and closing down as we believe they all impact on player positioning. All other individual settings will be at mixed /default.
The following document lists pre-defined terms for player types and a set of rules to be followed by anyone wishing to build a default tactic.
当创建一个新阵的时候, 这个新阵一定要遵循一些已经“事先定义”好的规则(字面翻译,可以理解成 基础的 被大家认可的规则), 否则这个阵将变得过于个性化 而不符合标准(被大家认可的) 同时还要承担被人称为 “超级阵”的风险。 因此,新阵应该“严格(字面的意思该是涿字涿句)”遵循下面所以条的规则 , 这样任何新的阵就可以有一个共同的理论基础。