这是SI官方做的回答,不信的自己看链接,找这么几句 http://community.sigames.com/eve ... 72059062#7572059062
I'm not sure if John Terry "dives into tackles"... Is Robben more likely to dive?
翻译:我对Terry的习惯"dives into tackles"不确定,不是Robben更喜欢假摔吗?
Always been misinterpreted, it's not about diving, it's about the player committing to a tackle and lunging in, all or nothing style.
"Just a few yards out from goal, Soares had to stretch to reach the ball but just as he did so a magnificent diving tackle from Congre denied him a first goal for his country."
如果说是喜欢假摔,那么 Does Not Dive Into Tackles 就是不假摔了吗,另外Does Not Dive Into Tackles被解释成尽量选择回避,我觉得就太不通了,那么多优秀后卫 (新星pique也有这个技能)都有这个技能,难道他们遇到铲球就选择回避吗(如果是这样,我的前锋就设成高铲抢)???