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发表于 2006-11-18 12:41:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
帖子原创翻译: Playgm 死鱼


Player Preferred Moves or Actions (PPM/A)

Please Note: Players will do all these things anyway if they have the ability or tendency to do so according to their attributes and the better ones will do the positive ones at the appropriate times, whereas a player with a PPM/A will tend to do that action more often and use it when it is not appropriate to do so as well.
换句话说,如果球员能力足够的话,最好的球员是没有任何习惯的球员。习惯的设定是为了让游戏更加真实。所以那些在 FM 2007 中使用拜师系统的经理一定要慎重,如果习惯适合球员的位置和能力还好,否则反而会对年轻球员的将来成长造成不利影响。

Argues With Officials - Likes to argue with referees and assistants
与裁判争论 - 喜欢与主裁判和助理裁判争论

Arrives Late In Opposition Area - Likes to make a late run to arrive in opposition area
晚一点进入对方半场 - 喜欢晚一点跑入对方半场

Attempts Overhead Kicks - Likes to attempt an overhead kick if back to goal and ball played high to him
尝试踢倒钩球 - 如果背对球门并且处理高球,喜欢尝试踢倒钩球。

Avoids Using Weaker Foot - Always plays with the favoured foot (even if quite good with weaker foot)
避免使用较弱的那只脚 - 总是使用常用脚(即使较弱脚也相当不错)

Comes Deep To Get Ball - A player who comes to the line behind to get space when receiving the ball (a midfielder comes towards the defence to get the ball or the striker comes towards the midfield to get the ball)
为拿球回撤很深 - 球员在接球时为得到空间而回撤(中场球员跑到后卫线接球,或者前锋跑到中场得球)。

Curls Ball - When shooting the player likes to attempt to curl the ball around the keeper
弧线球射门 - 在射门时,球员喜欢尝试射出绕过守门员的弧线球。

Cuts Inside - Mostly for wingers who have a habit of cutting inside. i.e. Overmars, Pires
内切 - 主要是针对那些有内切习惯的边锋。例如奥维马斯、皮雷斯

Dictates Tempo - Dictates pace of game from the midfield
控制节奏 - 从中场控制比赛的速度。

Dives Into Tackles - Some player go to ground more than others
倒地铲球 - 有些球员会比其他球员更多地倒地铲球。

Does Not Dive Into Tackles - Some players tend to stay on there feet and clip the ball away instead of going to ground
不倒地铲球 - 有些球员会倾向于待在那儿把球碰开,而不是倒地铲球。

Dwells On Ball - Pauses too long with ball before deciding what to do (negative trait as oppose to "Stops Play" which is more positive)
控球时犹豫不决 - 控球时在决定下一个动作之前停顿过久(和更加积极的“Stops Play”习惯相比,是个消极的特性)
Stops Play 这个习惯比较好理解,但是不好翻译,在下面的条目中会解释。

Gets Crowd Going - Some players interact with supporters to gee them up. i.e. Ian Wright
鼓动观众 - 有些球员和支持者们互动,让他们狂热起来。例如伊恩·赖特。不过很抱歉,这个习惯目前没有任何作用

Gets Forward Whenever Possible - A non-striking player who likes to get into the box when it is possible
有机会就前插入禁区 - 只要有机会就喜欢进入禁区的非锋线球员。

Gets Into Opposition Area - A player who likes to get into the opposition's area whenever he can
进入对方半场 - 只要有可能就喜欢进入对方半场的球员。

Hits Free Kicks With Power - Likes to blast free kicks rather than place
大力发出任意球 - 喜欢大力发出任意球而不是追求准确性。

Hugs Line - Out and out wingers who hug lines. I.e. Pennant
紧靠边线 - 紧靠边线的边锋。例如彭南特。

Knocks Ball Past Opponent - Likes to knock the ball past an opponent and attempt to run around him and pick up the ball again
人球分过 - 喜欢把球踢过对方球员,然后尝试绕着对方球员跑过去重新接球。

Likes Ball Played Into Feet - Likes to receive the ball into feet rather than high to head or chest
喜欢用脚接球 - 喜欢接传到脚上的球,而不是传到头上或胸前的高球。

Likes To Beat Man Repeatedly - Likes to beat players more than once by dribbling round them then cutting back and doing it again
喜欢反复过人 - 喜欢多次过人,盘带绕过对方球员后再切回来重新做一次。

Likes To Lob Keeper - Likes to attempt to lob the keeper when the opportunity arises
喜欢吊过守门员 - 当机会出现的时候喜欢尝试吊过守门员。

Moves Into Channels - A striker who likes to move into wide areas to receive the ball
拉边 - 喜欢移动到边路去接球的射手。
这一条常常对 Channels 有误解,但是看看 SI 的解释就很清楚了。

Stops Play - Player who pauses and looks around before doing anything with ball

Winds Up Opponents - Likes to annoy opposition players to put them off their normal game


[ 本帖最后由 dav1944 于 2009-2-16 08:05 PM 编辑 ]
发表于 2006-11-18 12:45:55 | 显示全部楼层
Dives Into Tackles - Some player go to ground more than others
倒地铲球 - 有些球员会比其他球员更多地倒地铲球。

Does Not Dive Into Tackles - Some players tend to stay on there feet and clip the ball away instead of going to ground
不倒地铲球 - 有些球员会倾向于待在那儿把球碰开,而不是倒地铲球。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-11-18 13:11:45 | 显示全部楼层
Dives Into Tackles - Some player go to ground more than others

Does Not Dive Into Tackles - Some players tend to stay on there feet and clip the ball away instead of going to ground

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-18 13:30:30 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-11-18 13:40:07 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-11-18 13:47:02 | 显示全部楼层

稍微有点英语水平的球迷都知道:dive into tackles 是被铲的时候喜欢摔,does not dive是不摔!!!!

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发表于 2006-11-18 13:47:39 | 显示全部楼层
Dives Into Tackles


其实如果踢过足球就知道,前场技术性球员在摆脱,过人的的一瞬间经常是一只脚着地,甚至一只脚的脚尖,对方防守球员碰撞或产抢就经常倒,Dives Into Tackles所以这个技能从侧面反映的拥有这个技能的球员技术好,最起码是喜欢控球过人的类型

Does Not Dive Into Tackles

这个我也用球探工具查了,前十名大部分是后卫防守型中场们将,但是也不乏ib 小锣,ad,这些身体牛人,此外大罗也在(是不是因为她体重大阿

所以正解为Dives Into Tackles:容易被铲倒,放倒
               Does Not Dive Into Tackles:不容易被被铲倒,放倒


[ 本帖最后由 mwajun 于 2006-11-18 02:34 PM 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-11-18 14:02:42 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-11-18 15:06:01 | 显示全部楼层
Dives Into Tackles因扎吉就有这个属性
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-11-18 15:58:36 | 显示全部楼层
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