


楼主: fatfat325

10/11,我们昂首前进(8月12日 Gibbs、Wilshere英格兰首秀)(1L长期更新)

发表于 2009-8-5 22:52:03 | 显示全部楼层

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Federico Fazio


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-5 23:01:37 | 显示全部楼层

Young Gunners – To Loan Or Not To Loan?

http://youngguns.wordpress.com/2 ... oan-or-not-to-loan/

In recent weeks there has been much speculation and debate over which of Arsenal’s young players should be going on loan and where they should head. This has been particularly noticeable in the comments sections of YoungGuns’ own articles.

Therefore I have compiled a list of all the players who have been suggested as candidates for loan moves. As well as an opinion based information piece, this can serve as a platform for further discussion.

Mannone/Szczęsny – Both reserve stoppers seem to have reached a cross roads in their careers, with Fabianski firmly entrenched as Second and Cup ‘keeper while Shea and McDermott battle it out for U18 duties, it seems likely that one of the two should be loaned out for some first team action, while the other stays as the Third and Reserve’s Keeper.

Verdict – Mannone should play a full season in the Championship.

Hoyte – When Gavin Hoyte returns from England U19 duty, he and Wenger will undoubtedly have a long talk about this upcoming season. Whether he’s loaned out again, this time for a full season, may well depend on whether Eboue is still at the club and if not, whether any replacements are sought externally.

Verdict – If Gavin isn’t seen as back-up to Sagna, a season in the Championship would suit.

Bartley/Ayling – The centre back pairing from last year’s youth cup are both no longer seen as U18 players and will certainly start the season in the reserves. However, if they’re given a chance in the Cup competitions, and if either impress, a second half of the season on loan could be in store.

Verdict – Bartley would certainly gain from 6 months in League 1.

Randall – It is almost certain that Mark will be going on loan all season. Having already been offered to, and been rejected by, Derby, Wenger will be on the look-out for another Championship club.

Verdict – Randall needs to play a full season to gauge his potential.

Lansbury/Merida – As with Hoyte, both these lads will want a chat with Monsieur Wenger next week about their role this season. With Henri impressing greatly at Scunthorpe and currently in the Ukraine and with Fran being thought of highly by Wenger, it’s possible that either or both may be needed for the First Team squad. However, it’s far more likely that one or both will go on loan to a club of suitable quality.

Verdict – Season long loan to a middling Premiership Club (Portsmouth, Fulham) or a high flying Championship club (West Brom, Middlesbrough, Newcastle)

Ramsey/Wilshere – Both players are held in very high regard within the club and externally and have played a large part in pre-season. Thus, it seems unlikely that they will be going on loan this season. In fact, I would say that it may be detrimental to the two youngsters to be away from the Arsenal squad at this stage of their careers.

Verdict – Stay as squad players and continue being trained at the best place possible.

Coquelin/Emmanuel Thomas/Murphy- All three were part of the Double winning side from last Season, but can be seen as more advanced than many of their teammates. However, they’re not yet at first team level by some distance and are still short of the likes of Merida and Lansbury. In this case, I’d imagine that their coaches will want a few more months’ worth of training and observation before making any decisions.

Verdict – If they can impress at Reserve or Carling Cup level then 6 months in the Championship will help each player greatly.

Sunu/Watt/Frimpong – Also part of last year’s Double Winning side, these lads are maybe slightly more raw than the players previously mentioned. It is possible that they will show enough maturity to be sent elsewhere for some experience in the latter stages of the season.

Verdict – Each player would have to show a big improvement in order to see any playing time in the Championship.

Barazite/Simpson – As with Hoyte a loan should be guaranteed for the two strikers unless Wenger sees reason to keep them at the club.

Verdict – If they’re able find a suitable club, both could see significant playing time in the lower reaches of the Premiership.

Article By - Gianni Sonvinco
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-6 00:12:06 | 显示全部楼层

Fab times ahead for Gunners

http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/home ... Premier-League.html

CESC FABREGAS has brushed aside AC Milan's £31million interest by confirming his commitment to Arsenal's cause.

Gunners midfield ace Fabregas, 22, is top of Milan's summer transfer hitlist but his thoughts are only in North London for this season.

And despite losing Emmanuel Adebayor and Kolo Toure to Manchester City, Fabregas is confident Arsenal can challenge for the title, never mind finish in the top four.

He said: "We'll never start the season thinking that we are going to finish fourth.

"Every big club goes through difficult moments and we are in one at Arsenal, but we have to be stronger than ever and stick together and I'm sure we'll be fine.

"For the last three seasons, we have been unlucky with injuries so hopefully this year we can all stay fit.

"The quality is here and I believe we can do it.

"Individually, my target for this season is to improve everything, because at my age, I believe it is the right thing to do.

"Of course, if I can score more goals than ever, the better it will be for the team."

Arsenal rookie Jack Wilshere, 17, grabbed the headlines with an impressive display at the Emirates Cup last weekend, scoring twice in the 3-0 win over Scottish champions Rangers.

He is expected to be called up to the England Under-21s for next Tuesday's friendly against Holland in Groningen.

Fabregas, who became the youngest player to represent Arsenal in the first team when still aged only 16, believes midfielder Wilshere proves just what talent the Gunners have down through the ranks.

The Spanish star said: "For every club you can have big names coming in, but when you have a talent that comes through the youth system, I think it is one of the proudest things for a club.

"You have seen Jack Wilshere in those two games and Fran Merida came here from Barcelona when he was 15 - now he is 19 so he has been working with Arsenal for four years and has improved a lot.

"When I was injured I was training a lot with the reserves, and there is some really great potential in there."

Gunners boss Arsene Wenger is finalising his squad plans for the new campaign.

A move for former captain Patrick Vieira has been discussed, but Wenger's interest in Bordeaux striker Marouane Chamakh appears to have cooled as the French club want more than the £6m Arsenal are prepared to offer.

But Bordeaux president Jean-Louis Triaud has now claimed they may be willing to reach a compromise.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-6 00:17:06 | 显示全部楼层


But Arsenal could face one of the following: Stuttgart, Fiorentina, Atletico Madrid, Celtic, Anderlecht, Timisoura, Dinamo Moscow.

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发表于 2009-8-6 08:40:19 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-6 18:32:54 | 显示全部楼层
阿森纳将为查马克加价到900万欧元  复制链接
发布:奥特之妹 | 2009-08-06 15:05:27 
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发表于 2009-8-7 01:47:12 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-7 01:50:39 | 显示全部楼层

回复 217# 捷克10号 的帖子

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发表于 2009-8-7 01:52:07 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-7 01:55:45 | 显示全部楼层

回复 219# 捷克10号 的帖子

假的……又不是防守中场 功能跟小法德尼尔森相同
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