


楼主: fatfat325

[新闻报道] FM 2010 下载类资源汇总 (更新 【锋芒小组】HAN数据FOR 1030)

 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-18 09:33:58 | 显示全部楼层

Exclamation Demo, bug fixes and big news....

http://forums.championshipmanage ... wthread.php?t=60264

Hi all

Apologies for the radio-silence from me over the weekend - have been away on rather urgent work related stuff (more later...) but grateful for Cappo and his sterling efforts on the forums whilst I've been absent

Thanks for all the comments about the demo - its very beneficial to hear all comments be they positive or highlighting areas of concern. We take them all very seriously as we're determined to push the progress of CM as far as we can

I thought I'd take this opportunity to post an overall response to some of the queries we've had and answer a few questions. Excuse the lengthy post but things are going to be really hectic this evening and tomorrow so I may not get the opportunity to do individual messages.

One thing to clarify - I've seen comments calling the demo a 'gold' demo

The demo is not a 'gold' or RTM ('release to manufacture') demo - its a beta demo, which means that it was finished 4 weeks ahead of our final RTM code.

As such some of the game areas are still being worked on, and as stated in the demo, it should only be taken as 'representative' of the final game but it does contain bugs and certain things which are being modified / fixed as we approach final code

So having said that its probably a good opportunity to let you know the areas that we're working on so that you're aware of the final changes within the game -

Set piece-creator - we have a couple of bugs in the set piece creator which are in the demo. These are affecting defensive AI, whereby the opposition defence man-mark all the players and none remain 'free' or mark zonally. We also have a bug regarding goalkeepers being involved in free kick set-ups. Both of these, and some smaller set-piece glitches are being fixed

Match Engine - we are still working on the AI and behaviour of the match engine. Rather than list all key areas here (as they will make this message very lengthy) we are working on a comprehensive list of key behaviourial and AI fixes as we approach final. These encompass all areas of the ME to some degree (some areas with small fixes, others with larger) - goalkeeper, defence, midfield and attack all have varying degrees of work being carried out across the whole studio, as well as some non-positional specific work (e.g. dribbling or passing which affects all players). These are all being addressed within our development plan

Database - obviously with the transfer window still open, the database has yet to be locked, hence some player transfers have yet to be implemented and some player stats have yet to be changed. As our release date is so close to the end of the summer transfer window we are releasing a data update on day of release. This will be simple to install - just click a button on the main launcher screen and it will be done. The advantage of this is that you will have two databases to choose from when starting a game - 'end June' and 'end of transfer window', so if you disagree with any of your clubs transfer dealings in the summer window you can start a game without them, or you can have fully updated squads as a traditional game start option

All of the above are already within our final bug-fix and polish plan so they are already scheduled to occur.

In addition, the advantage of releasing a beta demo has given us the opportunity of hearing what things you like and have concerns over. As you know, listening to your feedback is of vital importance to us in designing, planning and building each CM

As such we have decided to add additional amends into the final game and are re-working our schedules to input some of the key comments. As an example, we're looking at how we offer an option to minimise the DDW (dynamic data window) to allow greater visibility of the navigation window. This will give players the option to have the DDW open or closed during their games at any stage in gameplay. We're also looking at every other suggestion we've received over the past few days and considering which of them we are able to incorporate

Whilst its important for us to look at incorporating suggestions from the forums this additional work adds a degree of complexity and stress to our schedules for the final game

As we want to include your suggestions as well as fix the bugs and glitches already within our plan, we have decided to stretch out our development schedule. This now means that all the fixes, amends and new work will be made available as a patch on day 1.

This patch will be included within the database update which means that there will be no install issues or complexities for yourselves. Once you've installed the game, simply click 'update' and the patch and transfer window update will be seamlessly installed in your game. This will still allow you to choose either of the database options to start new games

I know the word 'patch' causes some people concerns, but as we have worked extensively on the tech to incorporate the database update and the Season Live content, the patch will be seamlessly and very simply installed directly into the game without and complications for yourselves

We're really committed to delivering you a great experience with CM10 this year and have been consistently following all threads and considering all comments - we'll update you further on the fixes we're incorporating in due course. In addition we'll be posting up tech advice, hints and tips, and key info between now and launch

One more thing to mention - we have some big CM10 news breaking tomorrow which I'm sure will be very good news to you all. I'm under strict orders from the powers-that-be not to mention it in advance so I'm afraid I can't even give you a hint. Working on this news has been the reason I've been away from the message boards for a while and why I'll be in radio-silence again for the next few days - apologies once again for this

Please keep an eye out for the news (given the work we've been doing over the past few months on this specifically, it may be hard to miss, though!)

Once again, many thanks for all the comments - feel free to PM me and Cappo and keep the comments coming

All the best
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-8-18 18:23:39 | 显示全部楼层

回复 60# fatfat325 的帖子

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发表于 2009-8-19 00:38:52 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-19 14:40:14 | 显示全部楼层

回复 62# januslj 的帖子

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-19 22:24:08 | 显示全部楼层
1L加入CM10 demo体验 by 常有晴的链接
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-25 23:24:47 | 显示全部楼层

A blog about how we decide what features go into FM games.


There are going to be a few blogs this week (depending on whether some of them get permission to be posted or not!), although they aren’t new feature blogs as such. These will start mid next week.

This weeks blogs will be based around some behind the scenes things at SI.

This blog will focus on how we decided upon new features for FM2010, and the process that we go through. I’ve been asked a few times on the forums, and in interviews, what process we go through and how we’ve changed the process for this year.

As I mentioned in a previous blog, we used to store feature ideas and bugs all in one database, which was inefficient, as it meant certain things didn’t get looked at, so we split our database in two, and now have one for feature suggestions, and one for bugs.

We also used to be quite haphazard about what feature suggestions went into the database. Our feature meetings were split between looking at suggestions in the database, suggestions on our internal wiki, emails sent to us, and ideas that came to us in the feature meetings.

The meetings were also a bit odd, as we used to have one meeting that went on for a couple of days that everyone would attend.

What we did this year was split the meetings into the same modules that the game is split into – match, media, database, misc (finance, database and other stuff), GUI and platform (the platform layer is the code you won’t ever notice, but without it the game plain won’t work!).

The features database was split in the same way so that we knew what to discuss in which meetings. Any new feature requests had to be added into the main database (and still are) and assigned to me to have a look at before I approved or denied it to go forward to the features databases – the reason for this stage of the process is that some ideas just aren’t possible legally, or are not appropriate for what we’re trying to do with the game, so it makes sense to get rid of these suggestions before the discussion stage as there’s no point talking about something that isn’t going to be possible.

Each feature meeting in each area took at least 2 days. Some we had to re-convene after other meetings if there was a cross over on areas. Every feature suggestion in the features database was discussed – all 800 of them!

Some of these things are not what you might call a feature. Changing the text on a button in the game wouldn’t be classed as many as a feature, but we have to have everything in the database separately, so things like that do count. It’s one of the reasons why we don’t have the normal “this is how many new features are in the game” in the initial press release as we would have had in previous years if I was to give a raw number from the features database, we’d be looking at well over 200, many of which would not have counted in previous years.

Some of these features might take an hour to do. Others might take months, or in some cases, years. Others have to be done in phases, so some of it makes it into this years game, and we already know how to expand it in future years. But by having it in one database, it makes it a lot easier to track these things, and make sure nothing important is missed.

The meetings themselves were also done differently this year too. We switched to a voting system where everyone who attended a meeting (and the meetings were open, so anyone in the studio could attend a meeting even if it wasn’t in their own area) had an equal vote out of 5, and could also play one “joker” per area of the game, which would double their vote. This lead to some features having a 150% score, but that just meant the features were very high priority. It also lead to some features having less than a 50% score, which means they are unlikely to ever be done, as there will always be things that we deem more important, although each of these features will be re-visited each year when we have the meetings.

After all of these meetings, the production team at SI sat down with the senior coders in each area to get expected timelines for coding the feature, and once that was completed, features were assigned to the different members of the dev team based on priority (the score the feature got) and the time on their schedules.

As you can imagine, we had far too many features we wanted to add into the game that we had time for, so this scoring system was essential. It means that the highest priority features could get done, but also that if there was time left over, others could do too. Those that didn’t make it this year will likely make it for FM2011, and certainly some things that we really wanted to do this year just weren’t possible timeline wise, alongside some new ideas.

As for new suggestions, throughout the year, more feature suggestions are entered into the database, from the forums, our research team, test team, internal ideas and external ideas. Some of these are “fast-tracked” and get discussed immediately, particularly if it’s something small or something that is directly related to one of the new features already in the game. Others will be there ready to discuss in the FM2011 feature meetings and, with the amount of ideas currently in the database (well over 1,200), likely the FM2012, FM2013, FM2014 and FM2015 meetings too!
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-26 22:17:00 | 显示全部楼层

A blog about the data we collect, and how we use it.


Now onto a subject a bit more controversial and emotive. Data capture.

Most things that you do nowadays, certainly in the UK, involves some kind of data capture.

Whether it be voting details per household, taxes, the health service, credit cards, loyalty schemes, your car, speed cameras, CCTV, a fishing license, the internet, email, your season ticket, buying tickets for a gig with a credit card, iTunes, forums, any online application, Xbox Live, Playstation network (I could go on for hours, so will stop now!) some sort of data is collected.

Some companies just use this information for data capture and collection. Others use it to email their customers. I suspect some use it for “dodgy” means.

We use the data to help us develop our games, and use the information to help us make decisions in a more informed manner.

There are 3 types of data collected by FM09. What I’m going to write about here is what info is actually collected, and how we use this information.

The first is the in game advertising in the game. As you know, the ad hoardings around the side of the pitch have changed a few times during the cycle of the game as advertisers have come to us with campaigns that they believe will appeal to our customers. Sometimes we agree and approve them, others we don’t, and reject them.

For our partner in advertising (IGA) to be able to get people interested in advertising in the game, they collect data on how long people playing the game for see the adverts. All that is recorded is the country information from an IP address (so that they know which country the person is in) and how long they’ve viewed an ad hoarding for (in other words, how long they’ve been watching the 2d or 3d match engine). They don’t know who you are, or where you are apart from country, and certainly helps us and them target campaigns, as advertisers don’t tend to do global campaigns, but do them per country.

Next up is STEAM. For those who installed the game using this system (for which you received automatic updates and the ability to play a game on any computer above minimum spec with no need to carry the DVD around with you) the only stats that they have collected and provided to me are stats on how many minutes people have played the game for and the amount of people playing the game via this system split down in total and per month.

This is how we got the stat used previously that the average amount of time spent playing the game per user was 240 hours, although this has gone up since those figures were provided. What was also really interesting with the stats was seeing that the amount of time being played each month hasn’t dropped month by month despite much smaller sales at the latter times of year compared to release, which shows us that there are a lot of people out there really enjoying the game, and playing it for very long periods of time. Stats like these are invaluable to us as you can imagine, as it gives us a proper balance between the highs and lows of different types of feedback that we get from very small samples of people, such as the forums (which tend to be more negative, as people tend to talk mainly when they have a problem, which is human nature) or the people in the pub telling you how much they love the game (although if they really loved it, they’d be at home playing it, rather than in the pub!).

STEAM do also store system stats for all of their users, and these are freely available for anyone to look at on their website. However, this information isn’t much use to us, as it shows a cross section of the PC gaming market itself, rather than the FM PC gaming population, which tend to have lower specs than the market as a whole.

However, those kinds of stats are very useful to us for our own game when we’re going through the decision making process on the features we’re going to work on, particularly if there will be a hardware requirement from it, and this is where one of Uniloc’s systems has actually been very good for us.

This system is pretty separate from their copy protection and authentication system, and collects information about your computer hardware specification. It doesn’t ask for, or store, any personal information at all – just information about the computer that is being used’s processor, graphics card, default screen resolution for playing the game in, OS language and operating system.

As an example of how this information is useful to us, and what it’s used for – there have been a couple of posts on the forums recently asking why the minimum resolution for the game hasn’t changed to a higher resolution, seeing as all new computers being sold have the option for a higher resolution, or quoting STEAM stats. We’d even looked at it ourselves when we were working on the new interface and saying how it would be a lot easier to design if we had a new default of 1280 x 800 instead.

However, when I then get a report done on the stats for people playing FM09, I can see that 32.94% of people play the game in 1024 x 768 and that makes the decision pretty easy, hence the minimum resolution has stayed the same.

I really wish we’d had these stats before we launched 3d (FM2009 was the first time we’ve had stats like this), as we could have been much better prepared graphics card wise, and done a lot more compatibility testing before hand. The most used graphics card whilst playing the game only has 3.74% of users and the breadth of cards used was way bigger than we had imagined. – this time SEGA are ensuring that a lot more compatibility testing is performed on a much wider variation of graphics cards to try and ensure that we don’t have the same problems as we had last year, where some people had to download a huge file to get the game up and running, even in 2d.

With FM2010, we plan to still be able to utilize each of these systems. It doesn’t matter what the copy protection decision from SEGA ends up being, as the Uniloc stats system is separate to their protection solution, so we can still utilise it, alongside a new system that we’ll be using to get some stats on certain areas of the game, and whether those areas are being used or not. If we’re able to see what areas of the game are proving popular, and which areas are ignored, it makes it a lot easier for us to make informed decisions and what areas need improvement or not, over and beyond that of the pubs and forums.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-2 16:28:18 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-9-2 21:31:07 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 fatfat325 于 2009-8-25 11:24 PM 发表

There are going to be a few blogs this week (depending on whether some of them get permission to be posted or not!), although they aren’t new  ...






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发表于 2009-9-5 07:55:26 | 显示全部楼层
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