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[新闻报道] FM 2010 下载类资源汇总 (更新 【锋芒小组】HAN数据FOR 1030)

发表于 2009-8-12 20:40:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 maxflyer 于 2010-4-10 22:46 编辑








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发表于 2009-8-12 20:56:21 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-8-12 20:58:30 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-8-12 21:21:10 | 显示全部楼层
很高興能夠最終開始談論足球經理2010年和2010年足球經理手持今天,您可以看到最初宣布的新功能底部的這篇文章,截圖的PC / Mac上的http://www.sigames .com / softography.php ?類型=期及編號= 33 ,並為PSP在http://www.sigames.com/softography.php?type=view&id=34 。但在此之前你(是正確的! )有幾件事,我想談談您的事情。

關鍵的事情是今年的比賽改為“波蘭” 。

與過去幾年的比賽,我們有一個大負荷的新功能(因此, YouTube視頻),也許一些地區遭受的遊戲,因為這一點。不要誤解我的意思,但我仍然認為這是一場偉大的比賽,第三個補丁程序是,對我來說,最好的版本的任何一場比賽,我們所做的日期,這似乎已經伯恩的一些的統計資料-第二最好的一場比賽的所有時間根據電台1調查在英國,我們最暢銷的遊戲,日期和2號仍然在PC圖表在英國和top.5在許多歐洲國家,每個合法用戶玩遊戲,平均每240小時的遊戲,一個統計,震撼我們的,那麼, 10天之內你的生活是一個很長的時間。在那個時候,你可以觀賞每曼聯上個賽季的比賽,仍然有時間看每巴塞羅那和國際比賽,而且還有剩餘時間為整個去年一系列的失落。

但回到眼前的問題。基本上,社會主義作為一個工作室增加不少在過去幾年中。國家隊現在大小60 (全職)同我們驚人的研究小組,筆譯和beta測試。正如我們已經長大,我們還沒有真正改變任何發展實踐中的工作室,這是造成成長的煩惱。




因此,我們已經分裂出去的2數據庫,現在有一個單獨的缺陷和功能數據庫(後者,迄今已超過800功能要求-其中絕大多數沒有使它成為FM10 ,但肯定更容易規劃FM11和FM12 !)。我們已經經歷了絕大多數開放中的bugs的bug數據庫,並重新測試他們,看看他們是否仍然有效,並且,如果是這樣,他們已成立 accourdingly 。我們已經關閉了那些無效,或者是固定的(其中有些是固定在FM2005 !),那麼,試圖解決那些仍然有效。我不是說,釋放將錯誤自由,因為往往是這些論壇上說,沒有這種事當作一個bug免費的遊戲,特別是像我們一樣複雜,但我們正在盡最大努力。



正如我請你注意(如果我仍然有) ,這也是一個很好的時間,試圖扼殺一些玩世不恭和誤解,似乎充滿有時這些論壇上。每個人有權利擁有自己的看法,當然,但是當事情與事實不準確,但它有時傷害。

首先,這不是一個客戶服務網站,並不是要。世嘉處理客戶服務。這是一個社會,一個地方談論我們的遊戲,直接與我們的開發。人身攻擊是不歡迎的,而不是需要,也不公平。為了糾正這些...司不懶惰。司不會因此而自滿。司嘗試我們的最佳水平與我們所做的一切。我們可能並不總是做正確的,但如果我們做錯了,我們會盡力解決它。我們關心,熱情,對我們的遊戲和人民誰購買。 ,希望是你。

其次,我們工作的3場比賽在這裡司塔。調頻, FMH和柔性生產線。 FMH和柔性生產線是兩個不同的小組,以調頻團隊。每場比賽都有不同的生產商。每個遊戲有一個好處為他人在工作室-更多人才周圍,更多的經驗,不同的系統,並與柔性生產線,能夠嘗試的事情,我們正在尋找付諸調頻有時,特別是與匹配引擎和今年,在新發布的戰術創造。







倫敦金屬交易所( 09年8月12日) -體育互動&世嘉®歐洲公司今天宣布,可足球經理™ 2010年的PC和Apple Macintosh ,和足球經理™手持2010年的索尼PSP將公佈10月30日。

足球經理2009年是最成功的足球經理系列迄今為止,時鐘增加了22週,在英國1號(郵編圖表)和銷售超過100萬份世界各地,以及第2次被評為最好的視頻遊戲所有的時間在最近的一次民意調查電台1 。


“我們已經非常努力地工作與足球經理社會目標不僅是地區的遊戲,需要重新工作,而且還可以增加我們改善什麼是已經存在。我們還進行了廣泛的可用性研究,使我們整個大修介紹的比賽中,我們真的感到興奮,說: “邁爾斯雅各布森,工作室主任體育互動。 “有了大量的波蘭現有領域的一場比賽,但是它也推動我們改變回答一些反饋。我們非常相信,這樣做了,我們將提供最好的足球經理迄今為止,在10月。 “

引入策略創作更容易指示球隊的方式,經理希望,同時引進場邊'喊'和快速戰術變化立即改變你的球隊的比賽風格在比賽中。與教練的工作不同層次的足球,除了一些足球經理社區最受尊敬的獨立tacticians ,遊戲現在有一系列廣泛的預先設定的戰術選擇,使用戶可以選擇一個球員的作用,團隊(如'球贏得中場'或'深躺在中場' ),但是選擇使用舊'滑蓋管制仍然存在。






[ 本帖最后由 gwwhite 于 2009-8-13 07:41 AM 编辑 ]
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发表于 2009-8-12 22:49:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-8-12 22:51:13 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-13 02:07:11 | 显示全部楼层

FM2010 announcement


It’s great to be able to finally start talking about Football Manager 2010 and Football Manager Handheld 2010 today, and you can see the intially announced new features at the bottom of this post and screenshots for the PC/MAC at http://www.sigames.com/softography.php?type=view&id=33 and for the PSP at http://www.sigames.com/softography.php?type=view&id=34. But before you do (yeah right!) there’s a few things that I’d like to talk to you about.

The key thing with this years game is the word “polish”.

With last years game, we had a load of big new features (hence the YouTube video) and maybe some areas of the game suffered because of that. Don’t get me wrong, I still think it was a great game, and the third patch for it was, for me, the best version of any game we’ve made to date, which has seems to have been bourne out by some of the stats - 2nd best game of all time according to a Radio 1 poll in the UK, our best selling game to date and still no.2 in the PC charts in the UK and top.5 in many European countries, and each legitimate user playing the game has averaged 240 hours of gameplay, a stat that shocked us as, well, 10 days of your life is a long time. In that time, you could watch every Man Utd game last season, still have time to watch every Barcelona and Inter match, and still have time left for the whole last series of Lost.

But back to the matter at hand. Basically, SI as a studio has grown quite a lot in the last few years. The squad is now sized 60 (full time) alongside our amazing teams of researchers, translators and beta testers. As we’ve grown, we haven’t really changed any of the dev practises in the studio, and this was causing growing pains.

Even before FM09 came out, we knew that we needed to make some changes into the way we worked. Just subtle things to make everyone’s lives easier, and get a bit more organised now that we were getting bigger.

The first of these was a big overhaul with our bugs database – we use an external tool called Testtrack which is really good, but much better if it’s managed properly! With lots of different personalities here, and different ways of working, some people were using it properly and others weren’t. So some bugs were being looked at, fixed, retested by QA and closed. Others were being fixed and just sitting around there, waving at us. Others weren’t looked at at all.

We also had far too much stuff in there. All feature requests were in that database, for example, going back 5 years. Many of them had been filtered out due to having the wrong setting here, or the wrong setting there. And, believe it or not, we had around 500 feature requests sitting in there, sad and lonely, never looked at. Over 100 of which were already in the game.

So we’ve split off the 2 databases, and now have a separate bugs and features database (the latter of which, to date, stands at over 800 feature requests – the vast majority of which didn’t make it into FM10, but certainly make it easier for planning FM11 and FM12!). We’ve gone through the vast majority of the open bugs in the bugs database, and re-tested them to see if they’re still valid, and, if they are, have set them accourdingly. We’ve closed down ones that aren’t valid, or are fixed (some of which were fixed in FM2005!) and, well, attempted to fix the ones that are still valid. I’m not saying that the release will be bug free because, as is often said on these forums, there’s no such thing as a bug free game, particularly one as complicated as ours, but we’re doing our best.

We’ve signed some top talent, both young and old, to join the dev team at SI many of whom you’ll get to meet when our new website launches later this year. We’ve also restructured our QA department, so rather than having a couple of lead testers on FM, we’ve now got a lead tester in every key “module” of the game. There are lots more meetings now amongst the dev team on FM now, with those split down into the various modules too, although anyone can attend them if they want to.

As well as the restructuring of QA, we’ve also restructured the way we do beta testing, and have handpicked a couple of hundred or so new beta testers to help us test the game, mainly recruiting via posts on these very forums where we’ve agreed with, or disagreed but understood, the constructive criticism given. This has been a massive help, and hopefully those people and the beta testers who have been with us for a while, have seen the difference in the new QA structure with their regular builds.

As I’ve got your attention (if I still have), this is also a good time to try and kill off some of the cynicism and misinformation that seems to be rife on these forums sometimes. Everyone out there has a right to their opinion, of course, but when things are factually inaccurate, it does hurt sometimes.

First off, this is not a customer service website, and is not meant to be. SEGA deal with customer service. This is a community, and a place to talk about our games, directly with us, the developers. Personal attacks are not welcome here, and are not needed, nor fair. To correct some of these… SI are not lazy. SI are not complacent. SI try our level best with everything we do. We might not always get it right, but if we get something wrong, we do try to fix it. And we care, passionately, about our games and the people who buy them. Which, hopefully, is you.

Secondly, we work on 3 games here at SI towers. FM, FMH and FML. FMH and FML are separate teams to the FM team. Each game has a different producer. Each of the games has a benefit for others in the studio – more talent around, more experience of different systems and, with FML, the ability to try things out that we’re looking to put into FM sometimes, particularly with the match engine and, this year, the newly announced tactics creator.

Thirdly, and possibly most controversially, what we’ve found over the years is that the customer is not always right. They might think they are, but if you look at these forums, there is nearly always an opposite point of view somewhere, normally on the same thread. It’s part of our job to decide what is right, and what is wrong, with those opinions, and we know we cannot please all people all of the time. But, again, we do try.

Anyway, back to the announcements.

What you’ve seen on the feature lists today is the start of announcements about this years releases. As always, we’ve got a few tricks up our sleeves and I’ll start blogging properly about them, with more screenshots and (hopefully) some videos too over the coming weeks.

The blogs will be a bit different this year. There are bound to be some of me prattling on about this feature or that feature, but I’m also going to attempt to give you all an insight into the development of the game, with chats between me and some of the dev team working directly on it, interviews with some of the beta testers who have been helping with the testing of the game this year, and some indepth guides into a few of the new features which should really wet your appetitie for the release of the demo, and then the game.

Oh, and to stave off the normal questions, the demo will be released a couple of weeks before the game is released, and we won’t have a firm date for it until the game is in full manufacture. There will not be a public beta demo, due to the leak a few years back – the lawyers just won’t allow it. No decision has been made on copy protection yet for the game – we’ve been asked for our recommendation, and that’s been given, but it’s SEGA’s decision, not ours. And yes, the podcast will be back, although I’m not sure exactly when.

I hope you enjoy the announcements and screenshots that we’ve released today – I’m really excited about not only today’s announcement, but also being able to reveal more about the game in the next few weeks. I’ll be posting blogs directly onto the forums and websites, likely starting the week after next depending on whether we need to get them translated or not, and the SI_games twitter account will be tweeting when anything is put live.

LONDON (August 12th, 2009) – Sports Interactive & SEGA® Europe Ltd. can today announce that Football Manager™ 2010 for PC and Apple Macintosh, and Football Manager™ Handheld 2010 for Sony PSP will be released on October 30th.

Football Manager 2009 is the most successful in the Football Manager series to date, clocking up 22 weeks at No.1 in the UK (PC charts) and selling in excess of 1 million copies worldwide, as well as being voted the 2nd best video game of all time in a recent Radio 1 poll.

According to data gathered from Football Manager 2009, people played the game for an average of 240 hours each and developer Sports Interactive has spent the last year working closely with consumers and the Football Manager community to implement key improvements to this year’s game. Football Manager 2010 features new tools and changes across the board including some big additions to improve ease of use, navigation and feedback from the game with the introduction of a brand new match tactics system, the debut of a Match Analysis tool, a completely new look and new User Interface among other features.

“We have worked very hard with the Football Manager community to target not only the areas of the game that needed re-working but also what we could add to improve what’s already there. We’ve also conducted extensive usability studies which has led us to overhaul the whole presentation of the game, which we’re really excited about,” said Miles Jacobson, Studio Director at Sports Interactive. “There has been a lot of polish to existing areas of the game but it’s also driven us to introduce changes to answer some of the feedback. We’re very confident that having done that we will deliver the very best Football Manager to date in October.”

The introduction of a Tactics Creator makes it easier to instruct the team to play the way the manager wants, alongside the introduction of touchline ‘shouts’ and quick tactic changes for instantly altering your team’s playing style during the match. Working with coaches from various levels of football, alongside some of the Football Manager communities most respected independent tacticians, the game now has an extensive array of pre-set tactical options allowing the user to select a player’s role in the team (such as ‘Ball winning midfielder’ or ‘Deep lying playmaker’), however the option to use the old ‘slider’ controls remains.

Feedback from matches has been improved to give the user better insight into where their team is going wrong, or right. A new Match Analysis tool lets players see where shots, passes, crosses, headers, tackles, fouls and interceptions have been made on the field for all players on the pitch. Managers can view this analysis both live in-game and post match, allowing them to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of both their team and their opponent’s and adjust their tactics accordingly.

Football Manager 2010 features a brand new User Interface, with a light and a dark skin to choose from as part of a vibrant new look and has undergone a complete navigational overhaul. The side bar navigation of previous years has been replaced by an intuitive tab system at the top of the screen, making Football Manager’s famed depth easier to navigate and will make the game more accessible to new players.

A brand new Data Editor will allow the addition of new divisions to existing leagues and of entirely new leagues as well as making it easier than ever to keep the game up to date, and do so for free. The delivery of information to the manager has been refined with users now able to sign up to the News Centre, an in-game subscription based newspaper that lets you get the news that you want about the football world and filter out the stories that you do not need, making the football world as immersive as you want it to be.

Following the debut of a 3D match view in Football Manager 2009, this year’s release sees a revamp with improved AI, over 100 new animations for the 3D pitch view, new stadiums, crowds, realistic pitch degradation and better lighting, creating an even more realistic match experience.

Further new features will be announced via a series of blogs in the months leading up to the game’s October 30th release date which will ensure that Football Manager retains its position as the most realistic, most played, highest reviewed and best selling football management simulation in the world.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-13 02:10:16 | 显示全部楼层

Information on the game


Football Manager 2010
Release Date 30th October 2009 on Dual (PC and Mac)

# Game Info
# Downloads
# System Requirements
# Screenshots

Sports Interactive & SEGA® Europe Ltd. can today announce that Football Manager™ 2010 for PC and Apple Macintosh, and Football Manager™ Handheld 2010 for Sony PSP will be released on October 30th.

Football Manager 2009 is the most successful in the Football Manager series to date, clocking up 22 weeks at No.1 in the UK (PC charts) and selling in excess of 1 million copies worldwide, as well as being voted the 2nd best video game of all time in a recent Radio 1 poll.

According to data gathered from Football Manager 2009, people played the game for an average of 240 hours each and developer Sports Interactive has spent the last year working closely with consumers and the Football Manager community to implement key improvements to this year's game. Football Manager 2010 features new tools and changes across the board including some big additions to improve ease of use, navigation and feedback from the game with the introduction of a brand new match tactics system, the debut of a Match Analysis tool, a completely new look and new User Interface among other features.

"We have worked very hard with the Football Manager community to target not only the areas of the game that needed re-working but also what we could add to improve what's already there. We've also conducted extensive usability studies which has led us to overhaul the whole presentation of the game, which we're really excited about," said Miles Jacobson, Studio Director at Sports Interactive. "There has been a lot of polish to existing areas of the game but it's also driven us to introduce changes to answer some of the feedback. We're very confident that having done that we will deliver the very best Football Manager to date in October."

The introduction of a Tactics Creator makes it easier to instruct the team to play the way the manager wants, alongside the introduction of touchline 'shouts' and quick tactic changes for instantly altering your team's playing style during the match. Working with coaches from various levels of football, alongside some of the Football Manager communities most respected independent tacticians, the game now has an extensive array of pre-set tactical options allowing the user to select a player's role in the team (such as 'Ball winning midfielder' or 'Deep lying playmaker'), however the option to use the old 'slider' controls remains.

Feedback from matches has been improved to give the user better insight into where their team is going wrong, or right. A new Match Analysis tool lets players see where shots, passes, crosses, headers, tackles, fouls and interceptions have been made on the field for all players on the pitch. Managers can view this analysis both live in-game and post match, allowing them to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of both their team and their opponent's and adjust their tactics accordingly.

Football Manager 2010 features a brand new User Interface, with a light and a dark skin to choose from as part of a vibrant new look and has undergone a complete navigational overhaul. The side bar navigation of previous years has been replaced by an intuitive tab system at the top of the screen, making Football Manager's famed depth easier to navigate and will make the game more accessible to new players.

A brand new Data Editor will allow the addition of new divisions to existing leagues and of entirely new leagues as well as making it easier than ever to keep the game up to date, and do so for free. The delivery of information to the manager has been refined with users now able to sign up to the News Centre, an in-game subscription based newspaper that lets you get the news that you want about the football world and filter out the stories that you do not need, making the football world as immersive as you want it to be.

Following the debut of a 3D match view in Football Manager 2009, this year's release sees a revamp with improved AI, over 100 new animations for the 3D pitch view, new stadiums, crowds, realistic pitch degradation and better lighting, creating an even more realistic match experience.

Further new features will be announced via a series of blogs in the months leading up to the game's October 30th release date which will ensure that Football Manager retains its position as the most realistic, most played, highest reviewed and best selling football management simulation in the world.

[ 本帖最后由 fatfat325 于 2009-8-13 12:32 PM 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-13 02:18:03 | 显示全部楼层

Screenshots (20 found)

http://www.sigames.com/softograp ... p;id=33#screenshots

Coach report

Manager home

Match Analysis 1

Match Analysis 2

Match Analysis 3

Match Engine 1

Match Engine 2

Match Engine 3

News (Black)

News (White)

Pitchside instructions 1

Pitchside instructions 2

Pitchside instructions 3

Pitchside instructions 4

Pitchside instructions 5

Tactics 1

Tactics 2

Tactics 3

Tactics 4

Tactics 5
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-13 02:25:33 | 显示全部楼层

FMH 2010 new features announcement


You can see an indepth blog about FM and FMH at http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php?t=142237

Specific FMH2010 new features.

Football Manager™ Handheld 2010
Release date – October 30th 2009
Formats – PSP

New skin – a new look for the PSP game.
Improved match AI
Lots of polish
Improved board confidence module
Improved coach & scout reports
Assistant manager team reports
Player Comparison Screen
Player testimonials
New "unlockables"
Improved board confidence module
The board will now report back with their views on your progress in competitions, matches, the financial state of the club and the current squad harmony. In addition, they will also inform you of their opinion of each signing you have made.

It is also possible to choose your starting season expectations - depending on the financial situation of the club you are managing; the board might release additional funds in order to help you achieve your selected goals.

You can even move funds between your transfer and wage budgets. This ensures that you will never again find yourself unable to afford the wages of a free transfer signing despite having money left over in the transfer budget.

Improved coach & scout reports
Coach and scout reports have been rewritten, to allow an increased level of detail. Coaches will now assess the abilities of your players against other members of your squad, whilst scouts will inform you whether they feel a potential signing will be better than your existing first choice player in the targeted position. In addition, they'll also assess the likelihood of the player being interested in a move to your club.

Assistant manager team reports
At any time during your reign at a club, it is now possible to ask your assistant manager to compile a report of your squad - reporting back on his recommended strongest starting line-up and the strongest and weakest players in the team. They will also report back on any potential transfer targets to improve the first team.
In addition to these major new features, there have also been a number of other improvements to the game this year, including:

Player Comparison Screen
New skin – a new look for the PSP game
Improved match AI
New "unlockables"
Lots of polish

Screenshots now live at http://www.sigames.com/softography.php?type=view&id=34
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