


楼主: leeh14


发表于 2006-4-6 03:01:47 | 显示全部楼层





其实我当初要是忍了那婊子,现在我也许已经在美国了……跟她在一起不过就是天天吵架,受罪……这我跟我老婆也经历过……而她的肉体又那么完美……可那一切要是真实现了呢?也许我又会无比想念北京和我老婆……我知道初秋的下午坐在什刹海的长椅上听着琴书,想念着一个爱过的人和坐在摩天大厦的玻璃窗前思考自己是不是该往下跳是不同的……at least i need to fuck her first....



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发表于 2006-4-6 12:38:57 | 显示全部楼层
4月6日 晴


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发表于 2006-4-6 13:11:48 | 显示全部楼层
4月6日 澳门   阴


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发表于 2006-4-6 13:20:39 | 显示全部楼层
4月6日  晴



[ 本帖最后由 milan_lion 于 2006-8-16 02:56 PM 编辑 ]
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发表于 2006-4-6 14:05:38 | 显示全部楼层

2nd April--------Bigfoot's Return (In Dreams 5)

Cloudy 8/3
I've been having a lot of vivid dreams lately. Some are disturbing just as others are confusing and cryptic. When I was a kid I had recurring nightmares about bigfoot. Not the monster truck but the mythical creature residing in the forests of North America. This is the thing. As a child growing up in the 90's I didn't know the difference on the subject. Is it real? Fake? What did I know? I was a kid. So for me this was a genuine fear that had grown from what I'd seen on television (good ol' TV) or in tabloids. So, as a result I awoke from many a childhood nightmare, screaming, because of this.

I recently had a dream that brought it all back. I was living in a trailer park. Making a special guest appearance was my ex-girlfriend some 'dream friends' and various others. We were all standing around gabbing away when our dog began barking towards the direction of the wall in the living room. We told it to 'shut up!'. It's barking grew louder and was now accompanied by deep throated growls. Just as I began to walk over to the dog, bigfoot came smashing through the wall. It was immense. Much bigger than I had remembered from my dreams as a child. Every detail of this creature stood out in great clarity.  The yellow in the whites of it's eyes. It's pungent aroma hung heavy in the air around us. Lips stretched over misshapen teeth. I could clearly see every knot in it's fur. I was there and this was real.

It grabbed ahold of the dog and pulled it out through the wall. The dog yelped as it was lifted away. It was quickly quieted with the sound of crushing bone. I ran to the bedroom and grabbed a shotgun. In fear of a repeat performance, I told everyone to get outside. By this time thre were many other trailer park denizens wandering around outside, some with guns in hand, no doubt investigating the cause of the disturbance. A few of the armed men approached me asking what had happened. upon telling them I got a few looks of disbelief until shadows started moving around us in the woods. One guy got a freaked out and began firing wildly into the trees. "There it is" he yelled, "C'mon!". He ran into the woods against our protests as we stood there, frozen with fear. His screams carried across the still of the night, echoing through the trailer park. Silence quickly folllowed. Something came flying out of the woods whistling through the air. His rifle landed at our feet, twisted and useless.

I began to realize what a mistake it had been to venture outside. I looked around for my friends who were standing with another group of people. I motioned for them to come near. "We should go back inside.", I said.
The futility of this began to sink in. There was no safe haven. We were at it's mercy. The others saw us retreating into our tincan and followed suit. No sooner were we inside when we heard it's deep gutteral breathing all around us. Fighting the urge to fire my weapon at random locations i put myself face to teh hole where it had dragged the dog outside. As the breathing grew louder I put more distance between myself and the hole. Bad move. Suddenly, splinters were flying around my head as powerful hands grabbed my from behind. White hot pain shot through my body. I saw the terrified faces of my friends as I was drawn into the darkness.

I awoke sitting bolt upright in bed. My body was drenched in sweat. The sheets we damp and my pillow was wet. My body was sore. Yet, I felt no fear. Instead, what I felt was exhileration. I grinned and said something to the effect of, "Cool". I laid there reflecting upon my most recent encounter with this mythical beast, wishing I could  continue this reunion as I once again fell asleep. Never happened.

[ 本帖最后由 calvinzhang 于 2006-4-6 01:09 AM 编辑 ]
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发表于 2006-4-6 14:13:53 | 显示全部楼层

4月6日 阴有时有雨

阴霾的天气........偶右腿韧带扭伤了, 走路都不方便, 加上感冒, 郁闷了

很高兴黑天鹅的巴萨能和我们会师, 期待半决赛

BRNC的队伍在壮大, 高兴
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发表于 2006-4-6 15:22:23 | 显示全部楼层





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发表于 2006-4-6 15:26:24 | 显示全部楼层

6th April--Fête du printemps ???

Sunny 12/15

Men on nine se dirige sur la fete du printemps a mouans sartoux histoire d accorder les ficelles pour le 21 juin ...
avisssssss aux amateurs et aux fan(ne)s ....
preparez les appareil photos et les camescopes
nous on gere le matos !!!!
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发表于 2006-4-6 15:51:44 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2006-4-6 17:48:53 | 显示全部楼层
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