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发表于 2007-5-6 19:35:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A release of my current tactic sets. I have tried to make them as easy to apply as possible.


To be used when totally outclassed or to preserve a lead late in the game.


Standard away starting tactic. Largely focused on defending but with the wingers and attackers looking for counter-attacking opportunities. The central midfield stay back to cover the defence but supply the through balls for the counters. Should also be used when opposition becomes more adventurous but you still want your strikers and wingers to look for the chance to kill off the game.


Home starting tactic against teams that are better than you. Mixes risk and reward, mainly focused on keeping hold of the ball but with most players looking to attack when the opportunity arrives. Should also be used after going 2-0 up at home unless you are playing seriously inferior opposition. It can aslo be used when the opposition look like getting back in the game without having obviously changed things.


Standard home starting tactic aaginst teams equal or worse than you. Looks to get players forward at every opportunity, although the MCd is always covering the central defence. Stop using it at 2-0 up, but revert if the AI goes defensive and tries to shut up shop.


My version of the AIs 4-2-4. To be used later in the match when trying to get back into the game.

For details on the theory please read the Tactical Bible and/or the full TT&F thread. Note that some things are different from stated in the theorems.


Use the pass and possession percentages as indicators to see how well you are doing. Ideally, you should try to have a significant advantage at home and be at least even away. Do not hestitate to change systems if you are getting hammered in this area, although you will have to wait until 10 mins in before the stats indicator is relevant.

The FCL should be the taller, stronger striker, although I have used a quick, flair player there to great effect. (FCL空霸,快速、天分高的前锋也行)

The MCL is the MCd in the possession, attack and chase tactics. In the Defend and Counter tactics the MCs position swap. This is not necessary, rather a preference, so remove it if you wish..(MCL在控制阵型,进攻和狂攻阵型中为防守型中场。防守和反击阵型中两个MC换位,也可根据个人爱好取消换位)

The DCL should be the better in the air。(左边中后卫空霸。)

Ideally, your left winger should be either good in the air or have good composure. If he doesn't and the right winger does, swap the instructions for the FCs and all the crossing/crossing to instructions for wingers and full-backs. (左前锋空霸或射门冷静。如果右前锋是这种类型,左右前锋呼唤设置,其它球员传中和传中落点设置也要换)

Both MCs should have acceptable long shooting stats. If they don't, reduce their long shots option.
My corner taker is a full back, hence the MCd staying back. You may wish to change this. (角球主发队员为边后卫,防守型中场托后防守。你也可根据实际情况更改。)

Defensive line: If your defenders are a lot slower than the opposition attackers, reduce by 2-3 notches. If they are a lot faster raise by 2-3 notches. (后卫较慢,心态(应该是这个吧)降低2-3,反之增加2-3)

If you are playing against a lone striker, use the opposition instructions to close down and tight mark always. (对手打单前锋,在针对性战术中设逼抢和紧逼)

Any feedback would be appreciated as this is a relatively new set. Good luck and thanks, wwfan.


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-6 19:36:43 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-5-6 19:37:48 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-6 19:45:15 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 G-8 于 2007-5-6 07:37 PM 发表

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发表于 2007-5-6 19:49:32 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-5-6 19:50:40 | 显示全部楼层
wfan最新版442阵型, 5月3日发出

مع إطلاق من ي تيار تكتيك مجموعة. 我设法使他们一样容易申请尽可能。
~ 保卫(全力防守用)
~ 将使用,当完全胜过或后保存领先在比赛。
~ ~ 柜台(反击阵型,客场用)
开始战术的~标准。 主要注重保卫,但与寻找还击的机会的边锋和攻击者。 中央midfield逗留回到盖子防御,但供应通过球为柜台。 应该也使用您,当反对变得更加冒险时,但仍然要您的罢工者和边锋寻找机会杀害比赛。
~ ~ 财产(控制阵型,主场对强队用。2-0领先后用)
~ 家庭开始的战术反对比您好的队。 混合冒险和奖励,主要集中于保留球的举行,但与多数球员看攻击当机会到达时。 سوفت أيضا كنت استعملت بعد يذهب 2-0 فوق [أت هوم] ما لم أنت يكون تلعب معارضة سفليّة بجدّيّة. 它在比赛可能也使用,当反对看似回来没有明显被改变事。
~ ~ 攻击(进攻型,主场对弱队用。2-0领先后换成控制阵型)
~ 开始战术aaginst的标准家比您合作相等或坏。 看得到球员向前在每个机会,虽然MCd总报道中央防御。 如果AI去防御并且设法关闭商店,停止用完它在2-0,但恢复。
~ ~ 追逐(狂攻, wwfan的424阵型)
~ AIs 4-2-4的我的版本。 以后将使用在比赛,当设法得到回到比赛时。

为细节在理论请读作战圣经和充分的TT&F螺纹。 注意有些事是与陈述不同在定理。


使用通行证和财产百分比,看见多么恰当的显示您做着。 理想地,您应该在家设法有重大好处和是均匀至少去的。 没有hestitate改变系统,如果您在这个区域得到锤击了,虽然您将必须等待,直到10分钟在stats显示之前是相关的。

FCL应该是更高,更强的罢工者,虽然我使用了一快,那里天才球员到了不起的作用。 (FCL空霸,快速、天分高的前锋也行)

MCL是MCd在财产、攻击和追逐战术。 在保卫和逆战术MCs位置交换。 这不是必要的,宁可特选,因此去除它,如果您祝愿。(MCL在控制阵型,进攻和狂攻阵型中为防守型中场。防守和反击阵型中两个MC换位,也可根据个人爱好取消换位)


理想地,您的左翼成员应该是任一好在天空中或有好镇静。 如果他不,并且右翼分子,为FCs和所有横穿交换指示或者横穿到指示为边锋和后卫。 (左前锋空霸或射门冷静。如果右前锋是这种类型、左右前锋呼唤设置,其它球员传中和传中落点设置也要换)

两MCs应该有可接受的长的射击stats。 如果他们不,减少他们的轻率冒险选择。
我的壁角接受人是充分的后面,因此MCd停留。 您可以希望改变此。 (角球主发队员为边后卫,防守型中场托后防守。你也可根据实际情况更改。)

防御线: 如果您的防御者比反对攻击者很多慢,由2-3个山谷减少。 如果他们是很多更加快速的由2-3个山谷上升。 (后卫较慢、心态(应该是这个吧)降低2-3,反之增加2-3)

如果您使用反对一个孤立罢工者,使用反对指示总关闭和紧的标记。 (对手打单前锋,在针对性战术中设逼抢和紧逼)

所有反馈将被赞赏作为此是一个相对地新的集合。 好运和感谢, wwfan。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-5-6 19:53:46 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 最爱芬兰 于 2007-5-6 07:56 PM 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-6 19:55:57 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-5-7 03:33:28 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-5-7 03:37:06 | 显示全部楼层
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