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[其他] SI宣布FM在线版

发表于 2007-4-20 19:21:28 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-4-20 19:26:05 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-4-20 19:49:03 | 显示全部楼层
Football Manager Liveis a brand new concept in football management and allows you to build aclub from scratch to compete against friends and rivals online for theultimate in Football Manager bragging rights.  It'sthe definitive test of football management skills, allowing you toset-up mini-leagues amongst your friends, bid in player auctions andcompete in live matches 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  Matchestake place in real-time with a range of tactical options for managersto control as they follow all the action via the realistic 2D matchengine. In addition, the in-game chat option means managers canexchange comments on the virtual touchline, whilst other aspiringmanagers can view their competitors and learn their tactics.
FM Live是一个全新的足球经理游戏,它让你可以从头开始新建一个俱乐部来和你的朋友/对手在线对抗,最终成为世界最佳俱乐部之一。这是对足球经理们能力的真正考验,它可以让你建立朋友间的小型联赛,参加球员竞标拍卖,以及参加全年全天举行的各种比赛。实时进行的比赛中,经理们可以通过观看2D比赛引擎和调整战术来控制球队。另外,游戏内的聊天系统意味着经理们可以交换对虚拟比赛的评论,其他经理也可以来查看竞争对手的战术等情况。

Awayfrom the stadium, users will need to control their club in a host ofdifferent ways. This ranges from the basics of choosing your club name,colours, badge and pitch size; right through to the nitty-gritty ofbalancing the finances and improving their squad by buying and sellingplayers using an auction style transfer system.

Thegame is the brainchild of Sports Interactive co-founder, Oliver Collyerand is designed for a whole new audience of football gamers, as well asexisting Sports Interactive fans.

"With Football Manager Live, we're ripping up the script that says how online football management games should work" says Oliver Collyer.  "We're creating something that is fun, challenging and sociable."

"Imaginea cross between Football Manager, fantasy sports and auctions sites andyou are part of the way to understanding Football Manager Live"commented Miles Jacobson, Managing Director of Sports Interactive."It's great to be able to announce the game, and we can't wait to seethe reaction to the beta when it launches next month."


Football Manager Live is due for release in spring 2008, with a beta test set to launch in May 2007. To find out more about participating in the test and to receive updates on Football Manager Live visit the official websites at www.footballmanagerlive.com or www.sigames.com
FM Live将于2008年春季发布,Beta版本将于07年5月试运行。想要了解更多参加测试的消息,请访问www.footballmanagerlive.com或者www.sigames.com

What is Football Manager Live?
        It'sa massively multiplayer football management game, using the FootballManager match engine. The main game has been written from the groundup, whilst it utilises some of the features from its older brother.
FM Live是什么?
     FM Live是一个大型多人足球经理在线游戏,它使用FM的比赛引擎。游戏内核被重写了一遍以实现某些FM里的特色。

Imagine a cross between Football Manager, fantasy sports and an auction room and you'll get the basic idea.
想象一个FM,在线体育游戏和拍卖室的集合体,你就知道FM Live会是什么样的。

Upto 1,000 managers can play against each other to try and be the No 1manager in their particular gameworld. There will be many gameworldsand the exact number of players in each will be subject to balancing -we'll be working on that during the first stage of the beta-testingprocess.
在每个联赛里,最多1000个玩家可以互相竞争来成为这个联赛中的第一教练。游戏会平均分配玩家到各个不同联赛中来平衡人数 --我们会在beta版本中研究这个问题。

Who is making the game?
        Thegame is being led by Oliver Collyer, co-founder of Sports Interactive,who - having left the studio a few years ago to go travelling - cameback with the idea of making a mainstream, massively multiplayerfootball management game.

When will it be released?

What do I need to play FML?
        Use of a PC or a Mac and an internet connection.
It's likely that we'll look at other platforms in the future.

What type of internet connection and speed is recommended to enable the game to run smoothly?

        Anybroadband connection should be fine – we haven't tested the game onolder modem connections yet, but will do so during beta testing.
     随便什么样的宽带应该都行 -我们还没用modem做过实验,不过beta测试的时候我们会试试的。

Why has SI decided to make a separate massively multiplayer game?
        Thereare lots of reasons – initially it was because Oliver Collyer(co-founder of Sports Interactive) wanted to make the game, having gotback from travelling with a creative itch. As development hascontinued, we've looked into the area a lot and believe there to be abig hole in the market, which we intend to fill.
Ontop of this, there are many people who have played our games over theyears that have felt the hardcore nature of the series is too much forthem, or they simply didn't have the time to play the game anymore ascircumstances for them had changed. With Football Manager Live, peoplewill have the opportunity to play as often, or as little, as they want.
        有很多原因 --最早是因为SI创建者人之一Oliver Collyer旅行回来后想出了这个主意。 在开发过程中我们仔细研究了这个领域,发现这是一个很大的市场空白,所以我们打算占领这市场。

How much will it cost to play?
        Wehave not finalised the business model yet. However, we see the game asa money-saving device – it is likely to cost the price of a few pintsper month to play, but because people will be staying in more often toplay the game they will save money in the long run!

What methods of payment will be available?
        Theplan is to accept every major credit and debit card, alongside a numberof other payment platforms for those that do not have cards.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-4-20 19:49:26 | 显示全部楼层
What languages will it be in?
        Initially,the game will only be available in English. Over the coming years itwill be released in as many languages as possible. It's not just abouttranslating the game itself, which is easy; it's also about addinglocal support for each language we add. We're being sensible and willbe trying to walk before we can run.

What happens when everyone wants to be one particular team, like Watford or Everton?
        No-one will be able to be Watford or Everton. You don't play as a set real-world team; you make your own team and pick a squad, much like a fantasy sports game.

How do you choose your initial squad?
        Allplayers in the database have wage demands and you have a set wagebudget at the start, so you pick your players according to that budget.The whole FML database is available to you when you start the game,although once a player joins a team in a gameworld they are no longeravailable to everyone else. In that way we can stop multiple teamshaving the same players.

What happens when all the best players are taken up? Doesn't that mean new users joining a gameworld are disadvantaged?
        Notreally. Because there are so many players available in the database andusers start with relatively small wage budgets, it means that all thebest players can't be snapped up immediately. And while we don't wantto go into too many details now, we have an effective system in placeto ensure that there are still good players available for all.

Is there a transfer system?
        Asmanager, you have the ability to buy and sell players as well as loanthem out to other teams. With all transfer auctions, the selling teamselects a minimum price they would accept for the player, along with aninstant-buy amount. They also select an end date for the auction andother teams are then free to make bids right up 'til the auction ends.

Withfree transfers and general wage auctions, teams bid for players and theone who offers them the most wages per day gets the players.

Withall transfer activity, you need to ensure that you remain within theconstraints of your club finances and beware of gazumping.
       对于自由转会和general wage auctions(这个不知道是什么),给日薪最高的球队就会得到这个球员。

How does the league table work with 1,000 teams in each gameworld?
        Inthe main gameworld rankings, it's not a case of three points for a win;you are awarded points for winning (or losing points for losing) basedon a lot of different factors including, but not limited to, theposition of the two teams, whether the game has been played home oraway and the size of the win. There are all sorts of clever bits inthere to ensure that teams that play hundreds of games a month don'tget a "levelling" advantage over those that play a couple of games aday, so it's possible for any team to do well, not just those that playthe most games.

Do all of the teams have to play one another?
        No, not at all. You can play friendlies against any team who happens to be online, or you can join or set up competitions.

How do competitions work?
        Forthe most part, competitions will be user generated. They are very easyto set up, with lots of parameters available. You can have cup orleague competitions, or a combination of the two, set how many pointsfor a win (those points are separate to actual rankings points) andalso define what rank of team can enter said competitions. There aredeadlines by when each match has to be played to ensure that thecompetitions don't go on for ever.

There may well be some official organised competitions inside the gameworld too, but if there are any, they will be optional.

When can matches be played?
        24hours a day, seven days a week! With competitions, there are deadlinesto play the fixtures, but that doesn't mean you have to play them atthose times – as long as you've played them by the deadline, all isgood.
The only limit to when a match can be played is whether there are other users online in your gameworld at the same time as you.

What happens if I don't see my competition opponent online by the deadline for the match to be played?
        This is taken care of, but it's not something we want to announce publicly yet.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-4-20 19:49:54 | 显示全部楼层
Can I challenge my friends to matches?
        Ifyou are in the same gameworld, then yes, you can. And if you aren't inthe same gameworld, it will be easy to move into another one, althoughyou'll need to pick your squad again.Once in the same gameworld, you can play against them day and night.

When will the beta test start?
        It is due to start mid May and will initially be limited to 1,000 people.

How can I take part in the beta test?
        There will be spaces on the beta test available to our community. For more information on these spots, keep an eye on www.footballmanagerlive.comfor updates.
Therewill also be a few spaces on the beta test available as competitionprizes on a few websites, as well as a few UK-based magazines andnewspapers over the coming weeks.

Pleasebe aware that the initial beta test is only going to be for 1,000people. It is likely that there will be more spaces as we ramp up thebeta testing closer to release, so keep an eye out on www.footballmanagerlive.com for more details.
        一些网站也会分到一些测试名额。 这个测试只有1000个名额,游戏将要发布的时候很有可能会增加新名额,所以,继续盯着那网站吧。

Will I only be able to play FML on my home computer?
        No– the game will be easy to install on as many machines as you want.Even if you're on holiday and fancy a quick match, it'll be quick andeasy to install in an internet café and access your account in the game.
       不 -- 游戏可以在各种机器上安装。就算你在度假的时候突然想玩游戏,也可以很容易去一个网吧安装好游戏然后登陆。

What features of FM are incorporated into FML?
        Tacticsand the match engine are straight from Football Manager. Other featuresfrom Football Manager will be in Football Manager Live whereappropriate, but they are likely to be adapted specifically for thegame as it's a different game with a different feel better suited to amassively multiplayer game.

Will there be any connectivity with Football Manager?
        Youwill be able to import tactics from Football Manager. There are otherareas we are looking into as well which may be importable.

Does this game mean that current online modes will be dropped from other SI titles?
        No!FML is a separate game, and we will continue to improve the online playin the PC, Mac, Xbox 360 & PSP versions of the Football Managerseries.
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发表于 2007-4-20 21:44:58 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-4-29 13:28:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-4-29 13:30:48 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-4-29 13:34:11 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-4-29 13:36:51 | 显示全部楼层
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