


楼主: xylujia

[战术阵型] [WWFAN]FM2007战术理论和框架[zt]

 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-26 21:08:06 | 显示全部楼层
High-Quality Team Assumptions
The definition for high quality teams is those that should be challenging for the European qualification slots in the Premiership. My own preference for passing is to use the Mirroring system, but short passing is a viable option. This type of system is possession-centric (can be close to 70% against poor teams) but still offers players opportunities to pick longer balls when they are on. Obviously, passing, creativity and decision making are the most important attributes here as they will enable the player to hit the right ball at the right time more often then not. If a through ball is not on, the player will lay off an easy pass to keep possession and allow others to look for the killer ball. My preference for success with this tactic is having attacking players with pace, acceleration and good off the ball skills. One tall centre forward is also preferable, but not a must.
At home the defence should close down heavily. The most frustrating issue for FM addicts seems to be the second season slump. This happens when a team has enjoyed considerable success in its first season, often overachieving, and as a result gains a higher reputation. The easiest way to gauge your reputation level is the pre-match odds screen. If you are nearly always the bookies’ favourite, and have ridiculously short odds against poorer sides, then you have a good reputation. The direct result of this is you will begin coming up against the dreaded 3-3-2-1-1 defensive system that nearly all high-level managers seem to employ against better sides. Note, teams may not start with that formation but will often switch when a goal is scored or due to other in-game factors. This system has been the bane of many a tactician’s life and is the key reason for the second season slump. So, how does high closing down counter it?
The key element in the thinking behind a high closing down defensive system countering the 3-3-2-1-1 was making a logical assumption about how often the system allowed for forward runs. I assumed that such a defensive system would tune forward runs down to a minimum and thus the single forward would have to hold up the ball for a considerable length of time before support arrived. My original thinking of low closing down for defenders fell down against this because the defenders would back off as soon as I lost possession which would allow the forward to easily hold on to the ball before laying it off to the midfield. As the 3-3-2-1-1 system has so many deep lying players, once I had lost the ball I struggled to win it back because the opposition played possession football between its two defensive lines of three without ever trying to get the ball forward. By upping the closing down for my defenders I began to pressurise the single forward as soon a she got the ball which invariably won me possession back immediately, either high up the pitch due to winning the tackle or via a throw in as the forward booted the ball out of play to relieve the pressure. As a rule of thumb I mirror the closing down with creative freedom, so the total of the two equals 20. Thus, if a player has creative freedom of 3 (standard for my DCs) then his closing down should be 17 (see Mirroring).
Although I believe away tactics, even at this level, should follow the basic premise of keeping men between the ball and goal, as your team’s reputation grows you should find yourself employing a high closing down system away against more and more sides, as they will invariably start with conservative formations. It must also be remembered that high closing down is likely to come unstuck against quality sides playing attacking football. This is because they will quickly get men forward to support the forwards which will allow them to exploit the gap behind the defensive line as it closes down space. Good sides will also have forwards of sufficient quality and technique to hold on to the ball, spin and lay off dangerous through balls.
N.B. Having said all this, I have played a test game at LLM with Closing Down set to the heavy High Quality settings for home games and it was very effective.
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-26 21:08:42 | 显示全部楼层
FM Bogeymen
Now let us look at the bogeymen of FM, the Second Season Slump and Breaking Down the 3-3-2-1-1.

The Second Season Slump
This is why it happens.
Season One
You are Aston Villa with a post-O’Leary game rating. Thus, if 100 is Chelsea and 0 is Watford, your team has an in-game rating of circa 25. Any team with a higher rating will play attacking football against you (75% of the division). You buy a few bargains, construct a quality counter-attacking tactic and over perform a la O’Neill. You finish 4th. All well and good.
Season Two
Your in-game team rating is now up to 60 (Premiership only, your European rating is still low as you have no pedigree in the competition). Therefore, most Premiership teams, expecting to lose, play a solid defensive tactic against you. Your tactic falls down as it is solid and defensive itself and offers too few attacking options. You get frustrated; give a bad team talk or two, morale drops and results go bad. You may do well against teams that expect to beat you (as your tactic is designed to deal with that) but results against poor teams are consistently bad. Europe-wise everything is rosy as the foreign sides think they have a chance against you due to your lack of European pedigree and your tactic is therefore still suitable. At some point you a) get sacked due to poor performance b) throw the PC out the window c) start a new game or d) enter the tactical forum to find an answer.
The slump will be exacerbated if you have made a lot of new signings as they will take time to gel and spend a few months performing below expectations.

Breaking Down the 3-3-2-1-1
My usual approach is to deepen the defensive line and widen the formation. I also advocate heavy closing down for the back 5 and low closing down/high creative freedom from the front five. I'll explain why.
The super-goalie effect is related to the AI playing ultra-conservative formations. Standards to watch out for are the dreaded 3-3-2-1-1, the 4-1-4-1, the 4-4-2 no farrows and, occasionally, the 4-4-1-1. These formations usually play tight (i.e. narrow and mentality matched defensive line) and flood the middle of the park with players. It makes it very difficult to pass the ball successfully and gain any space. The super-goalie happens because such ultra defensive set-ups force your players into a lot of rushed chances which also leads to players snatching at the occasional easier chance when it occurs (human vulnerabilities as coded into the AI such as frustration and panic). The goalie gets high ratings because the match ratings don't account for the easy save/hard save scenario and just award points for a save. Thus, the keeper may have been given a 10, but 95% of his saves been easy to deal with. So, how to beat it.......
A wide formation obviously gets your players space on the outside and stretches the opposition. This means you can play around them and look for a multitude of crosses into the area. Ideally, the wingers and full-backs should be pushing forward as much as possible. I long-farrow my wingers and short-farrow my full-backs to get them both in attacking positions as soon as I get the ball. This also means that for every cross into the box you will have four players (2 FCs, AMC/MCa and a winger) attacking the ball with the full-backs and MCd/DMC picking up any half-clearance to the edge of the area. Because you know you will get a lot of balls out wide you need to ensure your front players (FCs, AMC/MCa and wingers) are constantly looking for space so CF is very important. I use CF of 10 for the wide players so they are less likely to stray inside, but 15+ for the front three so they break with instructions and look for space/the unexpected. I also close down to <5 for the front three as closing down limits space.
一个更宽的阵形明显使得你的球员在球场的两边获得了空间,并且把对手的阵形拉开了。这意味着你能够围着他们打出大量的传中。理想中,翼锋和边后卫应该会尽可能地前压。我通常会把翼锋拉长线,边后卫拉短线,一旦我得球,他们就可以尽快进入攻击位置。每次传中,你在禁区里面可以有4位球员准备攻击(2前锋,1攻击中场,1一边的翼锋),同时禁区外有埋伏着边后卫和防守中场,准备随时抓住半解围的机会。你必须意识到你的球员会在两边获得大量的控球,所以高的创造力(CREATIVE FREEDOM)是重要的,特别是要保证你的前场球员(前锋、攻击中场、翼锋)持续地寻找空档。我的边路球员通常CF值为10,因此他们会很少迷失在里面。前场三人的数值则是15,所以他们会按照建议去突破或者寻找空档(包括意想不到的)。我也会调整前场3人的逼抢到5以下,因为逼抢会限制了他们的空间。
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-26 21:09:13 | 显示全部楼层
I advocate the deep defensive line because the AI FC plays very deep. A deep d-line places the DMC/MCd into the first line of defence in that he is nearly always closest to the FC when the opposition clears the ball. His challenge invariably wins the ball and either propels it directly back into the area or recycles it to the deep lying DCs who, under no pressure, can initiate a new attack. If the DMC/MCd is bypassed and the FC gets a little space it is vital that the DCs are closing down quickly. This will instantly reduce the FCs time and space on the ball and, because support arrives slowly in ultra-defensive formations, enable the user team to regain quick possession as the FC has no one to lay the ball off to. The DC who wins the ball usually has three or four easy passing options and possession is easily retained.
I also advocate mixed focus passing and no target men because other settings reduce attacking options and allow the defence to close off chances. Likewise a playmaker can be a risk as he can be marked out of the game.
我也倾向于用混合的集中传球(FOCUS PASSING),不设目标球员(TARGET MAN),因为这种设定会减少攻击的选项,对方的防守也容易封杀机会。同时,设定一个PLAYMAKER也是有风险的,因为他在比赛中可能被盯死。

Team Talks
Finally, here is a short guide to team talks (half-time and full-time only)

Home Team Talks
I would suggest pleased when winning by 2-3 clear goals at home and encourage at 1-0 or 0-0 but in control. Disappointing for a 0-0 when you are performing below expectations and angry when losing unless commentary says 'Your team is unlucky to be behind' when you should employ the 'we can win this option'. Thrilled when 4-0 up.
At full-time 'good result' for any home win of less than 4 clear goals. 4-0 or above 'fantastic'. 0-0 disappointed and for a loss 'angry' or 'disappointed' depending on performance. Sympathise if you were outclassed.
N.B. Occasionally, your team will not play to expectations at home and your attacking tactic will get picked apart. You should be able to see this happening very early on in the game via the match stats screen or highlights. Revert to your most defensive system to minimise first half damage. B*ll*ck the team at half-time! Start the second half with your attacking formation and you should see a massively improved level of performance.

Away Team Talks
Pleased when winning 1 or 2-0. Delighted at 3-0. Encourage/we can win this at 0-0 or 0-1 if you are playing well. Disappointing for the same score lines if playing badly. Angry at 2-0 down.
At full-time pleased for a 1-0, 2-0 win or a draw against a quality side. Disappointed for a loss and average performance. Angry for a loss and dreadful performance. Fantastic for a 3-0 win and above.

NB: These options should be reassessed when used against high-performing and low-performing opposition. Obviously a 0-0 draw away to a top 3 team is a good result, whereas away to a bottom three team should be regarded as a disappointment. Tweak the options slightly depending on opposition and quality of your team.
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