Height is linked to jumping - thus a 5'4'' tall player will never get a 20 jumping.
Height and weight can be viewed in either manner, they can be used as 'guages' to discover things about your players potentially ..
For instance if your player gains a LOT of weight in the off-season then it'll be a warning sign that he isn't a particularly professional player, jumping is 'linked' to height in the game - hence if you have a very short young DC in your squad then unless he gains at least an average height during the ages when he's likely to grow you can probably dismiss his chances of ever becoming a 'great' central defender etc. ...
原帖由 xiaoyefeidao 于 2005-12-1 04:25 PM 发表
Height is linked to jumping - thus a 5'4'' tall player will never get a 20 jumping.
(高度和弹跳是有联系的,就是说一个5英尺4英寸的球 ...