


楼主: baijin7717

[工具补丁] FM2010_10.2补丁

发表于 2009-12-17 12:26:39 | 显示全部楼层
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-12-17 12:32:10 | 显示全部楼层
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-12-17 12:37:11 | 显示全部楼层
嗯汉化果然完蛋了,mini scout和核武器也不行了
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-12-17 13:13:52 | 显示全部楼层
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-12-17 13:15:38 | 显示全部楼层

回复 34# 人与自然 的帖子

回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-12-17 13:27:45 | 显示全部楼层


Crash Fixes

- 修正了Barcelona财政界面崩溃的问题
- 修正了一个少见的世界杯结束后的崩溃问题
- 减少了游戏占用的内存
- 对比赛中战术面板崩溃的问题进行了修正

- 修正了已经在一支球队获得本土培养资格的球员在同一足协内的另一球队不被当作本国培养的问题。
- 设定拥有第二国际的非洲随机球员只能使用非洲人名。
- 调整了英格兰随机球员的第二国籍。
- 调整了U20世青赛和其他国际比赛决赛的观众人数。
- 一些业余俱乐部里创建的较老的额外球员现在都拥有业余合同而不是兼职合同。
- 调整了小球队随机球员的CA/PA。
- 调整了足球强国小球队诞生较好随机球员的机会。
- 修正了低细节比赛中球衣图片和使用球衣颜色不符的问题。
- 修正了球员落选比赛名单的媒体历史的代码。
- 在match_sounds.cfg文件中添加了对多种欢呼声的支持。
- 整了助理教练对比赛中抢断的反馈。
- 修正了度假归来可以打碰到的延期比赛的问题。
- 降低了和主队球裤颜色相同的客队更换球衣的概率(流浪者和凯尔特人现在在对阵时都会使用主场队服。)
- 球队没有队医时,球员现在会自动接受最基本的伤病治疗。
- 守门员训练中补充包含了冷静和集中。
- 调整了English cup的观众人数。
- 调整了一般和更差球员身体属性的下降。
- 对数据库的修改数量将会显示在游戏信息界面。
- 修正了点球大战结果出错的问题。
- 试训比赛日不再被安排在不被使用的球场。
- 球员获得第一次国家队出场后声望会大幅提升。
- 修正了边线指令在进入新的比赛时已经被设定的问题。
- 修正了足总杯半决赛和决赛的观众数量。
- 修正了当同时获得多项成就时有时导致一项成就不被记录下来的问题。
- 改正了关键球员评点中受伤下场被说成替换下场的问题。
- 调整了MLS选秀中可选的随机人的能力。
- 使用小球队的玩家不再能通过和高声望对手打友谊赛牟取暴利。
- 改进了友谊赛组织的选择。
- 修正了国家队主教练收到大量不合格球员的球探报告的问题。
- 修正了一些爱尔兰球员没有任何原因获得英国国籍的问题。
- 修正了Daniel Carvalho距离获得俄罗斯国籍的天数(需要重新开档)。
- 改进了世界杯的名单选择,保证球队不会缺少前锋。
- 修正了国内联赛上座纪录被加赛的中立场地等记录的问题。
- 球员不再能通过试训完成过的国籍所需的天数。
- 改进了基础细节比赛引擎下低级联赛的平均评分。
- 减少内存使用。
- 基础细节比赛引擎下,改进了阵容轮换, 特别是欧联杯比赛。
- 改进了每月最佳教练的选择。
- 修正了"连续不败" 不及时更新的问题.
- 修正了球员数据中比赛时间不包括友谊赛的问题。
- 修正了玩家在有退役球队注册球员号码时有时一名球员会不被注册的问题。
- 让球员进入球队标志&球队传奇名单更容易。
- 调整了助理教练对比赛中球员站错位置的反馈。
- 让手动选择卫星俱乐部的时候更容易。
- 修正了派球员前往卫星俱乐部时因为对方无法负担费用而取消的问题。
- 允许球员习惯中“Tries to Play Way Out of Trouble”通过习惯训练去掉。
- 让经理登上球队传奇名单更难。
- 让一些国家在开档时不再拥有过多的非洲球员。

- 修正了<person#2->代码在关于工作兴趣的信息条目中显示的问题。
- 媒体现在会追踪一名重要球员没有被列入联赛名单。
- 现在球员会因为没有进入联赛名单而不高兴。
- 表现最差的球员回到了赛后分析界面。

- Delaying a transfer in a hot seat game results in 'Delay' action buttons appearing on other user's news screen when nothing to do with him.
- 修正了<team#1>变量偶尔出现在球场改进的公告中的问题。
- 修正了玩家被告知需要给正要离开球队球员号码的问题。
- 修正了球员个人进球纪录作为比赛报告新闻条目的问题。
- 修正了玩家收到来自刚升级的联赛的升级赔率的问题。
- 防止转会窗开启新闻条目在消息盒中重复出现。
- 修正了当助理教练位置不空缺时出现“表达了获得空缺的助理教练职位的愿望”新闻的问题。
- 修正了无论如何都无法参加一场重要比赛的球员因为受伤错过该比赛而表达遗憾的问题。
- 球员个人信息不会再声明一名球员“未来想加盟大俱乐部”和“想去大球队”。
- 签下一名青年队教练后,[Assignments]按钮将会把玩家带到青年队教练任务分配界面。
- 国家解雇球员新闻按钮会把玩家带到正确的球员列表。
- 宣布对正在试训的球员感兴趣时,会提醒拥有该球员的球队而不是正在试训的球队。
- 修正了俱乐部的mini信息中进球和失球的数量可能包含联赛中球队其他比赛的数据的问题。
- 修正了<team#1-> 和 <media_source#1-> 偶尔出现在关于球员在国际比赛中停赛的国家新闻条目中的问题。
- 修正了 <comp#1-> 出现在提示你获得全场最佳的纪录被打破的新闻中的问题。
- 新闻发布会中,不再就一名非主力球员缺席决赛进行提问。
- 修正了新闻发布会记者提问球员从国家队退役时,出现下拉菜单而不是选项的问题。
- 修正了新闻中错误地说球员在租借期中没有获得出场的问题。
- 修正了“杯赛风平浪静”新闻中选择了一场不可能出现冷门的比赛。
- 修正了因为没有记录缺席而在球员再次缺席训练时提示第一次缺席训练的问题。

- 修正了球员偶尔在未经玩家操作下被从订阅中移除的问题。
- 设定/解除设定动态候选名单同时会订阅/取消订阅。

- 调整了代码使得更多球队可以向推荐出去的球员开价。
- 修正了教练/球探说实际对租借不感兴趣的球员愿意租借的问题。
- 调整代码以修正针对球员定位的问题。
- 修正了一些低级别联赛中球员定位包含太多核心球员的问题。
- 球队出售一线球员后会更负责地补充球员。
- 修正了某些球队不会续租球员的问题。
- 修正了声明球员不可租借时向其他球队推荐缺少或收到很多拒绝新闻条目的问题。
- 通过大幅增加向原俱乐部索要工资补偿的球员,降低了用推荐球员的方法摆脱高工资球员的难度。
- 修正了球员索要过高工资补偿的问题。

- 增加了Chelsea转会禁令的听证会。
- 改变了Chelsea转会禁令的时间。
- 修正了正在一线队上场进球的前锋被列入预备队阵容的问题。
- 修正了当一名要价低于身价的球员被挂牌后,开价中包含分期付款而导致还价高于要价的问题。
- 防止大量非活跃联赛球队试图从活跃联赛大量收购替补门将。
- 被全球禁止转会的俱乐部不再能对卫星俱乐部的球员“开出相同价格”。
- 修正了针对球员不愿意续租的问题。
- 防止租借归来的球员在未经玩家允许的情况下被挂牌。
- 收到其他球队合同时,让职员更愿意接受本队的合同。

- 修正了出售方对球员评价过高以致转会信心很低的问题。
- 修正了出售方球队过于强调最近表现,即便并没有那么好,以致反馈为低信心。

Player Interaction
- 现在可以让很难适应新环境的球员暂时离开。
- 相关球员现在只在有球员交流选项需要相关球员时出现。

- 修正了Rangers的初始财政。
- 调整了低级别英格兰球队的门票价格。
- 取消了西班牙杯赛的获胜奖励,因为这些比赛的奖金很少而使得个球队的奖励也很低。
- 调整了瑞典的工资。
- 修正了斯洛文尼亚球队不提供不失球、进球等奖金的问题。F
- 调整了斯洛文尼亚的工资。
- 调整了南非的工资。
- 调整了墨西哥的工资。
- 调整了丹麦国家队的观众人数。
- 调整苏格兰的财政。
- 修正了一些客队收不到友谊赛出场费的问题。
- 调整了英格兰低级别球队的财政。
- 调整了中东球队的工资。
- 修正了预算工资/转会预算之间调整时不一致的问题。

Backroom Advice
- 现在移除了执行按钮,如果你通过右键菜单来执行。比如在建议探索时安排探索任务。
- 青年队门将能力建议不再和青年队球员标准建议分开来。
- 针对青年队标准的建议不再自相矛盾。
- 修复了执行按钮导致界面过载的问题。
- 改进了青年球员是否应该获得职业合同的建议。
- 自从上次发送会议提醒后玩家进入过更衣室建议界面则不再发送提醒。
- 当会议邀请被发送后确保玩家前往消息盒界面。
- 确保玩家被邀请前往会议时确实有建议提出。
- 如果玩家不请自负责续约,该类建议将不会出现。
- 阵形建议将不会提出和玩家正在使用相同的阵形。
- “可以提供职业合同”建议现在只针对不在青年队名单里的球员。
- 取消开价建议的按钮现在总是能够撤回开价。
- 不再建议续约试训合同。
- 大量建议月初时不会再反复提出。
- 建议探索的国家不会反复变换。
- 减少了每次会议时的训练建议数量。
- 战术建议时不再推荐正在使用的阵形和球队指令。
- 增加职员建议球员未来角色的间隔时间。I

Board Takeovers
- 增加了阻止非本国国民成为主席,如果在有的国家可以。(??)Added code which prevents non-nationals becoming chairmen if applicable in a given country.

- Match formation panel now updates correctly when substitutions are made.
- Added missing space in A Thr(R) column heading.
- Nationality string on player profile will now display correctly if they are declared for that country.
- Fixed bug where squad number goes missing on pitch panel when a player is swapped for another player on the player list panel.
- Fixed bug where option to create a filter from the Filter drop-down when on player searches was never enabled.
- Removed team facts division column if it is not applicable rather than showing blank data.
- Fixed minor layout issue when creating a new note.
- Live league table on the competition screen now updates properly in network game.
- Contracts section is no longer going to be visible for unattached players.
- Ensured player duty/roles menu can't be selected for an AI tactic when they haven't selected a player for a given position.
- When confirming/cancelling tactics, the user is now always taken back to the previous view correctly.
- If user is on the assistant's feedback page before a highlight starts, he is returned there after it finishes now.
- Fixed problem that caused scrollbar to reset when assigning position to a player on the tactics screen.
- Fixed colour clash problem which sometimes caused the player numbers to be unreadable in the 2d match view.
- Centred the number when dragging a shirt on the tactics pitch.
- Fixed problem with the date panel which caused one of the column headers to appear selected when clicking one of the dates from 1st-7th January.
- Back/Forward buttons no longer changes state for a moment when changing screens.
- Latest Results button will now be disabled if it isn't possible to go backwards or forwards through fixture dates.
- Board confidence snapshot on manager home page will no longer be available for international youth teams.
- Make An Offer option will no longer be available if the user already has an active offer in place for a player.
- Fixed bug where Reports section would be missing from staff employed by a user's national team.
- Calendar timeline will no longer display data from an old save game when returning to the start screen.
- Phil Jagielka now listed as a DC instead of a GK when he is on the bench and the user is using the quick sub dialog.
- Fixed text bleed on holiday options dialog when using French language.
- Re-arranging an international friendly via a friendly rejected news item now shows the correct fixture dates.
- Fixed some minor issues with the match screen split view changing of views.
- Disabled advisor about placing a job advert if the human is unemployed.
- Disabled advisor about adding players to a shortlist if the human does not have a club job.
- Disabled advisor about signing a player when on the player search screen and right clicking on a player.
- Match analysis tab is now disabled for matches that were played without the full match engine.
- Remove picture button when adding a new manager will now only be enabled if the user chooses a picture, rather than whenever they select to add one.
- Last 5 games table for competition split over multiple league stages (Swiss Super, Scottish SPL, etc) now uses the correct fixtures.
- Fixed problem with international scout reports not appearing sometimes on the team squad screen.
- Added information about the current view on the shortlist/player search screens.
- Ensured sorting order of players on quick substitution menu is correct after making substitutions.
- Made sure the news snapshot panel is hidden when there is no extra information to display for the news item.
- Fixed a couple of problems which would cause the calendar bar to no update properly.
- Fixed a slowdown that would sometimes happen on the match preview screen.
- Ensured calendar timeline is cleared down if the player gets kicked out to the join network screen.
- Icons off the pitch will now be drawn on the small match view panel when changing tactics mid match.
- Nationality selection menus when adding a manager will now disable the corresponding selection (eg England will be disabled for second nationality if chosen for first).
- Split view action zones view menu will now always have the current view displayed 'ticked'.
- Match strategy changes on the quick tactics panel will now have "Pending" next to them until they are actually active.
- Removed touchline instructions will now only be removed from the list of touchline instructions when they are no longer active.
- It is now possible to hide the Touchline Instructions panel when waiting for a quick substitution to be carried out.
- Added international qualifiers to screen flow competitions list.
- Team Award and Best Eleven screens remember the year selected when leaving the screen and coming back.
- Fixed bug where user is sometimes taken to classic pitch view instead of the previous TV view after confirming tactics.
- The released players list is now kept on the transfers panel when going back to the panel after viewing a player profile or other screens.
- Fixed problem where recently made touchline instructions are removed if they are made just after making tactical changes.

- Blank rows no longer appear on the backroom advice screen on the client.
- Forced continue timer now doesn't stop when a user changes screens.
- Fixed some network game issues when using custom editor data.
- Clubs removed from the database when creating a new game now get shown correctly on network clients when viewing staff history.
- Fixed issue where highlights are sometimes set to "Full Match" during network game matches.

- Newly created teams and competitions can now be set correctly in playing histories.
- Can now enable the "Capacity for All Seater Competitions" option for stadiums in the editor.
- Added "Cuts Inside" player preferred move to the editor.
- U21 and U19 national manager jobs now show up correctly.
- Adding new award histories now works correctly.
- Club legends added in the editor now show in game.
- Permanent flag can now be set on favourite and disliked person relationships.
- Can now set a stadium for a Super Cup match.
- Sorting players by position now sorts from Gks to Strikers instead of alphabetically.
- Retiring a player in the editor now removes him properly from his club.
- Group stage cups now work if only 1 group is set.
- Club maximum age field can now be edited.
- Future transfers added in the editor are now included in the checks for retaining people at the start of the game.
- Descriptions table now added to the editor.
- Can now set negative non player potential abilities.
- Fixed issue where players with edited history would have their pre-game history cleared after the second time the game is saved then loaded.
- Super cups now start in the second season if no teams are found in competition history for the first season.
- Raised number of database records shown in list boxes from 1000 to 50000.
- Adding a B club to a club now copies the colours over from the main club.
- Minimum Percentage Of Games Played field in an award record can now be enabled correctly.
- Added missing MLS player variables to the editor.
- The editor will automatically use the same user data folder, if this has been changed in the preferences in the game.
- Can now set player homegrown at club/in nation status in editor.


- Fixed league scheduling issue where an Easter Monday matchday is scheduled next to a Tuesday matchday.

- Teams qualifying for the Final of the Caribbean Championship no longer get asked to pick a new squad for the match.
- Fixed U21/U20/U19 international applications.
- Host nation of World Cup now needs to be from a confederation which hasn't hosted it in the last 2 tournaments.
- Fixed international squad announcement news item reporting player as being 'left out of the previous squad' when he was called up to the last squad as a replacement.
- New European Championship 2012 qualifying format and correct seedings implemented.
- Fixed bug where top 6 teams from U19 Euro Champs were sometimes not qualifying for the U20 World Cup.

- AFC Cup now uses 7 subs instead of 9.
- Some prize money changes for the Champions League.

- Small fix done for calculation of European club/nation coefficients.
- European competition prize money updated.
- Vaduz can now qualify to the Europa League through the Liechtenstein Cup.

- Bottom two Argentine Second Division teams in the average points table are now automatically relegated.

- One less round of fixtures used for the Australian youth league.

- Removed rule that Belgian teams in Division 1 and Division 2 need to select 2 U21 players in their matchday squad.
- Added undersoil heating requirement for Belgian Division 1 teams.

- Fixed some squad rules issues to do with non EU players.

- Fixed incorrect teams taking part in the Chilean First Division Closing Stage Knockout phase.

- China trial day now occurs during the transfer window.

- Players from Cotonou nations now need work permits to play in Denmark.
- Some missing teams added to 2009 Danish Cup.

- Fixed missing prize money for Semi Finalists and Runner Up of English League Cup

- Fixed Greek Superleague TV revenue distribution.

Hong Kong
- Adjusted Hong Kong's continental competition qualifiers (League Winner and Senior Challenge Cup winner qualify).

- Stopped friendlies being scheduled after the start of the season.
- Norwegian Premier playoff semi final now is one leg.
- Added Norwegian Super Final

Northern Ireland
- Fixed Northern Irish Premier Division league match being rearranged due to a Reserve team fixture.
- Fixed Northern Ireland Premier Division number of subs named changing after league split.
- Three from Five subs for Steel & Sons Cup and County Antrim Shield.

- Trial players are not allowed to play in competitive matches.

- Can now arrange friendlies for Romanian teams during the winter break.

- Fixed Russian Premier League fixtures and World Cup Qualifying fixture clashing in March 2009

- Both Scottish Cup semi finals are now played at Hampden.
- Correct prize money figures for semi final and final.

South Korea
- Fixed winning the K-League Championship Playoff not being regarded as winning the title in some places (e.g. board confidence).

- Fixed Swiss Cup seedings for 1st two rounds.

United States
- US Development League teams no longer keep hold of too many players.
- US Open Cup winner now qualify for the North American Champions League.
- Replacing a draft allocation with a different draft allocation on the transfer offer screen now correctly sets it as a new proposal.
- The Superdraft and Waiver Draft dates now appear in the league schedule.
- Contracts in the MLS now finish in December.
- Removed budget adjustment from the board room screen as MLS clubs aren't allowed to make any adjustments to their budgets.
- MLS teams can no longer offer loan wages over the maximum non Designated player limit.
- Improved AI squad management in the MLS.

Match Experience

- Added animation for player placing ball at set piece
- Fixed missing kick animations when players send ball to set piece taker or centre circle for kick off
- Added "Runs Past Opponent" to the match graphical analysis tool.
- Fixed some various small issues with tracking of certain type of passes and crosses.
- Added team talk option to the quick sub dialog.

Match Engine

Match v814
- 作了一些修正使得球员对某些折射的反应更真实。
- 改变了对什么应该算作抢断的诠释。
- 鼓励靠近对方球门正在跑动的球员接到球第一时间射门。
- 重新设定了更基于区域化的直接任意球防守站位。
- 进一步修正了草率地将球留给门将处理的问题。
- 进行了小的修正,确保球员对朝着他们过来的球进行拦截。
- 小的调整,确保防守球队球员一直盯防着对方拿球队员直到这样做明显没有意义。
- 让球员在可能的时候对拿球队员逼得紧一些。(当要求紧逼时稍微提高。)
- 当需要的时候,让球员回收更深一些来盯住对方球员,而不是防线前压。
- 让首限更多的快节奏、直接化的球员在处理球时更单纯和直接。
- 让低决断、视野或冷静的球员更愿意远射。
- 略为减少了了非常随意的又不失很难的传球。
- 略微调整了广告牌的位置。

Match v815
- 修正了被替下球员在比赛结束时没有获得完全的体力提升的问题。
- 进一步调整了球员在不容易抢到球时的抢断意愿。
- 让球员对拿球队员加强紧逼。
- 对停球进行了小调整。
- 对简单传球和射门稍微提高了准确性。

Match v816
- 调整了对跑动距离的跟踪。
- 修正了门将受伤时球员不将球踢出场的问题。
- 引进了球员追自己争顶下来的球以获得控球权的概念。
- 试图让球员更迅速地逼抢接球者。
- 进一步调整了盯防拿球队员的站位,包括考虑对方球员的速度优势。
- 稍微增加了门将对大力射门的扑救效果。
- 修正了防守定位球时设为盯防“高大球员”的球员跟随对方离开禁区的问题。
- 修正了球员对是否应该让球出界犹豫不决的问题。
- 对弱势脚传球和射门的准确性进行了很小的调整。

Match v817
- 减少了对一些越位球判罚的延迟。
- 修正了边裁对越位举旗过迟的问题。
- 修正了比赛结束时对失利方评论“manager never looked losing“的问题。
- 让球员对球在自己周围的运行整体反应变快。
- 修正了另一个球员错误地把球留给门将的问题。

Match v818
- 修正了球员在盯防对方时因为球通过他折射而不再盯防的问题。
- 在球物理引擎中修正了一些低射不着边际的问题。
- 减少了拿球时稍微改变方向弱势脚的影响。
- 修正了球员铲球后立刻跳起来继续比赛的问题。
- 稍微降低了远射的命中率
- 修正了本方在边路拿球时MC靠得太近而失去攻击阵型的问题。
- 稍微降低了防线压上拖到最高时的数值,回收时几乎没有改变。
- 让球员更快回到防守位置。
- 稍微调整了无球跑动,让球员更愿意前插。
- 让球员更快地对接球队员进行逼抢。
- 修正了某些情况下试图让拿球队员使用特定脚的球员最终处于一个夸张的奇怪的位置。

Match v819
- 修正了非平行5人防守的侧面站位。
- 三后卫时,后卫在对方拿球到本方禁区附近才会上抢。
- 整体改进逼抢逻辑。
- 整体改进盯人。
- 改进了面对反击时的防守战术。
- 改进了防线前压得逻辑。
- 改进了防守球队失去球时的防守密集度。
- 改进了球员让球出界时的表现。
- 改进了何时把球留给门将处理的逻辑。
- 试图减少无意义的越位次数。
- 让喜欢玩花活的球员更多地控住球而不是很早地传出去。
- 调整了整体的传球选择。
- 修正了不现实的大脚解围。
- 减少了严重停球失误的发生。
- 让球员拿过顶直塞球的时机把握得更好。
- 改进了球员在单刀时的抉择。
- 较少了不现实的鱼跃冲顶。
- 让某些特定的前锋职责在接球时更多地面对本方球门。
- 修正了门将错误得让回传球出界的错误。
- 减少了门将对近距离射门做出高难度扑救的情况。
- 修正了AI在非友谊赛派上有潜力的年轻门将的问题。
- 修正了球员跑穿球网的问题。
- 修正了足球从广告牌下面穿过的问题。

Match v820
- 渴望胜利时,AI在比赛结束阶段没有之前那么保守。
- 球员在可能的情况下更愿意使用优势脚。
- 进攻球员更多地移动到球的侧边以提供策应和更多地选择。
- 微调了进入空档和对方防线附近的无球跑。
- 修正了门将在不可能的情况下拿住球的问题。
- 增强球员拦截进入禁区的危险球的决心。
- 对本方禁区附近的盯人进行了一些小修正。
- 让球员的盘带更多的根据球员习惯和个人指令。
- 对于是不是一个绝佳机会的判定进行了小调整。
- 改进了整体的头球效率。
- 高速奔跑中,准确传球/射门变难。

Match v821
- 修正了一些传球和传中数据和分析跟踪的问题。
- 修正了已经出界成门球的无意义越位吹罚。
- 把越位次数下调了30%
- 修正了门将把球门附近的球捡起来送给罚角球球员被抓到不在防守位置的问题。
- 修正了导致门将面对上抢球员不能很好得用脚控制球的问题。
- 修正了边裁举旗时间不够长的问题。
- 调整了AI的总体战术策略。
- 微调了低进攻心态球员在球队进攻时的站位。
- 防线在特定情况下略微回收。
- 调整了球员在边路进攻任意球时的站位。
- 调整了边路任意球的传递。
- 修正了球员在明显的战术犯规后不被罚下的问题。
- 微调了门将的防守射门的能力。
- 修正了有人受伤时把球踢界后因为某些原因球员没有离场的问题。
- 一些小调整让后卫对进攻球员逼抢更紧。
- 当一名防守球员离开位置时补防更好。
- 对方防线附近的无球跑没有那么混乱。
- 修正了某些版本里,比分不一致的问题。
- 增加远射威胁度,因为新版本中大幅降低了数量。
- 微调了头球射门的命中率。
- 略微降低黄牌数量

Match v822
- 重新稍微平衡了进球数。
- 修正了有时门将不解围直塞球的问题。

- Players now use appropriate animations when lying down injured with arm or upper body injuries
- Players jumping for the ball and losing out will now use the appropriate heading animations
- Improved tackling animations
- Improved falling down animations
- Fixed a bug where the goalkeeper would sometimes use the wrong animation when distributing the ball up field
- Goalkeepers will now sometimes play appropriate animation when attempting to put a player off when taking a penalty

- Optimised and resized stand textures
- Added some x-ray rendering so that you can see through obscuring stands

Player Models
- Tweaked the skin tones for a couple of ethnicity types

- Improved ball to ad hoarding collisions
- Improved night lighting so that the ball is more visible in difficult lighting conditions
- Optimised shaders to help improve performance in both 2D and 3D
- Tweaked outside pitch shadows
- Fixed some front row crowd distribution issues

- Added support for animated nets

[ 本帖最后由 maxflyer 于 2009-12-17 19:05 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-12-17 13:33:51 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-12-17 13:50:54 | 显示全部楼层
“- 现在球员会因为没有进入联赛名单而不高兴。”
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-12-17 14:00:54 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-12-17 14:52:16 | 显示全部楼层
先下来  等汉化出了再打 MS卖人容易了
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