I have a treat for you guys; a sparkly new updated version of Flex for FM09, including a right sided version
News Screen
Tactics Screen
Team information
Player Profile
Match Overview screen
Match Screen - team stats
Opposition instructions
3D match classic view
TV View - Widgets
Training Screen
TV View - Advanced controls and menu
Make sure you have winRAR, then open the download file and copy the entire contents (including config.xml) into the skins folder, located at:
My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2009/skins/
If there is no skin folder there, create one yourself
Load up the game, go to preferences -> Display & Sound, choose the skin you want, then UNTICK 'Use Skin Cache' and TICK 'Always use Skin On Confirm', then press the confirm button. The skin will load and you can tick 'Use Skin Cache' and untick 'Always Load Skin On Confirm'