


楼主: xiejianneng

国家 PK 俱乐部

发表于 2011-2-13 16:17:42 | 显示全部楼层
猪白怪 这个是用ULTRAEDITOR修改的嘛?
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-13 22:30:00 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-2-14 12:42:13 | 显示全部楼层
具体怎么弄的 能在这里或QQ上聊聊么?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-2-14 14:16:27 | 显示全部楼层
用XVI32 hex editor?
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-14 21:21:30 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-14 21:26:42 | 显示全部楼层

This is from OLD FORUM

WARNING: YOU CANNOT INSERT YOUR LEAGUE IN THE GAME WITH ITS PARTICULAR RULES! THIS GUIDE ONLY HELPS YOU TO PLAY AN EXISTING LEAGUE FORMAT IN YOUR COUNTRY! (For example you can replace the Turkish league with the Israeli league but the league will be played with the Turkish rules. 6 foreigners limit, 18 teams in the first division, second division consisting of 5 groups, etc.)


SI's Official CM3 Pre Game Data Editor
Tri Wasono's CM3 Pre Game Data Editor

Andrei Yakovenko's Teamswap Tool

Andrei Yakovenko's Massswap Tool

XVI hex editor


Decide which league to replace with the one you got in mind. Note that country and nation names should exactly fit in character count. TURKEY (6 characters) & ISRAEL (6 Characters), TURKISH (7 characters) & ISRAELI (7 Characters) is a perfect fit. Otherwise you have to force your creativity. When I had replaced the Belgian League with the Turkish League, country names were changed as BELGIE and TURKIYE. You can even replace the PORTUGUESE league with the Israeli one but then PORTUGAL will be PORTGL or something where PORTGSE people live, and you . By the way, replacing thewill play ELISRAEL league of ISRAELIYAN people leagues where clubs have b teams is not recommended!

Check all the leagues and decide which structure fit best. I have not yet tried moving a non-European league to Europe so for now avoid trying to replace the Japanese league with some European league. Pick up a league which is on the same continent of yours. You can replace an EU member league with a non-eu member country's league but keep in mind that EU member countries don't have player restrictions. Someday on the game you may find your Israeli clubs with no Israeli players in the squad. Besides Israeli league starting in early spring won't be realistic so I don't think you would like to replace the Swedish league with the Israeli just because their names fit in character count


Taking Israel as our example we consider everything above and find two leagues best for replacement: Turkey & Croatia. Although Turkey fits better in terms of names we will now replace the Croatian league with the Israeli league as it better fits in structure. Don't forget that our future modifications will make Israel appear as "Israell", Israeli as "Israelli", Croatia as "Croata" and Croatian as "Croatan" in the game.

Open the official editor, view nations and search Croatia. View stats, check the number of clubs. It is 112. That means we need at least 112 Israeli clubs. Israel has 22 clubs in the game so we are going to add 90 more teams. Using Tri Wasono's editor create an Israeli Premier League and an Israeli Lower League and move all the existing plus new Israeli clubs there (Continent: Europe, Nation: Israel)


Using Andrei Yakovenko's Teamswap tool, swap the teams of the Israeli leagues and Croatian leagues. You will notice that Croatia has a lower and a third division that does not appear in the game. Don't forget to swap every team! Teamswap also changes clubs' nationality. (If the nation you are replacing have clubs in the "A Lower League", you should edit those clubs' names, either edit or release their staff, set their stadium to <none> after completing the league replacement process. In Croatia there are not any.)


Now open Andrei Yakovenko's Massswap tool. It must be placed in the data folder. Press -1 and then 'ENTER'. The nation id list will be saved on nation.txt file. Open the file and look for Croatia's and Israel's id numbers. Re-execute the utility. Write 46 for Croatia and 'ENTER' then 92 for Israel. Israel and Croatia are swapped now! You can now play the game but we are going to make some manual editing with AXE the hex editor to make to game more realistic. You won't like to see Israeli players as Croatian and Israeli teams competing under "Croatian" named competitions.


Open club_comp.dat, nat_club.dat, nation.dat, staff_comp.dat with AXE. Search for: croatian, croatia, israel and israeli as ANSI String type. Be sure case sensitive box is not checked. Change EVERY Croatia, Croatian, Israel and Israeli to Israell, Israelli, Croata and Croatan respectively in these files. Also swap the abbreviations of Croatia and Israel in the nation.dat file. (HRV & ISR)

Using AXE follow the same process for cm0001.exe and language.ldb files BUT DON'T TOUCH THIS TYPE OF LINE IN BOTH: Croatian<s> It has nothing to do with the country or the nation. It is language definition.

Rename Israel and Croatia as Israell and Croata in the euro.cfg file with notepad and you are almost done it.


Open Tri Wasano's Pre-Game Editor and go to miscellaneous search menu. Search for "Israell" in nation search. Write down what you see in general and miscellaneous page. Do the same thing for "Croata". Edit Croata with the info ). Then search for&#61514;you wrote down for Israel and vice versa (not the cities "Israelli" in competition search and give realistic numbers for the reputation of the "Israelli" competitions. You may also want to change their abbreviations.

Open the official editor, view international competitions and replace Then&#61514;1998 World Cup Third placed team "Israell" with "Croata" from the list view club competitions. Clear Israeli competitions' histories… Now you may insert the correct history.

Swap national managers' positions if you don't want to see Mirko Jozic (Croatia manager) as Israel manager and vice versa.


The league structure is ready. The only weird thing you'll notice will be to see Croata in Israel's World Cup Qualifying Group and Israell in Croatia's.

You can now add as many staff, players, (Adding players with&#61514;officials as you want to make a perfect CM Israeli Patch Tri Wasano's editor is not recommended as it spoils the names.dat files.)

Have fun…

26th June 2001


Tri Wasano for his CM Pre-game editors which let the idea of patching CM3 come in mind,
Jonas Noren for making those little tools for me 2 years ago which cleared the route to patching CM3,
and Andrei Yakovenko for the special tools which made CM3 patching possible in 2 days instead of 2 months!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-2-14 21:40:27 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢 回头来研究下
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-2-14 21:41:39 | 显示全部楼层
用odbg110就比较牛逼了 不知道能不能同样对付CM4系列?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-2-16 14:41:28 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 asiacm 于 2011-2-16 15:26 编辑

AXE修改成功了。。。但是ODBG不知道咋用 打开后F9没反应(CM3)?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-2-16 15:25:55 | 显示全部楼层
我用ODBG110和AXE分别查看了下CM0304.EXE 都没有找到Max Manager Time和Continue Game Timeout这种参数编辑关键字字眼。。
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