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[其他] 原版说明书翻译之战术设置篇(1)(改)

发表于 2007-3-26 23:01:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




以后的FM08, 如果改动不大的话,我也可以用这个作为基础,做相应的修改

PS. 我用word 文档做的时候,是和说明书一样以表格的形式,所以贴上来格式可能有些变化,给大家带来不便,感到非常抱歉。。。。。


Ultra Defensive
极端防守        Your team will stay deep in their own half and will not be too adventurous going forward
防守        Your team will play with defence in mind only going forward when a good opportunity arises
普通        Your team will play a normal style of football, defending where needed and attacking when appropriate
进攻        Your team will look to push men forward at every opportunity
All Out Attack
全力进攻        Your team will play in an all-out attacking style and throw caution to the wind. Players will attack from all areas of the pitch and there is a risk they can be caught out of position

        Mentality is probably the most important of the tactical instructions. As a general instruction it will guide your team and control how they play. Individually it will instruct players where to generally line up and how aggressive to be. Typically, mentalities should be balanced across the team. For example, if your team are set to a defensive mentality, a majority of your players should be left to a defensive mentality. Setting too many to an attacking mentality is like to cause confusion amongst your players and create holes in your formation, which the opposition will capitalize on. Also consider like-minded/positioned players-your defensive line, for example, should be within a similar range or mentalities to ensure they stay together as a cohesive unit.

Creative Freedom
很低        Your player will play a standard form of football, taking no chances and sticking to the basics
普通        Your players will play their normal style, looking to use their skill or creativity if the opportunity arises
很高        Do you have a team full of Brazilians? If your players are skilful enough, they will use as much creativity as possible to create goal-scoring opportunities for your team

        Generally, very few players should be given high levels of creative freedom. Allowing more then a maximum of three (in most circumstances) players to have full creative freedom will see a team of individuals attempting to change game themselves, and leave the team more prone to mistakes whilst becoming less potent in attack.. If you have the personnel to allow one or two players to be creative outside of your tactical framework then by all means, indicate to them that they are free to strut their stuff, but allowing it en-masse is a recipe for disaster.
通常来说,只有很少的几个球员应该给予很高的自由度。 在多数情况下,允许3个以上的球员完全自由发挥将会导致球队陷入单打独斗的状况,同时也会让球队整体进攻出现失误的几率增高。如果你有合适的人选,你可以允许1,2个球员在你的战术体系之外自由发挥,但是不论如何,让所有人都拥有高度自由只是取祸之道。

Passing Style
短传        Your players will look to pass the ball to feet of the nearest player in his team who is not marked
直传        Your players will look to play the ball from defence or midfield to an attacker as quickly as possible
长传        Your players will hit the ball over the top at every opportunity, either for attackers moving from midfield or strikers getting behind defender. Good for teams with poor passing stats or pitches in bad condition
你的球员在任何机会下都会使用过顶长传,要不就是传给向前移动的中场球员,要不就是传给反越位的前锋。 长传非常有益于 那些传球不好的球队,或者在场地很差球场踢球。
慢        Reminiscent of the Italian Serie A, your players will adopt a slow build-up to their play
普通        Your team will play at a moderate tempo. Not putting themselves under too much pressure of exerting too much energy.
快        Fast, frenetic pace. Football player in the style of the English Premier Division. You’ll need a team with good stamina and good fitness. Could be a problem with fatigue if you don’t get an early lead when playing this style
快,让人发狂的速度。就像球员在英超的足球风格里踢球。 你需要你的球队有非常好的耐力和体能。如果你不能尽早领先你的对手,疲劳将会是一个非常严重的问题。

        Passing style and tempo are inextricably linked. When configuring one, the other must be considered. For example, a slow tempo suggests the team should be playing a short passing game geared towards keeping possession, conserving energy, and building attacks patiently whilst waiting for the opposition to make mistakes. Similarly, a quick temp would be more suited to a direct style passing game, where the team, upon getting the ball, look to pass the ball forwards often and quickly, aiming to catch the opponent off guard and on their heals. The former of these two examples naturally works best when the team have a lot of players with high attributes in passing and composure as well as a good level of stamina and high work rates. These types of teams would be considered the dominant team in the game, whilst the latter style is most commonly seen in teams looking to take advantage of a perceived lack of pace, or a team attempting to counter attack often against a stronger side.
传球和节奏使紧密相关的两个指令。当你调整一个时,另一个也必须作相应的考虑。例如,一个慢节奏的战术应该伴以短传配合,追求控球率,节省体力,进攻中耐心的倒脚,以期待对手犯错。类似的,快节奏战术比较适合直传球,球队追求尽快,尽可能多的把球直塞到前场,利用对手缺乏警惕,抓住它的错误,给予打击。球队中大多数的球员必须据有高传球数值才能发挥短传配合的最大功效,同时也必须拥有高体力和高效率。这样的球队一般被认为有能力主宰比赛; 而快速直传一般在对付缺乏快速球员的对手时占有优势,或者弱队利用防守反击与强队对峙的武器。

窄        Your players will be looking to deny the opposition space through the middle of the pitch
普通        Your players will look to get wide where possible
宽        Your players will look to get the wingers involved and get full backs to overlap. The strikers should also look to move from the centre to take up wide positions. Will work well with focus passing down the flanks
你的球员会使边路更多的参与到进攻当中,你的边后卫也会交替压上。 前锋线也应该更多的从中路转移到边路。这种设置和两翼齐飞的传球路线共用会起到非常好的效果

        The obvious prerequisite for adopting a style of play emphasizing width is to have players capable of dominating on the wings. A manager would want players with speed and trickery who are capable of putting in dangerous crosses. A striker capable of finishing these chances is usually desirable too. Wide play is generally found to work best in teams who utilize a direct style and quick tempo, since their pace can be use to take advantage quick and early, exposing a team with minimal delay, that is, however, not to say that teams who employ a wide style cannot be successful with a slow passing game. By employing wide players, the pitch is spread, and players are allowed a greater space in the middle of the pitch to play their passing game.

[ 本帖最后由 bingowar 于 2007-3-27 09:38 PM 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-3-26 23:04:07 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-27 21:34:27 | 显示全部楼层
Closing Down
Own Area
我方禁区        Your players will wait until your opponents are on the edge of your own box before closing them down. Useful for backs-against-the –wall situations with a deep defensive line
Own Half
我方半场        Your players will only close down their opponents in your own half.
All Over
全场        Your players will close their opponents down at all times, anywhere on the pitch. This will require your to possess good stamina and fitness

        A manager who wishes his team to close down often absolutely has to have players of high stamina and work rate; else the players will tire quickly and become exposed. Consider closing down aggressively in the opposition half with perhaps one striker and both wide midfielders (assuming a 4-4-2 formation), as this usually puts enough pressure on the opponent to make them consider their plays, without tiring out your players. Fullbacks should usually close down dangerous wide players to negate their attacking threat, especially if they have a proficient striker in the team. Generally though, closing down will depend on the style and formation of the opposition, and the situation of the game.

Time Wasting
很少        Your players will show exemplary sportsmanship and not look to try and run down the clock during a game.
混合        Your players will use their own discretion as to whether a little bit of time wasting could help their cause
经常        Ideal for that last few minutes of the game when you’re 1-0 up and don’t want to risk getting hit on the break. Your players will take the ball to the corner flag, take their time on set pieces and generally try to exasperate the opposition (as well as their fans)
当比赛还剩下最后几分钟,你的球队1-0 领先,你又不想担负在最后几分钟被对手扳平的风险,拖延时间是最理想的办法。你的球员会把球带到脚旗附近,会从容不迫的开定位球同时也会试图激怒对手(以及他们的球迷)

        Time wasting is one is ‘those’ tactics that infuriates a manager when his opponents use it, but when their team waste time, there’s not a problem with it. Assuming of course, his team are leading. The situation is where time wasting tactics should really be used, as it’s quite ineffective at other times, although it can be of use to a team expecting to be beaten – delaying the inevitable and hopefully frustrating the opposition into a mistake

Defensive Line
靠后        Your back line will sit right back, almost on the edge of their own penalty area. Useful for dealing with pacy attacks.
你的最后一条线会非常靠后,几乎站在自己大禁区的沿线上。 这种设置对于抑制对手的快速进攻非常有效
普通        Your back line will try to hold a consistent defensive line in relation to where the ball is on the pitch.
Push Up
靠前        Usefully employed with the offside trap, your defenders will push up and defend near the halfway line. This runs the risk of an opponent running from their own half in an onside position so pacy defenders are a must

        Defensive line instructions are tied somewhat to a team mentality, although not on a big level. If you wish your team to play a progressive passing game, you’ll want the defensive line to move up and ultimately take position quite high up the pitch if you’re look to have your team play a long passing game at speed, they can be afforded a deep line since passes will come from deep and go long. This also works if the team are under defensive instructions as the team will be more compact and less prone to attacking breaks in behind a defence. A note of caution; deep defensive lines will need to e complemented by defensive midfield mentalities so as to shut down potential gaps between the defensive line and midfield line – a solution may be found in employing a defensive midfielder (DMC)
防线设置在某种程度上和队伍心态有关联,虽然不是非常大。如果你希望你的球队在比赛中层层推进,你就会希望你的防线向前移;如果你希望你的球队打长传,快速推进战术,你的防线就应该向后拉。这也同样作用于以防守为主的球队,通过调整防线来保持队形紧凑并且很少倾向于攻击对方防线。 要警惕的一点就是,非常靠后的防线需要防守型中场的心态来配合,从而填补后防与中场之间的空洞,一个解决办法就是使用防守型后腰(DMC)

[ 本帖最后由 bingowar 于 2007-3-27 10:36 PM 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-27 21:35:12 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 bingowar 于 2007-3-27 09:40 PM 编辑 ]
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