绝代单骄 发表于 2005-11-19 17:58:02



jackhammer 发表于 2005-11-21 17:47:43

我先看了一遍原文再来看的翻译,总体来说基本反映了原文的意思,但是也发现有些翻译地方好像有欠妥当的地方。比如逼抢那段。High closing down can be employed in certain circumstances and work extremely effectively. However, it will require the right type of player for it to work. It is pointless assigning it to very slow players, as they will take too long to reach the man on the ball, giving him plenty of time to pick a pass. A slow player will also be unable to make up ground if he is skinned. It is also pointless assigning it to players who can’t tackle, as they are likely to be beaten by the man with the ball, or foul him as he goes past them. The best ways in which to employ heavy closing down are by 1) instructing your hard-man, aggressive central midfielder to man mark and close down the opposition’s playmaker, who likely to be creative but soft and cowardly, or 2) using a hardworking, fast, fit striker to close down the opposition’s defense, forcing them to hit hurried passes forward.
文中说高逼抢不适合速度慢地队员的原因是因为这要花太长的时间来让他接近the man on the ball(应该是拿球的人),以至于让他(拿球队员)能有时间来完成一次传球。我的理解大概是说在逼抢队员还没有逼上来的时候,拿球队员已经处理了球,这样逼抢的队员一方面因为前抢丢了自己的位置,另外一方面也没有起到抢球的效果。文中对于中场球员设置高逼抢的说明,好像翻译中有些地方没有反映出来,文中是说用自己有野心的并且强壮的中场队员对对方较“软”和胆小但是很有创造力的中场发动机设置人盯人的高逼抢有很好的效果。由此看来应该说明强壮和高勇气值的中场发动机可能并不是很怕高逼抢,所以自己在选择中场发动机的时候除了要考虑创造力以外,是不是也应该考虑下他的勇气和强壮呢,因为这样一来才不怕对方的对人的高逼抢。

绝代单骄 发表于 2005-11-21 18:36:20


henry27 发表于 2005-11-21 19:44:37


jackhammer 发表于 2005-11-21 23:53:02


绝代单骄 发表于 2005-11-22 00:05:53

原帖由 jackhammer 于 2005-11-21 11:53 PM 发表


jackhammer 发表于 2005-11-22 10:47:29

我有看下翻译,我觉得很多时候这样的翻译不仅是要理解文意还要理解足球,我玩FM系列的时间很短,以前也没有玩过CM系列。才玩FM 2005一个星期就出了 FM 2006……所以有些足球的东西可能我理解不是很准,但是只对原文来说,我觉得游戏地方可能翻译得不够精确,举几个例子:
比如第一段的开场白,翻译并没有按照原文来翻译。但是这对玩游戏的人来说可能并不重要……This thread is designed to offer some tactical basics for anyone wishing to implement their own tactics in FM06. Although all my experiments have been performed using a standard 4-4-2 system, I believe that the base frameworks I use for different scenarios will translate to most formations. Before talking about the team strategies I will outline some of the theories in terms of how to set up specific player instructions. In all of these theories I have found a lot of the information in a variety of excellent threads and I hope those involved will accept my thanks alongside my apologies for not being able to reference them.
“写这篇文章的目的是为了给那些想在FM 2006中运用自己的战术的人提供一些基本的战术指导。尽管我的所有测试都是在4-4-2系统下运行的,但是我相信我对游戏设置的基本框架可以被运用到其它阵形中去。在讨论全队的战略之前,我将先要概括的讲述下每个的球员的指示的设置。我从其它大量优秀的文章中获取了大量有用的信息,并把他们运用到了我的理论中,对于那些那些人(其它文章的作者)我要表达我的谢意,并且对于在文中没有提到他们的名字表示歉意。”文中并没有翻译最后一句,但是还是那句话,可能不影响游戏……
第二段,我觉得基本反映了原文的意思,但是某些地方可能不有值得考虑的地方……One of the key elements in setting the mentality sliders is to remember that too extreme differences in attacking/defending instructions will result in huge gaps all over the pitch with your players failing to find easy passes. For example, if your defense is set at ultra-defensive, and your attack at ultra-attacking, with the midfield somewhere in between, a short passing game becomes difficult, for as soon as you get the ball your team will look for attacking options which limits options. If one of your defenders (mostly not so great at passing) has the ball and finds that all his advanced team mates are rushing headlong up the pitch while at the same time he is being pressured by opposition players, he will do one of two things. Firstly, if the option is available, he will hit a long ball forward to clear his lines, thus contradicting any short-passing instructions you may have set him. Secondly, if his decision making is poor, he may hit a cross field ball into his own area that is hugely dangerous in that it may be intercepted and cost a goal.
我尝试了下按原文的结构来翻译:“在设置心态的划块的时候,你要记住的最重要的一条就是——太大的进攻和防守心态的指示的不同会导致球场中出现巨大的空挡(翻译成三条线拉得太开好像更对),因而导致球员传球困难。比如说,如果的你的后卫被设置成高防守心态,你的攻击球员被设置成高进攻心态,而中场球员被设置成中间心态,这样的话短传为主的战术将很难实现,因为当你拿球以后,你的队将会遵照限制了其它选项的进攻选项。如果你的防守球员(大多数都不太擅长传球)得球以后,会发现大多数前方的担任攻击任务的队友都在迅速前插,与此同时他却受到了对方球员的逼抢,那么他将在以下两个选择中选择起一:第一如果可能的话,他会开大脚来解围,这就会和你要求他短传的指示相冲突。第二,如果他的决断能力低的话,他可能在本方半场横传(cross filed ball 应该是横传的意思吧?),这将是非常危险的,因为他的传球有可能被中途拦截,而直接导致失球。”
第三段……Therefore, it is imperative that when setting up tactics and formations, the manager consider the passing options available and set mentalities and passing instructions accordingly. This becomes more so if decision making and passing stats are bad, as passes will be intercepted and the short passing game will be abandoned due to lack of options. When setting up your tactic, consider how many options your weakest passing defender will have when he has the ball, and try to ensure he will have a few players near to him, so he can make an easy pass. Thus, having one midfielder on defensive mentality, and at least one more on normal will help. A second option would be to have only one midfielder on defensive but increase the wing/full backs mentalities so the central defenders have the option of a pass forwards down the wing, forward to the defensive midfielder, or the easy ball to the other central defender.

[ 本帖最后由 jackhammer 于 2005-11-22 12:04 PM 编辑 ]

绝代单骄 发表于 2005-11-22 11:32:05



jackhammer 发表于 2005-11-22 11:57:38


qingyik 发表于 2005-11-24 10:56:01

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