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发表于 2005-10-21 11:18:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
翻译由CMFans FMHQ组共完成[ForeverCan(也就是我啦) 4W 绝代单骄]

也发在了My BLog: http://www.playmyself.com/post/320.html

First official FM 2006 patch. The patch comes complete with Updated game code fixes, tweaks and enhancements. Updated player and team data and a full 10 language packs.


+ Tuning of young player physical progression
年轻球员 physical 属性成长的调整
+ Goalkeeping coaches now do not have high ratings for other coaching types.
+ Loan players who have a "cannot play in cup matches" clause, can play in competitions which their main team are not entered for.
+ Arsenal now use their red and white home top from the 2006 season onwards.
+ Slovenian wages tuned.
+ Mental attributes and happiness have more effect on training levels
+ Ensured team talk slight concerns get cleared down for loan players who have been loaned from non_selected leagues.

+ Toned down severe post-match player morale changes, this ensures players take at least a couple of good matches to go from poor/very poor morale to very good/superb morale and vice versa
球员士气方面,要从 Poor/very poor 涨到 good/superb 至少要踢多场表现好的比赛.
+ Ensured human managers don't get criticised for not praising thier own players when in fact they have left team-talks to their assistant managers.
+ Stopped "grey team managers" being given negative attributes and therefore sabotaging their own teams causing some very big defeats.
+ Teams in the same division should not have the potential for a giant-killing news story even if one is semi-pro and one is pro.
+ Prevented board/fans/former club favourite/current player congratulations news items from appearing after a team has qualified for the Uefa Cup via the Intertoto Cup

+ Adjusted the increase / decrease of human manager visible attributes.
+ Reduced inflation of price clubs are willing to pay for a player based on domestic average rating.
+ Ensured assistant coach/manager can't give feedback on himself.
+ Some tweaks to coach and team reports.
+ Monaco virtual players now have French nationality instead of having Monaco set as their nation.
+ Fixed stadium expansion bug where team would sometimes not move back to their old stadium once it was finished.
+ Fixed problem where some players would start the first season with stats from the previous year
+ Fixed second nationalities for regens - previously weren't getting set properly.
+ Fixed differing time periods for injury between profile and physio report
+ Fixed players reaction to manager mind-games not showing up on client machines when playing network game.
+ Fixed receiving news story stating Liverpool fifth times when should be sixth times champions.
+ Fixed cases of manager being hired from within the club having the wrong 'time in charge' stat

[ Last edited by ForeverCan on 2005-10-21 at 11:24 AM ]

[ 本帖最后由 ForeverCan 于 2005-10-29 10:02 PM 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-21 11:19:09 | 显示全部楼层
+ Fixed players on loan at a club who are signing for them at a later date (e.g. Laurent Robert) getting wrong player_bio about them.
修正了出租球员当租借俱乐部在不久后要买断他时,他(比如Laurent Robert)的简介发生错误.
+ Fixed a bug where you can fine a player who is on loan to you and he will get upset with the club that owns the player.


+ Injury league table not filled in for domestic leagues that had finished.
+ Squad screen filters now filter WB L/DM (C) players correctly.
阵容窗口里对 WB L/DM (C)的 过滤功能现在好使了.
+ You now have to pick a goalkeeper in quick tactics like you do in detailed tactics.
比赛的时候,现在可以在"Quick tactics"选择一名门将,就像你在"Detailed tactics"里一样.
+ Added "Help" to the Mac menu bar to follow standard behaviour on the platform.
+ Help for "offer to clubs" now shows the correct information (instead of the "transfer offer " page).
Offer to clubs的帮助文件现在能显示正确信息了(替换了以前出现"transfer offer"的页面)
+ Pressing the escape key now closes the help dialog.
点 escape key 关掉帮助对话框..
+ Training section "attributes" list could display slightly different values than the player profile.
+ Improved goal net graphics.
+ 3rd placed Royal League teams displayed the 3rd placed team order instead of the proper group they were in.
第三档次的ROYAL LEAGUE球队按照其相应的顺序排列,而不是在他们各自的小组里
+ Used "Far" as short text for both "attack far post" and "stand on far post".
"Far"是"attack far post"和"stand on far post"的简写.
+ Squad filters for teams works for b-teams if user is browsing the game without having added a human player.
+ "Release comment" section disappeared when you clicked on another section of a player (before you had confirmed the comment).
+ You were able to change some tactical settings from the full time team talks.
全场比赛结束你也可以在Team talk设置战术.
+ If you used quick flicks to go to next team while on your own tactics section you might end up seeing their instructions.
+ Referees now show a 'Based' city (if city is known) instead of showing an unknown city of birth on their profile.
Clicking 'View Draw' might not take you to the results of the draw if you viewed a different section of the same competition.
+ Minimum fee release clause was not visible while making a transfer offer for players in countries where this is mandatory (Spain). 在向俱乐部报价购买球员时,如果该球员所在联赛有关于最低解约金条款的强制规定,那么关于该条款的内容是不显示的。
+ Substituting a player at half time would initially leave his overall team talk at "None" until you it again. 如果在半场时换人
+ Sometimes players were duplicated in part-exchange offers in the "Transfer listed" menu on the "Add" button. 有时,“添加”按钮的“挂牌名单”目录中,部分交换报价中球员会被复制
+ Can now give team talks to players who were substituted. 可对替补出场的队员进行评价
+ Added more printing functionality to panels like Match Report, Match Stats, Home 在“比赛报告”“比赛状态”“主队”等界面中新增了打印功能。
+ Player instructions (outfield) and did not remember settings if set outside a match. 如果在非比赛场合使用球员指令和"swap player"和"distribute to" (goalkeeper),电脑不会保存该设置
+ In-match tactic panel updates the tactic title on the right panel properly. 在右侧的战术面板中新增了最新的比赛战术
+ If you were in control of both a nation and a club, using the quick flicks did not go anywhere. 如果同时控制一只国家队和俱乐部队,使用快捷键无效
+ If you were controlling a nation and a club, the context of the national FA confidence was the club and not the nation. 如果同时控制一只俱乐部队和国家队,在足协信心中显示的内容是俱乐部信心而不是国家信心
+ Corrected "Upcoming Fixtures" to "Fixtures & Results" on the manager home section. 在经理选项中,将“即将进行的比赛安排”修正为“赛程与赛果”
+ In rare cases the player profile would display "-" for form even when the player had valid form. 有时即使球员状态适合上场比赛,在球员资料栏的“状态”中会显示"-"
+ Player histories did not show season year properly for clubs where season overlaps the new year (2004-05 format). 如果赛季是跨年度的,那么在球员历史中不会显示该赛季所对应的年份
+ Go On Holiday dialog could have the "reject all offers as well as another item selected (they're mutually exclusive). 在度假对话框中有“拒绝所有报价”以及其他选项(只能单选)
+ Go On Holiday dialog "Return from holiday after:" N days edit box layout fixed. 在度假对话框中有“在规定的日期中返回”有相应的日期编辑窗口选择日期。
+ Inputting extended characters using AltGr (or Alt+Control) did not work. 在输入加长的字母或单词时,使用AltGr (or Alt+Control)无效
+ Pasting a single character from the clipboard to an edit box did not work (multiple characters did). 通过键盘输入单个字母到编辑框内无效(可输入多个字母)
+ Continue game timeout does not get used when a manager is making a team talk after the match.赛后教练对球员表扬或批评时,不能继续已经暂停比赛
+ Reset requested scroll position when loading new HTML screen.
+ Fixed wrong team being used in news item stating reasons for transfer delay being refused. 在显示推迟转会要求被拒绝原因的新闻中的错误队名被修正
+ Fixed exchange players showing up on news item but not on transfer offer screen 交换队员名单在新闻内容中出现而不是在转会报价界面中出现
+ Fixed home page snapshot of K-League (displayed opening stage instead of combined league).修正了K联赛的主页截图 (显示所有的阶段而不是整个联赛的综合信息)
+ Fixed Belgian lower divisions snapshot (displayed opening stage and not combined league).修正了低级别联赛的截图(显示所有的阶段而不是整个联赛的综合信息)

[ 本帖最后由 ForeverCan 于 2005-10-29 10:00 PM 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-21 11:19:37 | 显示全部楼层
+ Fixed possible crash browsing through teams staff list using the Quick Flicks. 修正了在使用快捷键时在职员列表中浏览重叠的现象。
+ Fixed potential crash on European World Cup qualifiers second placed teams table if clicking on team position to see progress. 修正了在世界杯欧洲区预选赛第二档次球队排名中可能出现的
+ Fixed some duplicate news items. 修正了一些重复的新闻内容
+ Being able to deselect the 'Index' panel in the tutorial by reclicking on the 'Index' button. 如果双击“目录”按钮,就可以取消选中的教练选项中“目录”菜单
+ Fixed every second seperator line in tree view items being slightly longer than the others 在数状显示的表格中某些二级分行显得稍长,这一问题得到修正


+ Scottish league cup ties are now seeded properly.
+ Fixed some issues with the CONCACAF Champions League when MLS is not a selected league.
+ Mexican teams now do not register too many foreign players.
+ Implemented English Conference changes for 2006/07 season.
+ Mexican First Division groups are now correct for 2005.
+ Prize money removed from Serbia and Montenegro Cup.
+ Manager snapshot panel now shows full stage name in the competitions panel. E.g. North Semi Final instead of Semi Final
+ All-Ireland Cup now stores past years correctly.
+ Teams from 2006 African World Cup qualifiers do not qualify to the 2008 African Nations Cup any more.
+ Some English FA Cup prize money amounts fixed.
+ Hong Kong AFC Playoff now gets scheduled once all of the domestic competitions have finished.
+ Ramat-Hasharon now deducted 2 points in 2005 Israeli National League.
+ Spanish teams now start playing friendlies earlier.
+ All Ireland cup now uses refs from Ireland or N. Ireland.
+ European player awards tunning
+ Greek player of the year problem fixed.
+ Greek foreign player of the year problem fixed
+ Player winning more than one seasonal award fix
+ Attacking bias added to seasonal player awards.
+ Some fixes for managers withdrawing players from international friendlies
+ Australian players no longer win Asian awards.
+ Award winner news item appears after player thanks manager news item.
+ Fixed string error (australian pre match odds news) declaring league as being finished when it hasn't.
+ Fixed some fixture dates in England for non World Cup/Euro Championship years.


+ When 2 human managers are playing each other in a match, the game now shows both team talk screens at the end of the match instead of just the one.
+ When a human changed the order of his penalty takers just before a shootout, the score would sometimes not be stored properly when the result gets processed.
+ Fixed a match screen crash which would sometimes happen after making quick tactic changes.
+ If a human manager leaves a match (goes on holiday, disconnects from network game, etc), the assistant manager will now make tactical changes in his place.
+ Fixed bug where the view menu on the tactics screen might be disabled for a second human manager on the same machine.

+ Starting foreign loans are now not treated as domestic loans for English teams when counting the number of loans done so far.
+ Fixed bug where occassionally the game might forget to process a future transfer.
+ Fixed a bug where national teams would sometimes appoint a director as their new manager. 修正了游戏BUG,如有时国家队有时会任命某个职员为国家队主教练
+ Players signed after a club has finished its season, now get put on holiday.

Mac Specific

+ Fixed some keyboard shortcuts in the help dialog. 在帮助对话框中修正了一些快捷键
+ Fixed possible problem with cpu idle when re-activating the application during a match. 修正了在比赛过程中重新激活一个操作请求时可能出现的CPU空闲问题
+ Fixed Mac keyboard shortcut for Preferences to conform to standard Mac shortcut. 修正了键盘优先快捷键,使之与标准的比赛快捷键相适应


- ADDED Livingston player pictures
- Fixed Scott Thomson (Dunfermline) picture mapping to the wrong Scott Thomson
修正Scott Thomson(Dunfermline)照片的错误
- ADDED Nottingham Forest player pictures
添加Nottingham Forest俱乐部球员照片
- Fixed Cardiff pictures (Darren Purse, Jeff Whitley, Joe Ledley and Neal Ardley)
修正Cradiff俱乐部球员照片(Darren Purse, Jeff Whitley, Joe Ledley and Neal Ardley)
- Fixed Stafford Rangers player pictures (Peter Thomson)
修正Stafford Rangers俱乐部球员照片(Peter Thomson)
- Fixed Blackpool badge
- Fixed Rotherham kits not displaying
- Fixed Daejeon kits not displaying in first season
- Fixed Joao Goncalves FaceInTheGame picture
修正游戏中Joao Goncalves的照片

Data Editor

- Fixed potential crash on the squad screen
- Fixed manager preferred formations sometimes defaulting to 442
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-10-21 11:19:55 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2005-10-21 11:25:11 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2005-10-21 11:25:32 | 显示全部楼层


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-10-21 11:36:24 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 总执行教练 at 2005-10-21 11:25:
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-10-21 11:39:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-10-21 11:40:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-10-21 11:41:14 | 显示全部楼层
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