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发表于 2003-4-15 15:54:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
by Marc Vaughan, with many thanks to Keith, Svein and Nick for assistance and proof reading.
作者Marc Vaughan,非常感谢Keith,Svein 和 Nick的协助。



发表于 2003-4-17 20:59:44 | 显示全部楼层

顶顶顶      可惜本人英文不行啊     
唉  抱歉哦  

发表于 2003-4-18 12:31:26 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-4-18 13:03:14 | 显示全部楼层
xiaocl负责第6.7章,is that ok?
发表于 2003-4-18 13:22:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-4-18 13:43:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-4-18 13:45:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-4-18 14:16:01 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2003-4-18 17:43:23 | 显示全部楼层
另外我个人觉得第六章译不译无所谓,反正等cm4 editor出来就行了
发表于 2003-4-18 17:52:02 | 显示全部楼层
4Game Detail 游戏细节
This section clarifies any area of game detail which might initially appear unclear to new users.

4.1Player Situation Indicators 球员状态图标
Icons you might encounter on the Squad Screen while playing the game are:

InjPlayer is injured
Inj 球员受伤
SusPlayer is suspended
Sus 球员停赛
WntPlayer is wanted by another club
Wnt 球员被其他俱乐部提出购买
BidA club has put a bid in for this player
Bid 一个俱乐部已经对该球员开价
YelPlayer is one yellow card away from a ban
Yel 球员还差一张黄牌就会被停赛
RetPlayer is planning to retire
Ret 球员计划退休
IntPlayer is on International Duty
Int 球员正参加国家队比赛
FgnPlayer is considered a ‘foreign’ player under team selection rules.
Fgn 外籍球员(只是指这些球员有上场人数限制,例如对大部分欧洲联赛而言,只得是非欧盟球员)
InePlayer is inelligable for the next match
Ine 球员不能参加下场比赛
WpmPlayer has no work-permit
Wpm 球员未获得工作许可
TirPlayer is tired
Tir 球员感觉很疲倦
CupPlayer is cup-tied (and hence unavailable for next match)
Cup 不知道怎么翻译'/',反正球员会缺席下场比赛
LoaPlayer is listed as available for loan
Loa 球员在出租名单上
LstPlayer is transfer listed
Lst 球员在转会名单上
UnhPlayer is currently unhappy
Unh 球员感到不高兴
AbsPlayer is AWOL (absent without leave)
Abs 球员擅离职守
CtrPlayers contract has expired
Ctr 球员合同已经过期
Si (MLS Only) Senior International
Si (只适用于MLS)高级国际比赛 ?
UnfNot fully fit
Unf 球员不在最佳状态
LmpLacking Match Practice
Lmp 缺少比赛经验
TrnPlayer is has a transfer arranged
Trn 球员在转会过程中
SctPlayer is being scouted
Sct 球员正被球探考察
YthPlayer has a youth contract
Yth 球员拥有青年球员合同(初期合同?)
BosPlayer is leaving the club on a bosman
Bos 球员由于博斯曼条例而离开球队(自由转会)
FutPlayer is concerned about his future (has no actively set squad status)
Fut 球员对自己的前途感到忧虑
ReqPlayer is transfer listed by his request
Req 球员提出转会

4.2Retirements 退休
When a player decides to retire he may or may not decide to announce this to you when he first makes the decision.
当球员第一次作出退休决定时,他有可能不会告诉你。Because of this sometimes you will have warning that a player is

going to retire, while with other players they may just abruptly retire.
Generally speaking unless a retirement is caused by injury a player will retire at the end of a playing season.

A new feature in CM4 is the ability to attempt to persuade a player to put off retiring for a season by appealing

for him to stay at the club. This does not always work and is obviously a choice that you will have to make upon

hearing about an imminent retirement.

4.3Coaching Badges 教练证书
In CM4 you will sometimes see a news item announcing that one of your players has qualified with a UEFA coaching

certificate. This indicates that the player has now obtained non-playing ability and could be offered a coaching

role within your team if you decided to offer one.

Generally speaking the level of badge that he receives is a guideline to how good he is as a non-player.

4.4Keeping Morale High 保持士气高涨
Players who have high morale will usually play better than those who have low morale* so it is important to keep

player morale as high as possible. To keep player morale high it is important to keep each player feeling that they

are valued members of the squad, this can be done by:


There exceptions to this rule, including circumstances such as a player who is transfer listed playing his heart out

to try and attract a new club.
这些规则也有例外,包括环境因素,比如一个在转会名单上的球员ply his heart out以吸引新的俱乐部。(盒盒,技穷了,不过看


4.4.1Player Personality 球员个性
A player’s personality can affect his mood quite severely, some players are naturally more moody than others.
You can detect this in Championship Manager 4 by keeping an eye on the ‘Future’ section of a player’s factfile,

these are largely the same as in CM3 – however, in case you haven’t played that version of the game I have listed

a few examples below to give you an idea of how this works.


PhraseMeaning (可能粘贴是格式乱了,不敢乱译)
Outragedlow temperament and isn’t amazingly professional.
Outraged愤怒 没有气质并且不专业
DisappointedModel professional who isn’t going to rock the boat or dip in his application when unhappy.
Worried or UpsetNot very good at handling pressure.
Worried or Upset忧虑
Believes he can force his way back into the managers plans
Hardworking and good at handling pressureThinks this club is a stepping stone for the futureDisloyal, Ambitious and

fairly un-professional.

As you can see from the list it is fairly easy to ascertain the personality of the player from the phrases that are

displayed (not all phrases in the game are in the table as there are several hundred possibilities).

4.4.2Ensuring that the players squad status is appropriate 保证球员正常的地位(不知道squad status怎么翻译,估计是指首

A player won’t be happy if you tell him he is an important player and then never play him.

4.4.3Don’t jump his squad status around repeatedly 别不停地改变球员的地位
If you change his squad status every other week then this makes a player feel insecure about his position at the

Players will indicate that they have been upset by a change in their squad status by displaying a message indicating

that the 'player feels he has been treated unfairly' on their profile.
如果球员因为地位被改变而觉得不高兴,在他的属性里就会有如下提示:'player feels he has been treated unfairly'(球员觉


4.4.4Pay him what he is worth 支付球员应得的报酬
If you bought your star player while in the conference and put him on a 7 year contract at £150 / week then when

you reach the Premiership he will not be very happy to still be stuck with that contract.

4.4.5Don't try and train a player for a position that doesn't suit him 不要尝试训练一个球员让他去打不适合他的位置
If you try and train a player for a position that he feels he isn't suited for then he will tell you he is 'unhappy

with training'. This will slow any improvements that he may gain from training and may make him more prone for not

turning up to training.
如果你训练一个球员去打他觉得不适合的位置,他会告诉你'unhappywith traning'(对训练不满意)。这会影响他的训练效果并且


4.4.5Language Barrier 语言障碍
If a player can’t communicate with any other staff members then he is more likely to be unhappy than one who can

talk to other staff.

4.4.6Disliked Players 不喜欢的球员
Some players actively dislike other players and shouldn’t be placed in the same team, this you can only find out by

trial and error (a player will tell you when it happens).

4.4.7Vetoing Player Requests 否决球员的请求
Ignoring player requests for transfer or first team football may make players unhappy.

4.4.8Winning Games 赢得比赛
No player likes always being on the losing side, winning games is an effective way of increasing squad morale.

4.4.9value him realistically 实际地定价
Players won’t be happy about being over-valued by their coaches. While a happy player might allow you to value him

at 10x his value if he’s tolerant and at his favorite club, an unhappy player who wants to move to a bigger club

will probably be unhappy if valued at 1.5x his Automatic asking price.


4.4.9Protect him from the media 在媒体报道中保护他
If you fail to protect players from media criticism then this can affect the way they feel about you.

This is a double-edged sword however as certain players may take your defence of them to the media as an indication

that they can relax and take things easy.
Also defending a player who has criticized his team mates may upset the players he offended.

4.4.10Time at the club 在俱乐部的光阴
Certain players will feel that they have achieved all they can at your club and be looking for a new challenge. If

you force these players to stay put then their morale will drop.

If a respected senior member of your team is upset then it will have a ripple through effect on the rest of the

team. Thus if Shearer is unhappy at Newcastle then it may unsettle other players in the squad.


4.4.11Don’t promise what you can’t fulfill 不要开空头支票
Making empty promises to a player that you later don’t fulfil is a sure way of making them dislike you. Avoid using

promises to solve problems in the short-term unless you are sure you can fulfil them, otherwise you’ll find you’ve

stirred up more trouble than you started with.

4.5Player Characteristics 球员特性

CM4 has far more player attributes than meet the eye. Literally! There are many attributes which are visible within

a player’s profile but equally there are those which remain ‘hidden’ and only become evident after you get to

know your squad a little better. We’ll take a look at the Visible Attributes first.


Goalkeeping (Goalkeepers only) 守门(只用于守门员)

Aerial AbilityThe capacity to pluck the ball out of the air. A keeper who comes out and flaps at a ball will cause

panic among his defenders. A good aerial ability is helpful against teams who get lots of crosses in or use the long

ball tactic.
Aerial Ability高空球的控制能力。守门员出击但不能将球抓住会引起后防患乱。出色的高空球的控制能力对于对方的传中和长串战


Command of AreaA ‘keeper with good command of his area is mobile and gets around the box rapidly. He will display

this attribute best at setpieces – knowing when to come for the ball and making sure he gets it when he does.
Command of Area区域控制能力,善于区域控制的守门员具有更大的活动范围,这对于防守任意球尤其有用--他知道什么时候出击并


CommunicationA ‘keeper with good communication skills is essential if you want to possess an organised defence.

Think Peter Schmeichel…

EccentricityAn eccentric keeper is a double-edged sword. He might be capable of moments of genius, but equally you

may find him scampering out of his box with no hope of getting to the ball before the opposition striker. If you

like a player with a bit of character, a low rating, in my opinion, is not necessarily a good thing.

也使你心惊胆战。 如果你喜欢守门员有点性格,我认为他同时也应该有高效率(rating)。

HandlingThis is the attribute you really want to look out for in a ‘keeper. No handling = no good.
Handling手处理球的能力 这是守门重要的特性,没有处理球的能力就等于一无是处

KickingIf you play the long ball tactic, make sure your ‘keeper has a good kicking attribute. He’ll be able to

stick it on your target man’s head from his six yard box. If your ‘keeper has a poor kicking rating, have him

distribute the ball straight to your defenders.


ReflexesThis is a great attribute for your ‘keeper to have, denoting how good he is at making instinctive saves –

particularly from close range. This combines with good Handling and Agility to keep your goals conceded to a



Rushing OutThis is a good stat to have if your team plays the offside trap or if the opposition have a particularly

fast striker (aka Michael Owen). Your ‘keeper will be out to meet them before you can say “Rushing Out”… errr….
Rushing Out出击 ,如果你使用越位战术或者对方拥有快速的前锋(比如欧文),守门员的出击能力就格外显得重要。

Tendency to PunchSomething we’ve seen more of in the English Premiership in recent seasons as more teams employ

continental keepers. Looking for this stat is purely a personal choice – punching can clear the danger immediately

but it still remains a risky business. Not recommended with a weak and shaky defence.
Tendency to Punch手击球的倾向性,随着来自欧洲大陆的守门员的增多,最近几个赛季在英超联赛中看到的守门员手击球决来越多



ThrowingIf you like your team to play Counter Attack football, a keeper with good Throwing ability is essential.

Once in possession he’ll have the ball out to your striker on the halfway line in no time…


Technical 技术属性

CrossingIf you like to employ wingers and fullbacks marauding down both flanks it’s vital that they have the

ability to get quality balls into your strikers. No point in doing this if your attackers are 5ft nothing though.

The Crossing schedule in training is a good way to improve their stats.


DribblingCoupled with Agility and Balance, I consider it essential you have a good dribbler in your side –

especially in the more advanced roles with room to run at defenders. Be careful you don’t have too many dribblers

though as they’ll tend to ignore any passing tactic you might have. Although a dribbler has the potential to be a

match winner, he could also give it away in his own penalty area and lose you the game.



FinishingNothing simpler here. Bad Finishing = Missing a Sitter. Mind you, your player has to be in the right

position to score a goal, so ensure your player also has good Off the Ball movement, Balance and Strength.

无球跑动能力(off the ball movement),平衡性(balance)和足够强壮(strength)。

HeadingAs crucial for players you want to use as Target men as it is for Central Defenders. Any team either playing

the long ball tactic or being confronted by it will want some good headers in the side. Look for this attribute

combined with Jumping.


Long ShotsIf you don’t get shots on goal, you’re never going to score. A few long shots now and then can also

really test a dodgy keeper. Once you’ve established that you have a midfielder like Hamann who can bullet them from

the halfway line, instruct him to take a few long pots. He might be good at freekicks too…
Long Shots远射,不射门就永远不能得分。偶尔的远射还可以考验一下对方的守门员。当你认为你有一个像哈曼一样的中场球员,可


Long ThrowsLong Throwing ability is a particularly good attribute for a fullback to have as you will probably be

wanting them to take most of the attacking throws, thereby freeing up your more attacking players.
Long Throws手榴弹(大力扔边线球),对于后卫这是一个不错的属性,特别是如果你想他负责进攻性的边线球而释放你的进攻队员时

MarkingIf a defender has poor Marking it doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll be a load of rubbish. However, you’ll

definitely want to avoid playing a Man-Marking tactic. If your defenders can’t mark for toffee, perhaps consider a

Sweeper system or have them defend deeper than you would otherwise like. A Hard Tackling ploy goes nicely with

Marking to soften up the opposition….

得太前会是很好的选择。硬朗的防守策略(Hard Tackle)加上盯人可以很好地冻结对方的进攻。

One on OnesIf you’re playing Counter Attack football, there’s going to be a few situations when your striker finds

himself through on goal with “no-one to beat but the ‘keeper”. The better a player’s rating, the more likely he

is to be able to chip or go round the on-rushing ‘keeper. Good Dribbling and Finishing blend nicely with this

One on Ones一对一,如果使用防守反击战术,你的射手有机会直接面对对方守门员,这是一对一的能力越强,他就有更大的把握破


PassingIf you’ve got a midfielder posse who would give the Real Madrid midfield a run for their money, then you’ll

be in a good position to use a Short or Mixed passing tactic to good effect. However, your midfield are more likely

to be a bunch of muppets, so have them long ball it for all they’re worth.

Penalty TakingAlthough this stat speaks for itself, I’ve often found that a player with high Influence (e.g. club

captain) will also come up trumps and have the guts to take a good penalty. Think Beckham…
Penalty Taking射点球能力,不言而喻,不过我发现一个有大影响力的球员(比如队长),也有能力和勇气射好一个点球,比如小贝


Set PiecesTogether with this attribute, both Long Shots and Crossing ability can aid a player’s aptitude for free-

kicks and corners. Again, the best way to find out who strikes a good setpiece is through match practice.
Set Pieces任意球,加上远射和传中能力,球员又可以发出高质量的任意球和角球。不过,最好的发现任意球高手的

TacklingIf you combine this attribute with Strength, Marking and particularly Aggression and Bravery, you’ll have a

great defender on your hands. Essential for defenders and battling defensive midfielders.


TechniqueTechnique is perhaps one of the more important attributes a player can have and refers largely to natural

skill rather than an expertise in a particular area or position. Look for good technique in your more attacking

players if you want to impress the opposition.


Mental 精神属性

AggressionThis attribute is a measure of how enthusiastic a player will be when involved in a confrontation with an

opponent or when challenging for a 50-50 ball. Aggressive players will get cautioned more often (which will make

them miss matches) but they won’t half get stuck in for your team!


AnticipationIf your midfield players have good anticipation, then they will be likely to manage more interceptions

during a match and therefore give your team more possession. Good anticipation is a vital ingredient for defenders

and attackers alike though - best coupled with good Off the Ball movement and Decisions.


BraveryBravery should be an essential part of any player’s vocabulary. A high Bravery rating will increase the

likelihood of your player winning 50-50 balls and generally getting in where it hurts. As previously mentioned, at

its best with Tackling and most goalkeeper stats you care to mention.

CreativityCreativity is the ability to make things happen. You’ll score more goals if you get a creative midfielder

operating in the centre of the park. It might be wise to support him with a defensive midfielder though as creative

geniuses don’t tend to be great tacklers. There are exceptions of course…


DecisionsQuick thinking is crucial in a hectic game of football. You want players who can make the right decisions

in the heat of the moment. Look for a good Decisions attribute to be combined with Creativity, Passing and to a

lesser extent Anticipation.


DeterminationDetermination is a measure of your players’ desire to win and it’s a good attribute to possess

throughout your team. You might particularly look for Determination in players if you manage a lowly club and often

find you’re having to come back from a goal or two down. Players with Determination will keep battling to the final



FlairA player with a lot of flair can cause you a lot of frustration but equally can be a match winner. There will

be times when you wished he’d tried the simple pass rather than blazing a bicycle kick into the stands. There will

be other times however when you rise from your seat and applaud the best piece of individualism you’ve ever seen.

Not recommended for managers who like their team to play George Graham Arsenal long ball.


InfluenceA player with a high Influence attribute will undoubtedly be a prime candidate for the role of captain. Yet

choose wisely. A player who has high Influence but doesn’t seem to command the respect of the players around him

will not make a good choice. Remember, even when you’ve chosen your captain it’s good to have Influence in every

area of the pitch.


Off the BallOff the Ball is perhaps one of the most overlooked aspects of the game of football, yet CM regards it as

one of the most important. A player with good Off the Ball movement (aka Jeffers perhaps) can draw defenders and

generally cause the opposition a lot of problems. Try to find a player who combines a high Off the Ball attribute

with good Pace, Positioning and Anticipation.
Off the Ball无球跑动,这是足球比赛中最要的方面之一,在CM中也是最重要的属性之一。球员的无球跑动可以拉空防线从而引出对


PositioningIf you’ve ever entertained the idea of your team playing the Offside trap, you will know that

Positioning is the main attribute you want your defenders to bring to the game. Combines well with Strength and

Anticipation to create an air of solidity.

TeamworkIf you not the sort of person who likes to rely on one player to win matches, you’ll need players with

strong Teamwork to get your team gelling. High Teamwork throughout your team will see your side working their socks

off for each other. Blends nicely with high Work Rate and Determination.

(work rate)和决心。

Work RateAs mentioned, this is an attribute which compliments a high Teamwork ethic. If you like your team to Close

Down your opponents, then a high Work Rate attribute throughout your midfield will be highly useful. Don’t forget

to ensure they’ve got a bit of Stamina though…
Work Rate工作效率,这需要和合作精神一起考虑。如果你想采用压迫式打法(close down),中场球员的工作效率就非常重要,前提


Physical 身体条件

AccelerationAs a measure of how quickly a player can reach top speed, Acceleration is a must-have attribute for

wingers and pacey attackers. You might also consider having defenders with good Acceleration if you’re faced by a

team who are aiming to hit you on the break. Good Stamina is a must and a little bit of Work Rate won’t go a miss



AgilityAgility is an attribute which is most necessary for players in top-flight football. You can get away with

being a cumbersome lump in the lower leagues but the top divisions demand that even the central defenders have a bit

of dexterity. Combined with Acceleration and Dribbling a high Agility rating can make for a great attacking



BalanceAlthough by the very nature of their profession all footballers could do with a bit of Balance, the ones who

’ll need it most are the ones who are going to be on the receiving end of a few tackles and kicks. You’ll

predominantly like your wingers and other attacking players to have high agility, coupled with good Agility,

Dribbling or Strength to make it difficult for the opposition to knock them off the ball.


JumpingAn easy one this one. You’ve got to link it with a good Heading attribute and be sure if you ever want to

play long ball or crossing-intensive tactics that your players are good at springing off the ground. If, say, your

players are also high on Bravery and Aggression as well as Jumping, make sure you’ve got them putting in some Hard

Tackling to really dominate the opposition.

PacePace can actually be a bit of a misnomer so be careful. Your player might be lightening quick but if he can’t

do anything with the ball then he’ll soon become a bit of a liability. Look to link Pace with Flair, Dribbling,

Agility and of course Acceleration. Have your fastest players run from deep to really scare the opposition defence.
StaminaThe importance of Stamina cannot be underestimated – particularly if you play an effort-intensive style such

as Closing Down, Gung-Ho or have players set to making lots of forward runs. You’ll find that if your team has a

low level of Stamina in general, you will tend to concede goals late in the game. You have been warned…
StrengthStrength is an important issue when challenging for the ball, so you’ll be keen to have a fair few players

in your side who can mix it when the going gets rough. Tackling, Jumping and Marking are augmented by Strength and

you will find that stronger players don’t give away fouls so often as they can generally muscle players off the

ball instead of having to slide in.

4.6Player Aging
In recent years players have been defying the effects of aging longer within professional football. Thanks to the

increased attention given to training properly and a healthy diet professional players can play at the highest level

well into their thirties.

As with all aspects of football we have attempted to mimic this change in CM4, however please bear in mind that ONLY

professional players with the right attitude will reap the benefits from such things, players who don’t look after

themselves will still find themselves burnt out and on the scrap heap at an early age (thinking of no English

midfield maestro in particular ).

Playing PositionPeak Age

The largest improvements in player ability will usually happen below 24 years of age. Please bear in mind that these

‘Peak Ages’ are only guidelines and players will sometimes peak before or after these ages.

As mentioned in the initial paragraph how long a player remains at his ‘peak’ is somewhat dependant upon his

attitude and commitment to playing professional football. A player who is a thorough professional and is known for

his work-rate and commitment will generally speaking tend to have a longer ‘peak’ than an erratic temperamental


The age at which a player is liable to retire is again affected by his position. Bear in mind that a player who is

still very fit (indicated by high Stamina) and playing first team football is less likely to retire than one who is

unfit and languishing in the reserves.

Playing PositionEarliest Retirement Age
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