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FM2006- 442阵型介绍 (翻译自442 Explained For FM 2006)

发表于 2005-10-17 05:46:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在SI论坛上看见过这个贴子, 知识很基本, 很值得新人们一读
下面有某位兄弟曾经发过, 不过翻译不很用心哈
这个我在OurCM论坛已经翻译过了, 特地转过来给大家看一下吧

442 Explained For FM 2006

Some of this might be a bit familiar as the basics are quite similar to Football Manager 2005; however I have updated them ever so slightly for Football Manager 2006.
这其中的部分内容与FM05中的基本情况很类似, 尽管如此我还是根据FM2006做了一些细微的更新.

Picking a formation in Football Manager can be a daunting task at times, do you go with the unknown and try a 343 and be a bit adventurous or do you stick to the good old 442. The reason why so many people use 442 is because its familiar and always a safe bet for any side to use, its also very flexible and allows you to change into other systems during a match if you need to shake things up a bit. Another reason why the 442 is so popular is because of the balance between defending and scoring, you can create a very solid 442 that is tight at the back but lethal when going forward. A lot of other formations like a 424 or 433 all have quite a few weaknesses against certain formations were as the 442 can be used against almost every formation there is.
有时, 在足球经理游戏里选择阵型是很令人苦恼的. 你是否在尝试者使用大胆的343? 或者你忠于传统的442? 如此多的人使用442阵型是因为它被大家所熟知, 而且你可以随时改变它的形态, 在比赛中根据你的需要进行改变. 另外一个重要原因就是442攻势平衡, 你可以构筑一个牢固的442阵型, 让你同时拥有稳固的后防和致命的锋线. 很多其他的阵型, 比如424或者433都多少有些弱点, 我们可以确信442阵型可以克制几乎所有的其他阵型.

Standard 442  标准442

This is the more neutral focused 442 that concentrates on the defending and attacking ability of you're team, this is a very good starting point for any side to see what you're team is capable of. This type of formation should produce a fair amount of goals as well as keeping it very tight at the back if set up correctly. The wingers in this formation are vital for providing crosses into the box for your strikers. A lot of people also like to play one attacking midfielder and one defensive midfielder to make it a lot more balanced.
这是一个非常平衡的阵型, 同时兼顾球队的攻击和防守能力, 这是一个非常好的起始阵型来观察你的球队拥有多少实力. 如果你坚持并正确地实用它, 它能带来非常平稳的进球数字. 在这个阵型里, 边路球员能传球给禁区内的前锋是非常重要的. 也有很多人喜欢使用一个前腰和一个后腰的搭配, 这就使得阵型更加平稳.

Diamond  钻石

The 442 diamond normally consists of a flat back four, two central midfielder, a defensive midfielder, an attacking midfielder and 2 strikers. This set-up is very dependant on your fullbacks as they will be responsible for getting forward at every opportunity available because you have no wingers. So at times if the fullbacks are struggling to get forward you might find your strikers could get isolated for periods in the game. The wings can be a problem area at times, especially if you're playing against two very good wingers as they will have lots of space and time on the ball. If you do use this formation ensure that your fullbacks are good going forward but extremely good at defending duties too.
442钻石阵型通常由4名后卫, 两名中路中场球员, 一名后腰, 一名前腰和两名前锋组成. 阵型的结构取决于你的边后卫, 要开他们是否能为前锋提供足够的支援, 因为这个阵型没有双翼球员. 所以你的边后卫在比赛中努力寻找前锋的时候, 你会发现你的前锋已经被孤立了. 没有边翼球员将为你带来很多问题, 如果对方有两个很好的边路球员, 这无疑会给他们更多的时间和空间来带球. 如果你喜欢使用这种阵型, 就要保证你的边后卫能够为前锋提供足够的火力支援, 或者他们具有极其出色的防守能力.

Diamond Wide 大钻石

Unlike the diamond one above this set-up does have wingers and is a good system to use if you want to use overlapping fullbacks (these are explained further down). The vital part of this formation is the attacking midfielder’s position and the defensive midfielders too. The attacking midfielder will have both attacking and defensive duties; if he does not track players back when your side is not in possession of the ball then you will have a huge gap in middle of the park. This can cause big problems as your defensive midfielder will then move forward to try and win the ball and if he doesn't win it your defence will have all sorts of problems to deal with.
与钻石不同, 这个阵型拥有边翼球员, 而且这是一个非常适合使用重叠边后卫(overlapping fullbacks)的阵型. 这个阵型最重要的位置是前腰和后腰两个位置. 这个前腰必须同时具备进攻和防守的能力, 如果在对方控球的时候他不能去盯住对方球员, 你的中路就会出现巨大的空档. 这会造成这样的情况: 你的后腰需要立刻补位去断球, 如果他没能做到的话, 你的后卫所有的问题了.

Defensive Midfielder  防守中场

One of the more popular 442 systems to use is one that implements a defensive midfielder. This offers extra cover in front of the back four and when used right you should find the opposition’s chances are rather limited. This is an extremely useful set-up if you need to keep clean sheets and dominate the game in the midfield areas. The defensive midfielder’s job is to break up play and distribute the ball up field as quick as possible or hold onto the ball and wait until a clear cut pass arises, however holding onto the ball for too long can cause problems especially if he loses possession from dwelling on the ball.
防守中场型442也是一个很流行的阵型. 这个阵型可以为你的4名后卫提供额外的保护, 如果你使用正确的话, 你会发现对方得到的机会将非常有限. 如果你想控制中场, 这是一个极其实用的阵型. 防守型中场球员的作用是破坏对方的攻势, 然后快速分球, 或者控制住球等待出现致命的机会. 当然控球时间过长而丢球的话会造成一些不利的问题.

Attacking Midfielder 攻击中场

Another popular choice on the Football Manager series is the use of an attacking midfielder. A lot of people use this system and play through the attacking midfielder letting him get forward and create chances. A free role can work well in this position for the correct player as it allows him the licence to roam and wander looking for the ball. However if you play through the attacking midfielder the opposition might soon see this and make it incredibly difficult for you to get the ball to him. If you realise this is happening then change your passing style to down the wings and utilise the wingers.
另外一个流行的战术就是攻击型中场的使用了. 多数人在这个阵型里将前腰拉线到前锋位置, 从而创造机会. 一个正确的球员来担当自由人将起到很大作用, 他将被允许去自己寻找球. 但是有时你会发现你的前腰会很难得到球, 这时你需要将传球方式改为短传然后充分理由两翼球员.

Sweeper/Stopper  清道夫

A sweeper or stopper can be used in any formation or system but is mainly used for a back three rather than a back four and is mainly used in real life by the Italians. For this type of system to work you need the sweeper to be very good for the level that he is currently playing at. If he is not then it simply will not work how it should and be more of weakness that a strength.
一名清道夫可以被使用在所有的阵型中, 但是一般情况下, 与4后卫相比, 他更多出现在3后卫的身后.. 清道夫在现实里主要被使用在意大利. 在这种阵型里, 你的清道夫需要具有相当高的水平.

原文地址 http://www.ourcm.net/bbs/read.php?tid=39025&page=e#a
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-17 07:04:43 | 显示全部楼层
I've not gone into too much detail about what each system does as I just want to cover the basics in this thread, but further down the line, we will take a more in-depth view of all the formations and really analyze them, but first let’s cover the bread and butter stuff. The stuff that I am about to write is just a starting point for people who want to create tactics but have little knowledge, I'm not saying these instructions are spot on because they might be for someone else but not you. But this is a good reference for a starting point for each position.
我不准备继续介绍各个阵型的太多细节, 我现在准备介绍一些基本的东西, 但是将来会进行排列, 我们会对各种阵型进行更深入的分析. 但是首先我们先来介绍面包和奶油. 我准备写的面包是针对那些准备创造自己的战术但是缺乏足够知识的人. 我不是说这对你来说是一篇准确的介绍因为其他人也许有不同见解. 但是这至少这是一些很好的对于所有位置球员的经验.

Defence 防守

There are also four main ways to play your fullbacks as well, you can have over lapping fullbacks who are very offensive minded and provide a very attacking option to the team. But the draw back of playing with over lapping fullbacks is your wingers will have a lot of defensive duties to do in a game and you might find you get exposed a few times down the wings when your fullback is out of position. Another way in the flat back formation is to make them mark the opponent's forwards or wingers. These players have to be dependable and willing to give up any kind of offensive play as they will be very defensive minded so don't expect them to contribute on attacks. A third way to get them to work would be to have them work with the wingers (not over lapping though) and get forward to get crosses into the box at every chance possible for your strikers. The fourth way is more of a mixture between attacking and defending, the settings of this specific way really depends on how neutral you want to be, a good idea would to be leave a lot of things normal as that is neutral.
这里有四种不同类型的后卫: 你可以让后卫线前压, 他们可以屡屡进攻为你的球队提供攻势. 但是同时你的双翼球员就需要承担更多的防守任务, 而且当你的后卫失位后, 你会发现你的边路经常会暴露给敌人. 另一中就是平行站位, 他们能很好的盯防对方的前锋和边路球员. 这些球员的防守任务是可以信任的, 但是他们从不会贸然前插, 所以你不要指望他给你的球队带来什么进攻机会. 第三种就是让他们发挥边翼球员的作用, 在需要的时候把球传给你禁区里的前锋. 第四种则更多的混合了进攻和防守任务, 具体的设置取决于你的需要, 有一个好的选择就是把所有的心态都设定为普通.

Over Lapping fullbacks 压上型后卫:
Crossing, dribbling, teamwork, stamina, passing, off the ball and fitness. I found that fullbacks with these stats do well indeed. Also look out for the descriptions, I like to use explosive or attacking fullbacks as they are better suited to the job
传中, 盘带, 团队, 耐力, 传球, 无球跑动和体质. 我发现这些属性高的边后卫发挥非常好. 通过描述可以看出, 我喜欢使用爆发型的攻击型边后卫, 而且他们非常适合这个工作.

Defensive fullbacks 防守型后卫:
Work rate, stamina, teamwork, decisions, positioning and acceleration, determination, strength and tackling
工作投入, 耐力, 团队, 决心, 位置, 爆发力, 判断, 强壮还有盯人

Attacking fullbacks 攻击型后卫:
Work rate, stamina, teamwork, decisions, positioning and acceleration, determination, strength, crossing and dribbling.
工作投入, 耐力, 团队, 决心, 位置, 爆发力, 判断, 强壮传中还有盘带

The Sweeper and Stopper systems are very similar and positional look the exact same, but it's what they do that makes them different. You have the sweeper set to where he'll push up and mop up any balls that the defenders in front of him cannot deal with and does what the name "sweeper" suggest and sweeps up any trouble your front defenders might make. Were as the stopper system uses man marking to either mark a striker or a central midfielder of the opposing team. Plus he is expected to play quick and early balls to your midfield to start early counter attacks.
清道夫和阻止者系统非常相似, 但是仍然有不同之处. 清道夫就像他的名字一样, 清理问题, 他把球破坏掉, 处理所有他前面的几个后卫没有处理掉的问题. 而阻止系统则是使用球员去盯防对方的前锋和中场, 要求快捷准确的在中场就把球破坏掉.

Sweeper System 清道夫系统:
The sweeper should have a good understanding of the game and be a leader on the field. He controls the defence, always staying behind the fullbacks. For this to work you need a sweeper who as high concentration, decisions, influence, positioning, team work, tackling and a little bit of pace wouldn't go a miss too. If you can't find a player with the right stats then I suggest you don't play the sweeper system as put the wrong player as the sweeper and you may get crucified, but get the right player here and you can have a very solid back 4.
清道夫应该是后防的领导, 具有很好的理解比赛能力. 他控制这防守, 经常站在后卫们身后. 所以你的清道夫需要举办好的集中, 决心, 影响力, 位置感, 团队, 铲球还有一定的速度. 如果你找不到正确的人选, 我劝你不要使用清道夫, 那简直是自杀. 担任如果能有正确的人选的话, 这将是非常稳固的后防体系.

Stopper System 组截系统:
The stopper is responsible for marking the centre forward or centre midfielder of the other team. He also has an important offensive part of distributing the ball to the midfielders so you need a player who is good at passing, decisions, anticipation, decisions, tackling, concentration, work rate, positioning and a good first touch can help too.
阻截者的工作是盯防对方的中锋或者中场球员. 他同时要具有分球给你的中场球员的能力, 所以他需要具备比较好的传球, 决心, 预判, 铲球, 集中, 位置感和停球.

原文 http://www.ourcm.net/bbs/read.ph ... page=1&toread=1
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-17 07:06:04 | 显示全部楼层
Midfield 中场

The midfield of a 442 formation can be very variable indeed; you can play a flat four midfielders which is very stable and safe. You can use two wingers, one attacking midfielder and one defensive midfielder which are a common thing on Football Manager to do. Or instead of using two wingers you can bring them in to the middle of the pitch so you have two central midfielders. This way makes you a lot narrower but is good if you have very attacking fullbacks who like to venture forward. You can also use two wingers and two defensive midfielders if you wanted to as well. There are also lots of other ways like using a flat three midfielders with one defensive midfielder behind them but if I try to describe every variation I would be here all day.
在442的阵型中中场可以有许多种变化. 你可以使用平行站位, 那非常稳固和安全. 你也可以使用两个边翼, 一个前腰和一个后腰, 这在足球经理中非常普遍. 你也可以把边边前卫放到中间, 这样就可以有两个中前卫.  这会使你的阵行显得略窄, 但是如果你拥有非常喜欢传球给前锋的后卫的话, 那将是非常好的选择. 如果你愿意的话还可以采用两个边前卫和两个防守型中场的设置. 我们还有其他的选择, 比如设置三个平行中场加上身后的一个防守型中场. 如果要我尝试所有的变化都一一讲到,可能要花一天的时间.

Left/Right wingers 边前卫 :
They are in charge for the crosses in the offence, and they usually carry the ball up the field, since they have more room than the centre midfielders. For wingers you need players with some of these stats crossing, creativity, dribbling, pace, acceleration, tackling, balance, technique, passing, finishing, long shots, teamwork, work rate and off ball. Not all of these are vital but some are. I have already explained in another thread what the vital and not so vital stats are.
他们要负责传中,而且他们通常可以将球带到对方底线, 他们比中路球员拥有更多的空间. 对于一名边前卫来说, 他们需要这些: 传中, 创造力, 盘带, 速度, 加速, 铲断, 平衡, 技术, 传球, 射门, 远射, 团队和无球跑. 虽然并非每项都至关重要,但其中一些必要的.

Left/Right Centre midfielders中前卫:
Distribute the ball the best they can to start quick attacks and try to stop or slow down opposing plays before they get to the defensive line. Good passing, decent tackling, work rate, team work, stamina, heading can be quite good and decent concentration are all important if you want them to be alert for 90 minutes.
职责是尽量快速分球并且在对方推进到纺线前前阻止对方或者延缓对方的进攻. 拥有好的传球, 铲断, 工作频率力, 团队, 耐力, 头球的应该是一个好的中前卫, 而你如果要他们90分钟内都保持警惕, 集中这项也很重要.

Attacking Midfielders  攻击型中场:
These guys are the links between midfield and strikers and play in a very important position of the pitch. The ball is often there to be won in the last third of the pitch, so ideally you want an all round player a bit like a DMC. Some of the stats he needs are creativity, passing, off ball, technique, finishing, work rate, stamina, teamwork, flair, long shots, pace, acceleration.
这些家伙中场和前锋之间的衔接, 这是个非常重要的位置. 最后三分之一的场地是胜利的关键, 所以你需要一个全面的球员, 有点像后腰. 这个位置的球员应该具备较好的创造力, 传球, 无球跑, 技术, 射门, 频率, 耐力, 团队合作, 远射, 速度和爆发.

Defensive Midfielders 防守型中场:
The defensive midfields are key players for breaking up play and beginning attacks. Some of the stats needed are tackling, strength, aggression, marking, stamina, work rate, teamwork, pace, passing, acceleration, determination, concentration and creativity.
这个位置上的球员是破坏对方进攻和发起本队进攻的关键. 这个位置的球员需要看重的属性有铲断, 强壮, 侵略, 盯人, 耐力, 团队, 速度, 传球, 爆发, 判断, 专注和创造力.

Strikers 前锋

As for the strikers in a 442 formation you can't really do much with them as there are only two of them. So you can play two fast strikers, two big strong strikers or one of each. In these very basic formations, the forwards do no special work. Runs to the corners need to be only occasional, and dropping back to the midfield shouldn't be the primary way of getting the ball, this position is actually self explanatory.
对于442阵型中的射手来说他们不能做太多事情, 因为只有俩个前锋. 所以你可以使用两个速度型前锋, 两个力量型前锋, 或者一样一个. 在那些非常基本的的阵型中, 前锋没有什么特别任务. 他们只需要偶尔跑到角旗附近, 而前锋回撤哪球应该尽量避免, 这个位置事实上是他们自我演绎的空间.

Strikers 前锋
They are here to score the majority of your goals, remember though, not both strikers will be prolific it usually tends to be just one out of the two who scores the most goals. A few stats to look for are pace, technique, acceleration, dribbling, long shots, finishing and off ball.
他们承担着你队伍一半的进球, 但是记住, 不是每个前锋都擅长进球的, 往往只是其中一个进了大部分球. 需要着重看的属性为速度, 技术, 爆发, 盘带, 远射, 射门和无球跑.

Target man 进攻核心:
You will need this play to keep hold of the ball and bring others into play and feed balls through to the slower striker. A few of the stats needed for this player type are strength, jumping, balance, agility, aggression, heading, anticipation and bravery.
你的队伍需要拿住球, 所有人都把球传给这个缓慢的前锋. 一些需要的属性有强壮, 弹跳, 平衡, 灵活, 侵略, 头球, 预判和勇气.  

Remember not all the stats mentioned above are vital but the players must have at least few of them.
记住这些属性不是球员所必须的, 但是一个好的球员应该至少拥有一些

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发表于 2005-10-17 17:54:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-10-17 20:34:15 | 显示全部楼层
OVERLAPPING 后面翻得挺好的怎么前面又翻成重叠型了?
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-17 22:23:18 | 显示全部楼层


按说fullback应该是边后卫, 但是原文作者在所有讨论后卫的地方都使用了fullback这个词, 我感觉他好像是用fullback来代表所有的后卫....就都按后卫翻译了..
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发表于 2005-10-18 10:31:30 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-10-18 18:59:57 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-10-18 20:45:56 | 显示全部楼层
http://fmfans.cn/viewthread.php? ... ghlight=&page=1
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发表于 2005-10-25 20:04:05 | 显示全部楼层
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