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发表于 2005-9-15 09:51:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(转贴)README for Tapani's CM0102Patcher v2.11beta and CM Staff Adjuster

A. General

First; I am not affiliated with Eidos or SIgames. This patcher
and staff adjuster are completely unsupported and are used on your
own risk.

The patcher and staff adjuster are free software and are not
allowed to be sold.

The sections B-E describes the patcher, and F briefly describes
the staff adjuster.

B. Prerequisites

This patcher expects you to have the last official patch (3.9.68)
installed. Also this has been only tested, in a very limited way,
using the english version of the game.

Thus, a word of advice: BACKUP YOUR CM0102.EXE BEFORE USING THIS!

C. Changes

This patch allows (hopefully) the following bugfixes/changes to CM0102:

1. The patch slows down the mouse-click repeat rate when offering
   On fast machines, it is virtually impossible to click only
   once without the gui registering several clicks.
   This patcher allows the addition of a small delay loop into
   the GUI-control, thus making it possible to adjust the values
   a single step at the time (as intended).
   Too bad for those with very slow machines the contract screen
   might get too sluggish. However nobody has complained about this
   so far :-)

2. This patch sets the in-game start year to 2005 instead of 2001.
3. This patcher allows you to exit the game by the top right corner X.
   There will be no confirmation question, so be careful!
   Especially when the game crashes during online play (which it
   unfortunately does sometimes) it is more convenient to just close
   the CM window than to kill the task via task manager.

4. This patch allows the server in a multiplayer game to force the game
   to continue by pressing the PageDown key. This handy when your online
   league is ridden with players that slow down the game.
   Especially handy is this when a client crashes during a match, and it
   seems impossible to proceed. Pressing PgDn will cause the computer to
   finish the ongoing game(s). Likewise, this happens even if the client
   hasn't crashed! Use with caution!

5. The speed of the game has been improved. During matches the "slow" match
   speed option roughly corresponds to the normally "very fast" one.

6. This patch allows the English Northern Premier League to be human playable.
   I am a great fan of LLM and added this feature mainly for my own enjoyment.
   In order to play in NPD choose Wales as a background league in addition to
   England + Conference (foreground).
   Also in this version three teams are promoted from the English Conference
   and the NPD is drectly below the conference (being the 6th league in ENG).

7. Probably more things I have already become so accustomed to that I no
   longer remember the original... :-) Like the slight color change on the
   "Unh" signs on unhappy players...

D. Known Bugs

1. Some occasional odd team might end up in World Cup 2006 (eg Chinese Taipei).
   This is because of lack of WC06 qualifier information.

2. Welsh premier league is no more, it has been replaced with Northern Premier League.

3. If the players are "too old" it is most likely because you are using an updated
   database whose authors has artificially modified the ages by setting incorrect
   birth years. Feel free to use my staff adjuster to correct this.

4. All contracts has expired! The contracts in the database are most likely adjusted
   to the year 2001 start date. Use my staff adjuster to correct this.

E. Uninstall?

Copy back your backupped cm0102.exe or run the patcher on the patched executable again.

F. CM Staff Adjuster

This tool allows you to adjust your cm 01/02 player database for a start in the 05/06
season. If you previously started in the season 01/02, you should move all your contracts
four years ahead (this is the default). If you have used a unofficial update that has
adjusted the players' ages then you need to undo this by youngening them by for instance
four years, depending on the unofficial update you are using.

You can (hopefully) undo any changes made by the staff adjuster by adjusting with a
negative number of years. That is, if you moved your contracts 3 years ahead, you can undo
that by moving them -3 years ahead.

The staff adjuster requires you to choose your staff.dat file, usually residing inside the
Data/ directory in your CM dir.


Also, this is the first sortof official beta, I would be happy to hear about your experiences.
My email will be shown by the patcher.

Have fun!

Sweden, September 2005



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 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-15 09:51:33 | 显示全部楼层


[ Last edited by signorii on 2005-9-15 at 09:55 AM ]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-9-15 12:10:12 | 显示全部楼层
deng wo wan  shang  hui qu fan
xian zai  gong si  mei you zhong wen

xian  ding  zhu  
bie rang ta  chen le
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-9-15 12:28:49 | 显示全部楼层
天哪 太震撼了

我与Eidos或者SIgames没有关系 这个新工具完全不为可能的风险负任何责任
此工具是免费工具 不允许用于销售
以下B-E部分是patcher的描述 F部分主要描述staff adjuster

使用此工具请使用3.68 这是因为作者基于3.68开发和测试
使用之前 复制cm0102.exe

1 开出合同时的鼠标点击给出延迟(可以一点一点的加了 虽然我没遇到点一次加很多的情况)
2 从2005年开始 替换了从2001年开始
3 右上角的 X 可以直接退出游戏 但要小心点错 因为将不会询问直接关闭(S/Ler们的福音)
4 在多人连线时主机用pagedown强制比赛进行(对掉线等等情况适用)
5 大大加快比赛速度 新的slow=原来的very fast
6 英格兰北部地区联赛可以允许玩家选择了 将wales联赛作为新的背景联赛
7 更多 比如unhappy的颜色。。。

1 一些特殊增加的队伍将会在06年世界杯后消失(比如中国台北) 这是因为缺少06年世界杯决赛圈信息决定的
2 威尔士联赛不再存在 与之替换的是英格兰北部地区联赛
3 如果发现球员太老 是因为使用了新数据 而新数据开发者改动了球员出生年月 这可以轻松的用他提供Staff Adjuster修改
4 所有合同都过期了 因为默认签订年是01年 用他的staff adjuster修改CM Staff


如果你是用老数据 那么将所有合同延4年(这是默认设置)
如果你使用的新数据改老了球员的年龄 那么根据改动的情况将年龄修正回来
01年的合同如果想改成98年就是-3 改成04年就是3
此工具需要打开staff.dat 它通常在date文件夹下面

这是这个补丁的首个正式版 希望能分享你的经验 邮件地址在patcher里面
                                                                     瑞典 2005.9 Tapani

2.新数据使用者慎用 不懂或者不想自己修改就等等西格的更新

[ Last edited by 七夜 on 2005-9-15 at 01:27 PM ]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-9-15 12:44:18 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-9-15 12:45:38 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-9-15 12:59:58 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-9-15 13:10:07 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-15 13:39:31 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-9-15 13:41:56 | 显示全部楼层
西格 我就偷个懒等你补丁了 不过补丁以后要出两个版本了 嘿嘿
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使用道具 举报

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