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[转贴]官方补丁Patch 5.0.2将于今晚放出,更新内容汉化版

发表于 2004-11-19 14:23:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Dear All

Thankyou for your patience concerning the Football Manager 2005 patch. We understand that this has been a frustrating time for those of you experiencing issues with the game, and we have worked through as many of these issues with as many of you as possible.

We originally had planned to release the patch much sooner, however we took the approach, which was based on much of your feedback in previous years, that you didnt like so many patches. As a result, we've tried to streamline the approach and make hopefully just two. We'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this shift in policy - which approach do you prefer?

The most recent delays in releasing the patch have been a number of strange crashes relating to a combination of Windows 98 and AMD machines. We've worked closely with a few users with this setup and ironed out some issues - thankyou to everyone that has participated in our private beta testing programme. This ranges from head researchers and assistants right through to members of this forum.

Save games are compatible, with one noticeable exception that we've found. Those with the Irish league loaded, with a crash that may appear at the end of season one, will have to start a new game as the bug has manifested itself to such a state that it's not recoverable. This is the only known issue with save games which we apologise for.

Anyway, on with the interesting stuff. Bar any last minute problems, the patch v5.0.2 will be released on www.sigames.com tomorrow afternoon.(因为这段话是昨天发的,所以tomorrow afternoon就是指今天下午,不过由于时差,所以我们将是今天的20:00以后) We have lined up a number of mirror sites so you shouldn't have major problems getting hold of the file. We'll be releasing shortly afterwards (probably Friday) (这个与我们无关,这个是针对美国版的FM的)a patch for Worldwide Soccer Manager 2005 customers which is the exact same patch but with the WWSM application in. This is to ensure limited confusion for all our North American customers.

I've detailed below the fix list for the patch and once again thank you for your continued support with the games we are making

Match Engine v326:

比赛引擎 v326:


> Fixed Known issues


- Further improved corner taking AI

- 进一步改善了角球主罚的AI

- Tweaked free kick taking AI

- 调整了任意球主罚的AI

- Tweak on defensive clearance AI

- 调整了防守解围的AI

Match Engine v325:

比赛引擎 v325:


> Fixed Known issues


- Fixed stupid long goal kicks

- 修正了愚蠢的长距离门球

- Fixed keeper diving 2-3 seconds before pen taken

- 修正了点球主罚前守门员不动2-3秒

- Fixed possible endless loop caused by 324 restriction on choice of free kick

- 修正了任意球时,由于324的限制,可能不止境的转圈

- Fixed 323 occasional pass away from goal when would always shoot IRL issue

- 修正了323偶尔在射门前传球 而在现实中应该选择射门

Match Engine v324:

比赛引擎 v324:


> Fixed Known issues


- Lessened no of corners charged down

- 减少了角球的数量

- Lessened no of corners going straight out of play

- 减少了角球直接出界的数量

- Increased likelyhood of short corners

- 增加了短角球(怎么听上去像曲棍球,呵呵,其实是战术角球)的可能

- Improved chances of dual challenges for ariel balls

Notes on Patch1

The gold masters were created during the early part of October, since this time we have worked extremely hard on fixing any issues that have been reported to us via email, from these forums etc. We've looked at any bug, no matter how small, how fiddly.

This list acts as an accurate representation of where our code stands today, we hope that if you currently have an issue with the game (no matter how trivial) this patch will solve it.

Please note that the patch :


- is save game compatible.

- 和存档兼容的

- does not require you to start a new game, however for the best results it is suggested.

- 不需要重开游戏,然而要得到最好的结果,我们还是建议重开

We do not wish to commit to a release date at this moment, we're talking weeks rather than months. Once this is released, we will probably do a final clear up patch to address anything left over

现在我们不希望承诺发布日期,我们可以说的是几星期 不会是几个月。当他发布的时候,我们可能做一个最终的补丁来解决剩余的问题
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-19 14:23:34 | 显示全部楼层
Match Engine v322:

> Known issues


- Attempt to cut down on unusually high scoring games involving human managers

- 试图降低玩家球队在内的不寻常的高比分

- Lessened amount of dives by more sportsmanlike players

- 减少有体育精神球员假摔的数量

- Further tweaks to prevent wild and inappropriate clearances

- 进一步调整防止了野蛮和不适当的解围

- Stopped players turning repeatedly in different directions when at a loss for a pass or shot

- 停止了当球员在不知是选择传球还是射门时犹豫不决的打转

- Cut down number of lobs and chips

- 减少了高球和蹭球的数量

- Improved length and variance of goal kicks

- 改善了门球的远度和变化

- Stopped goalies taking free kicks ( unless they are an expert in it! )

- 停止了守门员发任意球(除非你指定)

> Known Bugs


- Fixed huge amount of injury time in extra time caused by human making subs in the interval

- 修正了在加时赛中换人导致的长时间的补时

- Fixed specific man marking bug where the wrong player may be marked after tactical changes regardless of human settings from tactics screen

- 修正了在战术画面改变了盯人设置后 指定的人盯错人的bug

- Fixed bug where corner would be given in place of goal kick and vice versa after some clearances

- 修正了在一些解围后,应该是角球却给门球,应该是门球却给角球的bug

- Fixed match rating bug for out of position players

- 修正了客串位置球员表现差的bug

- Fixed bug that occurs when injured player is treated while goal is scored then from kick off the ball is belatedly put out of play

- 修正了当进球后有球员接受治疗时,球迟迟不放到开球点,不能开球的bug

- Fixed bug where some goals would get an inappropriate "he hit that from 105 yards" message or similar

- 修正了当进球时出现诸如“一脚105码外的射门”这样的不恰当的信息

- Fixed obscure crash when trying silly tactics for set pieces

- 修正了当更改任意球战术时崩溃的问题

- Fixed dead ball goal kicks being passed inside own area

- 修正了球门球回传守门员的问题

> Player


- Tuned effect of player mental stats on match depending on circumstances eg winning, losing etc

- 调整了球员在比赛中的精神统计效果取决于环境,如:输赢等

- Some passes were a tad too slow, increased pace of ball for them which makes for better attacks

- 一些传球速度太慢,为更好的进攻增加了球的速度

- Further tweaks to passing AI

- 进一步调整了传球的AI

- Improved "letting ball run out" AI

- 改善了“让球出界”的AI

- Tweaked running with ball AI

- 调整了带球跑动的AI

- Improve marking of players running with ball

- 改善了盯带球跑动人的AI

- Improved AI regarding players covering for one another in the formation

- 改善了在阵型中为别人补位的AI

- Tweaked one on one vs goalie situations

- 调整了和守门员一对一的情况

> Manager


- Slightly improved computer team selection AI

- 轻微改善了电脑球队选择的AI

- Tweaked AI manager use of width slider

- 调整了电脑教练对width(宽度)条的使用

- Tweaked AI manager use of depth slider

- 调整了电脑教练对depth(深度)条的使用

- Tweaked AI manager use of ultra defensive tactics

- 调整了电脑教练对全力防守战术的使用

- Tweaked AI manager reaction to opposition width setting

- 调整了电脑教练对对方宽度设定的反应

> Tactics


- Tweaked formation positions and shape in relation to depth, width and attacking mentality

- 调整了阵型位置和阵型对深度,宽度和进攻精神的形状

> Referee


- Fixed instance of offside being called at the expense of a significant advantage

- 修正加入了越位的有利无利原则

- Improved referee interpretation of professional fouls

- 改善了裁判对职业犯规的理解

> Misc


- Tweaked goal award judging algorithm

- 调整了最佳进球的判断法则

- A player can no longer play for both teams in a club's reserves vs youth match.

- 球员不能在俱乐部的预备队和青年队的比赛中出场了

> Network Games


- Fixed crash when breadcrumb menu was visible and another user continued.

- 修正了当面包屑菜单(PS:不知道什么意思,没玩过对战)出现时,其他玩家继续导致的崩溃

- The forced continue controls on the Preferences screen now store their settings properly.

- 在参数界面强行继续时设置可以保存了
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-19 14:23:51 | 显示全部楼层
> Interface


- Fixed problem with text being cut off in the lefthand column of the club records screens.

- 修正了在俱乐部记录界面文字被左边的一栏遮挡的问题

- Fixed problem with player search nationality filter where sometimes a regional search would not filter out all players from outside that region.

- 修正了搜索球员时,过滤器按国籍过滤时,有时没有把所有其他地区的球员过滤干净的问题

- Fixed the transfer offer screen displaying a player's basic value instead of his asking price when player is transfer listed

- 修正了球员挂牌后,转会出价界面显示球员基本价值 而不是出售价格的问题

- Fixed a crash on the startup screen when user moves the mouse scrollwheel up or down.

- 修正了玩家在开始界面滚动鼠标滚轮所引发的游戏崩溃

- Fixed problems where there would be empty rows between subs on the match screen.

- 修正了在比赛界面中 替补名单中出现空行的问题

- Fixed tactics names allwed to be too long, which could cause some file problems on the Mac.

- 修正了战术名太长 在苹果机上可能导致的文件问题

- Fixed date for non-human teams in tactics section being cut off ("...")

- 修正了在无人球队的战术界面中 日期被切断的问题

- Fixed the sorting by squad status on the team screen.

- 修正了在队伍界面中按球员状态排序的问题

- Fixed favoured personel not showing up on team information screen.

- 修正了在球队信息界面中不显示最喜欢的人的问题

- Fixed the "James Milner" career history problem where the transfer fee would sometimes appear in the wrong place in the history.

- 修正了james milner的职业生涯中转会费有时显示在错误位置的问题

- Fixed a problem when a friendly competition is edited after teams reject invitations. New teams picked using the "Choose Other.." option are now added correctly to the proposal.

- 修正了友谊赛邀请被拒绝后再选择的问题。选择新球队“选择其他..”选项已经根据提议被正确的加进去了

- Fixed a problem when swapping players on the tactics screen. Sometimes it would not remember the swap if you browsed away and came back again.

- 修正了战术界面中交换球员 有时不被记住的问题

- Hidden faulty team report option for national team assistant managers.

- 隐藏了为国家队助理教练提供不完美报告的选项

- Lowered the minimum bonus value in the contract offer screen.

- 降低了合同提供界面中最小奖金的价值

- Hard-coded column hiding when filter panel is visible on squad list has been replaced with generic XML support for hiding columsn when there is not enough space on the screen (use minimum column width & column auto hide priority)

- 修改了栏的隐藏代码

- Minor bugfix for user name being clipped on game status screen and wrapping onto multiple lines on titlebar

- 玩家名字在游戏状态界面被省掉一点,显示在标题栏里

- Cosmetic fixes to correct the alignment of various popup menus

- 美化调整各种弹出菜单

- Changed priority order of team screen status flags, to ensure retiring and leaving on bosman do not overwrite injured

- 改变队伍界面状态标志的优先级,确保退役和按照博斯曼法案离开球员的状态不会被受伤状态覆盖(PS:就是球员前面的标志,如:INJ,INT,INE……)

- Re-ordered the transfer offer confirmation news item buttons to show same order as the dialogues for that platform

- 重新排列了转会确认消息按钮,使它和对话框的排列顺序相同

- Removed links to people that you cannot view.

- 去除了你不能看到的人的连接

- The "Co-owned by" label on the player profile screen now always shows the other club.

- 共有球员的属性界面里将显示和你共有这个球员的另一个俱乐部的名字

- The "Set all to schedule" options on the training screen now sets the correct schedule for all of the players.

- 训练界面中的“统一使用同一训练计划”恢复正常

- Training schedule names are now translated into language used by network client and not that of the server.

- 训练时间表的名字现在使用网络客户的名字 而不是服务器的名字

- When using overview on the squad screen, one player would always be missing.

- 在队伍界面中使用overview时,总是有一个球员消失

- Added startup sounds

- 增加启动音效

- "Is At Most" filter on person search screen now uses a lower or equal to operator instead of a just the lower operator.

- 在人搜索界面,“至多”过滤器现在使用小于等于计算,而不是仅仅小于

- Added --fullscreen_height and --fullscreen_width command line options (use with caution, setting them to silly values may cause crashes!)

- 增加全屏宽度和高度的命令行选项(使用时注意,设定为愚蠢的值时可能导致崩溃)

- Viewing other teams squad lists previous team selection on squad list (as well as tactics section)

- 可以看其他队伍以前的阵容和战术

- Pressing F12 (keyboard shortcut for Game Status Screen) on Intro Screen before starting or loading a game would crash.

- 在开始或读取游戏前的开场画面上 按F12(游戏状态快捷键)会导致崩溃

- Exporting a tactic from "Edit tactics..." did not rename the actual (internal) tactic name to the new name

- 在“编辑战术...”中导出战术时并不重命名原有内部战术的名字

- Can now go to team tactics when looking at an old match.

- 查看以往比赛时可以观看战术了

- Pressing "Escape" in a Yes/No dialog now triggers the "No" action (instead of nothing happening and the dialog closing.)

- 在是/否对话中按esc相当于点了“否”(而不是只是关闭对话框 什么也没发生)

- The game now takes up less processor time when running in the background.

- 在后台处理时的游戏速度提高了

- Selected nations now are retained in the "keep players from nation" menu.

- 选择国家现在保留在“keep players from nation”菜单

- Fixed a match screen problem where the control panel was not refreshed when you go from one match to the next on a matchday.

- 修正了当你从一个比赛到另一个比赛时控制面板不刷新的问题

- Fixed a crash when user cancels a friendly proposal.

- 修正了当玩家取消友谊赛时崩溃的问题

- A player can no longer play for the reserves and the first team on the same day.

- 球员不再能在同一天同时为一线队和预备队比赛了


> Club Badges
- England: Updated Nottingham Forest badge so that it shows up on both red and white backgrounds
- Netherlands: Updated Roda JC badge
- Netherlands: Updated Dordrecht badge
- Netherlands: Updated Excelsior badge
- Netherlands: Updated FC Eindhoven badge

> Player Pictures
- Added Brighton pictures
- Added West Ham pictures
- Added Grimsby pictures
- Fixed wrong Richard Johnson picture and added a few more QPR pics
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-19 14:24:13 | 显示全部楼层

> Kit Graphics
- Eng
- Championship updated: Wigan home
- Lg 2 updated: Cheltenham away, Grimsby home, Grimsby away, Kidderminster home, Leyton Orient home, Leyton Orient away, Lincoln home, Lincoln away, Macclesfield home, Macclesfield away, Mansfield home, Mansfield away, Northampton home, Northampton away, Notts Co home, Notts Co away, Oxford home, Oxford away, Rochdale home, Rochdale away, Rushden home, Rushden away, Scunthorpe home, Scunthorpe away, Shrewsbury home, Shrewsbury away, Southend home, Southend home, Swansea home, Swansea away, Wycombe home Wycombe away
- Conf N updated: Redditch home
- Esp
- Primera updated: Ath. Bilbao home, At. Madrid away, Deportivo home, Osasuna home, Osasuna away,
- Ned
- Premier updated: ADO Den Haag away, De Graafschap home, Heerenveen away, NEC home, NEC away, RKC home,
- First updated: Cambuur home, Dordrecht home, Dordrecht away, Emmen home, Fortuna home, Go Ahead Eagle home, Haarlem home, Haarlem away, Helmond home, Heracles home, Heracles away, Sparta Rotterdam home, Top Oss home, Volendam home, Volendam away,
- Por
- Superleague updated: Benfica home, Benfica away, Braga home, Porto home, Sporting home, Sporting away, Vit. Gumaeres home,
- Superleague added: Belenenses home, Gil Vicente home, Lieria home, Nacional Da Madeira home, Nacional Da Madeira away, Nacional Da Madeira third, Penafiel home, Sporting third, Vit. Gumaeres away, Vit. Setubal home
- config.xml updated

> Awards


- Fixed Danish u21/u19/17 awards which now use reputation.

- 修正了丹麦u21/u19/17的评奖系统,现在使用名声评奖

- Fixed incorrect year being displayed for calender year awards.

- 修正了不正确的年度评奖年份的显示

- Fixed past club award winners not being shown in history panel.

- 修正了往年最佳俱乐部不在历史面板中显示的问题

- Fixed national awards not being shown in the nation award screen.

- 修正了国家奖项不在国家奖项界面显示的问题

- Fixed number of assists not being shown in award screen for assist awards.

- 修正了助攻的数量不在评奖界面显示的问题

- Fixed club award not appearing under the nation section when it has no comp set.

- 修正了当俱乐部没有比赛时,俱乐部评奖不显示在国家界面的问题

- Fixed international comp award news item using players club team instead of nation.

- 修正了国际比赛评奖新闻使用球员俱乐部的名字 而不是国家的问题

- Fixed Ukrainian player of the week award being given during winter break.

- 修正了乌克兰每周最佳球员评奖在冬天过后才评出的问题

- Fixed awards that are set to specified date in the db not showing correct year for winners.

- 修正了在数据库中为评奖冠军得主设定的特定日期显示不正确年份的问题

- Fixed european awards were not finding enough people in later years.

- 修正了欧洲评奖系统在以后的岁月里找不到足够人的问题

- Fixed some player weekly award using wrong sort type.

- 修正了一些球员每周评奖使用错误的排列类型的问题

- Fixed Team of the year award not sending news to the clubs.

- 修正了不把年度最佳球队评奖告诉俱乐部的问题

> Miscellaneous


- Fixed problem where sometimes regenerated players would get first and second names from a different nation to their nationality.

- 修正了有时再生球员会得到不同国家的名和姓的问题

- Fixed a crash which might occur after the user views past years of certain competitions.

- 修正了玩家查看过去几年的某项赛事时可能崩溃的问题

- Fixed a problem where stadium moves would disappear after a season if the club had been using an alternative stadium, while waiting for their new one.

- 修正了如果俱乐部在等待搬迁至新的体育场时,赛季结束后搬迁消失的问题

- A few starting injuries were not always being set up at the start of the game.

- 在游戏开始时,一些伤病不会总是被初始化

- A managers longest and shortest time at a club wasn't getting updated correctly when changing job.

- 在跳槽时,教练最长和最短的在俱乐部执教时间不正确的更新

- Tweaked ask assistant maanger to rule out unrealistic targets filter rule

- 调整了助理教练过滤不现实目标的规则
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-19 14:24:29 | 显示全部楼层
> Competitions


- Fixed Austrian cup crash when only Austrian premier is active

- 修正了当仅仅开奥地利超级联赛的时候 奥地利杯崩溃的问题

- Fixed some match times for various competitions.

- 修正了一些不用赛事的比赛时间

- Fixed a scheduling problem with the Danish Under 18 leagues.

- 修正了丹麦18岁以下联赛的赛程问题

- Fixed a problem with 2 European squad registration news items being generated within a few days of each other.

- 修正了几天内出现2次欧洲赛事注册新闻

- Fixed a crash which would sometimes happen around the end of 2005 when running the Irish league.

- 修正了在运行爱尔兰联赛时,2005年末有时崩溃的问题

- Fixed a problem with competitions which use Period league tables (e.g. Dutch First and Belgian Second Divisions). News items which refer to a team's current position are now more accurate.

- 修正了使用分段联赛积分表的赛事(比如:丹麦甲级联赛和比利时乙级联赛) 新闻提到球队的最近排名时 更准确了

- Fixed some Czech competiton start times.

- 修正了一些捷克赛事的开始时间

- Fixed a problem with the English Championship playoff semi final sometimes getting the wrong draw.

- 修正了英格兰冠军联赛(以前的英甲)附加赛半决赛有时错误的平局问题

- Fixed some save game loading code which would sometimes cause friendlies not to be created.

- 修正了一些导致友谊赛不能创建的存档读取代码

- Fixed some promotion/relegation issues in Chile.

- 修正了智利的升/降级事件

- Fixed some competition qualification issues in Peru.

- 修正了一些秘鲁赛事资格赛的事件

- Fixed a problem where delayed bans can sometimes last for 1 game too many.

- 修正了有时一些赛后的追加停赛1场处罚太多的问题

- Greek National Division B uses goal difference after results between teams on same points to decide position.

- 希腊乙级联赛在积分相同的情况下 净胜球多的排前面

- Greek National B Division teams have a 3 Non-EU player limit on their squads.

- 希腊乙级联赛球队3个非欧盟球员的限制

- Some Welsh FAW Premier Cup dates changed.

- 一些威尔士FAW超级杯日期的改变

- National team bans now apply to the national team that the player was sent off for.

- 国家队比赛被罚下的处罚只适用国家队比赛

- The English LDV Vans Trophy now uses the correct teams for 2004 and picks 6 Conference teams to play in each section.

- 英格兰LDV先锋挑战杯(偶记的03/04中是这样翻的)现在使用正确的选队标准,在地区队伍中,每个分组选6支队伍

- Danish B teams now play in the reserve leagues.

- 丹麦球队的B队现在参加预备队联赛

- Danish cup now uses cup runner up instead of league runner up if a team wins the double.

- 如果一支球队赢的联赛和足总杯的双料冠军,那丹麦杯的另一支队伍是杯赛亚军 而不是联赛亚军

- Confederations Cup draw now takes place after Oceania Nations Cup final and thus picks up the winner correctly now.

- 联邦杯抽签将在大洋洲国家杯决赛后举行

- South American Recopa no longer uses extra time, just penalties.

- 南美Recopa(不知道是什么赛事)不在使用加时赛,直接点球大战

- Sometimes matches which should have been moved for TV were not being moved due to clashes with other competitions which should have been ignored.

- 有时由于和其他可以被忽略的电视转播冲突而取消的电视转播 现在不被取消了

- Czech Under 18 leagues now have 16 teams per group.

- 捷克18岁以下联赛现在每组有16支球队了

- Removed Czech Under 18 cup.

- 去除捷克18岁以下杯赛

- Correct teams get entered into each round of the Welsh FAW Premier Cup.

- 使正确的球队进入威尔士FAW超级杯赛的每一轮

- Squad numbers only apply to teams in the Turkish Premier Division now.

- 队伍号码只在土耳其超级联赛的队伍在联赛中使用

- Tuned attendances in MLS ALL Stars Match

- 调整了美国职业大联盟全明星赛的观众人数

- Tuned Korean player wages and valuations

- 调整了韩国球员的工资和身价

- Portuguese Under 19s can now be registered meaning that that they are eligible to play for A/B teams. (Registered B team players still need to be moved into the A team before they can be picked)

- 葡萄牙19岁以下的球员可以注册了,这意味着他们有资格参加A队/B队的比赛了(在B队注册的球员要参加A队比赛还需要被上调到A队才行)

- Increased Romanian loan lengths.

- 增加了罗马尼亚球员租借合同的长度

- Italian Serie B now uses playoffs depending on the number of points gap between certain teams in the league.

- 意大利乙级联赛参加附加赛的队伍取决于联赛中某些球队的积分差距

- Added some tv dates to the Danish Cup.

- 增加了一些丹麦杯的电视转播日期

- Danish divisions now only have a position playoff if teams have the same goal difference and goals scored.

- 丹麦联赛中,如果队伍积分、净胜球、进球数都相同,现在采用附加赛来决定名次

- Added a winter Norwegian transfer window.

- 增加了挪威冬季转会窗口

- German Second Division now has 7 subs instead of 5 allowed.

- 德国乙级联赛现在采用7个替补球员 而不是5个

- Argentina reserve competitions now have fixtures during the closing stage of the season.

- 阿根廷预备队赛事在赛季收关阶段现在有赛程了

- Correct teams from Chile now qualify for the Libertadores.

- 智利正确的队伍能出现参加Libertadores了(也不知道是啥比赛)

- Norwegian teams can now have more than 2 non-EU players in their squad but can only play 2 at one time.

- 挪威球队现在可以有2个以上的非欧盟球员了,不过同一时间只能有2个非欧盟球员在场上(和中国的外援规则差不多,只不过中国只能有3个外援,挪威却没有限制)

- Trialists cannot play in competitive matches in Belgium.

- 试训球员不能在比利时赛事中出场

- English Vans Trophy now uses extra time.

- 英格兰先锋挑战杯采用加时赛规则

- 1 team is relegated from the Singaporean League from 2008 onwards.

- 从2008年开始,新加坡联赛只降一个球对

> News Items


- Fixed default string appearing if no responses to player being unhappy at club trying to sign a replacement

- 修正了如果对 在俱乐部不高兴球员提出转会 没有回应时的默认新闻

- Fixed injured in training bug when in fact he was injured during a match

- 修正了在比赛中受伤 而新闻中却说训练中受伤的bug

- Fixed 0 year contract extension news bug

- 修正了续签0年合同的新闻bug

- Fixed instances of 'young' appearing twice in staff assessments

- 修正了工作人员(球探)对年轻球员评价2次的问题

- Fixed bug where wrong scoreline was being shown in a qualification news item

- 修正了资格赛新闻中错误的比分显示

- Fixed news item not mentioning penalty shootout win during world cup in post match news item

- 修正了在世界杯新闻中 不提到点球大战胜出的问题

- Fixed manager comment stating he intends to stop opponents title bid before it's even begun from, appearing in march

- 修正了教练试图阻止对方 还没有发生和在比赛中出现的评论

- Prevented post_transfer news items being generated for players who were already on loan before the transfer or co-owned.

- 阻止在转会或共同拥有前 还在租借期内球员的转会新闻

- Stopped fans moaning about the signing of old player when he has signing in a non_playing capacity as well

- 停止了球迷抱怨你签了一个没有能力的老球员的问题

- Human managers no longer linked to jobs in nations which are not enabled.

- 玩家教练不再被联系到没有下课的国家队教练的位置上了
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-19 14:24:44 | 显示全部楼层
> Transfers


- Adjusted down values for certain Championship level players at clubs like QPR who had slightly higher potentials than reputations but where those potentials were below top standard level.

- 调整了某些英格兰冠军联赛俱乐部球员的身价,比如女王公园巡游者队的一些队员,比起名声来 他们有比较高的潜力,但这些潜力低于顶级水平

- Ensured young lads don't get put in the first team when they can't actually play for the first team

- 确保年轻球员在不能为一线队比赛的时候被放在一线队的问题

- Tuned manager interest, stopped managers being interested in lesser stature club's than the ones they are currently at

- 调整了教练的兴趣,停止了教练被比他现在所在俱乐部更小俱乐部的兴趣

> Translation


- Fixed 'Transfer Status' on player right-click menu not being called for translation.

- 修正了球员右键菜单中的“转会状态”不变的问题

- Fixed some three-line manager comments not being translated

- 修正了一些三线队教练的言论不变的问题

- Fixed 'Default Team Selection' not translated in Team Selection List Dialog

- 修正了“默认队伍选择”在队伍选择列表对话时不变的问题

> International Management


- Fixed player being removed from squad when he has 1 or 2 day injury.

- 修正了当球员有1到2天伤病时被移出队伍的问题

- International underage jobs now offered to human managers by computer managers.

- 电脑教练现在会向玩家教练提供国家青年队工作的机会了

- Removed player pre match comment for second leg of a playoff( until text can be added to determine first leg score )

- 去除了球员在附加赛第二回合赛前的评论(直到第一回合的比分在新闻中出现为止)

- More national team managers are now retained at the start of the game.

- 在游戏开始阶段,保留更多的国家队教练

- Fixed national team news item saying team are already out of the competition when they are not.

- 修正了当国家队还没有出局时,新闻却说队伍已经出局的问题

- Fixed news item says 'despite failing to win their last game' when it's the first game.

- 修正了当两队第一次交手时,新闻却说“尽管他们上次交手输掉了”的问题

- Fixed high rep managers signing as human managers national team youth managers.

- 修正了高声望教练和玩家国家青年队签约的问题

- Fixed national teams playing big nations in small stadiums.

- 修正了国家队和强队在小球场比赛的问题
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-19 14:25:04 | 显示全部楼层
> Player Profile


- Fixed bizarre player reaction to media comment prior to relgation battle

- 修正了球员在保级大战前对媒体发布奇怪的言论

- "Believes his manager may be overly about winning the title this season" added confident to the previous string (english only)

- 在早先的新闻中自信的加入“相信他的教练本赛季一定能带领他们夺冠”(仅限英格兰)

- Tuned removal of 'lost confidence' in manager

- 调整去除了对教练“失去信心”

- Ensured that players don't request first team football until fairly fit

- 确保球员不再不停的要求进一线队

> Scouting


- Fixed problem where scout searches and also team coach reports for some small clubs would be full of 5 star players not worthy of such a rating.

- 修正了球探搜索和报告一些小球会充满5星球员 其实并非如此的问题

- Fixed a problem where scout search conditions were not always being saved down properly.

- 修正了球探搜索条件经常不被完全保存的问题

- Fixed next opposition report indicating a player who is on loan is a 'key player'

- 修正了下一个对手报告中提到的“关键球员” 事实上正租借在其他球队的问题

- Stopped players being scouted while injured

- 停止了球员在受伤的时候被观察的问题

- Team coach report tweaking for reporting on AM and DM players in a 352 formation better.

- 队伍教练报告调整了对352阵型中攻击型中场和防守型中场报告,是报告更好

> Player Personality Model


- Prevented rare bug where players seesawed between unhappy/happy with their amount of first team football

- 阻止了球员在他一线队位置上一会高兴 一会不高兴的bug

- Improved AI behind removal of 'clarifacation of squad status' unhappiness

- 改善了在去除“一线队状态澄清”以后不高兴的AI

- Ensured players aren't too pleased when an unknown manager takes charge of a really big team at the start of a game

- 确保了在游戏开始时,当一个不知名的教练执掌一支大球队时 球员不太高兴的问题
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-19 14:25:17 | 显示全部楼层
> Manager


- Tuned manager movement in smaller leagues and semi-pro clubs slightly

- 调整了教练在小联赛和半职业俱乐部中的移动

> Training


- Fixed incorrect coach text being displayed for injured players

- 修正了不正确的教练报告显示在受伤球员的资料里

- Tuned player progression and regeneration player setup

- 调整了球员的进步和再生球员的生成

> Finances

- 财政

- Fixed bug where a few obscure Argentinian players had negative wages

- 修正了模糊的阿根廷球员工资负数的bug

- Fixed bug where free-transfer compensation wasn't always subtracted from finances correctly

- 修正了自由转会赔偿金总是不从财政中正确减去的bug

- Slight tweaking to Korean player and staff wages

- 轻微调整了韩国球员和工作人员的工资

- Slight tweaking to Singaporean player wages

- 轻微调整了新加坡球员的工资

- Slight tweaking to Malaysian player wages

- 轻微调整了马来西亚球员的工资

- Tuned Korean semi-pro expenditure costs

- 调整了韩国半职业队伍的支出

- Tuned Serbian sponsorship amounts

- 调整了塞尔维亚赞助的数目

- Tuning capping on player valuations for minor leagues to prevent "big-name" players in those leagues being over somewhat valued considering the clubs they are at.

- 调整了低级联赛球员的身价 以阻止在这些联赛中的“大牌”球员对他们所在俱乐部的一些评估

- Reduced level of TV payments in smaller leagues somewhat where appropriate

- 恰当的减少了一些低级联赛的电视转播收入

- Tuned Czech player valuations

- 调整了捷克球员的身价

- Tuned Czech club sponsorship amounts

- 调整了捷克俱乐部赞助的数目

- Israeli wage and player valuation tuning

- 调整了以色列球员的工资和身价

- Chinese player valutation tuning

- 调整了中国球员的身价(不知道是调高还是调低)


> Mac Only
- Fixed mac bug which was trying to scan font files in formats that we don't support
- Fixed potential file error on mac; if filenames were too long, the wrong file could get returned from a routine, leading to file corruptions
- Fixed crash when right-clicking on an edit box on the mac
- Fixed double-clicking on game file to load a game
- Fixed mac preferences, about and quit menus
- Rewrote some low level file code to remove the old OS9 file name length limits

> Windows Only


- Fixed scanning files with invalid modification dates would cause game crash (If date was not between 00:00:00 01-01-1970 and 03:14:07 01-19-2038 (UTC).)

- 修正了无效修改日期扫描文件可能导致的崩溃(如果日期不是在00:00:00 01-01-1970 03:14:07 01-19-2038 (UTC)之间的话)

> Hall Of Fame


- International continental competition wins are now rated by the continent. Before an Oceania Nations Cup win was treated equally to a European Championship win.

- 洲际比赛的胜利现在根据各洲加分。以前 一个大洋洲的冠军和欧洲冠军是一样的

> Retirements


- Fixed player's retiring day after announcing that they are about to retire due to injury at end of season

- 修正了球员宣布退役日期后,由于在赛季末受伤的退役

- Re-tuned distribution of retirement news.

- 再次调整了退役新闻的发布

- When a player gets converted into a coach/manager, he retains his city of birth and career history.

- 当球员转变为教练时,保留他的出生地和职业生涯

> Data Editor


- Making changes to playing histories no longer crashes the game or the editor.

- 改变比赛历史不再会崩溃

- The ratings of club and nation relationships can now be updated.

- 俱乐部表现和国家关系可以更新了

- The editor can now save the datafiles to another location than the default one.

- 编辑器可以保存数据文件到其他地方了
发表于 2004-11-19 14:35:26 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-11-19 14:57:05 | 显示全部楼层
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