FIRTST TOUCH: Related to, but not quite the same as Technique. just a measure of a player's control on receiving the ball-an invaluable skill.
A player with a poor FIRST TOUCH will see the ball skew off at an improbable angle, whereas one with a good rating immediately will have it under control.
具体英文偶就不标注了。第一,多看说明。FM05版不像0304,是有个PDF文件详解属性的。第二,偶研究过PRIMA GUIDE OF CM 0304。第三,动脑筋是好事,但不要在不了解的情况下去断然什么。就像那个什么:远射倾向、过人倾向,仔细想一下就知道不可能了。为什么?:如果是倾向,就必然归在精神类属性了。怎么会是技术类呢?欧洲人在这方面是比较严谨的。