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发表于 2004-10-13 22:01:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

We've been putting the beta version of Football Manager 2005 through its paces for a month. Here's the post-match report

17:03 What more can we say about the epic Football Manager 2005 versus Championship Manager derby that hasn't been said before?
Nothing. But we've got a theory. We reckon that the long-running Championship Manager series has such a loyal, dedicated and active fan base that anyone with any interest in taking a virtual Leyton Orient line-up to the Champion's League final already knows the score.

So here are the classified results for you if you've missed out on the action. Sports Interactive, the guys who created the Championship Manager series, split from former publishers Eidos after last November's release of Champ 03/04. They took the code and their staff to Sega, but had to leave the Championship Manager brand name with Eidos.

Thus Football Manager 2005 was born. Essentially it's the footie management game you've always known, loved, and spent far too much time playing for years and it's due for a November 5 launch on PC.

We've been playing the pre-production beta code for over a month now. Here's the most telling initial reaction: it's kept us up at night, made us forget about personal relationships, and stopped us from eating regular meals. Same old Champio... sorry, Football Manger.

On the Chalkboard
As a Champ veteran the first thing you'll notice is the interface has been made smoother, sleeker, easier to navigate, and somehow more appealing. Menus are accessed from a drop-down taskbar running along the top of the screen and a sidebar offers all the options you need quickly.

It's a slight shock to the system if you're used to Champ's previous interface, but only in the sense that Football Manager's desktop makes more sense. It helps that the whole interface can be customised to your taste, with sidebars moved, menus shifted and skins added until you're totally happy. It's a strange reverse engineering process that, after about five minutes of acclimatisation, makes you feel more comfortable than ever.

And if you're new to the series rest assured that you'll be able to understand the labyrinth of stats and screens with greater ease than ever before. There's nothing flashy or innovative. It's just common sense.

It's admirable how keen Sports Interactive is to involve the fans with their projects and many of the improvements have come from focus groups and endless forum discussions. One of our favourite improvements is that your squad is now listed in a single line by default, and that you can view your whole squad - and select your team - in the tactics screen.

Sounds simple, but what a difference it makes. There's a real feeling that you can action your managerial decisions quicker and more effectively in every section. Coupled with the souped-up processing speed that Sports Interactive promise will help the game run about 45% quicker than before, the hours spent tinkering are set to go even quicker.

Footballing Brain
That's not to insinuate that Football Manager is dumbed-down in any way. In fact, it's smartened up considerably. The most notable additions occur, once again, in the tactics screen. LMA Manager-style slider bars have replaced the old simple on/off boxes for every tactical setting, and several new ones have been added such as defensive line, rhythm, and width.

On top of that, you can now assign specific roles to players such as playmaker or target man. These responsibilities automatically allocate a tactical set to the player involved, making tweaking the on-pitch mentality of your star player a breeze.

And the increased depth of tactical options doesn't muddy the strategic water. Conversely, it helps it become even more crystal clear. We noticed that our team and individual players reacted instantly to tactical changes. Every tweak has an immediate and tangible effect on the way your team performs.

This is partly thanks to the improved match engine. Our favourite big addition is the opportunity to watch games in a split-screen format, so you can keep one eye on the match and another on the scorelines rolling in from around the league. Our favourite little addition is a ball with black panels so you can appreciate the movement and spin better, but all in all everything looks better, moves better, and portrays a far more accurate reflection of a game of football.

Gone are those infuriating moments when your keeper retreated from a loose ball in the box or your defender deserts the forward bearing down upon goal. They're replaced by players with more intelligence, more skills, and, if their stats allow it, a delightful sense of flair and imagination that could be as entertaining as the watching the real thing.

Of course, this also applies to beefy, strong players. The point is that you can identify individual playing style better than ever before, and that these playing styles come together with your tactics to create a more involving and realistic depiction of a football match.

More More Morale
But with realistic behaviour comes realistic personalities, and in the world of football that can mean tantrums and tummy rumbling as big egos are stroked - or stoked. Football Manager introduces a far more interactive gameworld where comments made by the press, other managers, other players, and yourself have a tangible and lasting effect on all concerned.

Sports Interactive are calling this a move towards a "football RPG". You're free to comment on other managers and have to speak to the press more often. While this was a very limited, black-and-white process in Champ that you could easily manipulate in your favour, it's far more involving in FM.

Sure, you could tell Jose Mourinho he's a cocky, arrogant bugger, but your words could fire up his team to perform better in your upcoming clash, or place more pressure on your lads to perform on the day. And if you get beaten your team's morale could plummet, but hump Jose all over the pitch and spirits could soar. But then your boys could get complacent and slip up the next week against bottom of the table opposition. And so on...

As your game progresses and the seasons pass, your relationships with other managers and players should overlap to form an even more involving and personalised gameworld than ever before. One of the great things about Champ was always that it let you create your own footballing legend. Football Manger should give you more freedom than ever to write the script.

Post-Match Analysis
When we spoke to Miles Jacobson, MD at Sports Interactive, he told us that Football Manager was the embodiment of what Championship Manger 03/04 should have been. Scary. While we must stress that we've been playing unfinished code that is still being tweaked and polished as we speak, we're already having premonitions of sleepless nights, broken promises, and desolate social wastelands.

But let's not forget the competition. Eidos' Championship Manager 5 is being developed from the ground up by a new team. Some legendary names in videogame football like Steve Screech, who worked on the Kick Off series, are involved, and early appearances of the game have been positive. It's listed for a PC release on 29 October, but we've heard rumours that it could slip to mid November.

There's no doubt that this is the most important face-off in the history of footie management games. It's a local derby that makes Arsenal-Tottenham, Liverpool-Everton and Rangers-Celtic look like friendly kickabouts in the park. We'll be in the dugout bringing you all the coverage.

For now, there are a few things you can do to prepare yourself. Cut off any relationships, get yourself a comfy seat, and lock the doors. Football Manager's coming home.

Author:Graeme Boyd
发表于 2004-10-13 22:16:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-10-13 23:34:45 | 显示全部楼层
怎么看怎么觉得是si的枪手  一味的歌功颂德
照我看  fm是很不错   但我们也应该看到可以改进和应该改进的地方  
发表于 2004-10-14 15:36:09 | 显示全部楼层
哇!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~哪位大哥来翻译一下!我自己也看的懂,但是毕竟我是中国人,这不明摆着欺负那些不懂E文的人吗?斑竹,你 要  负责啊!
发表于 2004-10-15 00:22:06 | 显示全部楼层



分家的结果可能让你不知该如何及时的选择。Sports Interactive,制作了cm系列的小组。自从去年十一月发布cm0304之后就与之前的出版者Eidos分离. si小组带了数据库和他们的职员到 Sega, 但是不得不给Eidos留下了cm这个商标。

因此,Football Manager2005诞生了。 本质上它就是你所知道和喜爱的足球经理游戏,你会乐意花费更多的时间来玩它。预期在11月5日就在pc上发行。

我们现在已经玩它的demo版有了超过一个月的时间。 这是我们最初的反应: 它让我们在晚上忘记了休息,使我们忘记了朋友,还让我们无法准时规律的用餐时间。就像以前的Champio。。。 对不起,现在是Football Manager。




值得钦佩的是Sports Interactive那么热切的希望爱好者沉迷他们的设计中,许多进步都来自团体的集中讨论和永无止境的论坛讨论。 我们这次最喜爱进步之一是你的球队默认排列为一直线, 而且你能在战术选择界面看到你的整个队伍。

听起来很简单,但是它确实带来不同的感觉。它使你在每个领域的管理都更加快而更有效率。外加Sports Interactive保证运行速度将比之前加快45%,用来修补的时间将更快。

速度加快不是意味着fm将在所有的方面都降低要求。实际上,可以认为它变的更加漂亮。最值得额外指出的,还在在战术界面上。LMA manager风格的滑动条已经在每一项战术设定里代替简单的ON/OFF按钮,也增加了一些新的元素如防御线,比赛节奏和宽度。

在那之上,你可以指定特别的角色给你的球员,如playmaker(组织者)和target man(得分球员)。这些职责自动地使相关球员积极参与到战术中,让你的明星球员更好的发挥他的能力。

那些加强了的战术选项不会混乱你的战术。 相反地,它帮助它变的更非常清晰。我们可以发现我们的球队和个人会立即对战术的变化作出反应。每一个调整都会及时和切实的反映到球队的表现上。




现实的行为来自现实的个性,在足球的世界里这意味着发脾气或者发牢骚。Football Manager这次引入了更为互动的游戏世界。一些评论都会产生影响,其他经理。其他球员或者你自己都会在各方面被这个系统切实和持续的作用着。

Sports Interactive把这个变化称为向"足球 RPG"的一次变动。你可以自由的评论其他经理和更加频繁的讲话以对他施压。这一点在cm系列中是相当有限的,比起在cm中单调的运行,fm可以让你更加自如的运用并且乐在其中。

当然,你可以说Jose Mourinho他是骄傲的, 傲慢的同性恋,但是你所说的话会点燃他的队伍在即将来临的和你的对决中的士气, 或在那天给你更多的压力。而且如果你的队伍被击败,那士气就会垂直落下, 但是扳倒 Jose的队伍,会使你队伍的士气飞升,但也难保你的球员因为过分自满在下一周对联赛傍尾球队的较量中马失前蹄。


当我们跟Miles Jacobsen(si小组的游戏制作人)谈话的时候,他告诉我们football mangager是cm0304未达到的目标的现实化。令人惊奇的,我们要强调虽然我们玩的是还没有最终完成的版本,但它已经像我们说的那样完美。我们已经准备好无数个不眠之夜来陪伴这个游戏。

为了不忘记比较,Eidos的Championship Manager5已经由一个新的小组研制出来。小组其中不乏一些传奇性的名字,比如Steve Screech--Kick Off系列的工作者之一。游戏的早期面目已经确定,它将在10月29号发行,但我们听到有它将跳票到11月中旬的传言。

没有人怀疑这将是足球管理游戏历史上最重要的对立较量。就像地方德比如Arsenal-Tottenham ,Liverpool- Everton 和rangers-Celtic,看起来就像公园的一场友好的本区公开赛。我们将会在一边带给你所有的报导。

现在,你有许多事情要准备。断绝所有和亲朋好友的交往,给自己弄个舒服的椅子,再把门锁上,Football Manager要来了!!!
发表于 2004-10-15 03:10:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-10-15 10:23:42 | 显示全部楼层
楼上看过楼上上的Champion and Manager一文没,那个更强啊
http://fmfans.cn/viewthread.php? ... ight=%2Brainybishop
发表于 2004-10-15 19:54:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-10-15 20:09:33 | 显示全部楼层
哈哈,举手之劳。我在天邻已经翻译过了,看见这里有人发出原文来,就把翻译弄过来,好多点人看看。champion and manager是自己写的,可比这个翻译人家的累多了,算是对cm系列的一点纪念总结吧

[ Last edited by rainybishop on 2004-10-15 at 08:12 PM ]
发表于 2004-10-15 20:56:31 | 显示全部楼层
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