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[新闻报道] FM2011 博客第13天 -- 新的赛前训练功能! (已翻译)【zz from PLCM】

发表于 2010-10-15 07:22:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 henry1029 于 2010-10-15 21:31 编辑

http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/ ... ;utm_medium=twitter

An aspect of real life training Football Manager has not really modelled before is match preparation.
While the training in FM has previously only focused on improving the players as individuals, having talked to lots of people inside football, including visiting both international and club training sessions and post training meetings, we made the decision to ensure that training also needs to function as a tool to make the team work better as a whole by training formations and tactics in training.
先前的训练系统一味专注于提高球员们的个体能力,但在走访调查大量足球圈内人士以及围观学习众多国家队俱乐部的训练会议之后,我们决定把训练系统扩展, 使之成为集培养团队协作,增进战术素养,提高阵型熟练度为一体的强力工具.
It’s about time really – people have been discussing this on our forums for a long time, but it was only this year that we managed to come up with a way to make this work properly alongside the other parts of the game.
是时候做出改变了 -- 看着那些长久以来在我们论坛群情激昂热烈讨论的球迷, 我们真的只是今年才找到办法可以让这一新功能同游戏的其他部分和谐共处互不影响.  
By default, your team will train in whichever tactic you’ve set up as your main tactic, but also gives you the choice to add 2 more tactics, either ones you’ve created yourself, or some of the other default tactics in the game to ensure you can have not just a plan b, but a plan c too.
      默认情况下, 你的球队会主要习练你所设定的球队第一战术. 不过你依然可以选择另外两个战术作为预备 -- 你既可以自己打造, 也可以从默认战术中挑选.
The training module tracks the level of familiarity to each area of the tactics for each team, and tracks formation, mentality, passing style, creative freedom, closing down, marking, tempo and width, giving feedback to you as the manager in how familiar the squad are with what you are asking.
新的赛前准备体系会显示各自球队战术每一方面的熟练度, 包括阵型信息,精神力,传球方式,创造力,拦截,盯人,节奏和宽度...,所有这些将会让您对球队的战术情况一目了然,并找出与自己心目中理想环节的差距.
When changing into a tactical setting that the team is not familiar with, default starting levels for each area are worked out from the existing levels in the same tactical area. So adapting to a new formation for example will be much easier if the team had already been training a similar formation before. This helps you have more flexibility on the match preparation training as familiarity levels do not "reset" that easily, unless you go for some totally different tactical settings to what the squad is familiar with. Or sign a whole squad of new players, who will be training from scratch to adjust to your tactics, unless they’ve had similar match preparation training elsewhere, of course.
当你转而使用球队并不太熟悉的战术设置时, 初始的各项熟练等级将会入替现有战术的相同设置环节. 所以准备换阵前最好抽段时间训练下手中的弟子们以期早日适应. 此举将大大拓宽你的战术灵活性, 除非你突然颠覆了球队的既往打法. 此外如果你一口气签入了一整队的新球员, 他们将从头开始适应你的战术理念, 当然如果他们在别处接触过类似的准备训练将大大缩短适应期.
The better trained your players are and the more familiar they are with your tactics, the better they will play.
千言万语汇成一句话: 越调教越熟悉, 越熟悉越给力.
On top of this, there are also special focus areas for the squad that can be chosen aside from the regular tactical training. This takes some of the focus about from the tactics training, but can be very useful in other areas.
还有一点不得不提, 你可以单独选择自己战术中特别需要注意的地方, 这看起来或许有些走偏门, 但却着实有用.
These are team blend (one for the wheeler dealers out there!), defensive positions, attacking movement, defending set pieces and attacking set pieces. These special focus assignments can be changed before each match based on the next opposition to make the most of their weaknesses and your own strengths.
It’s up to you to decide the split between match preparation and scheduled individual training – just be careful not to overload your players, as over training can harm development, increase the risk of injuries, and also make players unhappy. And you wouldn’t like them if they were unhappy….
玩家可以自由决定赛前准备及传统训练下的训练量, 不过提醒你一句, 千万不要让球员们超负荷工作, 过度疲劳影响发育, 过度疲劳增加伤病几率, 过度疲劳导致球员抑郁......想一想, 他们不爽了, 你的冬天还会远么?
I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

放两张图吧  SI太拖沓了  但是有句要求还是不得不提: 烦请大家请勿将此类截图转到非中文网站(包括官网),以免引起不必要的麻烦,多谢.



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