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[新闻报道] day 10: First view of the all new and improved match animation

发表于 2010-10-12 08:01:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/ ... -article598883.html

In Football Manager 2009 we made available a 3d view of the in game matches for the first time. It looked like this:


Just 2 years later, with Football Manager 2011 there have been a huge amount of improvements. It now looks like this:


Which is a pretty big difference, and a huge step in the right direction!

Over the next two days I’m going to give you a bit of an insight into what has changed in the last year in the match views. Before I do that though, just a little bit about the match engine itself.

Unlike the action football games on the market, we are trying to create a real simulation of the full 90 minutes of a game of football. We are constantly working on improving the match engine itself, and constantly looking at the changing ways that football is played, whilst giving the flexibility for you to be in complete control of your tactics, and how your players play on the day (although, of course, their personalities might mean that they completely ignore you and do whatever they want to anyway!).

We spend a lot of time looking at real world stats for shots, passes, tackles, runs, saves, last ditch challenges etc and constantly compare those to the stats that are being outputted from our match engine, as well as working with ex-players, such as Ray Houghton, to ensure that the flow of the game is accurate, and that players positioning and movement is how it would be in real life.

So whilst we are more interested in the way the game plays, rather than how it looks, it’s still important to us to ensure that the football looks believable. We aren’t trying to make players look like they do in real life, as, well, it would be impossible anyway with over 430,000 players and staff that we have in the game, but we do want them to look like they are footballers at least!

One of the main areas we’ve been concentrating on match view wise this year has been the animations. We have revamped nearly every animation in the game, and improved the contact points (the point where the ball and animation meet) throughout.

We also have well over 100 new animations, which relate to different kinds of kicks, headers, tricks such as step overs, and emotions. We’ve also added in lots of nice touches, such as players making last ditch lunges for crosses and passes.

Emotions are something that are brand new to Football Manager 2011, and add an extra element to the visual look of the players. Players react differently to events in matches depending on their personality - so you’ll see inspirational players attempting to rally the troops after your team concedes, whereas others will bury their head in their hands. Emotions range from players signalling their disgust at misplaced passes from teammates to furiously questioning why a teammate didn’t pass to them instead of blazing a chance over the bar, and much more.

They’ve also lead to a lot more varied goal celebrations in the game some of which you’ll notice on the videos that we’ve already uploaded to our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/sigamesofficial.

All in all, the animations are dramatically improved from last year’s release, as are all other areas of the look of the match view, but I’ll go into that more tomorrow.

Just before I go, I’m getting a LOT of questions at the moment on Twitter, Facebook and our forums about when the demo of the game is going to be released. For those that don’t know, this is a free demo of the game that allows you to play half a season, and then carry on your game once the game is released and available to buy.

The answer to this question at the moment is that we don’t know. We have to wait until the game is in manufacture before preparing the demo, as we want to ensure that when the demo is released, it is identical to the version of the game that will be able to be bought in the shops.

The demo is normally released 2 weeks ahead of its release which, this year, is on November 5, but we cannot commit to any dates yet so please be patient and, of course, as soon as we have a date, I’ll be writing about it here for mirrorfootball.co.uk.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-12 20:16:33 | 显示全部楼层

PlayGM 听不太清翻译

In Football Manager 2009 we made available a 3d view of the in game matches for the first time. Just 2 years later, with Football Manager 2011 there have been a huge amount of improvements.
FM09中我们首次引入了3D比赛画面. 两年之后的今天, FM11已然在此方面做出巨大飞跃.(对比我就不贴了 是两段之前都有的视频)

Which is a pretty big difference, and a huge step in the right direction!

Over the next two days I’m going to give you a bit of an insight into what has changed in the last year in the match views. Before I do that though, just a little bit about the match engine itself.

Unlike the action football games on the market, we are trying to create a real simulation of the full 90 minutes of a game of football. We are constantly working on improving the match engine itself, and constantly looking at the changing ways that football is played, whilst giving the flexibility for you to be in complete control of your tactics, and how your players play on the day (although, of course, their personalities might mean that they completely ignore you and do whatever they want to anyway!).
与市面上其他款的动作类足游不同, SI一直努力把真实球场上的一切搬到FM中来. 我们不停的改进游戏引擎, 追寻足球发展的最新趋势, 尽最大可能为玩家提供战术上的灵活性, 让你的球员按照你的想法登场比赛.(当然球员们也有可能因为自身性格原因忽略你的所有要求而自行发挥)

We spend a lot of time looking at real world stats for shots, passes, tackles, runs, saves, last ditch challenges etc and constantly compare those to the stats that are being outputted from our match engine, as well as working with ex-players, such as Ray Houghton, to ensure that the flow of the game is accurate, and that players positioning and movement is how it would be in real life.
我们花了大量时间用以观察现实足坛中球员们的动作诸如射门,传球,跑动,扑球等等等等...然后我们将得到的数据与游戏引擎模拟出的画面进行对比.我们也同前足坛人士进行合作,比如Ray Houghton, 他告诉我们真实情况下球员们的跑动及位置情况, 以此保证游戏中的比赛进程真实可靠.

So whilst we are more interested in the way the game plays, rather than how it looks, it’s still important to us to ensure that the football looks believable. We aren’t trying to make players look like they do in real life, as, well, it would be impossible anyway with over 430,000 players and staff that we have in the game, but we do want them to look like they are footballers at least!
其实我们对比赛的模拟方式更感兴趣,甚至可以说远超过对比赛画面的兴趣. 对SI来说没有什么比呈现一场真实的足球比赛更重要.所以我们不会把生活中球员的每一个动作都搬到游戏中,再说了若要真做到这一点也基本上属于不可能的任务,想想看数据库中的那430000多个人吧. 归根结底, 我们的目标是最起码让游戏中的那些小人看起来就是活生生的足球运动员.

One of the main areas we’ve been concentrating on match view wise this year has been the animations. We have revamped nearly every animation in the game, and improved the contact points (the point where the ball and animation meet) throughout.

We also have well over 100 new animations, which relate to different kinds of kicks, headers, tricks such as step overs, and emotions. We’ve also added in lots of nice touches, such as players making last ditch lunges for crosses and passes.
今年的游戏新增了超过一百种的动作.不同的任意球姿势,手抛球动作,甚至犯规动作都可以完美呈现. 而且现在球员情绪也可以看出来啦.我们也新加入了很多来感的身体接触,额...具体的说就是互相推搡啊,争夺界外球啊之类...

Emotions are something that are brand new to Football Manager 2011, and add an extra element to the visual look of the players. Players react differently to events in matches depending on their personality - so you’ll see inspirational players attempting to rally the troops after your team concedes, whereas others will bury their head in their hands. Emotions range from players signalling their disgust at misplaced passes from teammates to furiously questioning why a teammate didn’t pass to them instead of blazing a chance over the bar, and much more.
情绪是FM11新加入的内容, 这将给球员带来更多表达情感的动作. 球员们会因为各自的性格而对比赛中发生的一切做出自己的反应,如果你的球队被扳平,你会看到一些球员懊丧的把手抱在头上(杰队那样...),而那些意志顽强的球员则会以此为激励小宇宙爆发奋勇杀敌.

They’ve also lead to a lot more varied goal celebrations in the game some of which you’ll notice on the videos that we’ve already uploaded to our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/sigamesofficial.

All in all, the animations are dramatically improved from last year’s release, as are all other areas of the look of the match view, but I’ll go into that more tomorrow.

Just before I go, I’m getting a LOT of questions at the moment on Twitter, Facebook and our forums about when the demo of the game is going to be released. For those that don’t know, this is a free demo of the game that allows you to play half a season, and then carry on your game once the game is released and available to buy.
N多人在各种渠道上逼问我Demo究竟何时才会放出, 在此我先要阐述下demo的概念, 这是一种会让你试玩半个赛季的小东西,它的主要功能就是勾起你购买正式版的欲火.

The answer to this question at the moment is that we don’t know. We have to wait until the game is in manufacture before preparing the demo, as we want to ensure that when the demo is released, it is identical to the version of the game that will be able to be bought in the shops.
可我现在只能说真不知道啥时候能放出.我们必须等到游戏正式开始刻盘生产后才能着手准备demo的相关事宜.我们也想尽快确定demo的发布时间,可大家需要明白, demo跟正经在店里出售的正式版(除了游戏时间限制外)毫无差别.

The demo is normally released 2 weeks ahead of its release which, this year, is on November 5, but we cannot commit to any dates yet so please be patient and, of course, as soon as we have a date, I’ll be writing about it here for mirrorfootball.co.uk.
demo差不多会在游戏正式发售前两周放给大家,今年的游戏发售定在了11月5号,不过我们还不能给你任何关于demo日期的承诺.耐心等待吧, 如果我们确定了日期, 我会第一时间在这里告知大家.
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