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[新闻报道] day four: new press conference questions revealed!

发表于 2010-10-1 07:59:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/ ... -article592261.html

Yesterday I blogged about the new news system and some of the new media in FM11 and today’s continues from there by talking about the revamped press conferences.

Press conferences are what Id describe as a 'marmite' feature of the Football Manager series. You either love 'em, or hate 'em. Which is why the option is there to ask your assistant to do them for you if you fall in the latter camp!

aMe, I love them. But I also acknowledge that in last year's release they weren't as good as they could have been.

For those of you who've never played Football Manager before, the way press conferences work is that a bunch of journalists turn up from different publications, including MirrorFootball of course, and ask you questions, giving you five choices of answer.

They were actually one of the first features we worked on for Football Manager 2011, with an early decision made to go through every single question (well over 300 of them at that stage) and make sure that the answers were more in keeping with the situation that your club was in. Basically, there weren't enough possible answer sets, and now there are.

We have also changed the way you reply to the questions. Previously you chose your answer and then pressed the confirm button, and our usability studies showed that this frustrated people, so we now use a 'one click' system. Make sure you think about your answer before choosing it, or you could find yourself with some very unhappy players!

We've also added a bunch of new questions - well over 100 - meaning the total amount of questions is over 500 now, including many that are triggered by the new system we have in place for working out how well (or badly!) your team are doing, to ensure that the questions you are asked really are specific to your team, rather than being generic.

The new system is also a lot more 'clever'. It can recognise when you've rested a player, how fans feel towards new signings, when you've re-signed a player, how important the forthcoming match is and the above mentioned better logic for choosing the answer set.

One of the complaints that we've had on the system is that it gets a bit repetitive, so hopefully the extra questions will make it less so - although as someone who spends a lot of time doing interviews each year, it happens in real life too. You wouldn't believe how many times I get asked exactly the same questions each year, including many in every interview!

So I can't promise that you won't see questions more than once because, simply, you will - but we're trying to simulate real life here, and it happens!

There's not nearly enough space on the internet to go detail every new press conference question that's in the game, but here are a few of my favourites:

- Questions about the club's ex-manager when you take over a club (particularly if they've been successful)

- Questions regarding new signings after they've played for a few matches

- Specific questions for special competitions, like the Community Shield.

- A new press conference following draws for major tournaments if your team are involved with them.

- Questions regarding team selection when the manager may be considering rotating and/or resting players.

- Signing former players and the reaction that will have around the club and amongst the supporters.

- Questions asked when milestones have been reached both by clubs and players.

- A whole host of new Cup-related questions.

Right, that's it for today, and for this week! I'll be back on Monday to reveal some more secrets about Football Manager 2011, but you'll have to wait and see what it will be!

One thing that I'll be blogging about properly in the coming weeks is the new social network features that are in Football Manager 2011 for the first time.

If you want a sneak preview of how they work, you might want to follow me on Twitter if you are on there, as I’ll be “testing” the game this weekend, and the Twitter functionality is one of the things I’ll be testing. You can follow me @milessi

Have a great weekend, and good luck to all of the teams you support everywhere in the world. Except for Sheffield United, who are playing my beloved Watford….
发表于 2010-10-1 11:07:35 | 显示全部楼层





我们还改变了你的答覆。 以前,你选择你的答案,然后按下确认键,而我们的可用性研究表明,这种失意的人,所以我们现在用一个'一次点击'系统。确保你对你的答案三思而后选择它,或者你可以找到一些非常不高兴的球员吧!

我们还增加了一堆新的问题 - 超过100 - 意义的问题的总金额超过500现在,包括许多被新的系统,我们在工作的地方,引发的是如何为好(或不好!)你的团队在做什么,以确保您所问的问题确实是特定于您的团队,而不是通用的,。


我们已经在系统上有抱怨之一是,它变得有点重复,所以希望将多余的问题,使它没有那么 - 尽管谁的人花了很多时间做访问,每年,它发生在现实生活中太。你不会相信有多少次我被问同样的问题,每年,包括在每次采访了!

因此,我不能保证你不会看到多于一次的问题,因为,简单地说,你会 - 但我们正试图模拟现实生活在这里,它发生!

有几乎没有足够的空间在互联网上走细节每一个新的新闻发布会上的问题,在游戏的,但这里有我最喜欢的几个: - 关于俱乐部的前经理问题当你接手一个俱乐部(尤其是如果他们已经已成功) - 问题就新签约后,他们已经打了几场比赛 - 特殊比赛的具体问题,如社区盾。

- 一个新的记者招待会吸引如果你的团队与他们参与的重大赛事。

- 疑问队选拔当经理可能会考虑旋转和/或休息的球员。

- 签约前球员和反应,将有大约俱乐部和支持者之间。

- 提出的问题时,双方已达成的里程碑,由俱乐部和球员。

- 一个新的世界杯相关的问题一大堆。



如果你想偷袭他们是怎样工作预览,你可能想跟随我的Twitter如果你有,我会在“测试”这个周末的比赛,和Twitter的功能的事情我会一进行测试。你可以跟着我@ milessi有一个伟大的周末,好运气你支持的球队在世界上到处都是。除谢菲尔德联队,谁在玩我心爱的沃特福德...。
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-1 11:40:47 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-10-1 15:51:35 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-10-1 17:09:41 | 显示全部楼层
pzhy 发表于 2010-10-1 15:51

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发表于 2010-10-1 18:34:24 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-1 18:35:57 | 显示全部楼层
PlayGM 听不太清 翻译

Yesterday I blogged about the new news system and some of the new media in FM11 and today’s continues from there by talking about the revamped press conferences.
Press conferences are what Id describe as a 'marmite' feature of the Football Manager series. You either love 'em, or hate 'em. Which is why the option is there to ask your assistant to do them for you if you fall in the latter camp!
aMe, I love them. But I also acknowledge that in last year's release they weren't as good as they could have been.
For those of you who've never played Football Manager before, the way press conferences work is that a bunch of journalists turn up from different publications, including MirrorFootball of course, and ask you questions, giving you five choices of answer.
They were actually one of the first features we worked on for Football Manager 2011, with an early decision made to go through every single question (well over 300 of them at that stage) and make sure that the answers were more in keeping with the situation that your club was in. Basically, there weren't enough possible answer sets, and now there are.
We have also changed the way you reply to the questions. Previously you chose your answer and then pressed the confirm button, and our usability studies showed that this frustrated people, so we now use a 'one click' system. Make sure you think about your answer before choosing it, or you could find yourself with some very unhappy players!
We've also added a bunch of new questions - well over 100 - meaning the total amount of questions is over 500 now, including many that are triggered by the new system we have in place for working out how well (or badly!) your team are doing, to ensure that the questions you are asked really are specific to your team, rather than being generic.
The new system is also a lot more 'clever'. It can recognise when you've rested a player, how fans feel towards new signings, when you've re-signed a player, how important the forthcoming match is and the above mentioned better logic for choosing the answer set.
One of the complaints that we've had on the system is that it gets a bit repetitive, so hopefully the extra questions will make it less so - although as someone who spends a lot of time doing interviews each year, it happens in real life too. You wouldn't believe how many times I get asked exactly the same questions each year, including many in every interview!
So I can't promise that you won't see questions more than once because, simply, you will - but we're trying to simulate real life here, and it happens!
There's not nearly enough space on the internet to go detail every new press conference question that's in the game, but here are a few of my favourites:
Questions about the club's ex-manager when you take over a club (particularly if they've been successful)
Questions regarding new signings after they've played for a few matches
Specific questions for special competitions, like the Community Shield.
A new press conference following draws for major tournaments if your team are involved with them.
Questions regarding team selection when the manager may be considering rotating and/or resting players.
Signing former players and the reaction that will have around the club and amongst the supporters.
Questions asked when milestones have been reached both by clubs and players.
A whole host of new Cup-related questions.
Right, that's it for today, and for this week! I'll be back on Monday to reveal some more secrets about Football Manager 2011, but you'll have to wait and see what it will be!
One thing that I'll be blogging about properly in the coming weeks is the new social network features that are in Football Manager 2011 for the first time.
If you want a sneak preview of how they work, you might want to follow me on Twitter if you are on there, as I’ll be “testing” the game this weekend, and the Twitter functionality is one of the things I'll be testing. You can follow me @milessi
如果你想先睹为快,好吧,只要你有Twitter账户,你可以 follow me,本周末我会测试游戏,恰好Twitter也是我测试的一项内容啊哈哈.
Have a great weekend, and good luck to all of the teams you support everywhere in the world. Except for Sheffield United, who are playing my beloved Watford….
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发表于 2010-10-1 20:21:50 | 显示全部楼层
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