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[新闻报道] [FM 2011] Miles Jacobson: FM 2011 是“我们制作过的最好的足球经理模拟游戏”(已翻)

发表于 2010-8-13 18:29:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 fatfat325 于 2010-8-14 18:07 编辑

http://www.footballmanagerstory. ... -we-have-ever-made/

SI 工作室的董事 Miles Jacobson

我们与我们最喜欢的 FM 系列的制作公司—— SI 工作室的董事 Miles Jacobson 的独家采访终于在这里和大家见面了。正如你所知道的, SI 昨天公布了 FM 2011 将在 2010 年圣诞前发表的这个消息。 Miles 跟我们一样,看起来很兴奋。

我在这里感谢大家踊跃提问。可惜的是最后的采访里不能回答所有的问题。这是因为 Miles 不能对尚未公布的 FM 2011 的特性进行点评。采访在下面,希望大家会享受它!

Johnny Karp: 你好 Miles !感谢你能抽空接受这个采访。我知道你在加入SI前就已经是这个游戏的粉丝了,你能告诉大家更多关于那段时间的事,还有你是如何加入 SI 这个工作组的呢?

Miles Jacobson: 我从 CM2 开始就有参与了,这是一段很长的时间了。我是Collyer兄弟(译者注:CM系列的创始人)制作的第一代游戏的忠实粉丝。 CM2 的时候我成为了 beta 测试员。为此我还买了一台新的电脑来玩这款当时我买过的最贵的游戏(游戏还是分期付款的。这是一个多么愚蠢的想法!)。

在 beta 测试的过程中,我开始做自己的数据更新。因为几个朋友都觉得不错,所以我把它们在网上与大家共享了。当时是一个名叫 Boah 的人教会了我怎样上传的,他制作了这款游戏的第一个档前编辑器。一段时间后我发现管理网站的事我忙不过来了,然后一个叫 Marc 的人接手了这事,从此以后我就把更新放他的网站上了。 Boah (又称Svein Kvernoey) 与 Marc Duffy 最后也加入了 SI 。他们已经在这十多年了!

这些年来我成为了英格兰的首席调查员、大不列颠的首席调查员、 SI 的商业咨询,然后是 Ov Collyer 旅游时也做过 SI 的常务董事。同时我也在音乐界工作。

最终因为在 SI 太忙了,我不得不放弃其他的工作。所以我在 2000 年左右的时候辞去了本来的工作,然后在 SI 转为全职。

Johnny Karp: 你参与了这个游戏好几个版本的制作。你最喜欢哪一个版本呢?

Miles Jacobson: 一直以来我的最爱都倾向于我们游戏的最新版本。

Johnny Karp: 接下来是我们的读者 Matthew 的提问:“ FM 里有这么多的球员,你是如何腾出时间来观察他们,为他们分配准确的数值的呢?你肯定需要成千上万的人来很好地完成这个任务的吧!?!”

Miles Jacobson: 这些不是我亲自做的事! 我们拥有五十多名不同国家和地区的首席调查员,远超过1000位在全球各地每周都观察在A队、B队、C队、青年队球员表现的球探。很多调查员已经跟我们合作了很多年了。

Johnny Karp: 我们来自新加坡的朋友 Lye Kuek Hin 想知道你的 FM 水平:“你在 FM10 里最大的成就是什么呢? 你是使用什么理念和战术的呢?”

Miles Jacobson: 我对于我在 FM10 里当沃特福德主教练的经历很是满意。 2026年的时候我已经赢得了所有,在名人榜里位居榜首,同时也是英格兰的教练。我封档后开始了对 FM11 的测试。不过有一次我的传奇射手 Nathan Steed 超越了 Wayne Rooney 的记录,成为了英格兰历史上最多进球的球员。

Johnny Karp: 来自阿根廷的 Mariano 是南美足球的资深球迷,他问道:“ FM 以后会包括发生在现实中的各种事——入球迷对裁判扔石头、经理被足球流氓威吓、贿赂裁判、药检阳性反应、球员因女人导致队伍分裂等等情况吗”

Miles Jacobson: 不过。这些都不是我们所允许的,也不应该作为足球的一部分。我们也不提倡这些。

Johnny Karp: 现在我们来问几个有关你的足球喜好的问题吧。你最喜欢哪个队?

Miles Jacobson: 我支持的是沃特福德。不过我也有阿森纳的季票。同时我也会去看 AFC Wimbledon 。我也欣赏节奏快、传球流畅、攻击性的球队。

Johnny Karp: 你最喜欢的球员是谁?

Miles Jacobson: 最近我最喜欢观看的球员是梅西。这答案不出奇吧。他是世界上仅有的几位真正能被称作世界级球员中的一位。

Johnny Karp: 你足球里印象最深刻的时候?

Miles Jacobson: John Barnes。我看过他代表沃特福德首次替补登场。最深刻的是他代表英格兰对巴西队进球了。一名让人感到惊讶的球员进了一粒了不起的进球。

John Barnes

Johnny Karp: 你用几个字来形容英格兰在 2010 世界杯上的表现?

Miles Jacobson: 不够好。

Johnny Karp: 你用几个字来形容 FM2011 ?

Miles Jacobson: SI 制作过的最好的足球经理模拟游戏。

Johnny Karp: 最后一个问题来自爱尔兰的 Sears :“你对这个网站 ‘我的 FM 故事’ 的博客有什么看法呢?”

Miles Jacobson: 我喜欢在网上阅读很多 FM 的故事,同时我也很喜欢跟人们分享这些故事——这些故事说明了这游戏的成果,人们把游戏当做是另一个现实。大家也很喜欢阅读他们的故事。这些故事也说明了我们的论坛是多么出色,写出了如此的故事。

这些就是采访的内容。我在这里再一次感谢 Miles 能够抽空回答我们的提问。我知道你们很多人想要知道更多关于 FM 2011 的特性。不过正如我前文所说的,你们会在这里第一时间得知新发布的消息。如果你还没有看过 FM 2011 的公告视频,你可以现在观看。你可以得知 FM 2011 目前你所能知道的详细内容。最后大家来对 Miles 的采访作出评价吧!

Miles Jacobson: FM 2011 is "the best football management simulation that we have ever made"!

http://www.footballmanagerstory. ... -we-have-ever-made/

Miles Jacobson, Sports Interactive Studio Director
Here it is, finally, our exclusive interview with Miles Jacobson, studio director at Sports Interactive, the company that makes our beloved Football Manager game. As you all know Football Manager 2011 was announced yesterday, the game will be released before Christmas 2010, and Miles seems to be as excited as we are about that.

I want to thank all of you again for submitting your questions. Unfortunately not all of them made it into the final interview, many were taken out because Miles can not comment on FM 2011 features that were not announced yet. Here’s the interview, I hope you will enjoy it!

Johnny Karp: Hello Miles and thank you for this interview. I know that you have been a fan of the game before joining Sports Interactive, could you tell us more about that period and how you joined the team at SI?

Miles Jacobson: I’ve been involved since CM2, so a very long time. I was a big fan of the first Collyer brothers game, and got involved as a beta tester on CM2, which I actually had to go out and buy a new PC to play which, at the time, was the most expensive thing I’d ever bought (and on hire purchase, which was a very bad idea!).

Whilst beta testing, I started doing my own data updates, which a few friends thought were good, so I put them online, being taught how to do so by a guy known as Boah who made the first editor for the game. After a while the website became too much for me to manage, so someone called Marc got in touch and put my updates on his website instead. Both Boah (aka Svein Kvernoey) and Marc Duffy ended up joining SI too, and have both been here for more than 10 years!

Over the years I became English head research, UK head researcher, SI’s business consultant and then Managing Director of SI when Ov Collyer left to go travelling, all whilst working in the music industry.

Eventually things at SI got too busy to continue doing my other job, so I left that and went full time in 2000 or so.

Johnny Karp: You have worked on several versions of the game so far but which one is your favourite?

Miles Jacobson: My favourite always tends to be the latest version of any of our games.

Johnny Karp: Here’s a question from our reader Matthew: “With so many players on FM how do you find the time to watch each of them and gain accurate attributes on each player because you would need to employ thousands (possibly tens of thousands) to effectively do this surely!?!”

Miles Jacobson: I don’t personally! We have over 50 head researchers in different countries and regions, and well over 1,000 scouts around the world who are watching players week in, week out, at first team, reserve team, B team, C team and youth levels. Most of the researchers have been with us for many, many years.

Johnny Karp: Our friend from Singapore, Lye Kuek Hin wants to know about your FM skills: “What is your biggest achievement in FM10? What type of approach and tactics do you use?”

Miles Jacobson: I’m quite proud of my record as Watford manager in my main career game on FM10 as by 2026 I’d won everything I could, was top of the hall of fame, and England manager too. I stopped playing that game to move onto testing FM11, but only once my legendary striker Nathan Steed had become England’s record goalscorer, topping Wayne Rooney’s record.

Johnny Karp: Mariano from Argentina has seen a lot in South American football, so he asks: “Will FM include at some point situations like fans throwing a stone to the referee, managers threatened by hooligans, bribes to refeeres, positive doping, players that divide a team because of a girlfriend and all that kind of stuff that happens in real football?”

Miles Jacobson: No. It’s not something that we approve of, not something that should be part of football, and we don’t want to promote it in any way.

Johnny Karp: Now a few quick questions about your football favourites. Which is your favourite team?

Miles Jacobson: I support Watford, but also have a season ticket at Arsenal, and go and see AFC Wimbledon too. I also admire any team who play fast, passing, attacking football.

Johnny Karp: The football player that you like the most?

Miles Jacobson: At the moment my favourite player to watch is Leo Messi, but that’s not really a surprise. He’s one of the few players in the world that can really be called world class.

Johnny Karp: Your favourite football moment?

Miles Jacobson: John Barnes, a player who I saw make his debut as a substitute for Watford, scoring for England against Brazil. An amazing goal from an amazing player.

John Barnes
Johnny Karp: How would you describe England’s performance at the 2010 World Cup in a few words?

Miles Jacobson: Not good enough.

Johnny Karp: How would you describe FM2011 in just a few words?

Miles Jacobson: The best football management simulation that SI have ever made.

Johnny Karp: The last question comes from the Republic of Ireland, Sears asks: “What’s your opinion about this website, the ‘My Football Manager Story’ blog?”

Miles Jacobson: I enjoy reading a lot of the FM stories that are on the net, and enjoy pointing them out to people too – it shows how far the game has come that people really do treat it as an alternative reality, and that people really enjoy reading about their stories. It also shows us how wonderful our community are to take the time to write them!

That’s about it, I would like to thank Miles yet again for being so kind to take the time to answer to our questions. I know that many of you wanted to know more about the FM 2011 features but, as I said, you will get that information from here as soon as it will become available. Until then, you can watch the Football Manager 2011 announcement video if you haven’t done that already, you’ll get all the FM 2011 details that are available up to this point. Last but not least, now comes the best part of the interview, commenting on what Miles has said!

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