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发表于 2009-11-19 14:12:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
      曼联主教练Sir Alex Ferguson认为和那些生性“脆弱的”和总是生活在“襁褓中的”的球员打交道是他工作中最难的一部分。他说现在的球员需要更坚韧点,并且要学会在被批评之后,承认自己的错误。
     暂且不论葡萄牙小子还能在Old Trafford呆多久,Ferguson可是学会了必要之时,与那些敏感的球员勾肩搭背了,不过一旦他认为你不能再为球会贡献些什么了,你就会像以往发生的那样,被马上清理掉。“如果你回到30年前,你会为自己是一名球员而感到自豪,并会为自己的言行而负责,”曼联主教练说到。“他们单纯并且无拘无束,所以他们会主动来找你说‘嘿,是我的错’ 这多好”。 “但今天他们却被许多东西包围着,保护着,也比以往更加的脆弱,有人教唆他们做这做那,这幕后有许多的推手,毫无疑问就是那些经理人。”
    周二,在由联赛主教练委员会举办,为庆祝18位总共获得1000项国内联赛冠军和杯赛冠军的主教练的开幕晚宴上,Ferguson说:“我队里有个小鬼,刚刚入选了英格兰U21国家队,第二天他的经纪人就打电话过来说,‘我想现在是时候找个时间坐下来谈谈新的合同问题了。’”“经纪人认为既然进了U21国家队就应该得到一份新合同。我说:‘嘿,那得看这小子在曼联的表现。’ 没办法,这世道就是这样。现在所有的经纪人都直接和俱乐部主席或者CEO联系了。他们主导了大部分的转会;这可不行,必须得经过我的手,这不是好的现象。”
      如果Chelse在这个周六的下午战胜来访的Wolverhampton Wanderers的话,曼联在周六晚上与造访的Everton还未开打之前,将会被领头羊Chelse甩下8分之远。
    对于Liverpool现在的困境,Ferguson相信这个赛季,Manchester City,Tottenham Hotspur, Aston Villa或者是Everton这四家俱乐部中将会有一家“打破四大家族的垄断”,但他预期榜首之争仍旧只会在两只队伍间进行。“强队比以往丢掉了更多的比赛和分数,这让追赶者看到了希望,联赛将会是非常有竞争性的,” Ferguson说。“不过我的经验告诉我,这赛季最终将会有两家新的球会打破平衡,挤进前四。”

[ 本帖最后由 日天 于 2009-11-19 02:21 PM 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-19 14:12:33 | 显示全部楼层
Sir Alex Ferguson admits his exasperation at dealing with ‘cocooned’ players

Sir Alex Ferguson, the Manchester United manager, believes that modern-day footballers need

to toughen up and learn to admit their mistakes after claiming that the hardest part of his

job is dealing with “fragile” and “cocooned” players.

As the son of a Govan shipbuilder and a former shop steward who once led an unofficial

walkout over pay, the notion of a hard-edged character such as Ferguson being able to

sympathise genuinely with the pampered stars of today is an intriguing if uneasy one.

It says much about his strengths as a manager that he has been able to cultivate his

approach as players have become ever more demanding over the years, but the adjustments he

has had to make are clearly ones that have not come easily to him.

Asked what the most difficult aspect of his job is these days, Ferguson said: “Today? It’s

a different player character we’ve got today, it’s a player who’s more fragile than

players 25 years ago.

“They are maybe more cocooned today by the agents or the press they receive at times. They

’re less likely to hold their hands up and say they’re at fault for things.”

Only last week Ferguson had to contend with Nani, the United winger who has failed to make

an impact at the club, complaining about how the manager was “breaking” his confidence and

making him “sadder by the day” for not starting him in the big matches.

Nani also accused Ferguson of being a “very complicated guy” and said that “he can go

from complimenting you to plain trashing you in a question of minutes” in the dressing


Whether the Portugal player survives much longer at Old Trafford remains to be seen, but

although Ferguson has learnt to put an arm around the shoulders of his more sensitive

players when the need arises, it is far removed from how things used to be when football was

populated more by no-nonsense characters.

“If you go back 30 years, you had a player with a certain pride, a responsibility for their

own performance,” the United manager said. “They were less protected so they could come in

and say, ‘Hands up, it was my fault,’ and that was good.

“But today they are very protected, more fragile than ever, and that’s a lot to do with

the type of people who guide them, like agents.”

While Ferguson would like players to take more personal responsibility, there is no

disguising his contempt for the power that agents now hold.

Speaking on Tuesday at an inaugural dinner of the League Managers Association Hall of Fame

1,000 Club, which celebrated the 18 men who have managed in more than 1,000 domestic league

and cup matches, Ferguson said: “We had a young boy get in the England Under-21s. His agent

phoned up the next day and said, ‘I think it’s time we sat down for a new contract.’

“In his mind he thought that getting into the under-21s demanded a new contract. I said, ‘

Well, let’s see how he plays for Manchester United.’ But that’s the way the world is. Now

it’s all conducted by agents phoning the chairman or chief executive. They conduct most

transfers; it’s not right. I’ve had to handle that, it’s the new way.”

If Chelsea beat Wolverhampton Wanderers at Stamford Bridge on Saturday afternoon, United

will be eight points adrift of the Barclays Premier League leaders by the time they face

Everton at Old Trafford in the evening kick-off.

With Liverpool floundering, Ferguson believes that one of Manchester City, Tottenham

Hotspur, Aston Villa or Everton could “break into the top four” this season, but he

expects the title race to come down to a straight fight between two teams.

“The top teams are losing games and more points in the early part of the season more than

ever and that gives rise to the hope that it will be a very competitive league,” he said.

“But my experience tells me that two teams will eventually break away.”
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