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[日天乱翻] Fab's game of finders keepers [老卡的"谁找到归谁"游戏]

发表于 2009-11-17 17:21:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
       距离南非世界杯开幕仅仅只有7个月的时间了, 英格兰国家队头号门将的球衣归属问题卓着实让卡配罗烦恼不已.前英格兰国门Nigel Martyn认为这个问题同时也困扰着这个热爱足球的国度.
    虽然Ben Foster在上个星期六,英格兰被巴西1:0干掉的友谊赛中出任先发门将,但是在曼联他却是排在Edwin van der Sar和Tomasz Kuszczak之后第三号门将人选.卡配罗坚持不带伤还没好利索的David James去南非,这可让Robert Green对国家队一号充满了希望,但是当卡配罗选择Ben Foster出战巴西的时候,Robert Green傻眼了. 有过23次国家队出场经历的Nigel Martyn说,现在还没有一个门将能够脱颖而出.他说:"现在还没有一个门将能够打出符合国家队一号标准的表现,似乎他们刚开始都有过不错的表现,但是后来却又偃旗息鼓了." "没人能够牢握一号门将这个位置不放,当我为了国家队一号门将的位置而追赶着David Seaman的时候,我知道我永远也不可能得到,因为他得到了他应得的位置. David Seaman之后,没有人能真正配得上国家队一号的位置." "卡配罗说他自己知道谁才是他的第一选择,但我却不这么认为." "是的,我认为他或他都可能是出现在世界杯上的门将,但同时我也认为现实情况是残酷的,糟透了的. 最好的情况应该是顶级门将应该为顶级俱乐部效力. "许多年前, Seaman在Arsenal,Tim Flowers为当时的冠军队伍Blackburn效力,我效力于当时的Leeds."  在赛季之初,Ben Foster经历由于Edwin van der Sar受伤而获得了首发位置之后,也因为一系列的愚蠢失误而失去了首发位置.
        经历过Leeds, Crystal Palace and Everton三家俱乐部的Nigel Martyn又说,明年一月份的租借转会也许能让Ben Foster圆他的国家队一号之梦. "对于Ben Foster来说,现在可不是理想的状态,因为他在曼联打不上首发." "如果Ben Foster现在能够埋头苦干,努力工作的话, 我将不会惊讶于明年一月冬季转会窗打开之际,许多的英超教练们厚着脸皮来询他的价." "我能明白他在曼联打不上主力的挫折感,如果任何一位有志想披上国家队一号战袍的球员设身处地从Ben Foster的角度出发考虑问题的话,他们将会得到同样的感受."
        Portsmouth的James正在焦急的等待着转会过程中的体检结果. Nigel Martyn理解卡配罗的此时的艰难立场,说到:"James现在的情况还不足以上打上主力,有可能到时候真的带他去南非世界杯,只两天,就受伤不能训练比赛了." "所以带上James要冒风险,老詹现在首先要做的就是确保自己的身体健康." "明年一月份转会去其他俱乐部并不能对他产生任何帮助,甚至当他勉勉强强的接住来球之时,这可会打击他的自信心.但我确信卡配罗很了解James."
        另外,Martyn认为West Ham门将Green将从转会到大俱乐部中获得好处. 他说:" West Ham球迷肯定不高兴,但是如果Green能加盟英超前四或前五的球会并保持其首发位置的话,届时他将真正成为英格兰国家队一号门将." "不过话又说回来,像Richard Wright从Ipswich转会到Arsenal之后发挥有失水准的事情提醒了我们,事情的进展并不总像我们所设想的那样.
       最后,现在兼职做门将教练的Nigel Martyn认为," 对于Joe Hart来说,世界杯还太早了,但如果他能表现优异的话,谁知道又会发生什么呢?" "如果James真的受伤了,我认为Paul Robinson会因为他的经验而被带去南非,但我确信Scott Carson还有机会."

[ 本帖最后由 日天 于 2009-11-17 05:26 PM 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-17 17:26:34 | 显示全部楼层
The goalkeeper’s jersey is proving a major headache for Fabio Capello with the World Cup starting in just seven months.

And former England keeper Nigel Martyn says it reflects the state of the game in this country.

Ben Foster played in the 1-0 defeat against Brazil on Saturday but is third choice behind Edwin van der Sar and Tomasz Kuszczak at Manchester United.

Capello insists he won’t take a half-fit David James to South Africa, while Robert Green’s hopes of being England’s top keeper hit the skids when Capello picked Foster ahead of him to face Brazil.

And Martyn, who won 23 England caps, says none of the current crop stands out.

He said: “There’s not a goalkeeper who has made the place his own. It seems that they have done well initially and then lose their way.

“No-one has grabbed the place. When I was chasing David Seaman for the shirt I knew I never really had a chance because he made the jersey his own.

“I don’t think we’ve had a  recognised No.1 since Seaman.

“Capello says he knows who his first choice is but I certainly don’t.

“I can’t say: ‘Yes, I think he or he will be the goalkeeper in the World Cup’ and I think that’s actually quite a sad situation. It would be nice to see our top keepers playing at the top clubs.

“A few years ago, you had Seaman at Arsenal, Tim Flowers playing at Blackburn when they were champions, and I was playing for Leeds.”

After starting the season as first choice at Old Trafford with Edwin van der Sar injured, Foster has lost his place after
a number of blunders.

And Martyn, who played for Leeds, Crystal Palace and Everton, feels a January loan switch for Foster could land him the coveted role.

“It’s not an ideal situation for Foster because he isn’t in the first-team at Manchester United,” said Martyn.

“As it stands he has to keep his head down and keep working at United but it wouldn’t surprise me if a Premier League manager makes a cheeky inquiry for him January.

“I can understand his frustration at not playing for United. If any goalkeeper hoping to play for England put themselves in Foster’s shoes they’d feel the same way.”

Portsmouth’s James is facing a nervy wait in his bid to prove his fitness.

And Martyn has backed Capello’s tough stance, saying:  “It’s not good for James to play and then not train for the next two days at the World Cup.

“So picking James is a risk. Jamo’s priority has to be getting himself fit.

“Moving to another club in January wouldn’t help him even though it’s not great for confidence when you keep on conceding goals. But I’m sure the England manager knows all about James.”

Yet Martyn says West Ham keeper Green would benefit from a move.

He said: “West Ham fans won’t be happy but if he can move to a top four or five club and hold a regular place in the team then he can make that England shirt his own.

“But as Richard Wright showed when he left Ipswich for Arsenal, it doesn’t always work out the way you plan.”

Martyn, who is now part-time goalkeeping coach at Bradford City, added: “I think the World Cup will probably come too  early for Joe Hart. But if he can put a string of good displays then you never know.

“If James gets injured I think Paul Robinson has to go for his experience but I’m sure Scott Carson hasn’t given up hope.”
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-17 20:53:20 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-18 08:07:44 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 chehnic 于 2009-11-17 09:12 PM 发表

巴西哪个位置都不缺人..... 除了DC有点炸弹外
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发表于 2009-11-18 11:30:07 | 显示全部楼层

回复 8# 日天 的帖子

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-18 13:53:08 | 显示全部楼层
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