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[战术阵型] 国外最新442Set-TBH9.30的战术(7个阵型适合任何级别联赛,场面流畅华丽,欢迎围观)

发表于 2009-3-5 01:32:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
TACTICAL SET patch 9.3

TBH - 1 - OVERLOAD  拼命进攻的战术,在剩余时间不多而需要进球时使用
TBH - 2 - CONTROL   用来对付一些铁桶阵(4-1-4-1)
TBH - 3 - ATTACK HOME 主场的进攻战术
TBH - 4 - ATTACK AWAY 客场的进攻战术(比较安全的战术,使用反击)
TBH - 5 - BALANCED  很平衡的战术,对付一些势均力敌的比赛
TBH - 6 - COUNTER  防守反击
TBH - 7 - DEFENSIVE 需要守住胜利的时候用,对付4-2-4的(使用反击)

进攻核心是左前锋 :球队战术中并没勾选,设置进攻核心指示为了调整给喂前锋的的方式






wenniceforest 翻译
针对对方球员设置:紧逼(Closing down)/总是 对方前插的前锋 MC 以及控球球员(Holding on to the ball,这个要根据你自己的判断)

Tight Mark/总是 对方AMC以及后撤拿球的前锋

针对对方球员设置: 紧逼(Closing down)/总是 对方前插的前锋
Tight Mark/总是 对方AMC以及后撤拿球的前锋,或是边锋
DC(偏左)紧逼(Closing down)/总是
DC(偏右)Tight Mark/总是 这俩设置比较有意思,直接抢中后卫了哈

Attack Home
适用情形:在主场要力争全取三分的时候,这个阵型控球率不是重点,而是快速通过中场,能创造出机会。边后卫勾上Holding on to the ball,来适当放慢节奏,如果边后卫受到压制,取消勾。你的球队实力应占优,或者旗鼓相当,但是你想吃掉对手,是有点冒险性的。如果你是豪门实力比较强,这个阵型应该是你主场最常用的。
针对对方球员设置: 紧逼(Closing down)/总是 对方前插的前锋
Tight Mark/总是 对方AMC以及后撤拿球的前锋,或是边锋
DC(偏左)紧逼(Closing down)/总是
DC(偏右)Tight Mark/总是

Attack away(使用防守反击战术)
阵型特点(关键字):进攻,小心谨慎,与Attack Home相比低风险
针对对方球员设置: 紧逼(Closing down)/总是 对方前插的前锋
Tight Mark/总是 对方AMC以及后撤拿球的前锋

针对对方球员设置: 紧逼(Closing down)/总是 对方前插的前锋或是单前锋
Tight Mark/总是 对方AMC以及后撤拿球的前锋

适用情形:对手采用进攻战术阵型,尤其是有犀利边锋或是前腰的,这个阵型有悖于大部分FM玩家的理念,主要是因为,采用下底打边路战术,但是采用narrow场地利用,主要是压缩本方防守空间,不给对手空挡可利用。基于Attack Home改进,只不过是打防反,节奏更快,并坚决两边路进攻。如果比赛中你发现控球率低,而且也米有打出防反,没有机会,但是你仍然要打反击战术的话,试着把节奏放慢些。

针对对方球员设置: Tight Mark/总是对方前插的前锋或是单前锋

紧逼(Closing down)/总是 对方的2个MC,如果对方中场人数多,例如3MC,2MC+DMC或AMC则放弃此项


适用情形:对手采用进攻战术阵型,尤其是有犀利边锋或是前腰的,这个阵型有悖于大部分FM玩家的理念,主要是因为,采用下底打边路战术,但是采用narrow场地利用,主要是压缩本方防守空间,不给对手空挡可利用。基于Attack Home改进,只不过是打防反,节奏更快,并坚决两边路进攻。如果比赛中你发现控球率低,而且也米有打出防反,没有机会,但是你仍然要打反击战术的话,试着把节奏放慢些。

针对对方球员设置: Tight Mark/总是对方前插的前锋或是单前锋

紧逼(Closing down)/总是 对方的2个MC,如果对方中场人数多,例如3MC,2MC+DMC或AMC则放弃此项
7.       Defensive(使用防守反击战术)


适用情形:防守心态,倒球。这个作者介绍不多,是弱对强时用的,但不是防电脑最后10分钟424疯狂进攻的阵型,作者认为防424用上面的Balance和Attack away阵型效果比较好

针对对方球员设置: Tight Mark/总是对方前插的前锋或是单前锋

紧逼(Closing down)/总是 对方的2个MC,如果对方中场人数多,例如3MC,2MC+DMC或AMC则放弃此项

[ 本帖最后由 xinnews 于 2009-3-7 05:39 PM 编辑 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-5 01:34:04 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 xinnews 于 2009-3-5 01:45 AM 编辑 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-5 01:34:08 | 显示全部楼层
]This is tactic set consisting of 7 versions, Overload – Control – Attack Home – Attack away - Balanced – Counter – Defensive

While playing with a set can be very rewarding when getting it right, it can also be disastrous when getting the version picking wrong. The aim with this set is to get the version picking much easier. If you prfere aplug & play tactic then this set is not for you even though some versions could be used in that approach as well.

As you can see there are 7 versions but does this mean that there will be much agony before every single match when trying to choose from so many versions ? No, not at all as most of the times, you will not even consider touching most of them as starting version in the specific match ahead. Most of the time you have a pretty good idea what you are after in the coming match so if playing the undefeated top team away there are maybe 2, max 3 versions you are thinking about. The same goes for facing the team you are fighting against for a place in Europe. Playing at home you probably ant to go for the 3 points and will probably consider the version close to Attack away, whilst playing away against the same opposition you wont consider playing too attacking, neither too defensive so yet again there are 2 version or maybe 3 to choose from. The nest step would be to ask your self if you want to play using counter attack in the coming match or not. After answering that final question ther version picking is often down to only 1 or maybe 2 version.

My suggestion is that whilst reading about the specific versions you load them up and look at them one by one. I think this will help you come to a better understanding on how they work.(don’t forget the players mentality, closing down and not just the team as everyone for all you know could be on individual instruction

The Happy Hammer project

Inspired by Cleon and his Sheffield United project:thup:, the second post in this thread will be continuous updated with match reports from a new started save. The point off this the post will be to show my reasoning behind the tactical choices and an evaluation of the decisions made and hopefully this will bring more clarity for users about version picking.


Will be added and updated in the bottom of this forst post so if having a question it’s always best to have a look there first


http://data.fuskbugg.se/skalman01/442Set - TBH.rar


A flat 442 using one Target man up front, In Overload and control on of the MC have been pushed up in the formation to AMCleft and in Attack away his companion sits a bit deeper in DMC with him moving in centrally to Central. The 2 FC swap position in every version
Mentality… and Closing Down &D-line

Based on my view on the players optimal positioning, working together with d-line and the closing down slider. Most players are on Team mentality with the DC´s on 2 notches lower and some players up field are on individual mentality like the FCL in the Balanced version he is on 20 in mentality to play on the shoulder of the last defender whilst the team slider is in the middle. So be careful when making tweaks as the mentioned sliders work together and very careful when tempering with the closing down settings for the advancing players as they may not track back properly if raising the closing down. Etc, etc.

The marking system.

In the versions Balanced – Counter and Defensive the whole midfield is set to tight man marking. This means that our MR/L will mark their MR/L. If the AI is playing without MR/L then change it to zonal instead. The same goes for our MC. They are marking the AI MC´s but if they play with more or less then 2 central midfielders then use zonal marking instead.

Set Pieces ( Hmm.)

I must admit that this is not my strong side. On the other hand one can argue that this might actually be a good thing, bearing the 08 corner cheat in mind. The setup in these version provides me stability and I have tries to refine them, being a bit afraid that a might stumble over a flaw that makes my DC win the Golden Boot
Playmaker (Nope)

Not using any but if having a very, very good deep lying in your squad he could be used in 1.Control, and 7. Defensive. Then also consider removing the Target man from the list
一般情况下不使用,如果你有一名很优秀的球员(法布雷加斯?)那么在战术1.Control, 和 7. Defensive中也可以使用
Target man ( Yes)

No box ticked but we are using one, a Semi-Target man. By this meaning that the FCL should be placed in the target man list in all versions but that we don’t tick the target man box. See FC description further down for requirements


Recommended OI, (necessary on bold) is included for each version below

The versions

Have a look at each version before applying them.


Formation changes - From the default flat 442

What it is/does versus What it isn’t/ doesn’t - Can give you a pretty good idea of the tactic as it, when having read everything, gives you further information about the differences versions between

The text – I have tried to explain the best I could, getting into as much detail as I can without using to many words but as English is not my or maybe your native language there are bound to be issues

Recommended OI: (necessary in bold) - Just what it says. Just remember that some - and only some - will stick when changing version. So remember to check this and add/remove if necessary

[ 本帖最后由 xinnews 于 2009-3-5 03:31 AM 编辑 ]
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发表于 2009-3-5 01:34:59 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-3-5 01:35:41 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-5 01:52:24 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-5 01:56:03 | 显示全部楼层
1. Overload

Formation changes: The MCleft now as AMCleft and the MCR as MC

What it is/does: Attacking, High pressing, Quick and Pushed up
What it isn’t/ doesn’t Patient, Tight marking, Defensively sound and Starting tactic

- Against very, very defensive teams that sit rather deep with their whole midfield, Just be aware that if they lift up their midfield (by closing down slider) and their defenders (by d-line) they will still play very defensive but will now when recovering the ball be under very little pressure as we will be too far up in the pitch, then change to Control.

Recommended OI: (necessary on bold)

Close down/Always on any advanced forward.
Tight Mark/Always on deep dropping forwards or AMC behind lone forward and other Strata4 (AMR/L) players
Close down/Always on any Players in Strata 2(WB, DMC) that seems/ or you suspect to be holding on to the ball.
Close down/Always on whole Central midfield


2. Control

Formation changes: The MCleft now as AMCleft and the MCR as MC

What it is/does: Slow and Patient, Wide, Short and accurate passing and Creative
What it isn’t/ doesn’t: Straight at goal, easy to apply against better opposition, For the last 15 minutes, against teams playing attacking

- To Systematically break down defensive teams using a patient but very attacking minded build up. Use this against teams that have many men behind the ball but are not sitting ultra deep. The moment they go very deep without even trying to attack change to Overload and when they start to play more attacking, making runs with the ball, then change to another version of choice as there is no need for the slow breakdown anymore is there.

Recommended OI: : (necessary in bold)

Close down/Always on any advanced forward.
Tight Mark/Always on deep dropping forwards or AMC behind lone forward and other Strata4 (AMR/L) players
Close down/Always on left DC and Tight Mark/Always on right DC


3. Attack Home

What it is/does: Attacking, A bit risky, Supporting Fb´s, and Straight at goal
What it isn’t/ doesn’t: Patient, Ultra-attacking,

- Just what it says, the starting tactic when wanting to attack from start. Normally applied when you decide to go for the 3 points at home by playing the kind of football that means “ straight at goal and not beating about the bush. “. Have the majority of possession is not the key with this tactic as long as we are creating chances and the opponents midfielders doesn’t get too much time with the ball before being closed down. The fullbacks are on HUB to slow the game down a bit and if you feel they are under 1) too much pressure or 2. ) no pressure at all what so ever then consider 1. ) removing the HUB or change version to Counter or 2.) Remove the HUB or change to either Control if they sit deep or Attack away if you think you can lure them up by playing even slower and on the counter

Recommended OI: (necessary in bold)

Close down/Always on any advanced forward.
Tight Mark/Always on deep dropping forwards and Strata4 (AMC, AMR/L) players
Close down/Always on left DC and Tight Mark/Always on right


4. Attack away/deep (using counter attack)

Formation changes: The MCleft now as Lone MC and the MCright as lone DMC

What it is/does: Attacking, Careful, Lure them up in field, Less Risk
What it isn’t/ doesn’t: - Quick, Puts pressure on the back 4, Chase goals

A much slower attacking version - like a Control based away version – but playing on the counter. Against teams playing cautious with many men behind the ball but that we still consider being a threat that we don’t want to play headless against. By using a high mentality we position our players high up in the field but by playing slow in a patient build up the aim is to try and lure a rather defensive AI on to us and draw their players out of position before we start the attacks. If the opponent should start to attack us more or lift up their team, both with mentality and with d-line then it’s time to change version. Firstly we have to ask if we want to keep using counter attacks and let the AI be in charge. The reason for us doing this prior to the Ai changed its tactic was that we wanted them to come on to us, to lure them up as they were sitting too deep for us to attack and expose our selves but now, as they are higher up in the pitch and are starting to create chances swinging in crosses, we either strike back by going “3. Attack Home”, try to gain possession by playing “7. Defensive” or maybe use “5. Balanced” to lift the ball higher up the field on to our advancing FC and play amore balanced at

Recommended OI: (necessary in bold)

Close down/Always on any advanced forward.
Tight Mark/Always on deep dropping forwards or AMC behind lone forward


5. Balanced

What it is/does: Advanced FC, man mark in midfield, Slowish build up, Normal Ment
What it isn’t/ doesn’t: Press high, Attack with whole team, use much space

Just was it says, a very balanced version with one FC playing on the shoulder of the last defender and one coming deeper to get the ball. Its very clear if this version is dead wrong picked from start and there by also easy to see in what direction one should go. Either we are too deep with our midfield and the weak AI gets all the time in the world, not being closed down and when we attack they have all men behind the ball….or… when the AI attacks us with advancing wingers and Fullbacks making our Wingers sit in the lap of the defence (as they are man marking the AI wingers), In the first scenario, with the defensive AI, I think that enough information has been given about the higher versions to switch to. In the later, with the Bombing Fbs or the advancing there would be the option to simply put out Wingers on Zonal marking instead or Switch to 6.Counter if we feel that there is space enough on the flanks between their stratas to move into.

Recommended OI: (necessary in bold)

Close down/Always on any advanced or lone forward.
Tight Mark/Always on deep dropping forwards or AMC behind lone forward


6. Counter (using counter attack)

What it is/does: Attacks with pace, down the flanks, aggressive in own hal【屏蔽词语】
What it isn’t/ doesn’t: Holds onto the ball, give the FC´s much support, Ultra defensive

Most of the individual settings, apart form fwruns, are the same as Attack Home but now we play on the break and. A little more narrow, a little faster and down the flanks. The reason for the combination playing narrower and down flanks? Well as we use this against teams that will play either balanced or attacking against us with advancing M-wingers or even AM-Wingers we don't want to be to wide in defence but at the same time we want to explore the rather big space that our wingers can move into. If we are loosing too much possession whilst not creating anything but you still feel Counter attacks is the right choice then consider playing slower with 4. Attack away or 7. Defensive. If the opponent have far too much time on the ball in midfield then consider abandoning the counter attacks and instead change to 5.Balanced (or even a higher version). The same marking system as in Balanced is applied in this version so if our midfielders sits in the defenders lap and the AI uses advanced Fullbacks, then change to zonal

Recommended OI: (necessary on bold)

Tight marking/ Always on advancing or normal strikers and/or all lone strikers
Close Down/ Always on AI central midfielders UNLESS they are outnumbering us by using 3 MC or 2MC + DMC/AMC.

7. Defensive. (Using counter attack)

What it is/does: Keeps possession in own half/midfield, very cautious, no fwruns
What it isn’t/ doesn’t: Against 4-2-4, for getting goals in plural, beautiful to watch

Defending by keeping possession. Whilst we are playing with a defensive mentality, we are not sitting deep or using too low closing down. A great tactic to bore the hell out of the opponent as well as finish off already won games with. Just, once again, be aware of that the marking system in midfield is the same as in the just mentioned version

Not a SUS( Shut up Shop) against 4-2-4 as I find that playing Balanced or Attack away is much better.

Recommended OI: (necessary in bold)

Tight marking/ Always on advancing or normal strikers and/or all lone strikers
Close Down/ Always on AI central midfielders UNLESS they are outnumbering us by using 3 MC or 2MC + DMC/AMC.
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-5 01:56:34 | 显示全部楼层
The players:

This set has been tested with both quality players in quality leagues as well as crap players playing in crap leagues. So when I speak about the quality of players its always in relation to the opponents.

The DC:

As this is a set you will sometime use a version with a d-line of 18 were pace, positioning and ability to make the correct decision will be important but you will also use version were you sit back and play tight and were anticipation, marking, tackling and aerial ability will be more important. What I am trying to say here is that unless having EPL (or other top leagues) quality just make sure that they are not too slow or lacks completely in either concentration, composure, marking or heading.

The Fullbacks:

In most versions they have HUB (Hold up ball), so it’s important that they can handle this after have been playing for 70 minutes. Make sure they don’t have too many flaws when it comes to Concentration, Composure or Crossing. Even if having 20 in Strength if will not make up for them having bad concentration stats when there is 15 minutes to go and they are beginning to feel tired or are put under a lot of pressure.

The Central Midfielders: We call them MCright and MCleft.

The MCright should be the more creative one and he will act like a deep lying playmaker, even never officially assigned that role. He also plays in DMC in Attack away so it’s good if he is competent it that position as well

The MCleft on the other hand needs to be slightly better in the final third then his companion and in Overload and Control he plays in the AMC position. But as always, if playing in a lower league and not having Brilliant box-to-box players at hand then I would go for Strength and Marking and leave the fancy stuff for the wingers.

The Wingers

I like to combine hard work with flair. I want my wingers to be able to track back and give it all for the team and be successful in doing so. I want them to be able to break the pattern and cut inside and have a go for the far corner instead of making that cross 10 times out of 10.
Do these exist? Yes, at a higher level, especially those WB/AM. In lower Leagues on the other hand they normally don’t so we have to make a choice. Flair or Marking, Passing or Stamina. And when we - like above in MC description – have appointed to hard working MCs since Kevin Nolan and Elano did not want to move a few miles to Bury, the choice is easy: Get wingers that can do the fancy stuff, that possesses the pace, that extra attacking crème to support the attackers. In the end, it’s down to the balance of the team

The Forwards

Let me be clear on this first: They swap position in every tactic…and the FCL should be put in the Target man list in all versions…..so sometimes the target man will go deep to get the ball and sometimes he will play on the shoulder of the last defender… and the Target man supply is different in the versions. Does it sound like we need to have 2 World class “Complete Forwards”? Actually, we don’t. But what is important, apart from the ability to convert chances, is the movement without ball. It does not matter of one is a heading monster with only 11 on pace or of one of them have 4 in both heading and strength. As long as they have some specific competence that combined with higher than average (as always for level played at) smartness and movement without ball you will be fine.

Good luck and dont hesistate to ask any questions or report back with results and findings

The better Half
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-5 01:57:06 | 显示全部楼层
The Happy Hammer project

Inspired by Cleon and his Sheffield United project:thup: this second post that will be called “ The happy hammer project” will be continuous updated with match reports from a new started save. The point off this post will be to show my reasoning behind the tactical choices and an evaluation of the decisions made and hopefully this will bring more clarity for users about version picking

I have chosen to manage West Ham with 9.3 databases and off cause 9.3 patch. We have been predicted by media to finish 10:Th and minimum – and the chosen - board expectations are Top half a finish. Now, for those that have not yet played West Ham in 9.3 let me tell you one thing. They have no squad depth at all. I would even go so far as saying that they seriously lack in players and that bringing in 4-5 new rotation players would be a mere minimum and probably not enough to see us through a season if getting injuries. The situation is actually so bad that the reserve, apart from backup players out on loan, is full of U-18 players.

We start with £4 million in transfer budget and during pre-season I spent 3 of them on a FB( Sylvinho, Barcelona), Winger( Angulo, Valencia) and a pacey complement striker, Mbokani from Standard. We still need to bring in 2 more defenders and hopefully they will come in the winter transfer window.


Match 1 EPL – Man UTD – West Ham 3-1 ( H.T 1-1)

AI Formation: Flat 442
Our Starting version: 7. Defensive
Marking system: My wingers tight man marking theirs, so no changes
OI: None
Reasoning behind tactical choice: I wanted to play slow with possession in a defensive match with the aim to get a point and maybe get United frustrated and leave to many players up front, us getting good possession in the final 3:rd s well

They started out by scoring 1-0( Berbs) in the 2:nd minute after a scramble in the box. After that goal we were in control of the game creating some nice chances and scored 1-1 in the 25:Th minute:

H.T: 1-1, we dominating the game in chances and possession
Tweaks made: None, nut checked so that AI had not made any formation (player changes that could mess up my marking system)

The second half continued were the 1:st ended. About 15 minutes in to the half AI made a change. They brought in a new winger and at the same time they seemed to push there wingers forward even more. So I removed the man-marking as I did not want my Wingers sitting in the lap of my defenders.

With 4 minutes to go United went 4-2-4 and tweaked… OI tight marking/always on the front 4 and closing down Always on the back four. They did not create much but scored from a corner in the 91:Th minute. So I changed version to Overload and removed all the OI. It gave me 2 good chances, with 2 ccc´s but when I failed to score UTD hit me on the break scoring 3-1

Final Result 3-1 ( 1-1)

Match 2 :West Ham – Fulham 3-0 ( H.T 2-0 )

AI Formation: 442 flat
Our Starting version: 3. Attack home
Marking system: No changes
OI: None from start
Reasoning behind tactical choice: I wanted to push them back and play attacking. I also intended to implement OI on their forwards as soon as I could figure out their roles., Close Down/ Always on the more attacking and Tight Marking/Always on the deep dropping. This I do as I don’t want them to get hold/in possession of the ball high up in the field and allow their team mates to push up.

The match started out well with us pushing them back. As I always use full match from start it was easy for me to see how there forwards behaved and after only 1 minute I gave OI mentioned above and changed to extended highlights. We scored 1-0 in the 3:rd minute inside the box. After that they had a little more possession but only because they passed the ball around between their defenders. In the 21:st minute we scored again from a cross. After that I changed version to Balanced as I wanted to get more possession and be a bit more careful. We gained more possession and had 1 more ccc´s and they never threatened to score.

H.T 2-0
Tweaks made: As always, playing with the versions using man-man on the wingers, I reassured my self that this hade not changed due to formation changes etc, etc. I also say that they had made a FC sub so I removed the OI and used Full match again

The Second half. Started just like the first by implementing the OI Close Down/Always on the higher forward and Tight Marking/Always on the deep dropping. The second half was really boring and not many chanced were created. In the 66;TH minute we got a penalty and scored 3-0. After that I changed version to 7.DEFESIVE and subbed some tired players. By this we hade the ball for the remainder of the match, just passing it around between our midfield and defence, creating 2 dangerous chances by a direct ball from our deep lying midfielder onto our target man when the AI players were not on their toes and dragged out of position.

Final Result 3 -0 (2-0 )


League Cup Southend( L1) – West Ham 1–4 ( H.T 0-2 )

AI Formation: flat 442
Our Starting version: 4. Attack away
Marking system: no tweaks
OI: Close Down/Always on their advancing forward( 2 minutes in to the game)
Reasoning behind tactical choice: As I rested 6 players from First 11 I wanted to be a bit more cautious as the replacement players all were form the U-18. And I also suspected them to play with many men behind the ball but not too defensive and with some advancing midfielders I chose this version, to drag them out of position by playing patient build up high up in the field

After having most of the ball for the first 15 minutes they seemed to play much, much more defensive than It thought they would. There defenders was almost sitting in the lap of their defenders so in the 20;th minute I changed to 1. Overload and it took me only 3 minutes to score my first goal and after having 3 more chances they lifted up the team. At that point Overload is pretty dangerous as we will be loeving too many players up front, not tracking back so I changed to Attack Home and I scored 2-0 in the 42;nd minute

H.T 0-2
Tweaks made: None

The Second half started out by them scoring , the scramble in the box after a free kick, only 2 minutes in to the second half. We scored 3-1 and 4-1 within the next 10 minutes and after that I subbed some of my first team players and finished the game with 9 U-18 players and using Balanced after switching to it in the 70th minute.

Final Result 1 -4 (0 -2)
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发表于 2009-3-5 02:00:37 | 显示全部楼层

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