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[新闻报道] 【Blog】官方FM09博客-No.12(FCT翻译)

发表于 2008-11-7 08:56:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
综合编译:kevin12 (FMZONE-FCT翻译组)
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现在是星期四的午饭时间, 我已经有一周没有更新博客了, 我为此对你们道歉, 但我实在没有时间。

在过去的周未, 我们提早了DEMO的发布时间, 由本来的淩晨12时提前至晚上10时, 原因是世界新闻在10时已经更新了他们的网站, 加上其他的下载点也已经准备好, 所以我们决定提前发布。

如果大家有留意SI论坛的帖子, 你可能会认为试玩版的发布是一场闹剧。 SI论坛上有大概数百人运行DEMO时发生问题, 大多错误跟硬件配置和显卡有关, 这令我们感到失落。 我们没有时间去测试所有的硬件配置, 因为实在太多了, 加上我们误以为所有的显卡, 就算不能运行3D, 也一定可以运行2D的…但事实是, 我们发现有些显卡根本不能运行游戏。

我们已经花费了很多时间去找寻二手商店和e-bay, 尝试找寻一些被指是有问题的显卡, 作出测试并确保玩家最低限度可以运行2D。 现阶段我们认为大部份的显卡问题已经得到修正, 当我们觉得问题已经完全解决的时候, 我们会发布一个兼容试玩版和正式版的补丁, 令原本运行不了09DEMO的朋友有机会先试玩一下。

除了配置问题外, 我知道还有几个问题影响玩家享受FM09, 我们正在努力寻求解决的方法。我们很感激和STEAM达成了协议, 因为这样会令大家下载补丁时更方便。我们会在正式版发布当日提供补丁下载, 补丁中更会更新一些经理人上任和离任的数据。 如果你通过STEAM进行正版认证, 你的游戏会自动打补丁, 但是你经由其他途径认证, 你可以到SI官网上手动下载。

幸好, 令我们感到欣慰的是, 大部份下载了DEMO的玩家之中(多达250,000+), 只有少部份在运行FM09时出现问题, 加上DEMO发布后, 订购正式版的玩家直线上升。 当然, 不单是DEMO, 欧联比赛间的电视广告也对销售有着决定性的影响。还有, 电视广告首播那天是我的生日, 又老一岁…导致我也不太想庆祝生日了。

昨天我打算乘坐火车到巴黎接受采访, 最后竟然是在Sega的办公室开了一个新闻发布会, 然后还要做一个报刊和收音机的采访。最后我一边看Lyon下半场的比赛一边吃我的晚饭。

之后我回到了酒店, 回覆了一些E-mail和处理一下工作上的事情。 今天我早上8:30已经回到了Sega的办公室进行两个电视采访(包括了Eurosport的采访)和两份报章的采访…加起来, 我在巴黎接受了超过20个记者的采访。

我是在火车上打这篇博客的, 然后回到SI主楼后便发了给HMV的Duncan。不幸地, 今天晚上没有时间录下播客, 因为我要出席WarChild的宴会, 所以只好改期了。

明天, 我会和Paul Collyer到英国北部开会, 这将会是一个很令人兴奋的会议。下一次的博客将会在FM09发布之前, 在伦敦, 葡萄牙,比利时和荷兰发布, 而我亦会给大家介绍什么是FM Club和它带给您们的好处!



It's Thursday lunchtime, and I haven't done a blog all week. Which I apologise for, but there hasn't been time.

This weekend, if you haven't noticed, we released the demo for Football Manager 2009 at 10pm. It was going to be midnight, but the News of the World were updating their website early, and the other versions were ready and uploaded, so away we went.

If you were to read our forums since, you might think that the demo release was not a good thing at all. There are a few hundred people who are having issues running the demo due to hardware issues between the game and their graphics card, which has been very disappointing for us. We thought we had it all covered and that all graphics cards that couldn't run the game in 3d would run 2d, but as there is so much hardware out there, it's impossible to test on every single configuration, and with some cards, it just plain didn't work.

We've spent hours trawling through second hand shops and ebay trying to find the cards that were reported to have problems, and we think we've now fixed the issue with most of them so that they'll at least be able to run 2d. Once we're happy that there will be no more issues, we will release a compatability patch for the demo, so that those people having problems can play the game happily.

There've also been a couple of other issues reported to us from the demo that are affecting some users, so we are looking at those and, thanks to our deal with STEAM that makes releasing updates so easy, will be releasing an update to the game on the day of release. This will also include some manager moves that have happened since the game has gone into manufacture. So if you authenticate the game through STEAM on release, you will get these updates automatically. If you authenticate via the other 2 options, you can go to our website on the day of release and manually download the udpate from there.

Thankfully, the vast majority of the 250,000+ people who have downloaded the demo so far are having no problems at all, and are enjoying the game, which is nice, and we've seen pre-orders at retail shoot up since it's release, which would also have been helped by the first showing of the TV advert for FM2009 during the Champions League coverage on ITV on Tuesday night which co-incided nicely with the first gameworld in Football Manager Live going live, and my birthday too. Although I'm too old to celebrate those nowadays.

Yesterday morning I travelled to Paris on Eurostar to do some press interviews, ending up doing a press conference and presentation at Sega's offices, then went off to do a radio interview, followed by an interview with the Liberation newspaper, and then Direct Soir magazine, before watching the second half of the Lyon game on a big screen whilst eating dinner.

From there it was back to the hotel to catch up on email and do my days work, before an early start today leaving the hotel at 8.30am to go back to Sega's office, where I did 2 TV interviews (including one for Eurosport) and 2 more press conferences/presentations, in total seeing more than 20 journalists in the time I was there.

I'm typing this on the way back, also on Eurostar when I get a very quick trip back to the studio for a full catch up, and, err, to email this blog to Duncan at HMV. There is, unfortunately, no podcast to record tonight, as I've got a WarChild event, and was unable to move it because of all the press trips that are ongoing. I'll make it up to the listeners next time instead.

Tomorrow, I'm travelling to the North of England with Paul Collyer for a little meeting which is very very exciting. But more about that next week when the blogs will come from London, Portugal, Belgium and Holland in the lead up to the game being released. Oh, and I'll finally be able to announce what the FM club that I keep mentioning is all about, and how you can benefit from it!


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