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[新闻报道] 【Blog】官方FM09博客-No.10 (FCT翻译)

发表于 2008-10-31 06:22:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
综合编译:kevin12 (FMZONE-FCT翻译组)
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今天是星期四, 关于今天所发生的事情, 我不打算诚实的在博客上透露, 因为我不想令人觉得烦扰, 我只能说今天我的心情不太好, 感觉好像有一帮人特意地来惹恼我一般(虽然今天早上开会时, 我的心情还是挺好的)

但大家无须担心, 我不高兴的事情跟FM09无关, 试玩版亦会如期在星期天凌晨发布。

如果你错过了我们昨天发布的广告视频, 你可以在youtube上观看: www.youtube.co.uk/sigames

我对这个广告感到很自豪, 也很感谢所有参与了这个广告制作的工作人员, 我认为他们都做得很好。有一些人问我广告和发布视频中的背景音乐是什么, 答案是Goose的Black Glove, 他们的音乐是很棒的, 值得收藏!

好了, 今天会由Nick,Ed和Phil来为大家深入解释新闻发布会这个特性。

在发布了FM2008之后, 我们开始研究, 希望可以改善游戏中经理人和媒体之间的沟通。在FM09之前的FM系列中, 我们开发了互动系统(经理人和经理人, 经理人和球员之间的互动)和回答媒体一些赛前和转会传闻的简单问题, 但我们觉得这些还不足够, 所以我们听取了很多FMer的意见,当中有很多人认为我们应该更清楚地区分出, 第一:媒体发表的传闻(例如球员不和的传闻), 第二: 真实的情况(内部信息,球员是否真的不和)。这些意见令我们有了清晰的方向, 我们决定设计出一个关于经理人和媒体互动的新系统, 令FM更真实。

在将发布的FM09中,经理人和媒体之间的关系将取决于新闻发布会上。在真实的世界中,俱乐部经常会通过新闻发布会去发表新消息, 而新闻媒介亦会抓着这个机会去发问一些问题, 总括来说, 新闻发布会而经成为了经理人和媒体之间沟通的桥梁。

在FM09中, 我们设计了三个类别的新闻发布会,分别是:新上任,比赛前和比赛后。系统会提示出有多少媒体在场, 记者出席人数代表了比赛的重要程度, 例如FA Cup的第一阶段可能只有一两名当地的记者采访, 欧联决赛便会有很多来自世界不同国家的记者出席。

在新闻发布会中, 记者会发问一些问题, 而系统亦会显示出记者所属的媒体机构。 发布会中所有问题和答案都会被储存起来, 因为记者将会在适当的时候引用你过往的答案来为难你…

记者始终是记者, 他们经常会问一些跟发布会无关的问题, 例如在比赛前的发布会上, 他们可能会问你一些关于某球员希望离队的看法, 最新的转会传闻究竟是真是假等等…不同的记者拥有不同的性格, 有一些会对你很亲切, 有一些喜欢跟你搞对抗, 这可能便是拥有大量媒体出席的新闻发布会的迷人之处吧。

无论如何, 每一个问题都需要一个答案, 而你将会拥有很高的自由度去选择自己喜欢的答案。每一个问题将会有五个选项, 另外设置了一个自定义空间, 你可以在空间中打出对这个问题的额外意见。这个自定义意见不会影响你选择的答案, 也不会影响你跟媒体的关系(如果打脏话是可能会的…), 但对于那些喜欢多人游玩FM的玩家来说,这无疑是一种有趣的工具。

当然, 如果你不想出席发布会的话, 可以派遣你的助理教练代表出席,游戏中也会有选项,你可以指示你的助理教练处理全部的新闻发布会。另外, 如果你出席了发布会但你不喜欢记者发问的问题, 你可以立刻交给你的新闻官处理, 甚至无视在场的记者, 直接离开…

好了, 现在你们应该更清楚新闻发布会这个新特性了。明天的博客会在Golden Joystick awards上发布。(FM系列和SI被提名最佳游戏和最佳游戏开发商的网站)

Miles (and Ed, Nick & Phil)


[ 本帖最后由 kevin12 于 2008-10-31 06:25 AM 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-31 06:23:11 | 显示全部楼层
Today is Thursday. And I can't do an honest blog about what's going on today, as others would get annoyed with me for doing so, but let's just say that it hasn't been my favourite day in the world, ever.

Don't worry - the game is all fine, and the demo is still coming this weekend, but if you ever get the feeling that a load of people are conspiring to annoy, that is what my day has been like (apart from a couple of very good meetings this morning).

If you didn't see it when it went live yesterday, the long version of the TV ad is now live at our youtube area, www.youtube.co.uk/sigames. I'm really proud of it, and think the teams of people who worked on it at RSA and Front Room did a really great job. A few people have asked what the music is on the trailer and it's the same music that was used in the background of the announcement video that we did, called Black Glove by Goose, who are on Skint Records. Their album is great, and well worth checking out!

Today's indepth feature look comes from Nick, Ed and Phil, and looks at the new features, that of in-game press conferences.

Press Conferences

After the release of Football Manager 2008 we sat down and started to think about how we could improve the way the manager communicates with the media. Listening to the fan-base it was clear that the distinction between what is heard by the press and what stays behind closed doors has been blurred at times. On the one hand there is the interaction system (between fellow managers and between managers and players) and on the other there are the questions and transfer speculation which crop up every now and then in the manager's inbox. What was clear to us was that we needed to develop a system which would present the manager with a more realistic and focussed approach to handling the press.

As you will see in Football Manager 2009, our approach has been to make press conferences the focal point of the manager's dealings with the media. As in real life, a press conference is the only regular opportunity for journalists from both written and audio-visual media outlets to formally pose questions to the person in charge of the football club. On a broader scale, a press conference becomes the major point of contact between a manager and the outside world.

In Football Manager 2009, there are three types of press conference: new job, pre-match and post-match. During each press conference, the manager will be given an indication of how many media sources and journalists are present. The number of journalists present will reflect the importance of the fixture; ranging from one or two local reporters for a non-league tie to global paparazzi for a European cup final.

Once the press conference is under way, as each question is posed, the journalist asking the question will be displayed, along with their employer. Every question and answer is stored in the press conference history section which is important to the flow of press conferences over the course of time as journalists will refer back to questions asked at an earlier stage and what answers were previously given.

Journalists being journalists, they'll occasionally stray off-topic. It might well be a pre-match press conference, but you can bet your life that someone in the room wants to know more about the latest rumours of unsettled players or a piece of juicy transfer gossip. That's the charm in having numerous journalists present; they've all got a different personality. Some of them will be kinder and more understanding towards you, whilst a similar number may be quite probing and less considerate.

However, for every question, there's an answer, and you've got quite a degree of flexibility in how you go about addressing what has been asked. Each question has five options from which you can choose your best-suited response, with an additional free text box at the bottom of the screen for you to add your additional comments in should you have any (and we know you will). This doesn't impact on what the media or the football world make of your answers, but it's a nice tool to aid in the immersion factor for those that want to, and can be great fun in multiplayer games!

Of course, if you don't want to turn up, you can simply send your Assistant Manager along on your behalf. There is also an option in Team Settings to get your assistant manager to handle all press conferences. If you do turn up and things aren't to your liking, you can ask your press officer to wrap things up or even storm out.

So, now you know more about that. Tomorrow's blog will come live from the Golden Joystick awards, where we're nominated for best PC game and best UK developer I think. Which is nice. But expect it to be a little bit slurred.


Miles (and Ed, Nick & Phil)
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