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[新闻报道] 【Blog】官方FM09博客-No.9 (FCT翻译)

发表于 2008-10-29 23:34:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
综合编译:kevin12 , iPuerta , Albert , hitaley , hejunstuart , xmlxmlxmlxml(FMZONE-FCT翻译组)
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今天是星期三, 我要到牙医诊所…可能要把坏了的齿冠拔出来, 再为牙齿镶假齿冠, 但其实这个过程没有想象中那么痛苦。今晚我应该不能看Arsenal对Tottenham的比赛了…因为麻醉药过后, 一定会变得很疼痛,那还有心情看比赛吗?

我一整个早上都在接受媒体的采访, 和Grant研究一些试玩版的计划, 处理一些电视广告的事情(大家在英国时间6点过后到community.sigames.com便可观赏到一段长达70秒的电视广告视频), 最后我还要尝试忘记牙医的事情。



你好, 我的名字是Craig Hunter, 我是SI图像制作小组的一员。我们负责制作FM的所有图像, 由FM的接钮以至球员的头像都是我们工作的范畴。说起来图像制作小组的工作好像很简单, 但奇实比你们所想象的复杂, 因为我们也要参加一部份其他开发的工作, 例如和AI程序员一同设计所有涉及用户介面的新特性。

现在, 我将为大家介绍一些关于新用户界面的信息:






在FM2008中,里面的游戏背景可能有点强烈和生硬,因此,我们对游戏背景进行了一些修改,使它看起来更柔和、更简洁、更清晰。即使你是一个背景图片的爱好者也不用担心。如果你喜欢添加自定义图片(Custom Pictures),可以通过修改背景图片使游戏背景的细节变得更加丰富。








其中一样最酷的就是我们SI很注重大众宝贵的意见, 如果大家提供了一些在我们能力内可做到的提议, 这个意见将会影响整个游戏的设计。比如像 Jesper Andersson(一个在皮肤社区你可能已经知晓的“艺术家”),我们已经把他的想法加以设计并实施到新的比赛画面中。我们不会闭门造车,也不会裹足不前。

FM2009一个有争议的改变就是合并了两个速度滑块(比赛速度滑块和精彩回放的速度)滑块, 合并成 一个"比赛速度" 滑块. 我们觉得这个需要做一些改进,因为它真的不能很好的表现出它对比赛速度的影响。对于新手来说, 如何恰好的控制比赛速度对他们来说是一件困惑的事. 最简单和直接的方法就是把两个控制滑块合并成一个滑块: 如果你将滑块往右移那么整个比赛(比赛, 解说, 关键镜头) 会播放得更快, 向左的话,就更慢. 你刚开始总会对这样的界面感到些许恼火,毕竟人们习惯这类东西都好几年了,不过有时改变是积极的, 而且我们肯定这会让事情变得更简单, 特别是对于新手来说。我们对用户界面设计在过去的一年中做了些改变,我们通过了实用性分析并安排了一个来自不同部门的小组来指导用户界面的设计,从而保证该界面的协调性和直观性。我们的信念是能让您将把全部时间花在玩FM上,而不是花在研究怎么使用界面的原理上。

我明天还会发布关于游戏某个方面的更深入的介绍哦!也会解答更多你们的问题 -如果除了新特性外你还有别的问题想问我们的话,就发邮件到[email protected]吧.

 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-29 23:34:41 | 显示全部楼层

User Interface changes in fm09

Today is Wednesday. And I've got to go back to the dentist. Again. One crown to fit, and a possible extraction, which sounds less painful than it actually is. So no Arsenal v Tottenham for me tonight, as I'm expecting to be in large amounts of pain once the anaesthetic wears off.

Have spent most of this morning doing press interviews, sorting out demo plans with Grant (FM's producer), sorting out a special treat for later this afternoon (check out our forums at community.sigames.com at about 6pm to be able to see the 70 second version of our forthcoming FM2009 TV ad), and trying to forget about the dentist, or else I start feeling sorry for myself.

Today's indepth blog is in 2 parts, from Craig (aka Ter) and Martin, and is about the user interface and changes therein this year.


Hello. My name is Craig Hunter and I am part of the graphics team at Sports Interactive. We are responsible for the graphical content in the game from the buttons you click on to the player pictures you look at.There is more to the job than simply creating graphics though. We're also a bit more involved in the development of the game than you might think, from working with the AI coders designing new gameplay features to in depth discussions about User Interface design.

So on to a few of the new User Interface related things you will find in Football Manager 2009.

Wizard Steps
When using any of the wizards throughout the game you will now be able to see exactly where you are in the process as there is now a steps panel on the left showing which step you are currently on, which steps have been completed and which steps are still to come.

Menu Groupings
The "Manager" menu has been grouped a bit better to keep related things together. The groupings for this are Manager, Team, Competition, Search and Options.

Quicklink Groupings
Similarly to the manager menu, we've also done the same with the quicklink icons at the top to keep related things together and the same structure as above is followed.

Competition News Indicator
A lot of people found the new Competition News panel in FM 2008 resulted in important news being missed. Now we have an indicator on the Quicklink for this section to indicate that there is new stuff there to go and see without being too intrusive by spamming your Inbox like before.

Buttons Clearer
The buttons in the game have now been made a bit easier to see. In the last version they were maybe a little too transparent so it should be easier to see those useful buttons that come as part of some news items. We've also added some more of these so that you can be linked directly
to various sections related to that news.

Background less busy
The background was maybe a bit too "busy" in the last version so we've toned this down a bit to make things look crisper and cleaner. Don't worry though if you are a fan of background pictures. It is still possible to modify this to bring out more of the background detail if you like adding your custom pictures.

The game will ship with two skins. A green one similar to last year and a blue version of the same skin.

Colour Consistency
We've also aimed for a bit more consistency with colours of menus and that sort of thing. Popping up a menu from a grey panel should open up a grey menu. Hopefully that should avoid the situation where green menus popup from blue dialogs which would happen from time to time previously.

The licensed content included in the game is more or less the same as before. Now licensed for the first time are Brondby in Denmark and Juventus in Italy. If you are unaware, we also have licenses for American Major League Soccer, Australian A-League, English Football League (Championship, League One, League Two), English Conference (Premier, North, South), French Ligue 1 and 2, South Korean K-League, Dutch Eredivisie and Eerste Divisie, Portuguese Liga Sagres and Liga Vitalis, Scottish Premier League, Spanish Liga BBVA and Liga Adelante. There are also licenses for various Italian teams and the Dutch national team.

This year sees around 5277 player pictures in the game, 364 team badges and 846 kits. Oh, and the kits are 3D textures which include shorts and socks and will be used in the 3D match view and on the team information screen. Don't worry if you are a fan of 2D kits though as the support for those is still there so those of you who have already started work on kit packs for FM 2009 can breathe a sigh of relief."

Thanks Craig - anything to add, Martin?

As we do every year, we've made some changes to the user interface (UI) - some quite big and obvious, others are more subtle. But, hopefully they all make FM2009 more enjoyable, and ultimately help you to play to game in the way you want without getting in the way.

One of the big UI changes you'll see while you're playing matches is the TV view mode. With the introduction of the 3D match engine, there was a general feeling that a more immersive presentation was needed to compliment it, and we quickly came to realise that a TV presentation style, with a small clock and scoreboard in the top corner and small informational widgets floating above the action, was the natural solution, and one that would be familiar to football fans all over the world. Another new feature we added to the FM2009 match screen is the highlight slider, which gives you even more control over how you view a match. Unlike real-life managers, you have the ability to go back and view any highlight from the match any time you want. The idea for this originated from FML, and proved so useful and popular there that we just had to have it in FM2009.

One of the cool things about working at SI is the way that everyone's opinion is valued and if you have a valid comment on the way something works, you can have an influence on any part of the game that you're interested in. So, although it was Jesper Andersson (one of the artists here some of you may know from the skinning community) and I that designed and implemented the new look match screen, we were never working in isolation, and were never short of feedback on the work in progress.

A controversial change for FM2009 has been the amalgamation of the two speed sliders (Match Speed and Highlight Speed), into a single "Match Speed" slider. We felt that this needed improving, as it really wasn't clear what effect they would have on the viewing speed of a match, and new users in particular, would get quite confused about how to just "speed up the match". The simplest and most intuitive solution to this was to unify the two controls into a single slider that "does what it says on the tin": If you move the slider to the right the whole match (Highlights, commentary, the bits between highlights) will play back faster, and to the left, slower. You always get a bit of an initial backlash to any changes to the interface like this, as people do get comfortable with what has been there for a few years, but sometimes change is good, and we are certain that this will make things a lot easier, especially for new users. Our approach to the UI design has changed over the last year or so, with us undertaking usability studies and allocating a small group of us from different departments to lead the UI design, which will help to make sure the UI is consistent and intuitive - our belief is that you should be spending all your time playing FM, not working out how interface elements work.

I'll be back tomorrow with another indepth look at an area of the game, and also some more of your questions answered - if you do have any questions that you want to ask us that are not feature related, then please mail
[email protected]


Miles, Craig & Martin.
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