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发表于 2008-10-28 04:49:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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今天是星期一, 我们刚渡过了一个漫长而又充满等待的周末。在这周末中,我们接受了一些媒体和杂志的采访,阅读了积聚已久的电子邮件,等待游戏正式生产的消息。我们还有空闲的时间去电影院, 酒吧和在家中看球赛…最后我的感冒也好了。

今天早上, 我刮去了我的胡子, 这代表什么呢?这代表了FM09已经开始生产了!


这个星期的新特性会在www.shortlist.com发布, 而今天会公布一个新特性。

另外,HMV的FM博客会带大家深入了解FM09已经发布的特性。今天的FM博客会由Paul Collyer给大家解释一下比赛的引擎。

除此之外, 我收到了很多通过
[email protected]发出的问题, 对于这些问题, 我明天会连同另外一篇博客作出回答。

现在, 我们把时间交给Paul。


去年对于我们来说是很有挑战性和鼓舞的一年, FML的公测,3D引擎的开发, 令比赛引擎得到了空前的突破。

第一, 我们把FM08的比赛引擎应用于玩家对玩家的情况上(由数千玩家测试), 并利用了FML公测, 尽量把玩家千变万化的战术运用于改善AI上。第二, 用3D方式把2D引擎呈现出来, 把从前不知道的问题引出来, 令比赛引擎模拟出更接近真实的足球比赛。

让我们从FML开始。我们意识到了FM08游戏引擎的一些问题,FML beta当然要改进这些,尤其是也需要失败才能成功。我们现在讨论一下beta里战术箭头这个主题吧,因为玩家们越来越感觉这方面所产生的问题比他们所能解决的还要多。因为也被球员们的第二位置属性所影响着。其实主要是战术开发的问题,这使得防守战术好像是到了土拨鼠日一样,缺乏一个明确的设定。举个例子,不说调整心态的话,为什么既有一个向前的箭头又有一个前插命令?我们经过一些讨论之后,决定在beta中取消箭头并做一周的试验。同时,我们又改进了前插的使用,球员会自己发现空当,以此来实现球员在战术中更真实的跑动。对此的争论是非常激烈,甚至SI内部也是一样,在不断摸索寻找中,突然我们达到了一种既真实又平衡的水平。许多反对的声音从身后消失了,这说明了成功。这个试验做完后,结果就很明朗了。当然,还是有人抱怨这样不容易让球员大范围跑动,但是一些玩家发现恰当的战术组合可以做到这点,同时其他人很满意整体的游戏画面,也很满意我们兑现了防守空虚时更能发挥前插能力的承诺。我们也在外观上创建了一个受前插命令影响的简单箭头,这保留了我们游戏的一个重要的外观特征。


3D引擎:3年前,首次提出了这个构想,但直到15个月前,一直都没有实质性的作为。在完成基本的3D侧视图,我们的第一套3D引擎的代码Des Owens有了雏形,直到今年的早些时候,真实的比赛引擎代码才开始编写。显然,其中遇到了很多挑战。首当其冲的是,我们过去的“准物理”比赛引擎,已不再使用。因此首要的是,要开发新的,基于真实的物理引擎。这要影响到整个比赛、球员、AI的代码。然后类似球员面对的方向需要重新评估。像以前2D小圈球员,一些不合逻辑的方向不会引起注意,但3D球员不同。这一类的事情出现了非常多的bug(错误),在修正这些bug的同时,,也使我们的比赛经历越来越可信,至少我看到了进步。大概在初夏,我弃用2D,开始使用3D调试比赛引擎。这样的标准更高了,许多不切实际的AI问题暴露出来。最后阶段,把动画和比赛引擎联系起来。大部分内在地指向了AI,所以我不得不承担起更多的任务,选择动画,调整、微调,以期得到最好的结果。

总而言之,我们在很短的时间内完成了开发FM09这条漫长的道路, 而这次的挑战也把比赛引擎带到了一个全新的阶段。当然, 我们还有很大的进步空间, 而我们也会继续努力去改进, 为大家做出更好的FM。当然, 去实践这个梦, 我们虽要您们的支持和意见, 所以FM社区对我们来说是很重要的!

对于FM社区对我们的贡献, 我会留到DEMO发布后再说, 这样你们试玩后便有话题了!
 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-28 04:50:23 | 显示全部楼层

We're gold!

It's Monday, and the weekend has involved a lot of waiting around for news about whether the game has gone into manufacture or not, doing interviews with various lots of magazines and websites, catching up on email, getting over man flu, and even managed to go to the cinema. And a drink. And watch football, although only on the TV.

This morning, I got to shave off my beard. Which means Football Manager 2009 is now in manufacture!

That also means that today we've announced information about the demo for Football Manager 2009 and the system specs for the game. The demo is coming out on Saturday night/Sunday morning at midnight, and you can read more about it on our forums at
This weeks new feature announcements will not be taking place here, but will be taking place at www.shortlist.com, with one new feature a day.

Instead, HMV's Sports Interactive blogs will be taken over with more indepth information about some of the new features in Football Manager 2009, starting with co-founder of Sports Interactive, Paul Collyer, talking about the match engine.

I've also got a backlog of questions here from people who've emailed via the blogs  
[email protected]), so I'll be answering loads of those tomorrow, along with the next indepth look.

But, for now, it's over to Paul.

Pointing the way to 3D

The last year or so has been one of the most challenging and motivating from a match engine development point of view. The Football Manager Live Beta, and the introduction of a 3D view in FM2009 have challenged the match engine to improve like never before. Firstly by taking the FM2008
match engine into an environment of 1000s of human vs human matches, and all the tactical variations that come from that via Football Manager Live's beta, and secondly by exposing the engine to a 3D representation where flaws never noticed in 2D now jump out, and so the need for realistic looking football is magnified many-fold.

Lets start with Football Manager Live. We were aware of some of the issues people had with the Fm2008 engine, and of course the FML beta environment would accentuate these, especially with there needing to be a human loser for every human winner etc! So some time into the beta the subject of the tactical arrows was raised, as there was a growing feeling amongst some users that they caused more problems than they solved, because of the way they worked as secondary positions for players. The main issues were exploitative tactics, which made defensive AI work into a kind of groundhog day, and also a lack of clarity given by their existence. For example, why have the forward run instruction as well as an arrow forward, not to mention the mentality slider? After some discussion we decided that we would run an experiment, and remove the arrows from the beta for a week. Instead we would improve the use of the forward runs instruction, as well as a player's own awareness of space, to achieve more realistic player movement within the tactical shape. The debate was fierce, and not just outside of SI, but we went for it, and lo and behold the match engine suddenly moved to another level of realism and balance! Many of the dissenting voices disappeared into the background, while many revealed they had been won over. The experiment had worked and things had become clearer. Sure, there were complaints that you couldn't make players drift wide easily, but some managers found that could be done to a point with the right combination of tactics, while others were happy with the overall picture, as well as our promises to look at adding instructions at some point down the line once it is clearer what is lacking. We also compensated visually by creating simple arrows that controlled the player forward runs instruction, so retaining an important visual characteristic of our game.

So, FM2009 will be without the old style arrows, and no doubt a second debate will rage. In fact it has already started raging. All I ask is that people try the demo, and keep an open mind. There are people on our own tactics forums, and also sites like FM Britain, who have an amazing insight into the FM tactical engine, and also deserve to be listened to by those in need of guidance. You will be hearing more from some of them in the coming days and weeks. In terms of your tactics, just remember that the use of forward runs plus space to make them will equal intelligent attacking movement, and you should be ok.

Now onto 3D. The idea was first raised some 3 years ago, but it wasn't really until about 15 months ago or so that we started getting our teeth into it. With our first ever 3D coder Des Owens coming onboard we started by creating the basic 3D side, before the actual match engine started to be rendered in it early this year. Obviously this threw up many challenges. The first and most obvious was that that our old ball "quasi-physics" engine wasn't going to wash at all. So first major task was to create a new one, which is based in real physics. This would impact the entire match player AI code of course, although in many ways it simply got more out of it. Then there were things like player facing direction to re-assess. A 2D circle looking in an illogical direction doesn't always attract the same attention as a 3D animated player doing so. That sort of thing caused lots of bugs, but at the same time fixing them was making the whole match experience more and more believable. I could see progress anyway. Around early summertime I stopped using 2D to debug the match engine, and only used 3D. This forced standards upwards further as more unrealistic AI is exposed. The final stage was to hook in the animations we had to the match engine. Again, much of this was intrinsically linked to the AI side, so I had to take a lot of responsibility for selecting animations and tuning and tweaking AI to get the best results.

All in all, its been a long road in a short space of time, but I actually think the challenge has taken the match engine to a new level. Of course, there is a lot more we can achieve on all fronts, but the main thing is that we want to get there, and as ever, the contribution of the FM community will be a huge part of that.

The FM community contribution is actually pretty exciting, but I'm going to save that for info for a blog after the demo comes out. Got to have something to talk about when you're able to see the game for yourself!

Miles (and Paul).
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