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发表于 2008-10-23 01:57:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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周一的时候我工作了21个小时,我现在感觉好像在倒时差。我们都在努力进入代码确定后的下一个工作阶段, 我们将把这个“主打的黄金候选版本”提供给Sega,这之后我们要测试它们72小时才能结束,如果顺利通过, 它将进入正式的生产阶段。

现在,我不知道一个候选版本能否有史以来第一次没有任何问题就通过,但我们在周一凌晨3:30发现在游戏方 面碰了个钉子。我们发现在游戏的安装卸载上出了个问题,这是依靠第三方的,在星期一我对于时间已经没有 小时的概念了,所以我们为了等待他们解决这个问题花费了很多时间。所以我们一群人坐在一起开始玩游戏, 我们想看看有没有其他问题,并努力使自己在下次轮班前保持清醒。对我而言,早上6:30睡觉时的光线非常奇 特。

总之,现在时间宝贵,我们已经发现了一些问题并做了解决。在几天内之内,我们应该会提交另一个候选版本 ,我们的质量保证部门会测试它是否能通过。同时,我们也会等待其他方面,例如有关09补丁的工作,对我而 言还要在接下来几周内处理许多销售和公关的事情。今天最后还要去拜访一下为FM2009和电视广告配音的人。

哦,我们还有其他令人兴奋的消息。今天的新特性有些不同,这并不是关于PC平台的,而是关于PSP平台的 FMH09的消息。Sony已经证实,我们刚刚通过了他们的许可程序,并且可以进入正式制造了。呜啦!

所以现在我要通过Glenn(PSP开发团队的一员)告诉你们一些关于未公布的PSP特性。明天会有公布更多的PC 版特性,而在周五的播客将回答更多的问题和细节。如果你想问任何现在所未有的特性的问题,发邮件到
[email protected],我们会从中筛选最有趣的问题回答。


除了在首页中已经公布的Football Manager Handheld 2009的新特性(2D比赛画面,可选择多个联赛,两款皮肤),还有许多的小的改进。下面快速的浏览下这些变化。






-- 球员可以被租借出去,以引起其他球队的兴趣。




Miles and Glenn
Now with added spell checking!

It's a year since we were last in the position of getting a game ready for release, and I can definitely tell that I'm a year older.

Remembering back a few years ago when those of us who have been at SI for a long time were, err, a few years younger, we used to have competitions with each other of who could do the longest "shift" before falling asleep at our keyboards, with a couple of us managing 3 days in one session.

On Monday, I did a 21 hour shift. And now I feel like I've got jetlag. We were attempting to get to the next stage of the process after code lock, whereby we present a "gold master candidate" to Sega, at which point it goes into test at their end for 72 hours, and if it passes that, it can go into manufacture.

Now, I don't know of a single release candidate that has ever passed first time without any hiccups, and we knew that would be the same with us, but we got the game side of things "nailed" at 3.30am on Monday. Then found out there was a problem with installing and uninstalling the game, for which we rely on third parties, so have spent a bunch of time since waiting for them to fix the issue. We didn't know at the time on Monday that it would take days, rather than hours, so a bunch of us sat up playing the game, looking for other issues, and trying to stay awake before the next shift came in which, in my case, was at 6.30am. Going to bed when it's light is very odd.

Anyway, the time that the fix took to come in was quite useful, as we found another couple of issues and fixed them. And at some point in the couple of days we should deliver another release candidate which may, or may not, get approval from QA. In the meanwhile, we sit and wait, whilst getting on with other things, like working out the patch policies for 09, and, in my case, sorting out a lot of the marketing and PR things that are going to happen over the coming weeks. Today's task was making the final call on who was going to do the voiceover for the TV ad for Football Manager 2009.

Oh, and we have other exciting news too. Today's new features have a bit of a twist to them, in that they are for Football Manager Handheld 2009 for the PSP, rather than the PC game. And the reason for these coming out today is that we've just received confirmation from Sony that we've passed their submission process so it's now time to go into manufacture for that. Hurrah!

So I'm now going to pass you over to Glenn who is one of the dev team on the PSP game to tell you about some unannounced features for it. Tomorrow there'll be some more PC/Mac features, some more questions answered and some details about Friday's podcast. If you do have any non-feature specific questions you want answered, mail them to
[email protected], and will answer the ones we find most interesting.

So, Glenn - what else is new in FMH2009?

"In addition to the headline features already announced for Football Manager Handheld 2009 (2D pitch view, multiple leagues and the two new skins), numerous smaller improvements have been made. This is intended as a quick overview of some of these changes:

- The match speed and highlights detail level are now independent. This means that you can now select to view full detail commentary at fast speed or low detail commentary at slow speed.

- Friendly matches can now be cancelled.

- There is an increased level of media interaction including transfer targets.

- It is now possible to see your league history screen at any point in your career (rather than just at the end as was previously the case).

- Short listing can now be performed mid-match - if an opposition player impresses you during a match, you can now view their full player profile and shortlist them whilst still in the match.

- Players can be offered out on loan to drum up interest in them.

- Transfers can now be delayed - which can prove extremely useful if you are waiting on another deal to go through to free up the funds needed to complete that star signing.

We've also put in a lot of effort to fix as many of the issues found by people who have played our previous games - these include reserve team players going out on loan and being able to play in league matches against their parent club and the EDT Editing system being expanded to allow players to be given their 'Brazilian style' common names."


Miles and Glenn

[ 本帖最后由 kang861121 于 2008-10-23 02:18 AM 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-10-23 02:19:47 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-10-23 07:55:17 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-10-23 08:52:37 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-10-23 10:55:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-10-23 11:01:29 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-10-23 11:02:54 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-23 11:49:03 | 显示全部楼层
博客 大家连贯起来看 能知道FM09开发的心得和体会......

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发表于 2008-10-23 12:10:32 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-10-23 13:22:05 | 显示全部楼层
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