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[战术阵型] [转]wwfan谈FM2009取消拉线

发表于 2008-10-19 17:43:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在最初的关于FML中取消拉线的争论中,我们批评的最多的就是ME的完整性和取消拉线游戏的观赏性。在测试之前,SI和FML的论坛里关于拉线是否应该取消也产生了广大的争议。即便战术模板一开始也未达到一致的同意,并且Rashidi也公开的表示了他支持拉线的存在,我却同样坚持应该取消拉线。但 Rashidi和其他许多人并未改变主意,反倒把FML ME视为游戏引擎发展的一个重大进步,并且成为了这个可以平息很多担心的变革的主要拥护者。
关于倦怠的指责同样也是毫无根据的。不论ME,FML是否有拉线,都能够使SI同时测试玩家关于GWs的反馈。从没有拉线的GWs中获取的反馈能同那些有拉线的反馈进行很好的比较,从而使我们更倾向于取消拉线。游戏的比分也不再那么高了,可能玩家最终会反对,但是却把足球比赛表现的更为真实。Paul C一再表明他的观点:ME是为了尽可能真实地模拟现实足球。基于SI雇员和普通玩家的广泛反馈,以及他自己的游戏经验,他决定取消游戏中的拉线。这决不是一个懒惰倦怠的决定。

当没有拉线箭头的ME出现在FM09中会出现什么情况?玩家必须学着去设计一些相应的战术。战术成功不再是做出一些花哨的拉线,直到你设计出一个阵型是 AI难以抵挡的。在FM08中,你可以求助于战术论坛,OP举办的战术杯赛,以及FMFAN团队,这也形象的刻画了大部分的玩家是如何在玩FM的。这些设计一些纷繁复杂的拉线战术的人,他们是依靠ME中的一些人为漏洞来不公平的击败AI的。就像此前的一个宣传画中所说的,这些人玩FM就如同玩赛车游戏,他们开着的是由7档变速箱的车,而AI的车却只有3档的变速。是的,这样做你确实可以赢得比赛,但那仅仅是作弊使你显得比AI高明很多。这样的玩法毫无乐趣。



When we originally had the debate about the removal of arrows in FML testing, the only criteria we used were the integrity of the ME and the look of the football. Prior to the test removal, there were a huge number of disagreements about whether they should stay or go, both within SI and the FML forums. Even the tactical mods didn't at first agree, with Rashidi being openly vocal about the need for them to stay whereas I was equally insistent that they should go. That Rashidi and many others didn't just change their mind but came to recognise the FML ME as a major evolution in the development of the engine and became major proponents and defenders of the change should quash many fears.

The accusations of laziness are also unfounded. FML enabled SI to simultaneously test user feedback from GWs with and without the arrowless ME. The feedback from the arrowless GWs was so good compared to the arrowed ones that it swung the balance of opinion heavily towards the arrowless option. Scorelines came down as people could finally defend and the football looked realistic. PaulC has repeatedly stated his vision for the ME is for it to produce as realistic simulation of real life football as possible. Based on extensive feedback from SI employees, mods and general users, plus his own playing experience, he decided to take the arrows out of the game. At no point was it ever a lazy option.

What will happen when the arrowless ME hits FM09? People are going to have to learn to design tactics that work from the ground up. Tactical success is no longer going to be about drawing a plethora of arrows until you find a system the AI can't cope with. In FM08, a quick look at the tactical forum and the Tactical Cup run by the OP and the team at FMFan.ru, illustrates vividly how the majority of people are playing FM. They design multi-arrowed exploitative tactics that rely on artificial holes in the ME to unfairly outwit the AI. As one previous poster put it, it would be like playing a driving game in which your car had a 7-speed gear box whereas the AI only had a 3-speed one. Yes, you'd win, but only because the AI isn't on a level playing field. No fun in that.

For a lot of users, the learning curve is going to be steep and there will be many, many false steps along the way. However, once they scale its peaks, they will suddenly see the ME for what it is, a brilliant piece of programming capable of producing an exceptional simulation of football reality. You can already see this in FM08, which looks a far better engine without user arrows and is, for me, the biggest argument for their removal.

The final point in the defence of the end of arrows is that FWRs (often to none) have been reworked to take their place. You haven't suddenly lost the ability to have your FB overlap and put in a cross from the byline or have your MC drift between the FCs to score. What you have lost is the ability to have them move into that position no matter what. Players will only make FWRs when they are on, not by default, which adds much dynamism to the football. The better the player, the better his runs. This means that the super AMC of old (farrowed to FC) will only be as effective if the player himself is excellent. A world-class AMC will still be hugely effective. An average one, however, will no longer be able to look great simply because he is moving into a hole the AI can't defend.
发表于 2008-10-19 17:53:01 | 显示全部楼层
很好 不喜欢那些花里胡哨的拉线
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-19 17:54:45 | 显示全部楼层
我看了新闻说拉线仍然存在,但是不能手动去拉了. 而是和前插有关系..
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发表于 2008-10-19 18:07:47 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-10-20 04:46:48 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 koelsgive 于 2008-10-19 05:54 PM 发表
我看了新闻说拉线仍然存在,但是不能手动去拉了. 而是和前插有关系..


应该是这样吧 经常是33%好机会就会向前 混合是66%  很少是99%的好机会才向前!

[ 本帖最后由 lyb1976 于 2008-10-20 07:03 AM 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-10-20 05:53:44 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-10-20 07:06:06 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 猪哥死蚂蚁 于 2008-10-20 07:09 AM 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-10-20 07:48:16 | 显示全部楼层
转帖请注明出处,谢谢! 去日大神啊……
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发表于 2008-10-20 08:41:51 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-10-20 08:48:17 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 猪哥死蚂蚁 于 2008-10-20 07:06 AM 发表

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