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[攻略心得] FM08优秀主帅养成计划 ========〉〉〉 如何治理好球队、球员交流补遗篇(二)

发表于 2008-1-23 12:01:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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1楼 目录
2楼 赛前的媒体互动
3楼 如何发表对对方最有威胁的球员的评论
4楼 赛前面对媒体的评论的一些补充说明
5楼 赛后的球队谈话&球员个人的谈话
6楼 球队的有机磨合和人事管理
7楼 新签入的球员,租借球员和年轻球员的管理
8楼 队长的最优任命
9楼 奖金的合理分配
10楼 赛季前的展望


[ 本帖最后由 windclou 于 2008-1-23 12:07 PM 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-23 12:01:38 | 显示全部楼层

I - Matches build up interaction

Being well prepared for an important match and having your squad at the top of their morale and form for this match can be a key in achieving your goals of the season and have massive impact on your results.

Advance planning

If you are facing key games, you should start looking at your preparation very early, at least seven days ahead if you want to achieve the best results. Of course nobody can always take everything into account for every single game, but looking at the calendar at times and setting your eyes on these dates can improve your performance massively.

If you are for instance facing a top match in seven days and know that you may need some rotation players or even key players who are currently in a bad mood, you should consider to give them a morale-boosting reserve match on Wednesday, if possible. A better morale may make up for any loss in condition, and you can rest them for a day after the match.

If you are playing a fierce rival, you may also make a comment on your next opponent about three days before the match. The best-proven comment is to ‘expect a good rivalry’ as this will often take away pressure from your own players and occasionally build up pressure for the opposition.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-23 12:02:07 | 显示全部楼层

Finally you will receive your scout report and have the option to comment on the opposition dangerman. This was heavily bugged in FM 07 and you had to do it three days in advance to see an effect, but finally it does work now. But beware, it is a gamble, otherwise the game may get too easy. You should always watch out first at the form and personality of these players. If they are model professionals, driven or highly determined players, better stay away from commenting on them if they are not in a crisis. Players in a crisis and with less determined characters are more prone to buckle under the pressure then those who are on top of their form.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-23 12:02:33 | 显示全部楼层
Pre-match media

Finally, after so many preliminaries, the most important part: The media pre-match interaction. Now you can make up for anything you missed before or finally blow it. Choose your options wisely and remember that being over-confident rarely is rewarded in the game. To make things clear: good pre-match comments will not win a game for you. But giving the wrong comments can have catastrophic effects and giving the right comments can boost your morale strongly.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-23 12:02:49 | 显示全部楼层
Post-Match Team Talks

The shortest and least important part of all, since most time your players don’t listen anyway! The only bad mistake is not to give enough praise after good performances, and your players will let you know if this happens. If you are up to, you can acknowledge key performances and single out bad performances. Youngsters and new players tend to listen more often and will be happy if you praise them. Have a look at individual morale and praise those who are still in bad mood after a win.

Post-match talks

As for team-talks, probably the least important part and you can give some individual feedbacks, if you are up to. Look for new players and youngsters first, additionally for those with bad morale despite winning or those who played well despite losing. Check your team talk feedback frequently to find out how your players react since everyone is different and needs and individual handling.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-23 12:03:13 | 显示全部楼层
Squad factors

Team gelling

The current level of understanding is more than a neat little feature you can see when looking at your assistant’s team talk feedbacks, this can be crucial regarding two key issues, which do determine your tactical success in the long run: quality of performance and consistency of performance. Both of these factors, combined with the quality of your tactical approach, will decide whether you will succeed or fail at your current club.

This may look a little bit keen at first sight, but let me try to give an admittedly very drastic example: you start a game as a quite unknown manager, take over a squad and instantly bring in a good number of new players (be it because you need them objectively or just suppose so) by spending the largest part of your budget, and finally you are trying your own tactics that may not have been fully finished or you are downloading one or several sets in order to find the best suited for your squad. If you look at it closely, this seems exactly to be the scenario of many new games, regardless of playing in lower leagues or at top clubs.
OK,第一眼看到第一段写的东西也许大家都会被这些概念弄得一头雾水,那么我试着举一个具体的例子来解释一下上面所说的含义:设想一下,你现在新开了一个档,以一个“默默无闻”的不为人知的教练身份起家,接管了一支球队(不管这支球队的大小),并且上任后很快按照你自己的思路,买入了一些非常好的新球员(这些球员也许的确是你球队急需的或者只是你认为如此),现在,你为了买这些球员已经花了大笔的钱,最后,你开始用这些球员,按照你指定的战术来开始新赛季的征程。往往你会使用默认的或者下载网上其他人所说的“好用”的几套战术作为实验,去找出你认为最适合你球队的一个。大家看我上面说的这套流程眼熟么?或许无论是喜欢玩低级别联赛的朋友还是高级别联赛的朋友,基本上开档后都是这么做的吧? (我自己也是 哈哈  ^_^);

You now have a reduced morale throughout the squad because of an inexperienced manager, you have simultaneously reduced the team cohesion - if it comes worst significantly - and you intend to make tactical tests with this team, which may lead to a long period of tinkering if things go wrong. In other words, you have changed so much at one time that it is next to impossible to find out where it does go wrong. You may see a different team in half a year, once the morale is up and the understanding strong, your tactics may be great but simply will not work or perform consistently because these are mental issues and morale issues the team does have.

The only advice that does make sense: avoid this situation at any costs. If it is already too late, stick to your tactics unless you definitely know they are flawed fundamentally, get the morale up by applying team talks and media feedbacks as presented in this article, try to grab a win and to survive this period. Apply all of the given tips and try to maximise your efforts in man management to keep morale high at any cost, and eventually you will get through this without ending in a catastrophe. This may be a situation where man-management can save your job more then any tactical skill.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-23 12:03:39 | 显示全部楼层
New players, loan players and youngsters

If you need to make major changes in your squad, you should always try to do this when you are tactically settled, but you also should never expect to get results within no time, except for some lucky signings. Many players will need six months or longer to adapt to a new country, if you are having bad luck and playing in a country with a difficult language, even longer.
在你对你的球队阵容进行大规模的变动(简称“换血”)之前,请确认你的球队战术选择问题已经解决了(原因请看上一楼的介绍);但是即使如此,也请不要抱着这样一种幻想:我签入一名球员马上就会得到非常好的回报。因为很多球员需要6个月甚至更长的时间才能适应一个新的国家新的环境(这不光在FM游戏中,在现实中也是如此),如果你很不走运的,你所选择的联赛所处国家的语言又是特别难学的那种(俄语、德语、法语这种),那么你要做好给这名球员更长时间去适应的心理准备(知道为什么很多球员拒绝签约的时候,理由总有那么一条“不觉得转会去**国是一个明智的决定”了么?就是因为这个~ );

You can help your new players adapting by trying to make it as easy as possible using your man management skills. Give them good feedbacks, take off the pressure in early games, give them positive feedbacks after the first games, and help them if they play below expectations with giving media feedbacks. This can shorten the period extremely. Especially with keeper debuts in foreign countries you should be very careful. This seems to be one of the most difficult adaptations in the game, even more so if the keeper did not have time to learn the language.
当然,作为球队主帅,你能够通过你的努力来帮助这些新球员更容易而且更短时间内摆脱不适应感。具体方法有:通过不断的很好的球员沟通,在该球员的早期比赛中多多减轻他的压力,在他的首次出场比赛后给他积极的评论,或者当他们的表现低于预期的时候在媒体采访时给与他们足够的支持(当然也不能太夸大其词,那同样会给他们压力)。这些手段都能够极大的缩短这个适应期。特别需要大家注意的是,新入队的守门员,对于他们在异国他乡的首演,请格外注意留神关照。貌似在FM中,适应环境最慢的就是守门员了,好像这些守门员们一个个忙得都没有时间来学习你们国家的语言一样;  >_<||

What has been said about new players is equally important for loan players. Why ever the designers thought that you could not give media feedbacks to players on loan contracts, this does affect your players’ morale and there is no way to work around this. Always give them good team talks before most matches. You will also note soon that these players are more vulnerable to losing their good morale between the matches, so you will have to spend much more efforts on keeping them on their toes compared to your own players. This can be an annoyance and cost you a lot of time, but it definitely can be worth the effort, even more so if you do not pay their wages.

To a certain degree the same has to said about youngsters. They may still be missing consistency, but in combination with tutoring, sensitive team talks and media interaction, you may help them to perform much more consistently. Whenever your squad is relying on a number of these players, new signing, loanees and youngsters, you should try to take maximal advantage of your man management skills to avoid those problems. Once a team has matured and settled, you may become a little bit more lenient with this.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-23 12:03:58 | 显示全部楼层

Choosing the right team captains always was an important point, but in the past players could fiddle around with this important factor indefinitely without seeing too many negative results, maybe except for choosing the wrong guys for one or two games. Now finally the situation is closer to real life: there is a captain already, there will be a recommendation by your assistant usually recommending this captain and a vice captain, and you will need to decide if you want to take this advice or not. And even better, the decision will not come for free. If you want to change things, you should have a good reason and you should be willing to take the consequences as well.

I do not have any tentative results, but in two of four cases so far the previous captain was not the best choice. I am simply looking at these attributes first: Influence plus determination. If they make the player a candidate, I also look for decisions, work rate and finally bravery. He should have a certain age and last not least have been at the club for a while and he should be highly respected by his team mates, you will see this in their good relationship screens. But, and this is a big but, sometimes older ‘natural leader’ have just joined the club (only if settled in the same country!) or the ‘real life’ manager has a strange way to find captains. Then it is time to verify the choice, which I did twice so far. In both cases this was very well received, even though it does come at a cost and some candidates will feel left behind.
我并没有非常多的试验结果,不过在仅有的4个游戏档中的2个,我确定球队先前的队长人选不是最佳的选择。我首先简单的查看了如下属性:影响力和决心。如果该球员被推荐为队长的候选人,那么我还会查看他的判断力、团队合作以及勇敢(上文的determination和这里的decisions我不知道翻译得对不对,大家帮忙检查一下)。作为合格的队长,他应该有恰当的年龄(不能太小),并且至少要在俱乐部服役了一段时间同时他也需要有领袖风范为其他大部分队友所尊敬,你可以通过查看球员个人的喜欢的球员(good relationship)一栏来确定这点。但是,我要提醒大家非常非常需要注意的是,如果你的队伍中新加盟了一位很有资历的,描述为“天生的领袖”的球员(这种情况只适用于这名球员也是该国家联赛转会来的),那么,请不要犹豫,大胆的选择他作为队长人选吧。我曾经做过两次这样的选择,两次都收到了很好的效果,除了前队长可能会有些想法外,其他大部分球员都表示强烈的支持的。(这点小风我也可以证实,我用德乙Hoffenheim的时候就签入了一个老后腰,因为他的影响力比前队长高很多,因此我选择他作了队长,结果意外地发现全队的人都对我的决定交口称赞);

I reckon it could be an important measure to look at this if you ever should take over a team in a crisis: verify if the captaincy choice has been right. This may also be a measure to be applied if your own team is deep down. But take into account that it will be a gamble and you should have a good reason to make such a switch.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-23 12:04:14 | 显示全部楼层

At start of the season, you can determine the sum that will be paid out at the end of the season, based on the success in several competitions. I think that there is not much of a choice here. Even if you are running a cash-strapped club, select the highest available option. First off all, this sum is included in your budget anyway, but also important: it is based on your success, which does mean you will have to pay less if the team fails to reach the season’s goals. As always, achieving something will generate more income for your team, so do not try to be miserly with bonuses. I never knew whether contracts have an influence or not, but I always tried to offer low wages, but high bonuses in contract talks.

Good bonuses do have an effect like a permanent media feedback at start of the season, I did not try to do the opposite, but most likely it has to result in a reversed effect. So, even if you are cash-strapped, give your guys the best bonuses. Morale and motivation will always pay off; a lack of it will cost you much more.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-23 12:04:32 | 显示全部楼层

Several observations suggest that having a good start into the season is pure gold and having a good team morale cannot be underrated in FM 08 at this point of time. You can try to support this with a careful pre-season fixture list and try to arrange difficult games at start while finishing your friendlies with some easy, probably morale-boosting ‘shootouts’. This could be especially helpful for all those players who manage the likes of Man U, Barca and Milan as Sunday league footballers.
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