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[球员推荐] FM2008新特性(已翻译,转自游侠,作者swiftxie)

发表于 2007-12-6 16:37:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
转自游侠,作者swiftxie,感谢他的辛苦劳动。 goG]'AnPg  
原帖地址:http://game1.ali213.net/thread-1591027-1-1.html gXPa4*h-  
Football Manager returns before Christmas packed full of new features for fans of the much-acclaimed series from Sports Interactive to feast their eyes on. Football Manager 2008 is out on PC / Mac this autumn, and offers football fans the chance to take on the greatest job on earth; manager of there favourite football club! Uh2WM$\L  
最受欢迎的SI游戏FM系列,将在圣诞节前再次以全新的新特性于广大热切期待的FM迷见面。FM2008将在今年秋天推出PC和MAC版,为广大球迷提供了一个世界上最伟大的工作的机会,那就是管理自己最最喜爱的足球俱乐部。 Dt7bI  
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Bigger, smoother and more in-depth than ever, Football Manager 2008 is packed full of so much newness it could well take a lifetime to discover every new feature. So we asked Miles Jacobson, Studio Director at SI Games, to take us through some of the changes you'll want to hear about most... &nkzC~b R  
FM2008比以往融入了数量更庞大,更流畅,更深入的各种崭新的游戏元素,你可能需要一生去慢慢发掘这些新特性。现在我们就让SI的工作室总监Miles Jacobson 来介绍一些你最想了解的新变化。 F,"o$xI  
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Transfer Center - A new way of managing all current transfer and loan bids for your club, both incoming and outgoing, making it easier to compare bids and reject or accept them. 1Ox RawM1  
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转会中心 - 一种新的方式来管理俱乐部所有正在进行的转会和租借合同,无论是转入还是转出,都会让你更方便的比较、拒绝或者接受各种出价。 z]dAQ<  
Finance Revamp - Sports Interactive have updated the finance area of Football Manager 2008 to better reflect the ever-changing modern football world. More information is available to the manager too, including, but not limited to, corporate matchday income, season ticket news, investment funds, improved sponsorships, collective win bonuses and the ability to move around funds from the wage budget and transfer budget (and vice versa) at any point to help you in your quest for the ideal squad. Tdnysb:  
修正了财政管理系统 - SI跟新了FM2008财政方面的管理模式,更好的反应了不断变化的现代足球世界。足球经理能够获得更多的信息,包括(至少以下几点)正式比赛收入,季票销售状况,投资基金, 改良的赞助商模式, 团队胜利奖金以及可以随时调整增加工资上限和转会资金(反之亦然),以帮助你获得你的理想整容。 T e 2';  
International Management - The international management gameplay has been completely revamped for Football Manager 2008, including, but not limited to, media improvements, international retirements, player interaction, international scouting, improved national pool selection, captain selection and a separation of international and club morale for players. R4kOEE  
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国家队管理 - 国家队管理模式在2008中被彻底的修正了。其中包括(至少以下几点),改良了的媒体系统,国家队退役, 与球员互动, 国家队球探, 改良了的国家队大名单选择, 队长选择以及分离了同一运动员在国家队和俱乐部的士气值。 Au=y` Hv  
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Match Flow - The largest change to matchdays in a Sports Interactive game since the introduction of the 2D match engine. Match flow brings more atmosphere to matchdays with match previews, team talks, opposition player instructions, the match itself, half time and post match now seamlessly following on from one another. There's no more pausing to make tactical changes and you'll find a mini-radar pitch whilst making those tactical changes to keep you in touch with what's going on in the match. 3D#*5"1  
比赛流程 - SI游戏中对比赛日最大的变化是引入了2D比赛引擎。为了更好的体现比赛日的气氛,将会一个又一个的引入赛前预览, 队员训话, 对手球员状况分析,比赛本身,半场以及赛后评语灯。而且将不再可以暂停游戏而进行战术安排,你在进行战术调整的时候,将会看到一个小雷达,以同时观察场上当前的比赛进程。 'i.4?$J  
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Confidence - You can now easily tell what your board and supporters think about your performance in the game through the new confidence section. This gives you feedback not just on your current progress in competitions, but also your financial management and signings. WK?wvmcdj  
信任度 - 信任度部分让你更方便的获知董事会以及支持者对你表现的信心和满意程度。这些反馈不仅仅包括了你在最近的比赛中的表现,还包括了你对于财政以及转会上的管理。 ~hhyFQ8+  
Easier to Use - A much cleaner skin, a brand new advisor system to help you through various areas of the game, a new notes and notebook system, better button positioning for simpler navigation and an updated tutorial and manual. Also, coach reports to make taking over a new team easier and a new calendar system - which lists all important dates throughout the season - help to make Football Manager 2008 the easiest Sports Interactive game to use yet. >A*8N/K#v  
更简便的使用 - 更清爽的皮肤,全新的管理界面,能够帮助你掌控游戏中的各个方面。 新的摘要和笔记系统, 更好的导航按钮分类和定位, 以及更新的游戏向导和游戏手册。教练评估让你更快接手一支新队伍。全新的日历系统 - 列出了赛季中所有的重要日期 - 尽量使FM2008成为SI的最容易上手的游戏。 N$N gZ  
Fan Days - The board can now arrange fan days to boost ailing attendances, or for matches that are likely to attract a low crowd, with a long-term affect to attendances if all goes well.  g6wMr6,t  
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球迷日 - 董事会可以通过安排球迷日来改变糟糕的上座率,以及吸引力差的比赛。如果设置的好,对上座率影响的效果将会是长期的哦。 *;geC<pU  
Awards Overhaul - A full overhaul of the awards system inside the game, which is not only more accurate but also includes new awards, such as the European golden boot and a 'best eleven', which shows the all-time (in-game) best XI for all teams and nations. S\0ubM!&S  
奖项系统 - 完整的奖项检验系统, 不仅仅是更精确, 同时也包含了很多新的奖项,比如欧洲金靴奖,以及整个游戏里的最佳阵容(BEST ELEVEN) ?A}%YB _}  
Match Engine Improvements - A greatly improved match engine, once again utilizing the footballing brain of Ray Houghton and other tools used by real-life managers, to make the most accurate simulation of football in a computer game even more like-life than ever before. Oh, and the ability to change the pitch dimensions at the start of the season to suit your style of play better. +ji5%656  
比赛引擎的改进 - 比赛引擎有了长足的进步, 还是利用了Ray Houghton的“足球思维”以及其他一些现实经理使用的工具, 以最大程度精确的用电脑来模拟现实足球。并且在赛季初可以设置场地的DIMENSION(2D或者3D??)。 &@V$Ed|Lt  
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Expanded Media - More media and feedback than ever before, plus more detail in existing media, and a new competition news section to find out what major things are going on in all league competitions. i'qz28Y  
增加了的媒体 - 比以往更多的媒体及其反馈。在现有媒体中加入更多的细节, 并且增加了一个竞赛新闻部分,以获所有联赛中发生的重要信息。 c& J}cf  
Regenerated Player Photos - All in-game regenerated players now have pictures using FaceGen technology to give each player more personality. This gives the ability for players to be seen to mature and grow-up looks-wise in front of your eyes as the game is going on. *(ZX>lM5z  
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更新的球员照片 - 游戏中所有更新了的球员照片将使用FaceGen技术,每个球员都会有更多的个人特征。随着游戏的进行,你将会看到球员在不同年龄阶段的外貌特征。 j%TAzJ'a23  
Speedyfastier - Saving and loading is now significantly faster, with network gaming quicker and smoother to play, as well as tactical changes and match reports being faster than ever before. Iw*IE9  
游戏速度 - 保存和读取游戏的提速是如此的明显。连线游戏变的更快而且更流畅,战术设置以及比赛细节REPORTS也会比以往进行的更快。
发表于 2008-1-18 14:52:28 | 显示全部楼层
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