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FML-Football Manager Live介绍[原创]

发表于 2007-9-30 16:36:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

What is Football Manager Live?

It’s a massively multiplayer football management game, using the Football Manager match engine. The main game has been written from the ground up, whilst it utilises some of the features from its older brother.

这是一个很多很多玩家同时玩得足球经理游戏, 采用的是FM的比赛引擎. 游戏主程序是重新写的, 但是用了一些FM的特性.

Imagine a cross between Football Manager, fantasy sports and an auction room and you’ll get the basic idea.

想象一下吧, 在FM玩家之间, 幻想的竞技和一个拍卖室. 你就会知道一个大概了.

Up to 1,000 managers can play against each other to try and be the No 1 manager in their particular gameworld. There will be many gameworlds and the exact number of players in each will be subject to balancing - we'll be working on that during the first stage of the beta-testing process.

最多1000名经理可以在一起玩, 并且竞争第一名. 将会有许多游戏虚拟世界, 在每一个世界里的玩家将会平衡, 我们至少会在试玩阶段努力做到.

Who is making the game?


The game is being led by Oliver Collyer, co-founder of Sports Interactive, who - having left the studio a few years ago to go travelling - came back with the idea of making a mainstream, massively multiplayer football management game.

这个游戏是oliver collyer写的, Sports Interactve的共同创办人. 他离开工作室出游多年, 回来的时候就想出要做一个主流多人对站的足球经理游戏.

When will it be released?


It is currently due for release in March 2008. We are announcing the game now so we are able to have a long beta-test phase, having been in alpha-test phase since last Autumn.

预计明年3月. 我们现在公布是因为我们希望有一个长期的公测阶段. 内测已经在上个秋天完成.

What do I need to play FML?


Use of a PC or a Mac and an internet connection.


It’s likely that we’ll look at other platforms in the future.


What type of internet connection and speed is recommended to enable the game to run smoothly?


Any broadband connection should be fine – we haven’t tested the game on older modem connections yet, but will do so during beta testing.

宽带就好, 我们还没在小猫上实过.

Why has SI decided to make a separate massively multiplayer game?


There are lots of reasons – initially it was because Oliver Collyer (co-founder of Sports Interactive) wanted to make the game, having got back from travelling with a creative itch. As development has continued, we’ve looked into the area a lot and believe there to be a big hole in the market, which we intend to fill.

很多原因啊, 最开始是oliver想做, 他回来时带了这个点子. 然后随着我们继续发展, 我们已经发现有这个市场, 就准备来填充了.

On top of this, there are many people who have played our games over the years that have felt the hardcore nature of the series is too much for them, or they simply didn’t have the time to play the game anymore as circumstances for them had changed. With Football Manager Live, people will have the opportunity to play as often, or as little, as they want.

还有, 很多人玩了很多年了, 由于条件的不允许, 他们也许没有那么多机会玩了. 但是FML会允许他们随他们的心想玩多久就玩多久.

How much will it cost to play?


We have not finalised the business model yet. However, we see the game as a money-saving device – it is likely to cost the price of a few pints per month to play, but because people will be staying in more often to play the game they will save money in the long run!

还没有把商务模版规划好, 但是我们应该不会太贵. 大概每个月几品脱钱吧,,,(什么意思....), 因为人们玩得越频繁就省得越多.

What methods of payment will be available?

The plan is to accept every major credit and debit card, alongside a number of other payment platforms for those that do not have cards.
计划是主要的信用卡和debit卡, 大概还有一些其他的付费平台为没有卡的人准备.

What languages will it be in?

Initially, the game will only be available in English. Over the coming years it will be released in as many languages as possible. It’s not just about translating the game itself, which is easy; it’s also about adding local support for each language we add. We’re being sensible and will be trying to walk before we can run.

现在只有英语. 未来应该会有更多语言, 并不只是翻译的问题, 其实翻译很简单, 主要是需要每个语言的本地支持. 我们很敏感, 所以要先学会走再想跑.

What happens when everyone wants to be one particular team, like Watford or Everton? No-one will be able to be Watford or Everton.

如果每个人都想用一只队怎么办, 比如沃特福德和埃弗顿, 那么每人可以用了.

You don’t play as a set real-world team; you make your own team and pick a squad, much like a fantasy sports game.

不是选一只真正存在的队的. 你自己挑自己的阵容. 幻想的体育游戏.

How do you choose your initial squad?


All players in the database have wage demands and you have a set wage budget at the start, so you pick your players according to that budget. The whole FML database is available to you when you start the game, although once a player joins a team in a gameworld they are no longer available to everyone else. In that way we can stop multiple teams having the same players.

数据库的所有球员都有工资要求, 你有工资帽,所以你选球员要根据你的工资帽. 所有的球员尼都可以选. 但是一个球员只能被一个队选.

What happens when all the best players are taken up?


Doesn’t that mean new users joining a gameworld are disadvantaged? Not really. Because there are so many players available in the database and users start with relatively small wage budgets, it means that all the best players can’t be snapped up immediately. And while we don’t want to go into too many details now, we have an effective system in place to ensure that there are still good players available for all.

其实不是说这样你在这个游戏世界就失去优势了. 因为有太多的球员可以选了, 你刚开始工资帽小, 意味着好球员不会那么快就没了.
当然我们现在不想透露太多游戏细节, 我们会有有效的系统让所有人都能用到好球员的.

Is there a transfer system?

As manager, you have the ability to buy and sell players as well as loan them out to other teams. With all transfer auctions, the selling team selects a minimum price they would accept for the player, along with an instant-buy amount. They also select an end date for the auction and other teams are then free to make bids right up ‘til the auction ends.
作为教练, 你有买卖球员和租借球员的能力. 有了转会拍卖, 卖家选最低同意价, 和期限. 其他队的人就可以在期限内来投标.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-30 16:37:49 | 显示全部楼层
With free transfers and general wage auctions, teams bid for players and the one who offers them the most wages per day gets the players.

有了自由转会和工资竞投, 当谁的每日工资给的最多, 那么这个球队竞购球员就成功了.

With all transfer activity, you need to ensure that you remain within the constraints of your club finances and beware of gazumping.

有了转会, 你需要保证你在俱乐部的财政限制下运转正常.

How does the league table work with 1,000 teams in each gameworld?


In the main gameworld rankings, it’s not a case of three points for a win; you are awarded points for winning (or losing points for losing) based on a lot of different factors including, but not limited to, the position of the two teams, whether the game has been played home or away and the size of the win. There are all sorts of clever bits in there to ensure that teams that play hundreds of games a month don’t get a “levelling” advantage over those that play a couple of games a day, so it’s possible for any team to do well, not just those that play the most games.

在这个游戏世界里, 并不是胜了就拿三分的. 你的得分受到两队的排名, 主客场, 和胜负size的影响. 我们有很多聪明的点子保证不让那些每天玩几百场的人占每天只玩几场的人便宜. 所以任何队都可能牛逼, 不是只是那些比赛打得多的人.

Do all of the teams have to play one another?


No, not at all. You can play friendlies against any team who happens to be online, or you can join or set up competitions.

不, 根本不是的. 你可以更在线的任何人踢友谊赛, 或者加入或组织赛事.

How do competitions work?


For the most part, competitions will be user generated. They are very easy to set up, with lots of parameters available. You can have cup or league competitions, or a combination of the two, set how many points for a win (those points are separate to actual rankings points) and also define what rank of team can enter said competitions. There are deadlines by when each match has to be played to ensure that the competitions don’t go on for ever.

大多数情况下赛事是用户自己建的. 有了那些参数提供就很容易建. 你可以打联赛或者杯赛, 或者两者混合. 可以设定赢球得几分, 也可以设定排名第几的队进入什么另一项赛事. 这些都有deadline的, 所有保证这些赛事不会永远继续下去.

There may well be some official organised competitions inside the gameworld too, but if there are any, they will be optional.

也许会有些官方赛事的, 如果有的话是选择性参与的.

When can matches be played?


24 hours a day, seven days a week! With competitions, there are deadlines to play the fixtures, but that doesn’t mean you have to play them at those times – as long as you’ve played them by the deadline, all is good.

每天24小时, 一周7天都可以.
不过对阵有deadline, 所以不是说你固定时间打得, deadline以内都可以

The only limit to when a match can be played is whether there are other users online in your gameworld at the same time as you.


What happens if I don’t see my competition opponent online by the deadline for the match to be played? This is taken care of, but it’s not something we want to announce publicly yet.

如果我deadline前没看到我的赛事对手在线呢? 这个我们有方法, 但是现在不想公布

Can I challenge my friends to matches?


If you are in the same gameworld, then yes, you can. And if you aren’t in the same gameworld, it will be easy to move into another one, although you’ll need to pick your squad again.

如果你们在同一游戏世界里, 就可以. 不在的话就去同一个, 然后重新选球员.

Once in the same gameworld, you can play against them day and night.

一旦在同一个游戏世界里了, 你们想怎么玩都可以.

When will the beta test start?


It is due to start mid May and will initially be limited to 1,000 people.

5月中旬, 限制1000人.

How can I take part in the beta test?


There will be spaces on the beta test available to our community. For more information on these spots, keep an eye on www.footballmanagerlive.com for updates.

有名额的, 详细信息看这个网页.

There will also be a few spaces on the beta test available as competition prizes on a few websites, as well as a few UK-based magazines and newspapers over the coming weeks.

有几个网站的竞赛奖励面也有一些名额, 这几周注意UK的杂志报纸.

Please be aware that the initial beta test is only going to be for 1,000 people. It is likely that there will be more spaces as we ramp up the beta testing closer to release, so keep an eye out on www.footballmanagerlive.com for more details.

注意公测知有1000人, 到我们发布游戏的时候会更多名额, 所以你们还是注意这个网页, 上面有更多信息.

Will I only be able to play FML on my home computer?


No – the game will be easy to install on as many machines as you want. Even if you’re on holiday and fancy a quick match, it’ll be quick and easy to install in an internet café and access your account in the game.

不会, 游戏会非常容易下载, 你可以装到任何一个极其上.
就算你假期想打了, 很快就能在网吧用你的帐号登陆.

What features of FM are incorporated into FML?


Tactics and the match engine are straight from Football Manager. Other features from Football Manager will be in Football Manager Live where appropriate, but they are likely to be adapted specifically for the game as it’s a different game with a different feel better suited to a massively multiplayer game.

战术和比赛引擎是直接从FM过去的, 其他的就要看情况了, 肯定会有适应性改动, 因为这毕竟是另一款不同的游戏, 网游.

Will there be any connectivity with Football Manager?


You will be able to import tactics from Football Manager. There are other areas we are looking into as well which may be importable.

可以直接从FM导入战术. 其他的我们也在尽力所以有可能.

Does this game mean that current online modes will be dropped from other SI titles?


No! FML is a separate game, and we will continue to improve the online play in the PC, Mac, Xbox 360 & PSP versions of the Football Manager series.
不是的~ FML是一个分开的游戏. 我们会继续改进PC mac, Xbox, psp版的FM系列.
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发表于 2007-10-3 19:22:41 | 显示全部楼层
顶一火米子  牛X啊  外国人就是不简单
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发表于 2007-10-27 11:41:47 | 显示全部楼层
我只關心價格 所以只簡略看看

a few pints - pint是一個度量單位 但一般說pint指的是一種酒杯 是那種長長有點細的杯子 我想他說a few pints意思就是也不要很多錢 也就幾杯啤酒的錢(當然其實也不低 因爲國外一是酒貴 二是pint還算是比較大杯了)

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qiang a
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