楼主 |
发表于 2007-9-30 14:44:26
With free transfers and general wage auctions, teams bid for players and the one who offers them the most wages per day gets the players.
有了自由转会和工资竞投, 当谁的每日工资给的最多, 那么这个球队竞购球员就成功了.
With all transfer activity, you need to ensure that you remain within the constraints of your club finances and beware of gazumping.
有了转会, 你需要保证你在俱乐部的财政限制下运转正常.
How does the league table work with 1,000 teams in each gameworld?
In the main gameworld rankings, it’s not a case of three points for a win; you are awarded points for winning (or losing points for losing) based on a lot of different factors including, but not limited to, the position of the two teams, whether the game has been played home or away and the size of the win. There are all sorts of clever bits in there to ensure that teams that play hundreds of games a month don’t get a “levelling” advantage over those that play a couple of games a day, so it’s possible for any team to do well, not just those that play the most games.
在这个游戏世界里, 并不是胜了就拿三分的. 你的得分受到两队的排名, 主客场, 和胜负size的影响. 我们有很多聪明的点子保证不让那些每天玩几百场的人占每天只玩几场的人便宜. 所以任何队都可能牛逼, 不是只是那些比赛打得多的人.
Do all of the teams have to play one another?
No, not at all. You can play friendlies against any team who happens to be online, or you can join or set up competitions.
不, 根本不是的. 你可以更在线的任何人踢友谊赛, 或者加入或组织赛事.
How do competitions work?
For the most part, competitions will be user generated. They are very easy to set up, with lots of parameters available. You can have cup or league competitions, or a combination of the two, set how many points for a win (those points are separate to actual rankings points) and also define what rank of team can enter said competitions. There are deadlines by when each match has to be played to ensure that the competitions don’t go on for ever.
大多数情况下赛事是用户自己建的. 有了那些参数提供就很容易建. 你可以打联赛或者杯赛, 或者两者混合. 可以设定赢球得几分, 也可以设定排名第几的队进入什么另一项赛事. 这些都有deadline的, 所有保证这些赛事不会永远继续下去.
There may well be some official organised competitions inside the gameworld too, but if there are any, they will be optional.
也许会有些官方赛事的, 如果有的话是选择性参与的.
When can matches be played?
24 hours a day, seven days a week! With competitions, there are deadlines to play the fixtures, but that doesn’t mean you have to play them at those times – as long as you’ve played them by the deadline, all is good.
每天24小时, 一周7天都可以.
不过对阵有deadline, 所以不是说你固定时间打得, deadline以内都可以
The only limit to when a match can be played is whether there are other users online in your gameworld at the same time as you.
What happens if I don’t see my competition opponent online by the deadline for the match to be played? This is taken care of, but it’s not something we want to announce publicly yet.
如果我deadline前没看到我的赛事对手在线呢? 这个我们有方法, 但是现在不想公布
Can I challenge my friends to matches?
If you are in the same gameworld, then yes, you can. And if you aren’t in the same gameworld, it will be easy to move into another one, although you’ll need to pick your squad again.
如果你们在同一游戏世界里, 就可以. 不在的话就去同一个, 然后重新选球员.
Once in the same gameworld, you can play against them day and night.
一旦在同一个游戏世界里了, 你们想怎么玩都可以.
When will the beta test start?
It is due to start mid May and will initially be limited to 1,000 people.
5月中旬, 限制1000人.
How can I take part in the beta test?
There will be spaces on the beta test available to our community. For more information on these spots, keep an eye on www.footballmanagerlive.com for updates.
有名额的, 详细信息看这个网页.
There will also be a few spaces on the beta test available as competition prizes on a few websites, as well as a few UK-based magazines and newspapers over the coming weeks.
有几个网站的竞赛奖励面也有一些名额, 这几周注意UK的杂志报纸.
Please be aware that the initial beta test is only going to be for 1,000 people. It is likely that there will be more spaces as we ramp up the beta testing closer to release, so keep an eye out on www.footballmanagerlive.com for more details.
注意公测知有1000人, 到我们发布游戏的时候会更多名额, 所以你们还是注意这个网页, 上面有更多信息.
Will I only be able to play FML on my home computer?
No – the game will be easy to install on as many machines as you want. Even if you’re on holiday and fancy a quick match, it’ll be quick and easy to install in an internet café and access your account in the game.
不会, 游戏会非常容易下载, 你可以装到任何一个极其上.
就算你假期想打了, 很快就能在网吧用你的帐号登陆.
What features of FM are incorporated into FML?
Tactics and the match engine are straight from Football Manager. Other features from Football Manager will be in Football Manager Live where appropriate, but they are likely to be adapted specifically for the game as it’s a different game with a different feel better suited to a massively multiplayer game.
战术和比赛引擎是直接从FM过去的, 其他的就要看情况了, 肯定会有适应性改动, 因为这毕竟是另一款不同的游戏, 网游.
Will there be any connectivity with Football Manager?
You will be able to import tactics from Football Manager. There are other areas we are looking into as well which may be importable.
可以直接从FM导入战术. 其他的我们也在尽力所以有可能.
Does this game mean that current online modes will be dropped from other SI titles?
No! FML is a separate game, and we will continue to improve the online play in the PC, Mac, Xbox 360 & PSP versions of the Football Manager series.
不是的~ FML是一个分开的游戏. 我们会继续改进PC mac, Xbox, psp版的FM系列.
[ 本帖最后由 qwertypeterle 于 2007-9-30 04:33 PM 编辑 ] |