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[攻略心得] 【SI官方提示】训练

发表于 2007-2-24 15:06:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Basic Overview(总揽)
Training in FM 2007 is far quite simple to use – push the sliders on a schedule around to ensure that it concentrates upon the areas which you feel are more important for the players who are upon it.

The initial default schedule which outfield players start upon is aimed at being a balanced schedule which will generally maintain all attributes - you can increase the workload of this schedule, but you will tire the players out more and increase the chances of them getting more training injuries.

Understanding the graphs(理解训练图)
The graphs represent the current training levels of the player, not the training improvement. If a bar is at the highest point, it means that he has reached his maximum limit in that category. If the bar is at the lowest point, it means that he cannot get any worse from training.

Between the highest and lowest limits, there is a range of 4-6 ability points depending on which player you are looking at. Players with high professionalism and work rate will keep themselves in shape more than other players so will have a lower range of possible attribute values.
在最高点和最低点之间有4-6点能力数值。高职业素养(隐藏属性)和高work rate(工作投入)的队员数值更多时候处在最高点。

The values in the Training Levels graph map roughly on to the Attributes graph. His attributes for that training category do not change at the same rate as each other - for example, if the Attacking bar increases by 10% on the Training Levels graph, it might mean that his Creativity increases by 12% and his Passing by 8%.

The coaches(教练)
Strength(力量)        - fitness >= 18
Aerobic(有氧)          - fitness >= 18
Goalkeeping(守门员) - Coaching Gks >= 18
Tactics(战术)           - Tactical >= 18
Defending(防守)      - defending = 18 & tactical >= 18 or
                                  defending = 19 & tactical >= 14 or
                                  defending = 20 & tactical >= 10
Ball Control(控球)     - Technique = 18 & Mental >= 18 or
                                  Technique = 19 & Mental >= 14 or
                                  Technique = 20 & Mental >= 10
Attacking(进攻)       - Attacking = 18 & tactical >= 18 or
                                  Attacking = 19 & tactical >= 14 or
                                  Attacking = 20 & tactical >= 10 or
Shooting(射门)        - Technique = 18 & Attacking >= 18 or
                                  Technique = 19 & Attacking >= 14 or
                                  Technique = 20 & Attacking >= 10
Set Pieces(定位球)  - Technique = 17 & Mental + Attacking >= 39 or
                                 Technique = 18 & Mental + Attacking >= 36 or
                                 Technique = 19 & Mental + Attacking >= 33 or
                                 Technique = 20 & Mental + Attacking >= 30

The players(球员)
It takes around 2 months generally for most players to receive the full effects from starting a balanced normal training regime after a period of inactivity (ie. Coming back from holiday).

When players improve during their developmental years to reach their potential, their training schedules are looked at to determine the areas in which they improve most on. These changes are more permanent than the simple training levels. Thus the longer you keep players on the same schedules, the more their abilities will stick to the new values.

It should be noted that training ‘shapes’ a player over time, as such there is no ‘maximum’ gain that a player can acquire from training in an area beyond that that his potential allows – HOWEVER past a certain point his gain in that area may be given because he is lacking focus elsewhere (ie. He will be losing attribute points in another area).

Spotting the potential for a player's improvement is a fairly tricky calculation that you can't do by a quick flick at his attributes. His professionalism, current morale, jadedness, work rate, and determination are all used to decide what level he can reach. The calculation also uses the club variables like the training facilities and quality and workload of the coaches.

Heavily training players can make it harder for them to stay fully fit and ready for matches. If you have a key player who is struggling to cope with the repeated demands of matches during a season consider lowering his training regime slightly.You might find he loses his edge slightly because he's training less, but that's better imho than him not being fully fit.
高强度的训练使得队员很难达到fully fit(体力很好)。如果你有一名要踢很多比赛的核心球员,建议你将他的训练强度稍微调低。也许他指数会降低一些,但是,恕我直言,这比他不是fully fit要好的多

What affects what?(训练的影响)
The following table lists what attributes are affected by each of the various training categories which you can modify in a training schedule. This should help you decide which areas require intensive training and which can be left low.
Category(项目)             Attributes Affected(影响的指数)
Strength                  Natural Fitness, Stamina, Strength, Work Rate,
Aerobic                    Acceleration, Agility, Balance, Jumping, Pace, Reflexes
Goalkeeping              Aerial Ability, Handling, Kicking, Throwing, One on Ones
Tactics                     Anticipation, Decisions, Positioning, Movement, Teamwork, Command of Area
Ball Control                Dribbling, First Touch, Technique, Flair, Heading
Defending                 Tackling, Marking, Concentration
Attacking                  Passing, Vision(Cretivity)
Shooting                  Finishing, Long Shots, Composure
Set Pieces                 Crossing, Corners, Free Kicks, Penalties, Long Throws

Whats a sensible training level?(训练要注意什么?)
The ‘safe’ level for training players at varies according to the player in question, generally speaking players who have high stamina and natural fitness can handle more strenuous training regimes than players who don’t.
总的来说Stamina和Natural fitness高的球员更能接受高强度训练而不受伤

Retraining players for position(训练新位置)
You can find the option for retraining a player for a specific position in the ‘training’ section of a player’s profile.

Players tend to be more likely to progress with position training if they are young than when they are old. Exceptions to this do exist, notably for hard-working players moving into more defensive positions as they get older, however these are fairly rare.

The likelihood of a player retraining for a position is dependant upon his preferences and abilities; a defender with a 1 finishing and no interest in attacking is thus unlikely to be particularly motivated to retrain as a striker whereas his brother a fellow defender with 8 finishing and 8 off the ball will probably be very interested in retraining in that position.

When retraining a player, if successful, you will find he moves through a series of stages towards being ‘Accomplished’ in this position. A player can never be trained into being a ‘Natural’ in a position, it’s something you’re either born to be or not.

The various stages of development for a position are listed below in order of rank (ie. First is the best possible):

Can a player learn a position by simply playing in that position(队员能通过仅仅在某个位置打比赛来学到该位置吗?)
A player cannot learn a position simply by playing there in matches, but if he is training in that position then playing there during matches does complement his positional development.

If you think about things logically this makes a fair amount of sense, a match is merely 90 minutes a week whereas the player is training for 20+ hours a week and so on its own a match will not be enough to fully train a player for a new position.
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-24 17:37:43 | 显示全部楼层
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