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以下由FMHQ成员:快马亨利 翻译
Football Manager 2007 v7.0.2
- 修正了澳大利亚年轻球员只有英国国籍从而导致没有工作许可证无法上场比赛的问题.
- 修正了在一个赛季中不能多次正确处理球员罚款的问题.
- 修正了在一个球队中加入了许多虚拟球员的问题.
- 修正了经理转会时一些数据在某些情况下不能正确更新的问题.
- 修正了人为提供无数的球员,尤其在德国和西班牙的球队的问题.
- 修正了训练度和年轻球员的灵活性会同时增长的问题,只有训练灵活性才会实际增长.
- 修正了已经接受友谊赛的球队在选中代替球队时会再次接受友谊赛.
- 修正了在球队搬入新球场后有些比赛仍然在老球场进行的问题.
- 修正了在宣布球场扩建后座位数会立刻增加的问题.
- 修正了国家队经理有时不会收到球员在国家队比赛时受伤的消息.
- 修正了在球员未获得出场机会时会在球员历史中显示空白条目的问题.
- 联合会杯现在会在下个世界杯主办国举行.
- 国际友谊比赛的指导说明在比赛后清除.
- 在球探任务移除后,玩家无需离开屏幕后再回来即可对该国家/地区重新布置任务.
- 修正了球探消息报告的一个问题.
- 修正了在与其他球队进行友谊比赛时可能发生的问题.
- 修正了一些清道夫球员没有后卫位置能力的问题.
- 修正了编辑数据后带来的转会条款问题.
- 从低级联赛升上来的没有球场的球队会获得一个球场.
- 修正了失业经理退休时产生的问题.
- 修正了在安排友谊比赛时产生的罕见的问题.
- 修正了在召唤多名球员进入国家队名单的问题.
- 修正了在玩家建立了一支超过200人的球队时产生的问题.
- 当一名租借球员转会至第三支球队时,他的数据现在能正确地清除.
- 修正了球队从低级联赛升级后经理会被不合理地解雇的问题.
- 修正了在进入球探的观察球员列表后产生的游戏冻结的问题.
Match v551
- 些微地减低暴力冲突.
Match v552
- 对暴力行动的进一步调整.
Match v553
- 对暴力行动的进一步调整.
- 如果玩家在度假期间收到其他球队提供的工作合同,回来后屏幕不再会显示玩家当前球队,而是显示正确的提供合同的球队.
- 总进球数现在能在双循环比赛的结果上正确显示.
- 玩家现在只能从新闻中选择一支球队作为卫星俱乐部.
- 修正了提供合同时显示旧合同的问题.
- 修正了解说词中有时不能正确显示球队名称的问题.
- 在察看球队战术回来后在比赛屏幕上能正确显示主客场数据.
- 修正了在战术调整完成后替补门将变成场外工具的问题.
- 修正了比赛预览面板中丢失包括预备队的得分球员.
- 停止低等级的自由球员和老球员要求5年合约.
- 降低在新合同谈判时球员的期望工资.
- 修正了在转换提供合同屏幕时引起的提供合同的球队变成球员当前球队而不是玩家的球队.
- 修正了玩家经理不能向特定球员提供新合同的问题.
- 修正了提供外租球员普通合同而不是租借合同的问题.
- 修正了某些球员要求过高出场费的问题.
- 经理人不允许签未通过青年球员合同检查而未能获得工作许可证的球员.
- 经济人不再推荐处于租借期的球员.
- 根据论坛反馈更改了许多有第二国籍的球员并添加了一些年轻球员的国籍.
- 更多球员惯用左右脚.
- 减少对国家队处于"只可察看"模式的球员.
- 在布置一名球探去一个国家/地区后,减少从低级联赛队伍中返回的消息量.
- 修正了球探停止工作的问题.
- 修正了虽然只是周期性暂时的球员属性轻微波动.
- 轻微降低了非一线队员的问价.
- 修正了在相当规模富裕的俱乐部的"疯狂的主席"不通过经理出售球员的问题.
- 中低等级的俱乐部更愿意在有明显实力的球员上花钱.
- 稍微增加了外国球队对在小型联赛中表现出色的球员的兴趣.
- 修正了每月分期付款不会给有下次销售百分比条款的球队的问题.
- 修正了进入一个需要密码的游戏而密码输入错误导致的游戏冻结.
- 修正了被禁止进入网络游戏后的客户机程序问题.
- 修正了当主机推出游戏而客户机正处于战术屏幕时产生的问题.
- 停止无名球员获得世界奖项.
- 在球员出场更多比赛并等于记录比率时,现在会更新最高平均比率记录.
- 改进了加勒比海及中美地区国家参加金杯赛的资格.
- 2008非洲杯将在加纳举行.
- 皇家联赛的1/4决赛和半决赛现在只进行单循环.
- 如果两支墨西哥的进入解放者杯决赛,半决赛的失败者将参加世界俱乐部冠军赛.
- 解放者杯小组阶段第一名球队现在可以为淘汰赛更换球员.
- 对自由转会视窗停止转会视窗新闻的出现.
- 增加2007年巴西杯的参赛队伍.
- 修正了升降级问题.
- 修正了丹麦U18杯没有冬歇期的问题.
- 对顶级联赛的日程表进行改进,这样延期的比赛不会安排在最后两轮之间或之后.
- 北部和南部的球队现在进入足总杯第三轮资格赛.
- 从2007/08赛季起约慈善盾杯决赛在温布利举行.
- 北部和南部的决赛在更合适的球场进行.
- 第一个赛季英格兰杯决赛在千年体育场举行,然后从2007/08赛季开始在温布利举行.
- 芬兰联赛杯更正为2007.
- 现在比赛将电视播出.
- 如果战平,希腊杯第四轮现在将重赛.
- 荷兰杯的形式改变.
- 荷兰顶级球队总有球队进入预备队或青年队联赛.
- 修正香港球队不参加大陆比赛的问题.
- 增加了正确的托托杯参赛方法.
- 雷吉那的积分降低11分.
- 修正了第二等级球队赢得First Division A 决赛后不能升级的问题.
- 停止同一支球队两次参加第二级降级赛决赛.
- 更正了参加皇家联赛的资格球队.
- 增加波兰联赛杯.
- 葡萄牙杯决赛现在在国家体育场进行.
- 增加了新加坡联赛中的两支俱乐部的限制(一支中国的,一支韩国的)
- 修正了只运行斯洛文尼亚第一级联赛时产生的错误球队升级的问题.
- 新闻中的转会预算和财政屏幕中的转会预算相等.
- 修正威尔士对球员的纪律惩罚体系.
数据编辑器 v7.0.2
- 增加B/C队伍编辑.
- 增加了欧洲大陆局部人数的专业领域
- 增加UEFA(欧洲足球协会联盟)系数和FIFA( 国际足球联盟)排名.
- 增加国家语言.
- 增加国际友谊比赛.
- 增加比赛和赛季的平均票价.
- 增加俱乐部UEFA系数.
- 增加俱乐部地域性.
- 增加俱乐部的战术属性..
- 增加俱乐部记录.
- 增加俱乐部历史.
- 增加球场容量变更.
- 增加球场迁移.
- 增加奖项的颜色.
- 增加奖项历史.
- 增加城市经纬度.
- 增加比赛的颜色.
- 增加受伤的发生率.
- 增加俱乐部的区分.
- 增加退休人员编辑.
- 增加国家著名球员(对照媒体)
- 修正了更改人员姓名时可能产生的问题.
- 修正了年轻球员随机同一城市的可能性将下降
- 使球员和非球员只能以球员/非球员工作.
- 修正了俱乐部成员和球员列表.
Football Manager 2007 v7.0.2
- Fixed bug where Australian youth player was being given English nationality only and thus not being eligible to play as he had no work permit.
- Fixed bug with player fines not getting processed properly at various times in the season.
- Fixed bug where lots of virtual players were added for a team.
- Fixed future human manager transfer bug - some data wasn't being updated properly in some situations.
- Fixed humans being offered countless players by German and Spanish teams in particular
- Fixed bug when training and youth facilities are upgraded simultaneously, only training facilities would actually upgrade.
- Fixed bug where teams who have already accepted friendlies for a tour accept again when a replacement team is picked.
- Fixed bug where sometimes fixtures would be played at the old stadium when a team moves to a new stadium.
- Fixed stadium expansion bug where seats were sometimes being added immediately after the expansion is announced.
- Fixed bug where national team managers were not sent news sometimes about players being injured when playing for the national team.
- Fixed bug where blank entries were shown in players history when they had not made any appearances.
- Confederations Cup now takes place in host country of next World Cup.
- International friendly instructions now cleared down after matches.
- When scout assignments are removed, the user can now re-assign to the same nation/region without having to leave the screen and come back.
- Fixed a crash in a scout report news item.
- Fixed a crash which would sometimes occur when playing a friendly competition which clashes with other matches.
- Fixed issues where some sweepers would have no DC ability
- Fixed a transfer promotion clause crash caused by edited data.
- Teams which are promoted from lower divisions without a stadium get one generated.
- Fixed crash when retiring an unemployed manager
- Fixed a rare crash when arranging a friendly match.
- Fixed a crash when calling up multiple players to a national pool.
- Fixed a crash which might occur if a human manager builds up a squad of over 200 players.
- When a player on loan is transferred to a third team, his stats are now cleared down properly.
- Fixed a manager being fired unreasonably in finish league due to some teams having a next division set as a lower division
- Fixed a game freeze when going to a scout's list of scouted players.
Match Engine Version History
Match v551
- Reduced number of off ball violent offences slightly.
Match v552
- Further violent conduct tweak
Match v553
- Even further violent conduct tweak
- If a user navigates away from a job contract offer from a different team and goes back, the screen will show the correct team that the contract offer is from instead of showing the user's current team.
- Aggregate goals now shown correctly on a competition's fixtures/results section for 2nd leg matches.
- User can now only select one team as their feeder club at any one time from the news item.
- Fixed issue where the contract offer screen was showing old contract offers.
- Fixed a match commentary issue where a team name would sometimes not display properly.
- Home/away stats on the match screen now appear properly after viewing team tactics and going back.
- Fixed bug where sub gk changes to an outfield kit when a tactics change is made.
- Fixed bug where match preview panel was missing out goalscorers included from reserve teams.
- Stopped lower level free agent and older players asking for 5 year deals
- Lowered players expectations when negotiating a new contract.
- Fixed bug where user could switch section from the contract offer screen and cause the offering team of the contract offer to be the player's current team instead of the human's team.
- Fixed bug where human managers couldn't offer new contracts to certain players.
- Fixed bug where player going out on loan would be given a normal contract instead of a loan contract.
- Fixed in some cases whereby player were demanding extortionate appearance fees.
- Stopped managers from being allowed to sign players who fail work permit checks on youth contract terms.
- Agents now won't recommend players who are out on loan.
Newgens/Youth Players
- Changed a lot of second nationality players and added some more nationality youngsters via feedback from forums.
- Made more newgens two footed than before
- Fewer newgens for nations which are running in "View Only" mode.
- Reduced the amount of results returned for lower league teams when assigning a scout to a nation/region.
- Fixed scouts stopping performing assignments
- Fixed bug where player attributes can fluctuate slightly albeit temporarily in cycles.
- Reduced asking prices slightly outside top echelons
- Fixed "mad chairmen" selling players over managers heads too often at reasonably sized rich clubs
- Clubs more willing to spend on obviously quality players at lower/middling levels
- Slightly more foreign interest in well performing players in smaller leagues
- Fixed bug where monthly installment money was not be given to a team with a next sale percentage clause.
Network Game
- Fixed game freeze problem when joining a game which uses a password and the wrong password is entered.
- Fixed client crash after being banned from a network game.
- Fixed client crash when host exited a game and client was on the tactic screen.
- Stopped unknown players winning World Player awards.
- Highest average rating records now update if the player has played more games, and equalled the record rating.
- Improved selection of Caribbean and Central American nations for qualification to the Gold Cup.
- 2008 African Cup of Nations is held in Ghana.
- Royal League now with only one leg for Quarter Final and Semi-Final.
South America
- Correct losing Semi Finalist is selected to play in the World Club Championship if two Mexican teams reach the Copa Libertadores final.
- First placed teams in the group stage of the Libertadores are now able to make changes to their squads for the knockout rounds
- Stopped transfer window news appearing for the Free Transfer window.
- Added Brazilian Cup 2007 participants.
- Fixed some promotion/relegation issues.
- Fixed winter break not working for Danish U18 Cup.
- Some improvements to Premier league scheduling so that postponed games are not scheduled in between or past last two rounds.
- Conference North and South teams now enter the FA Trophy at the 3rd Qualifying Round.
- Johnstone's Trophy Final now played at Wembley from the 2007/08 season.
- Conference North and South Playoff finals now played at more appropriate stadiums.
- English finals are played at the Millennium stadium in the first season and then Wembley from the 2007/08 season.
- Finnish League Cup groups now correct for 2007
- Matches are now shown on TV
- Greek Cup 4th round now goes to a replay if scores are level.
- Dutch Cup format changed
- Dutch Premier Division teams always have teams entered in the Reserve and Youth league
Hong Kong (China PR)
- Fixed Hong kong Football Club not participating in continental competitions.
- Added correct suspension method for the Toto Cup
- Reggina points deduction now 11 points.
- Fixed bug where winner of First Division A playoff would not be promoted if it was a Second Division team.
Northern Ireland
- Stopped the same team been used twice in the Second Division Relegation playoff
- Correct teams now qualify for the Royal League
- Polish Legaue Cup added.
- Portuguese Cup Final is now played at the National Stadium
- Added some restrictions for 2 clubs playing in Singaporean league ( one Chinese and one South Korean).
- Fixed wrong teams getting promoted when running the Slovenian First Division only.
- Transfer budget on news item now matches up with budget on the team finances screen.
- Corrected Welsh disciplinary system
Data Editor v7.0.2
- Added B/C team editing.
- Added continent regional strength field.
- Added nation UEFA coefficients and FIFA ranking.
- Added nation languages.
- Added international friendlies.
- Added average match and season ticket price fields.
- Added club UEFA coefficients.
- Added club regional divisions.
- Added club tactical attributes.
- Added club records.
- Added club history.
- Added stadium capacity changes.
- Added stadium moves.
- Added award colours.
- Added award history.
- Added city latitude & longitude.
- Added competition colours.
- Added injury occurence ratio.
- Added club next division.
- Added retired person editing.
- Added nation famous players (Media Comparison).
- Fixed bug that could cause problems when changing the name of a person.
- Fixed dupliacte entry in city inhabitants range drop down.
- Made player and non player only jobs available to Player/Non Players.
- Fixed sorting in club staff & player lists.
[ 本帖最后由 calvinzhang 于 2007-2-26 12:11 PM 编辑 ] |