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[战术阵型] [转贴]传球 - 你理解它么?

发表于 2006-11-26 11:14:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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Passing - Do You Understand It
传球 - 你理解它么?

Passing is a very important part of football and on FM this is no different, but don't make the mistake that a lot of people do and match the players passing attribute to the passing slider. So for example if someone has 4 for passing this doesn't mean that you should give him (4) short passing on the game. You need to study your players really carefully before deciding what passing to choose. If you have a player who has 15+ for his passing attribute then he is probably good enough to play every single passing style depending at what level you are playing at.
传球是足球中非常重要的部分,在 FM 中也不例外。但是不要犯很多人都犯过的错误——把球员的传球属性和传球滑动条对应起来。举个例来说,如果球员的传球属性是 4 的话,并不是意味着你应该在比赛中设置球员的传球滑动条为短传(4)。在决定让球员采取何种传球方式之前,你应该非常小心地研究球员。如果球员的传球属性在 15 以上,那么他大概足够优秀来处理每一种传球方式——依赖于你所进行比赛的级别。

The players passing in the midfield area is the most vital part of your formation in my eyes because you need to keep possession of the ball but also know when to release the ball to someone in a more advanced position. Time the passes right to your strikers and it could lead to a very good chance, but miss time the pass and you might give the possession of the ball away to the opposition. The passing to your strikers is important because get it wrong and you might get caught offside, but passing alone doesn't determine that it also depends on the strikers stats such as decision, anticipation and off the ball.
在我看来,球员在中场区域的传球是你的阵型中最重要的部分,因为你需要保持对球的控制,同时还要知道何时把球交给更前方的球员。正确判断传球给前锋的时机会产生很好的机会,而错过传球的时机会把控球权交给对方。传球给前锋是重要的,因为出错可能会导致越位——当然越位并不只是由传球决定的,它还依赖于前锋的属性,例如果断(decision)、预判(anticipation)以及无球跑动(off the ball)。

In Lower League Management situations you probably don’t have the players to play a very short passing game as they lack technique and creativity. So you need to find a passing style that suits the individual player. I would recommend trying to mix the passing styles up through out your team, don't have everyone set on the same settings. By doing this you give your team a variation of passing styles and make it UN predictable for the opposition to figure out what you will do with the ball.


What it does

Both the strengths and the weaknesses of the other three passing types, namely Direct, Short and Long, lay in their rigidity to an exact method of passing the ball, in many aspects regardless of whether or not, in any given situation, a different course of action would be appropriate. Mixed passing implies your players will attempt short passing, direct passing and long passing, depending on what, according to your players, would be the best course of action in a particular situation.

Type of Players needed

To implement the mixed game you'll need players confident in three key areas of their attributes. The players intelligence should be one of the first considerations and for this you'll need players with a good Decisions attribute. The Mixed ball game requires a player to be able to judge for himself what next to do with the ball and a poor Decisions rating will more often than not see him losing possession or losing the momentum of a move.

If the player is capable of thinking for himself in the heat of battle (football is war afterall), he will also then have to have the ability to carry on the play with good Passing skills necessary.

With the Mixed passing game comes a degree of unpredictability to the play and as a consequence you'll need players up front who can respond to the demands made on them by the more improvised style of play. Whereas the Direct or Long Ball approach can be understood by even the most dim-witted of forwards, relying upon them to just chase after a repetitive pass, they'll need to be considerably more awake when the Mixed game is being played. High Anticipation and Vision attribute values, in order whether the ball will be coming over the top at them, pulled out to the wing and crossed or precisely threaded through along the ground, will be needed.

How to counteract

For a side to be able to confidently play against a side employing Mixed passing, you'll need a healthy compliment of players who are highly skilled in being able to read the game and as such high Anticipation attributes are essential.

Given that the Mixed ball game employs short passing to an extent, as well as relying upon the players intuition in making the play, it is possible to counteract the mixed play by getting a significant proportion of your team Pressing for the ball, thus restricting the amount of time the player can consider his options and thus increasing the likelihood of him making the wrong decision or playing a poor ball.

采用混合传球要求传球球员拥有优秀的果断(Decisions)和传球(Passing)属性。而前锋球员拥有优秀的预判(Anticipation)和视野(Vision)属性。(Vision 可能是隐藏属性)
如果对方采用混合传球,自己球队的球员预判(Anticipation)属性非常重要,同时可以通过增加逼抢(Closing Down)对球采取压迫来逼使对方失误。


What it does

The Short Passing game is, as every fan knows, the most impressive type of game to watch and, as every players knows, the hardest to put effectively into use. When employed, Short Passing will see a side attempting to build the majority of its attacks by stringing together a series of short incisive passes with players being very mobile in search of creating or finding space from which to receive the ball.

However, as any scholar of the game undoubtedly knows there are certain levels of the game where Short Passing appears inappropriate and nowhere is this more the case than in lower league football (LLM). As a consequence of the quality of both playing staff and pitch surfaces, you'll be a rare specimen indeed if you can succeed playing the football of the Copacabana beach away at such places as De Langeleegte (Veendam stadium, Dutch LLM team) on a rainy Tuesday night.
然而,无疑所有的比赛专家都知道,有些级别的比赛中采用短传似乎并不合适,这主要是指较低级别联赛(LLM)。由于职员和球场表面的糟糕,如果你能在下雨的星期二晚上的 De Langeleegte(Veendam 体育场,荷兰 LLM 球队)沙滩上成功踢球的话,你将是一个真正稀有的样品。

Type of players needed

Given the technical nature of the Short ball, the type of players you'll need to succesfully use the tactic will generally be of the highest order. High ratings in Passing, Anticipation, Vision, Creativity, Positioning and Off the Ball are all essential, as are Stamina attributes, given the extended requirement of players in continually having to find and move into space and the demands that this makes upon the players condition rating.
由于短传的技术特性,你所需要的能够成功使用这种战术的球员类型通常是最高级别的。优秀的传球(Passing)、预判(Anticipation)、视野(Vision)、创造性(Creativity)、站位(Positioning)和无球跑动(Off the Ball)属性都必不可少,由于球员必须不断地寻找和移动到空当,所以还有耐力(Stamina)属性作为延伸而出的需求。这些属性决定了球员的状态评价。

If you are in possession of the quality of players necessary to make Short Passing effective, you'll quickly find that it can be quashed quite effectively on occasions by a side continually pressing and harrying your side for the ball. In response to this, always be prepared to mix some steel in amongst the silk of your side to deal with what can soon become and over competitive midfield.

How to counteract

As with the Mixed ball game, only more so, the most effective way of counter-acting the Short Passing game is by restricting the time that your opponents can spend on the ball and by cutting off passing opportunities. To do this, you'll need to implement the Pressing Team Instruction as well as having players capable of doing the job for you with high Tackling, Strength and Stamina attributes way up on the list of essentials. Anticipation is also a useful attribute in counteracting the threats posed by Short Passing.

采用短传要求球员拥有优秀的传球(Passing)、预判(Anticipation)、视野(Vision)、创造性(Creativity)、站位(Positioning)和无球跑动(Off the Ball)属性,以及耐力(Stamina)属性。
如果对方采用短传,需要通过增加逼抢(Closing Down)对球采取压迫来逼使对方失误,此时铲球(Tackling)、强壮(Strength)以及耐力(Stamina)属性非常重要。同时球员的预判(Anticipation)属性也很有用。
 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-26 11:14:26 | 显示全部楼层

What it does     

The Direct Ball approach can be considered the more intellectual half-brother of the Long Ball game. Direct passing sees sides looking to turn their possession into attacking opportunities at the earlier opportunity by playing the ball into attacking areas centrally or on the wing.

The benefit of the Direct approach is that sides of vastly different standards can implement it with reasonable success, however, those sides from a higher class can make more of the Direct ball than would be possible by simply playing Long passes.   

Direct Ball passing can also be frustrating when played against sides who are looking at a more patient build-up to their attacks. The very impatience of the Direct Ball approach can in some instances make it hard for sides playing the short game to pick up on the pace and necessary rhythm of the game.

Type of players needed     

To implement the Direct Ball you'll need players capable of accurate and incisive passing, so look for those midfielders and defenders with high Passing and Creativity attributes. To complement the passing qualities necessary, you'll also need target man who are able to react to the quickly played ball by getting themselves into a good position with high Positioning, Pace and Flair values.   

How to counteract     

Logically, it would appear that the best way to counteract the Direct Ball approach is by going for its somewhat repetitive nature. For example, a flat back four well schooled in the art of Off-side Trap should IN THEORY be able to move forward at the first opportunity.   

Another possible counter-action to sides playing the Direct Ball to targetmen upfront is to get your defenders to Man-mark the intended attacking targets out of the game. If they can manage this, almost the entire point of your opponents passing game will be lost.   

直传球可以被各种级别的球队采用,通常采用直传时会设置一个进攻核心(Target Man)。


What it does

Last and, in many eyes, least is the Long Ball game with its endless, seemingly aimless, balls sent deep into space in the hope of them eventually dropping into some unspecified region of the opposing penalty area. It's also called "The British way to play" or "Lump the ball forward towards the big guy and pray for the best". It's not to say that it cannot be effective, because it can be, when properly used.

At the lowest levels of the game (again; LLM), with the inevitable restrictions of finance and quality of the players, the Long Ball approach is perhaps a sides only hope of success or at least maintaining their position.

However, there is only so far you can go playing the Long Ball and should your team find its way to a higher level, it's odds-on that the Long Ball will prove to be inhibiting to any further progress. In such cases, a move to a more Direct style of passing is almost certainly the only way to maintain your current position. For an example of this, one only has to think of the success of the Greeks at Euro 2004, slowly modifying their approach from Long to Direct passing.
然而,仅仅是到目前为止,你能够打长传球,你的球队应该寻找进行很高级别比赛的方式,多半长传会被证明制约了所有进一步发展。在这样的情况下,转变到更多的直传方式几乎就是保持你当前位置的唯一方法。举个这样的例子,一定会想起在 2004 年欧洲杯上夺冠的希腊队,他们慢慢地把长传球的方式改成了直传。

Type of players needed

The Long Ball narrows down the degree to which you need have multi-faceted players within your squad with the type of player required to be more Neanderthal than Copacabana.

Even with the most limited of squads, there are still a number of attributes that you'll need scattered amongst your team, namely Heading, Strength, Jumping and Anticipation for forward positioned players. Those sides that have had success with the Long Ball style of play over the past decades have also paid great attention to the fitness and Stamina levels of players on the understanding that the technique needs complementing with a Pressing style of play when possession has been lost.

How to counteract

Finding a style of play that can succesfully counteract the Long Ball has long taxed the minds of football managers. The rule of thumb is that any side with a significant proportion of skilfull players should generally be able to outplay a Long Ball side. This however, breaks down when variables such as quality of the pitch and adverse weather conditions, such as wind, snow and rain, come into play.

It is arguable but nevertheless persuasive, according to many of my British collegues, that the most effecive method of dealing with the Long Ball is to fight fire with fire and to return every ball back to your opponent in the same manner as you received it. No one who paid to see the game will thank you for it, but it has proven to be effective and getting a good result is what counts in the end.



To be able to play any sort of passing game it also relies on other factors too not only the passing attribute. Decisions are important for knowing exactly who to choose to pass to as well as choosing when. Anticipation is another attribute that is quite important as if your player is passing to a player who is currently running he needs to anticipate where he is exactly running too. There are a few more factors too but they will get covered in a different article. It all comes down to combinations of attributes rather than just one overall attribute.
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发表于 2006-11-26 11:29:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-11-26 12:49:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-11-26 13:10:48 | 显示全部楼层
视野(Vision)可能是隐藏属性   印象中SCOUT也看不到这个属性,不过想想还是有其存在的合理性
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发表于 2006-11-26 13:23:02 | 显示全部楼层





[ 本帖最后由 loewe 于 2006-11-26 01:24 PM 编辑 ]
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发表于 2006-11-26 13:24:14 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-11-26 13:54:16 | 显示全部楼层
当然对于个别人 个别比赛可能稍微有些修改
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