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发表于 2006-11-17 18:45:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
      首先在战术设置里要安排双前锋,两个前锋一个定义为进攻核心另一个按默认设置(这里暂且称为得分前锋),然后设置给进攻核心的传球方式为“run in front of ball”,这就意味着中场队员基本都是传身后球给进攻核心,而不是大家经常采用的边路传中和起高球。这样就要求进攻核心在ACC(爆发力)上要有很高的数值,那么在游戏里就会出现对方中后卫经常的在自己半场去追赶我的进攻核心。由于大多数中后卫速度都比较慢,这样就要另一个中后卫去补防,这个时候得分前锋就没有人来盯防,当球传到得分前锋脚下的时候,进球的可能性是非常大的。要实现这种战术,进攻核心要有很好的爆发力和速度,这样才能够搅乱对方的防线,出现防守漏洞。

还有就是把进攻核心设置为自由人(free role)效果会更好。

      下面是对进攻核心和得分前锋的一些要求,首先说一下进攻核心,他必须要有非常好的爆发力,其次是灵活,速度,决断力,工作投入度和创造力(我发现当Owen作为虚拟进攻核心时,他的创造力高于Martins,Owen的得分在8-9,要高过Martins的7-8分,当然Owen也为得分前锋创造了大量的机会),另外作为自由人(free role)也需要有高的创造力

The Targetman Dummy Trick         
I've discovered a trick when applying the targetmen in my tactic...i usually see this trick used in the real life football...but to get it right in FM and the fact FM2007 can really do this tactic amaze me because before FM2007, i've try setting this trick, no luck....  
The name is Targetman Dummy, and i know you understand what is this about from the name...  

Start with 2 strikers, the targetman and the feeder....i'm using the run in front of ball type targetman means i pass a through ball to my targetman....not the cross or high ball that usually applied....so my targetman must have a high stats on ACC....a must..so in my game the def will usually busy chasing the targetman who is running around the opp half leaving the feeder unmark....so the pass will eventually arrive at the unmark feeder and he score....
It is important to have a targetman that have high ACC to get this to work, because with he running very fast around the half will create a stiff among the def....  
In my game, i play newcastle....my targetman is martins (insanely 19-20 acc), and my feeder is ameobi (this guy usually not the first eleven choise for toons manager in FM2007)......martins will usually got 7-8 rating in his game, and always got chase around by the opp def but ameobi got 8-9 with average of 1 goal per match.....i know this trick works very well considering ameobi is not really a great stikers but then with martins causing havoc among the opp def, he is free from marking and got a bunch of goals too....  
I'm waiting for owen to heal so that he can take ameobi place as the feeder, dont want to make owen the targetman coz martins is doing a great job there....
Cheers.....and good luck  
Instruction...Sorry for not giving the full instruction guys....well here is my full instruction on this...
For starters this trick works on any formation you want to use, i've use flat 4-4-2, Diamond and 5-3-2 with this trick and it work....player struction as follows
The Dummy Targetman
Mentality-Full Attacking (Full Slider)
Creative Freedom-Much
Foward Run-Often
Through Ball-Often
The Fast Striker
Mentality-Attacking (2 click lower than targetman mentality)
Creative Freedom - Normal (2 click lower middle line)
Foward Run-Often
Team Instruction
Tick Use Targetman
Tagetman Supply : Through Ball
Also declare your targetman
That is there to it....oh, giving free role instruction to the targetman also help my game....Thanks fallencable....
Recommended player's stats for targetman
High stats on Acc (A must), Agility, Pace, Determination, Work Rate also high creativity also help (i discovered this when playing owen as my targetman - creativity higher than martins.....he got average 8-9, better than martin stats 7-8 creating a lot of dummy trick for my support striker) also you need a high creativity if you want to give free role ins for your target man....

Support Striker
Apart from a good striker stats, the support must also have high decision and composture....because the suport will usually got a lot of time and space to shoot, so we need a calm and good decision making striker to strike the ball...also good stats on off the ball also good because the support will also got a lot of ont to one with the GK

Hope this helps...good luck guys !  decision
发表于 2006-11-17 19:41:25 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢 了,非常有用,马上就去试试
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发表于 2006-11-17 19:44:24 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-11-17 19:46:47 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-11-17 19:51:34 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-11-17 19:55:37 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-11-17 20:55:12 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 dekker 于 2006-11-17 07:51 PM 发表


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-11-17 21:42:46 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-11-17 22:28:30 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵 还是谢谢楼主的翻译啊!!1
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发表于 2007-1-1 16:44:04 | 显示全部楼层
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