<!-- Comment Strings -->
<string id="news">{upper}[%string#1] has learnt today that [%team#1] manager [%person#1] has told [%position#1-lowercase] [%person#2] that he will be given a more active role in the first-team in the coming weeks.<return/><return/>[%person#1-surname] told the [%number#1 COMMENT: player's age] year-old that he is a very important member of his first-team squad and will be given a chance to shine at [%stadium#1].</string>
<string id="titl" value="'[%person#2-surname] will get his chance,' says [%person#1-surname]"/>
<string id="posr" value="[%team#1]{s} [%person#1] was apparantly delighted when told of his manager's recent decision to grant him a more active role in the first-team in the coming weeks."/>