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[玩家交流] 关于裁判结束比赛的问题

发表于 2006-9-9 13:38:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


原楼主是个比利时人Mr. Revolution 玩的是,Spanish Division B4 ,楼主认为一个晃过门将马上要射门得分的球给裁判吹掉(结束半场比赛),是个bug.但是跟贴的认为这个是正常的,裁判想什么时候结束都可以.


That's indeed an exemple of refs blowing the whistle at the wrong moment, but all those real-life examples that I know, are situation wich 'could become a chance': a corner, a free kick, a long ball that launches a counter; or situations that the ref didn't see coming the moment he decided to wistle: a midfielder just making a perfect through pass the moment of the wistle, a central defender just loosing the ball on that moment,...


But in my game, the long ball was played, and the attacker started his run at the midfield line, with no defenders between him and the opposing goalkeeper. Maybe, at this moment, a ref like Clive Thomas could still decide to wistle. But the one in my game didn't, so the attacker dribbled to the goal, went past the keeper, and just at the moment he should have tapped the ball in, the ref wistled. This is something that would never happen in real life (except maybe if you are playing one of those italian clubs).

但是在我的游戏里,长传已经完成,我的进攻队员在中线开始启动,在他身边没有后卫和对方门将.可能,在这种情况下,像"Clive Thomas"这样的裁判会结束比赛.但是我的游戏没有,所以进攻队员带球,盘过门将,就在这个他可以把球推进(球门)的时刻,裁判吹哨(结束比赛).这是肯定不会在真实生活中发生的(除非你踢的是意甲)

It wasn't off side, but maybe a possibility is that the ref thought it was off side, and immediatly ended the half with that, wich could be realistic, but in that case it would be nice if the match ingine would give me an indication of that. No flag appeared, and also the commentry didn't mention it.


后面有跟贴中提到"Clive Thomas"这个裁判...

Originally posted by Seagulls:

Originally posted by FrazT:
Clive Thomas was an English ref in the 70s I think who famously and controversially disallowed a goal that went in from a corner in the 92nd minute when he blew his whistle as the ball went into the 6 yard box, before the forward headed it in!

Clive Thomas 是一个70年代的英国裁判,因为在92分钟时,吹掉了一个从角球得来的进球而闻名和有争议,他吹哨(结束比赛)当球正在6码区内,在被前锋头球破门前一刻.

It was in the World Cup Finals. 1982 or 1978 group stage match between Brazil and Sweden. It would have been the winning goal for Brazil. They were not happy!


Two things.

Clive Thomas was Welsh.

The game was Brazil-Sweden, in the 1978 World Cup.

The referee was never rebuked. That was, however, the last international match he ever refereed. The message was loud and clear.


Clive Thomas是威尔士人.

You can find the match here.比赛录象


[ 本帖最后由 vjdkku 于 2006-9-9 01:43 PM 编辑 ]
发表于 2006-9-9 14:09:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-9-9 14:14:05 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-9-9 14:16:44 | 显示全部楼层
至于那个Clive Thomas的事情,先不说他为什么这样做,我想如果他吹掉的是瑞典而不是巴西的制胜进球的话,他的结局说不定会是另一样.
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发表于 2006-9-12 15:09:32 | 显示全部楼层
我是再想 怎么没有投诉裁判的这个功能....
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