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发表于 2006-8-28 16:31:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
下面是一篇枪手球迷用英文写的文章,来自于http://www.arsenal-mania.com/。 反响相当的话 听说 希望斑竹给翻译一下 我 一个曼联球迷想看看
The difference between Manchester United and Arsenal
Written by Joël Che on Sunday, 27 August 2006

Arsenal did not learn anything from the Villa game. That's a darn shame!

As much as I don't like Mr. Ferguson of Manchester there is always one thing about his teams that is totally admirable. All Manchester United teams are full of guts and momentum. Manchester United have never been the most skilful team in England, let alone Europe even when they were at their best. They functioned at their best mainly by combining high motivation English playing with lost of momentum combined and some skill.

It is easy to win the league (in Italy, Spain or France) or the Champions League with the most skilful players. In England, you can forget about it. You need skill but you need power and momentum above all. Manchester United and Arsenal have won the league here with powerful players that can drive the momentum of each game and keep a physical presence.

Chelsea has won the league twice by buying fit 24-28 year old players with plenty of power. Drogba might be a striker but he is above all a fighter. The difference between Drogba and Crespo is that Drogba will fight defenders while Crespo wouldn't. Rooney doesn't simply outplay defenders, he outfights them too.

This season Chelsea has bought two skill players Schevchenko and Ballack. They have got rid of a skilful player with an English spirit in Eidur Gudjohnson. Joe Cole, another momentum player is injured and Makelele is still getting fit.

Drogba's mentality is being dogged by emotions of trying to prove himself against Schevchenko and Lampard realises that his place is under threat. Mourinho put out a team this week lacking in that momentum and fight but full of skill. They lost! Manchester United put out a regular team missing some big names but they had what Manchester United always has and they won.

Arsenal has lacked that drive and momentum for two years now. A litte aggression that taxes the opponent physically as well as skilfully is the way to win games in the Premiership. Vieira's presence that used to force the team to do that has been more missed that his skills. Chelsea's newly-bought skills will make a difference in the Champions League but two 30-year-old skill based players are not going to make much difference in the league unless the rest of the team can find the momentum that they had last season.

Arsenal has to make sure they don't get left behind. We are okay with regard to skill. In fact we are the best in my opinion but as we saw against Aston Villa, you can knock the ball round skilfully for hours and not score unless you can physically challenge your opponents the Walcott did and the way Manchester United do.

I wrote all the above after the Dynamo Zagreb game. I had also written that Arsenal would learn from the Villa game about the importance of tempo in the Premiership. I hoped not to publish this since I was hoping for a big change in the Manchester City game. But the same old problems popped up.

Djourou, Hleb, Adebayor and Gilberto are the only players that are present. Everyone else is still on holiday. Henry is frightfully off pace, and while van Persie is still working his way back, he is at least showing some fight. Nobody seems to realise that Rosicky is new and that they have to help him.

Gilberto has played two very good games for Arsenal. He's done the defending, the closing down and the scoring in the Premiership. But Gilberto cannot do two jobs at the same time.

The more I see Arsenal the more I am convinced that Arsène cannot play Fabregas and only have a four man midfield. Cesc cannot set up play and cover angles and do defensive work at the same time.

Because he can't do that, Gilberto is working overtime and he will get injured soon or lose confidence if things don't change quickly. There is just no getting away from it anymore; we don't have a workable four man midfield unless we change personnel. Opponents can simply hold their shape and frustrate Arsenal for hours. That means that any premiership team can get a draw from Arsenal.

Lastly, although Eboue and Hoyte have done OK, I can't wait for Lauren and Clichy to come back. Wing backs who threaten and attack will convert the opposition wingers into defenders rather than attackers.

That in effect reduces the number of opponents in midfield and gives Gilberto and Fabregas a numerical advantage. We need our injured players back as soon as possible. I love Eboue but like Touré did, he needs to earn his stripes and take over in a year or two.

We must get some aggression back, there are no small teams in the Premiership anymore. We cannot count on 3 points just because the opponent is a so-called small team – footballers are now equipped with basic skill and discipline from top to bottom.

[ 本帖最后由 mywould 于 2006-8-28 04:33 PM 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-28 16:35:13 | 显示全部楼层

Article Comments (14) Match Stats

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To Joel Che,
Thank you for making me that much smarter after reading your article, love it. Keep them coming..Thanx

Not Deluded
You are deluded

There's a difference between working an opening and dancing with the ball on the edge of the 18, and - save Walcott - we're all just dancing right now. It wouldn't hurt to turn some of those decent openings that get complicated by more moves into shot attempts.

Well said Joël. Looks like Arsène is getting it though if reports about Mascherano and Reo-Coker are true. Either one could provide the relief for Cesc and Gilberto and give them the advantage you explain. Let's see what happens in the next few days.

Couldn't agree more! We do lack some aggression that young players fails to deliver.
Thank you for your fantastic view

I agree with all those facts, but what is the solution? How to get that momentum?? By playing more and more games? Or by losing more games?

hazman from malaysia
Yes. I totally 100% agree with this article. Why they always keep on passing in the penalty box area. Henry or other players simply can shoot the ball instead of create a beautiful goal. It's useless to control the possesion of the ball but you can't convert it into a goal. Arsenal now is totally different compared with Arsenal 3 years back. When the Gunners were invincible. They are obsessed to find a goal. They played perfect through ball. But now all the Premiership teams know how Arsenal play. Arsenal can't win if the opponent play pressing type of game. I can guarantee you. They can't win if they play like when they come to Manchester City. Arsenal only can win if the opponent give too much space for Arsenal players to make the pass and score goals. Look what happened when we played with Aston Villa and Manchester City. They know how we play. They just keep on pressing and pressing. You can see also how we had lost to Bolton. Home and away. They keep on pressing us. Please Arsenal! Shoot the ball and try to give the opponent some pressure. Don't just keep passing in D area.

Pretty much spot on mate. However I disagree with a couple of your points. For one Eboue has done excellent not OK, he has been brilliant since the start of the season...keeps going up and down that right wing. Justin Hoyte has not done OK, he has done shit! Not complety his fault, he is being played out of postion. We should bring Flamini back. I agree with your view on Gilberto, he has been amazing. However your view on Cesc and the four man midfield I dont think is right. Cesc needs his wingers to stay close to the touchline and not come to the middle, this will give him more space and less defenders in the middle, he will be able to influence the game alot better if the likes of Hleb and Ljungberg play as wingers, this is why we always do better with Reyes, because he is a proper winger!

Aggression was nothing whatsoever to do with yesterday's result. Arsenal were not out-muscled or bullied. They had the game in their pocket. City has two chances, a header well saved by Jens and the penalty. Arsenal dominated the game both physically and skillfully EXCEPT for finishing. Two misses by Henry, two off the woodwork, one Robin might have done better on and a definite shout for a penalty. A combination of luck and sharpness would have had us saying 'wow look how much better we are away this year'... don't get carried away with yesterday's performance. they need to improve, definitely and quickly. but they are not too far off it.

I couldn't agree more with this article ... I remember some time back Wenger said if he hadn't purchased Reyes he would have gone in for Rooney. The way things are now (Reyes being unadaptable)...you just wonder what could have been. I am a Gooner until I die but I have to admire Rooney as the total package. He has skill and flair, like most our players do, but he combines it with grit, power and determination. Nevertheless I believe once the injured return, especially Senderos we will roll on

Shevchenko is far more of a warrior than you make out. He is supreme, a little past his best I grant you but still a majestic footballer. Who can forget his mind blowing performance at Wembley 7 years ago? He made Adams and Keown huff and puff all night and there was that moment I'll always remember- Keown was shoulder charged to the deck face first by Shevchenko! I'd never seen it before or after where Keown looked so helpless.

I agree to a point what you are saying, and Mourinho did replace Tiago with the more physical Essien. However regards to Cesc, I think we can play a 4 man midfield as long as there are two workers. For example I dont think you can play the midfield 4 of yesterday, but say Lauren comes back and he plays right mid, it will more than compensate for Cesc. I think something that has gone unnoticed the last couple of years is the fact that we are missing Ray Parlour. He gave that crucial balance on the right side- he may not be as skillful as Hleb or Rosicky but you know that you will never be out battled away from home. A midfield of Lauren Cesc Gilberto and Rosicky/Hleb/Ljungberg I think should be the one used away from home.

Have to agree with most of what has been said - lack of momentum coupled with individual errors has put us 8 points behind Man Utd ane we are barely a few weeks into the season

It is clear what the difference between Arsenal and Man Ure is. We have never consistently been on top of ManUre. As you say they have blood and guts while we have nancy boys in midfield. Maybe it harsh on Cesc, but its up to Wenger to sort it out and purchase some hard tackling, no shi*t tacking CM while Cesc builds up his strength.

Hansen once said you win nowt with kids. ManUre kids were more physical and clinical than ours, so we will win nowt.

I have to say that some of the decision making of Arsene Wenger has been rather suspect lately, and I do not understand we he doesnt buy one or two experienced big name players!

Decent article but I think that people are forgetting how many injuries that we have not to mention the fact that two major players in our squad are acting like total c*nts. I think that the disruption to the morale is far more than anyone at the club is letting on. We'll get alot better no need to panic now its early days. I think we all know we weren't winning the league this season so anything higher than 4th will be a welcome improvement. Arsene knows!
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发表于 2006-8-28 17:20:26 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2006-8-28 17:24:10 | 显示全部楼层
The difference between Manchester United and Arsenal
Written by Joël Che on Sunday, 27 August 2006
作者 :Joël Che
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发表于 2006-8-29 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层


Arsenal did not learn anything from the Villa game. That's a darn shame!

As much as I don't like Mr. Ferguson of Manchester there is always one thing about his teams that is totally admirable. All Manchester United teams are full of guts and momentum. Manchester United have never been the most skilful team in England, let alone Europe even when they were at their best. They functioned at their best mainly by combining high motivation English playing with lost of momentum combined and some skill.

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发表于 2006-8-29 10:54:29 | 显示全部楼层


It is easy to win the league (in Italy, Spain or France) or the Champions League with the most skilful players. In England, you can forget about it. You need skill but you need power and momentum above all. Manchester United and Arsenal have won the league here with powerful players that can drive the momentum of each game and keep a physical presence.

Chelsea has won the league twice by buying fit 24-28 year old players with plenty of power. Drogba might be a striker but he is above all a fighter. The difference between Drogba and Crespo is that Drogba will fight defenders while Crespo wouldn't. Rooney doesn't simply outplay defenders, he outfights them too.


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发表于 2006-8-29 10:55:10 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2006-8-29 11:26:33 | 显示全部楼层


This season Chelsea has bought two skill players Schevchenko and Ballack. They have got rid of a skilful player with an English spirit in Eidur Gudjohnson. Joe Cole, another momentum player is injured and Makelele is still getting fit.

Drogba's mentality is being dogged by emotions of trying to prove himself against Schevchenko and Lampard realises that his place is under threat. Mourinho put out a team this week lacking in that momentum and fight but full of skill. They lost! Manchester United put out a regular team missing some big names but they had what Manchester United always has and they won.

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发表于 2006-8-29 13:29:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-8-29 14:25:59 | 显示全部楼层


Arsenal has lacked that drive and momentum for two years now. A litte aggression that taxes the opponent physically as well as skilfully is the way to win games in the Premiership. Vieira's presence that used to force the team to do that has been more missed that his skills. Chelsea's newly-bought skills will make a difference in the Champions League but two 30-year-old skill based players are not going to make much difference in the league unless the rest of the team can find the momentum that they had last season.

Arsenal has to make sure they don't get left behind. We are okay with regard to skill. In fact we are the best in my opinion but as we saw against Aston Villa, you can knock the ball round skilfully for hours and not score unless you can physically challenge your opponents the Walcott did and the way Manchester United do.


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