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发表于 2006-8-22 19:50:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
It is important to remember if employing one of our defaults that they must be tweaked to suit your own team and are supposed to be replacements for the FM06 Defaults only. They will be posted as: TT&F Default (Formation i.e.4-4-2, Type i.e. Normal).
这个帖子是上一篇"战术理论与框架理论"的延续。目的是将上文中提到的一些规则做一些详细的描述 好让每一个想自己创建战术的人更容易接受前文所提到的理论 此外 我们还提供一些更具这些理论创造出来的阵型在下载中心。 如果你使用了其中的阵型 请一定记住根据本队的情况作相应的修改

Default Tactic Building
When default tactic building it is imperative that the construct follows a set of pre-defined rules or the tactic becomes personalized rather than standardized and runs the risk of being labeled a super-tactic. Thus, the builder must follow the rules listed here to the letter, so that all default tactics follow the same philosophy.
Default tactics focus on player positioning above all else. The builder will define player mentality, creative freedom and closing down as we believe they all impact on player positioning. All other individual settings will be at mixed /default.
The following document lists pre-defined terms for player types and a set of rules to be followed by anyone wishing to build a default tactic.
当创建一个新阵的时候, 这个新阵一定要遵循一些已经“事先定义”好的规则(字面翻译,可以理解成 基础的 被大家认可的规则), 否则这个阵将变得过于个性化 而不符合标准(被大家认可的) 同时还要承担被人称为 “超级阵”的风险。  因此,新阵应该“严格(字面的意思该是涿字涿句)”遵循下面所以条的规则 , 这样任何新的阵就可以有一个共同的理论基础。

默认战术中把球员的位置看得比任何其他设置都重要。 现在我们还将定义球员的 心态(进攻/防守),创造度,逼抢程度,因为这些都将影响球员的位置 其他的单项设置都将设为混合/默认

下面我们将定义球员的类型 和一系列的用来创造新阵的理论

Player Definitions  球员定义
GK: Goalkeeper
DC: Central defender
FB: Full-back   
WB: Wing-Back
DMC: Defensive midfielder
MCd: Central midfielder with defensive responsibilities  负责防守的mc
MR/L: Deep lying wingers                                                不怎么突前的边前卫
MC: Central midfielder
MCa: Central midfielder with attacking responsibilities    负责进攻的mc
AMC: Attacking Midfielder
AMR/L: Advanced wingers
FR/L: Wing forwards                             
ST1: Deep lying striker                       拖后的前锋
ST2: Advanced striker                        突前的st
The Rule of Two                   2的规则
The Rule of Two is based upon the assumption that players must have a variety of acceptable passing options available to them. If players are too close together they are too easy to contain, and passing breaks down. If players are too far apart, too many ambitious balls are hit, and passing breaks down. Therefore, each player must be able to pick out someone to pass too who has a mentality within two positions of his own.
Thus, in a 4-4-2 normal tactic, the system would run as
2的规则是在在这个假设基础之上的 就是每一个球员都必须有超过一个的传球对象/接应对象 如果球员站位太靠近就会被互相制约 传球失败 如果太远 有难度的球太多(字面意思:太多的有雄心的球) 也会失败。 因此 每一个人球员 如A 都必须有一个接应的球员B 他(B)的心态必须要和A的心态设置不超过2格
按照这个理论 对一个默认的442来说 必须遵循以下规则 (数字代表心态设置)

CDs: Mentality = 6
FBs: Mentality = 8/9/10
MCd: Mentality = 8/9/10
MR/L: Mentality = 11/12
MCa: Mentality = 13/15
ST1: Mentality = 15/13
ST2: Mentality = 17
To implement a 4-4-2 defensive, the CDs would begin at 3, for attacking they would begin at 9. Obviously, barrows and farrows can be used to tweak the settings further, but the basic setup must follow the above. Furthermore, individual users can be told to tweak settings for some players, as long as they don’t stray too far from the original plan. For example, a user may want the ST1 to drop deeper, and for the MCa to support the attack. The MCa and ST1 mentalities could then be switched, with the basic rule remaining intact. This rule can easily be implemented into all formations and systems.
如果是防守阵型中卫设置成3, 攻击阵可以为9。  当然了 向后(back arrow 缩写barrow了)或向前(forward arrow)拉线可以对设置产生影响, 不过 基本的设置要遵循上面提到。 你还可以对一些球员作进一步的设置 只要他们和我们基本要求相差不远 比如 你可以让拖后前锋st1回撤更多 负责攻击的mca更多的参与进攻 这样mca和st1的设置就可以互相对换 这样就不会对基本要求不会有破坏。  这条理论可以在所有的阵型和战术体系中被使用。

Radius Theory  半径理论
Radius Theory assumes that creative freedom and closing down work by setting up a virtual circle around a player. Thus, if a player has a closing down of 15, he will close down any player who enters the virtual radius of 15. If he has a closing down of 5, the radius is smaller, so he will only close down when the player is on top of him. In relation to creative freedom, a player will wander around the pitch trying to find space within the defined radius of his creative freedom settings.
半径理论假设 创造自由度 和 逼抢 通过设置一个虚拟的以球员为圆心的圆形范围来工作的。 因此 如果球员的逼抢设为15 他就会逼抢进入他周围半径为15的圆形范围内的球员 如果逼抢为5 半径变小了 他就只会逼抢接近他的球员(on top of 是 紧接着的意思)。对于创超度来说 球员会在他的这个圆形范围内寻可能的配合
 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-22 19:50:53 | 显示全部楼层
Logic suggests there shouldn’t be too many people on the pitch with high settings for either creative freedom or closing down. It is important in default tactics that the defence is set up correctly, with closing down/creative freedom between 3 and 5 for all defenders. However, we must assume that certain types of players have a role that employs higher settings for creative freedom/closing down. Thus, the following settings will apply to certain types of player.
逻辑上来说 场上不应该有很多的球员都有高创造自由度和逼抢度。 所以战术中 防守方面一定要设置正确 可以将所有后卫 创造力/逼抢 设置成3-5  当然我们必须让场上一些焦色具有较高的 创造力/逼抢 下面是对相应球员的设置

DMC: Closing Down to First Notch of Often  后腰 逼抢设置成经常的第一格
MCd: Closing Down to First Notch of Often   防守mc 逼抢设置成经常的第一格
MCa: Creative Freedom to First Notch of Often  进攻mc 创造力设成much的第一个(原文是often 估计是笔误 该是much)
AMC: Creative Freedom to First Notch of Often  同mca
ST1: Creative Freedom to First Notch of Often   同mca
ST2: Closing Down to First Notch of Often          同dmc
The logic behind these settings is that the DMC or MCd will sit in front of the back four and close down opposition players before they can get too close to the last line of defence. The ST2 will close down the opposition defence when they are in possession, but will also be sitting on the shoulder of a DC most of the time, which is the ideal place for him to be if possession is won and a counter attack is launched.
这样设置的理由是 dmc和mcd 应该在后卫线之前逼抢对手 尽量让他们不要和后防线靠的太近 拖后的st 会去逼抢持球的后卫 而且可以让这个st大部分时间都在在后卫的身边/侧面 这样一旦获得球权 他将处于一个完美的位置 可以形成一个反击
The MCa or AMC need to find space behind the front man, as they will be looking for opportunities to play killer passes. The ST1 will have high creative freedom, because as it is coupled with a deeper mentality, logic suggests it will help to pull the opposition defence out of position.
而对amc或mca来说 他们需要观察到前锋身前的空间 这样他们就可以寻找传出关键球的机会 st1设置成高 创造度因为他们被设成了相对较低的进攻心态, 逻辑上来说 这样可以把对方后卫从他们的位置上吸引出来

5x5/Defensive Line Theory  5x5防线理论
5x5 or Defensive Line Theory assumes that most teams will have a basic philosophy of five attack and five defend. Originally, the thinking here was that 5 players should have an equal defensive mentality, and five should have can equal attacking mentality. There were problems employing this type of system as there were big gaps between the attacking players and defensive players. The solution was to ensure the defensive line setting was equal to the mentality of the attacking players. Thus, attacking mentality is 15, defensive line is 15.
55理论假设大部分的球队都有5名队员负责进攻5名防守。 原本这5名防守球员应该有相同的防守心态 5名进攻球员有相同的进攻心态。 但这样 会在进攻于防守球员产生很大的空间 解决办法是 防线设置成进攻球员的心态的位置 比如说 进攻心态是15 防线也放到15。

However, this must be slightly re-evaluated in conjunction with the Rule of Two. The Rule of Two insists on individual mentalities throughout the team, but in its normal setup has 5 players with mentalities of 10 or less, and 5 with mentalities of 11 or more, so still follows 5x5 thinking. Thus, the defensive line must be set to the same mentality as the most advanced midfielder. This will ensure the tactical framework remains tight and difficult to break down.
于是 这样我们就要从新思考“2的规则” 该规则非常重视球队中每一个球员的心态 通常我们会把5各防守的球员设成10或者更少 进攻11或者更多 这样还是遵循了55的理论 于是 防线设置必须设置成突前中场的心态 这样可以保证战术框架紧密 不容易被击破

Slider Theory  滑动条理论
As we believe width, tempo and time wasting have an effect on tactic type the following rules must be obeyed. In each case the setting will be the first notch of its type in the slider.
我们相信 宽度 节奏 和 拖延时间的设置同样会影响战术类型 因此下面的规则需要遵守。 每一想设置都是指该状态在滑动条的第一次出现的位置
Default Attacking Tactic: Width: Wide; Tempo: Quick; Time Wasting: Rarely   
攻击阵 宽度设置成宽 节奏快 拖延时间 少
Default Normal Tactic: Width: Default; Tempo: Default; Time Wasting: Default
普通阵 宽度 默认 节奏 默认 拖延时间 默认
Default Defensive Tactic: Width: Narrow; Tempo: Slow; Time Wasting: Often
防守阵 宽度 窄 节奏慢 拖延时间 经常

Acknowledgements  这部分是感谢的话就不翻了
As always I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the TT&F thread and helped to make FM06 a more enjoyable experience. I would especially like to thank RedefiningForm for the Rule of Two theory, Tays for Radius Theory and Asmodeus for the 5x5 Defensive Line Theory. I would also like to thank Corned Beef & Cabbage, Elrawkum, ntfc, Neonlights, GaryEFC, and mickthegreek for their suggestions and support, plus many, many others who have used the thread and commented on it.

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