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发表于 2006-8-21 20:19:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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无论如何我希望用这篇指南来告诉你如何来分析一套阵容。第一部分是关于利物浦的,同样也是给那些希望从豪门开始游戏的经理;第二部分是关于Carlisle United,给从低级别俱乐部开始的经理。








Jose Manuel Reina –观察Reina我们会发现它拥有对于门将来说相当好的速度和很好的出击属性。我建议将它设置为较高的比赛心态(倾向进攻)是他在四名防守球员身后进行清道夫的工作,我估计把心态设置在13左右是比较合适的。自由发挥对于一个门将来说应该被设置得很低因为你可不会愿意看到你的门将在禁区里秀一些花活。同时你看到他的手抛球数值很高所以我建议让他在反击时快速出球

Jan Kromkamp – 对于Kromkamp你可以马上注意到他的决断是最高的20。这就意味着它总能在任何时候做出正确的选择来使它的任务变得很简单。我回把他的传球和传中设置为混合,带球跑动(他的数值为15),传身后球和前插都设为混合。 设置他的远射为很少因为他的远射水平实在是很菜。

John Arne Riise –Riise是最好的左路后方球员之一,他的大部分数值都是在15以上。他拥有很高的盘带,传中,远射,传球和无球跑动。我想你也许会对于如何很好的使用这个各方面都相当优秀的球员而苦思冥想。最为一个左后卫我建议始终让他前插因为它有完美的速度和工作投入来保证完成防守任务并且设置他到底线并且往小禁区进行传中。所以,把前插,带球跑动,和从底线传中都设置为最高。而且由于他的传球和远射都很好,所以我建议设置为混合,这样他就会根据实际情况来作出最佳的选择。

Jaime Carragher 和Sami Hyypia –对于防守球员的指令应该设置为直接的向前直传。他们之间的唯一的区别是如果其中一个的传球好于另一个。Carragher的传球很好所以设置为混合,但是Hyypia有时会做出一些傻事所以给他设置为短传。其他所有都设为很少并且一定要保持一个低的自由发挥度。

Xabi Alonso and Mohammed Sissoko –他们两人将在进攻中担任中场而在防守中担当后腰。很明显Alonso拥有更加出色的技术并且在两人中更多地承担进攻任务。所以我设置Sissoko为一个防守心态,而Alonso则是介于普通和进攻之间。Sissoko只会专注于在中场后进行铲抢和拦截以保护后防线。Alonso在游戏中是最出色的传球手和进攻组织者之一,应该设置混合传球和经常尝试传身后球,这样他就可以为Kewell,Zenden,Cisse提供支援。


Steven Gerrard –毫无疑问几乎所有的人都对Gerrard如雷贯耳。由于他的全能,我建议让他成为自由人因为当他出现在边线他会传中,当他出现在禁区他会得分,等等。当你看到Gerrard的时候你会想到他可以带球前插并且但当前锋。当然我也是这样想的,让他经常前插,带球跑动设为混合,远射混合,多尝试传身后球,混和传中。

Harry Kewell –他被称为绿野仙踪(可能指的是绿野仙踪里的那只兔子,意指他灵活,这个我也不是很清楚)。他会是一个在边路不可预测的球员,当然要给他设置一个高自由发挥这样使他能够对防守他的人做出任何他想做的。个人来说他不具备能突破至后卫身后的速度所以给他设置混合的前插,经常带球跑,从底线传中和经常尝试传身后球是最适合Kewell的。由于优秀的远射能力,给他也设置混合的远射。

Bolo Zenden –他和Kewell非常相似并且我决定给他和Kewell一样的设置,但是由于他的速度快于Kewell就把前插设为经常。经常带球跑,从底线传中、远射和尝试传身后球设为混合。

Djibril Cisse –最优秀的无球跑动球员之一并且又很快的速度。我决定把他当作一个速度型前锋并且设置经常前插,盘带为混合,传中为混合以防万一他跑到了边线接球并且他的传中也很不错,混合远射,很少传身后球

 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-21 20:20:48 | 显示全部楼层


HOW TO: Analyse A Squad - By Justified  

One of the key aspects of coming to a new squad is trying to fit players into a system of play. You’re either a) a manager with a favoured formation and like to “fit squares into round holes” or you’re b) a manager who’s flexible and works with the players he has. Obviously the b example might in future stages wish to switch to his preferred formation because obviously we all have one.

Anyway with this guide I was hoping to show you how to analyse a squad. The first part will be about Liverpool, obviously for the managers who like to start big and the second part will be about Carlisle United for managers who like to start a bit lower.

Part One(第一部分)

So let’s get started. Usually when I play with big clubs I like big squads. With Liverpool your obviously going to need a bigger squad because they are going to have a lot of games in the first season (Premiership, Champions League, Carling Cup, FA Cup, World Club Championship and so on) so I’d aim for a 22 man squad with a few key players, some first team starters and the rest rotation players. Here is the 22 man squad which I find is Liverpool’s best to date, the rest are either put in the U18’s, go on loan (if they have a bright enough future) or sold (dead wood).


Now the thing with Liverpool is that they lack good wide players but they have a hell of a lot of good inner midfielders. In goal they do have two excellent goalkeepers in Dudek and Reina and I’m quite sure you’ll have a hard time figuring out who is the best but usually during the season Reina’s stats hit the roof.

The back four speaks for itself really. Riise, one of the best left backs in the game, Kromkamp the new solid right back and in the middle the power of Hyypia and Carragher. Now comes the tricky part, how to set up Liverpool’s midfield. As I said earlier, they have good central midfielders but lack wingers.

So what can we do? Well seeing as we world class midfielders in Alonso and Gerrard they should definitely be playing. But there’s also the workhorse Sissoko and the creativity of Zenden and Kewell. So I came up with the Christmas tree formation. Alonso, Sissoko and Gerrard all as MC’s, with Gerrard making bursting runs into the AMC spot and Kewell and Zenden as narrow wingers.

Alonso and Sissoko’s best roles are DMC’s really so with arrows back the formation turns into 4-2-1-2-1 in defence and a 4-2-3-1 in attack. Cisse obviously the best striker in the squad with a lot of goals in him gets to be fed by the massively creative midfield.

So now we’ve ended up with a sort of Christmas Tree formation.

Now that we have the formation we have to select individual instructions.

Jose Manuel Reina – Looking at Reina you can see that he has really good pace for a keeper and has really good rushing out stats as well. I would recommend setting him up with a higher mentality so he sweeps up behind the back four. I’m guessing a mentality around 13 maybe. Creative Freedom should be low for a keeper because obviously you wouldn’t want your goalkeeper showboating in his own box. Also what you can see is that his throwing attribute is quite high so I would recommend to have him on quick throw as distribution.

Jan Kromkamp – The thing with Kromkamp you notice straight away is that he has 20 in decision making. That means he’ll always make the right choice at all times which makes this job kind of easy. I would put him on mixed passing and crossing, run with ball (he has a 15 rating), through ball and forward runs all mixed. He has a crap long shot so I put rarely on long shots.

John Arne Riise – Riise is one of the best left backs around and most of his ratings is above the 15 mark. He has good dribbling, good crossing, good long shots, decent passing and good off the ball attributes. I think you have to think about in which way you want to utilise him as he is so good in all aspects. As a full back I would say let him run forward at all times because he has high enough pace and work rate to get back and defend and tell him to run to the byline and cross into the box. So, Forward Runs, Run with ball and Cross from the Byline all on and seeing as his passing and long shots is so good as well I’d recommend having them on mixed so if an opportunity does arise, he’ll try his best.

Jaime Carragher and Sami Hyypia – Instructions for defenders should be quite straight forward to be honest. The only difference between them would be if one of them had better passing then the other. Carra’s passing is decent enough to have mixed on but Sami should really not try anything stupid and should really have a shorter passing on. Everything else should be rarely and quite a low creative freedom.

Xabi Alonso and Mohammed Sissoko – Both of them will be acting as midfielders in attack and DMC’s in defence. Obviously Xabi is more technically gifted and should be the more attacking of the two so I would suggest having Sissoko on a defensive mentality and Alonso on a more normal/attacking so Sissoko concentrates only on mopping up behind the midfield and protecting the defence. Alonso is one of the best passers and creators in the game and should have mixed passing on as well as try through balls often so he can pick out runs from Kewell, Zenden and of course Cisse upfront.

Personally I wouldn’t want him running forward but he can have run with ball mixed and long shots mixed as that would permit him to run a few yards when he decides to and have a pop if there is an opportunity. As for Sissoko we’d want him to tackle hard, pass simply and short and due to him having a long shot rating of 15 I’d having him on long shots mixed.

Steven Gerrard – Pretty sure most people know what he’s about. Due to him being a bit of an all-rounder I’d suggest having him on a free role because if he does end up on the flank he can cross, if he ends up in the box he can finish etc etc. When you think of Gerrard you think of someone who takes the ball forward and charges forward and I would agree so I think forward runs often, run with ball mixed, long shots mixed, try through balls often and cross ball mixed is what he’s all about.

Harry Kewell – The Wizard of Oz as he is called. He’ll be the unpredictable player of the side and should be given a high creative freedom so he can do all he wants against the defence. Personally he hasn’t got the pace to get in behind the defence so I’m thinking mixed forward runs, run with ball often, cross from the byline and try through balls often would be best for Kewell. Good long range shooter as well so he gets long shots mixed as well.

Bolo Zenden – He is very similar to Kewell and I’ve decided to give him the same instructions but forward runs often as he has a bit more pace then Kewell. Run with ball often, cross from byline and long shots and try through balls mixed.

Djibril Cisse – One of the best players without the ball and also has a lot of pace. I decided to use him as a runner and decided to put him on fwrd runs often, dribbling mixed due to decent dribbling, crossing mixed incase he runs down the channel and he does actually have a good crossing rating, long shots mixed and try through balls rarely.
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发表于 2006-8-21 21:52:46 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-8-21 23:28:53 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-8-22 17:59:10 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-22 20:36:38 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-9-23 23:05:11 | 显示全部楼层
我觉得liverpool电脑用的战术也是很强的。。 不过就是cisse没那么变态。可能电脑考虑到我们的感受``
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发表于 2006-9-27 08:59:53 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-10-9 10:56:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-11-21 13:49:38 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 枪手老板 于 2006-9-27 08:59 AM 发表

彼此彼此 我是非常懒 
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