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发表于 2006-6-9 20:12:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原文转自http://community.sigames.com/eve ... 519717/m/8692027471

How to set up a basic 4-4-2: For those struggling.

Taken from a post I made in another thread helping a Man. UTD- if anyone's interested.

All I want is a nice, SIMPLE reliable tactic that only depends on what players I put on, not what the instructions and everything are.

I think you've unwittingly made a profound point here about the fundamental differences between previous versions and FM2006.

There isn't a "simple reliable" tactic, that depends on your players alone. You need to decide on a shape that best fits your squad, then use the team instructions to encourage them to play to their strengths. Cristiano Ronaldo has high dribbling, balance etc; so set him to run with the ball often etc. Self-explanatory really.

If you want a tactic that's versatile and does not need as much tweaking, go for a 4-4-2. Set all the defenders' (and one defensive midfielder- Keane/Smith for example) creative freedom to as little as possible (leave the team instructions for now). This means they will keep it tight, simple and not deviate from the gameplan.

Now you have five defensive players- set their mentality to "defensive," (click to the left of "mixed" on the slider until it changes to "defensive", and is half-way between the far-left and the centre of the mentality slider). This means that the back four and central midfielder will play with defense in mind- they will attempt backward or side-passes as opposed to hoofing the ball upfield to strikers.

It is imperative that the back four hold their line and shape. For this reason I set their "closing down" to "rarely". This way they won't break from the back four to close down, leaving chinks in your armour.

Although your full-backs have a defensive mentality, you can still encourage them to push forward. Do this by giving them a forward arrow to the wing-back position (right-click on the player and drag their position forward one notch). You can also encourage this by setting their "forward runs" player instruction to “often”.

Now you have a defensive unit that is solid and compact, and won't deviate too drastically from any team instructions you give your attacking players.

I use the defensive line to co-ordinate the attack with the defence. I find that any huge gaps you can sometimes see in FM2006 are usually down to a big difference in the attacker's mentality and the team's defensive line.

For example, I set up my defence as above, and set my team instructions to an attacking mentality (halfway between the centre and the right-hand side of the team mentality slider). To offset the fact that my wingers, strikers and other central midfielder (Scholes in your case I’d imagine) will be pushing forward, I match the defensive line to the team mentality slider (again, halfway between the centre and right-hand side, so it reads “push up”). So, despite the densive unit being set to a defensive mentality, they will hold a high line so they are not too far behind the offensive players.

I find this the fastest, simplest and most effective way of balancing a solid 4-4-2 unit. If you (or anybody) want me to illustrate the attacking side of this system then let me know- I’m at work at the moment and can’t really continue. Good luck, and don’t give up.


没有一个独立化你球员的的所谓简单基本的4-4-2战术. 你必须有一个战术模型来最佳配置你的球员, 然后运用
队伍战术设置来使他们各尽所长. 比如Cristiano Ronaldo有良好的盘带, 平衡能力等; 就可以设置让他尽量多带
球跑动等等. 不明而喻大家应该能理解.
如果你想有一套多样化的战术而不用太多的调整, 选择4-4-2吧. 让所有的防守球员(一个防守型中场-
例如Keane/Smith)的自由倾向最小(先不管整队的战术设置). 这样做的意思就让他们保持简单明确的战术目的

现在设置这五个防守球员的心态为"防守"(向左调整滑竿从中间的"混合"直到变成"防守",在最左边到滑竿中间一半的位置). 如此他们牢记防守在心,保持后退或边线传球给前场的前锋)

鉴于保持最后四人的防线和阵型的必要性, 设置他们的"紧逼"为"很少",这样他们的整体队型不会由于其中一人的上前紧逼而导致你战术防御盔甲的瓦解.

虽然你的防守球员们以防守心态进行比赛, 你仍能让他们积极参与进攻. 可以通过右键前拉一格他们到助攻边卫的位置. 你也可以通过设置他们设置他们的"向前跑动"为"经常"达到目的.


我设置defense line防线来配合前方的进攻. 我发现有时你能在fm2006里看到最大的区别就是在于前方进攻球员的心态和你的队伍防线. 例如我照以上设置了我的防线, 然后在我的队伍战术里设置心态为"进攻"(大概从滑竿中间到最右边一半的位置), 为了抵消我的助攻边卫, 前锋和其他中前场球员(象Scholes)将向前进攻, 我调整我的防线defense line与全队一致(也是从中间到最右边一半的位置,读做push up 压上?).  这样虽然我的防守球员们保持着防守心态, 他们会形成压上的整体防线,而不会与你的进攻队员太远.

ps:由于玩fm一直都英文版,所以defense line不知道在中文版里的确切叫法是什么,译文附上了英文. cm到fm系列足球经理游戏中战术设定一直是最大的乐趣之一, 在大家疯狂找寻所谓超级无敌阵型之时, 反璞归真,从最简单中寻找最适合自己球员的的阵型, 形成自己的打法,岂不快哉?! (此文较短,后面还有续贴, 有时间会把值得交流的部分拿来分享)


参与人数 1威望 -1 收起 理由
绝代单骄 -1


 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-9 20:44:53 | 显示全部楼层


When I originally decided on this philosophy, I constructed three archived tactics:


Based on the defensive/offensive units outlined above, with mid/high width and closing down; slow tempo and the aforementioned attacking mentality/high defensive line principles. This was my default tactic for starting games, and I would rarely change this until the second half.


As above, but with team mentality (only affecting the offensive unit as described) down to normal, and subsequently the defensive line down to the same. This was used when one or two goals up (depending upon opposition and circumstance), and maintaining the same short passing/slow tempo possession game to tire the opposition, and allow them less space behind the back four to exploit. I also set time wasting to “mixed”, whereas before it would be set to zero.


This was the polar opposite of my original tactic, and incorporates what you were talking about wwfan. Drop team mentality/defensive line to “defensive”/”deep” respectively, switch the formation to “narrow” and up the tempo to “quick”. I never stray further away from halfway either side of each slider, as too much leaves too big a gap in your formation as you know. Ticking the counter-attack box, this tactic was designed to soak up attacks and hit teams on the break. I occasionally toyed with the idea of direct passing.

The main reason I need other users to test this theory is because my current career is with Arsenal, who are obviously an exceptional side. Although originally using all three setups depending on the scoreline and the occasion, I found that with a team of such quality it was only really necessary to drop the mentality and defensive line in relation to each other in order to hold onto a lead. I found that going narrow only lead the opposition AI to play the ball down the flanks (to it’s credit). So, after switching between the three styles above for a while, I eventually settled on just lowering mentality and defensive line only, leaving width, passing and tempo the same, as it most suited my players.

This is why I am of the opinion that passing, width, tempo and closing down; along with the starting mentality for your attacking players, are all dependent on the players at your disposal. Once you have set up the 5 defensive players in the manner I’ve discussed, then assess your team. Are they the Arsenal-type team that can keep possession over the course of games? If so, go for width, short passing and a slow tempo to control the ball for long periods. If they have the stamina and work-rate etc, make them close down often.

If you are a relegation struggler, and are incapable of one-touch football, then it would be much more sensible to pack the midfield, narrow the team’s width, up the tempo and play a direct style. This is hopefully where you guys come in- would anyone be up for putting these ethics into practice?

Thanks again.


一  压倒性优势(支配比赛时)

基于以上战术设置结构, 设置中/高  进攻宽度(width)和紧逼; 慢比赛节奏和上面提到的防线与进攻设置. 这是我的默认比赛阵型,我很少调整直到下半场.

二 领先

调整全队心态到normal一般(只会影响到进攻球员心态如上所述), 随后defense line防线设置与normal一致. 使用这些设置当我领先1或2球(还是考虑对手和具体环境); 保持相同的短传/慢进攻节奏来控制比赛是对手疲于奔命, 让他们在我的后防只有较少的可进攻空间发掘. 同时我也设置浪费时间为 mixed(滑竿中间), 在之前我是设置为零.

三 防守反击

这是我默认阵型的极端反面, 调整"全队心态"和"防线defense line"到"防守"和"deep深", 调整阵型到"narrow窄"
和比赛节奏到"快". 我从不把滑竿拉到离中间太远的位置, 太极端会导致极大的阵型空挡. 勾上防守反击, 这样化解对方进攻同时而反击之. 我有时玩弄下直传设置.

(这段没什么太大翻译价值,主要说作者用的Arsenal 阵容强大,较少的调整下就能搞定,懒的翻-_-)

怎样的传球方式,比赛节奏等都是基于你所拥有的球员, 如果你是类似Arsenal的强大, 那么中高宽度, 短传和慢比赛节奏来控制比赛吧,如果有体力和工作效率, 让他们经常紧逼咯

如果你在降级边缘挣扎, 不能进行one-touch足球, 那么明智点, 窄化进攻宽度, 加快比赛节奏进入直传模式吧

ps. 此文不是介绍NB战术,只是讨论最基本的战术结构-_- 比较喜欢,拿来主义了
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发表于 2006-6-9 20:51:50 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-14 17:39:50 | 显示全部楼层
这个版块是不是没人气啊? 晕了  我按这个文章设置调整自己的战术 已经30场不败了,嘿嘿。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-6-28 20:11:43 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-7-2 21:00:08 | 显示全部楼层
不错的帖子 前段时间忙 没看到
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